- 13:59 Ticket #448 (Calculation of mean throws an exception if the input data contains NaN ...) closed by
- fixed: fixed with r1071 in trunk.
- 13:58 Changeset [1071] by
fixed #448 (Calculation of mean throws an exception if the input data contains NaN values).
- 13:58 Changeset [1070] by
fixed #448 (Calculation of mean throws an exception if the input data contains NaN values) in CEDMA refactoring branch (#419).
- 13:53 Ticket #448 (Calculation of mean throws an exception if the input data contains NaN ...) created by
- It's OK to ignore the NaN entries for calculation of mean, as long as …
- 13:51 Ticket #447 (Differential symbol should evaluate to 0 if the previous value is NaN, ...) closed by
- fixed: fixed with r1069 in trunk.
- 13:51 Changeset [1069] by
fixed #447 (Differential symbol should evaluate to 0 if the previous value is NaN, Inf. or out of range).
- 13:50 Changeset [1068] by
fixed #447 (Differential symbol should evaluate to 0 if the previous value is NaN, Inf. or out of range) in CEDMA refactoring branch (#419).
- 13:42 Ticket #447 (Differential symbol should evaluate to 0 if the previous value is NaN, ...) created by
- 13:31 Ticket #446 (EngineRunner clears the global scope when an engine is finished) closed by
- fixed: fixed with r1067 in the trunk.
- 13:31 Changeset [1067] by
fixed #446 (EngineRunner clears the global scope when an engine is finished) in trunk.
- 13:29 Changeset [1066] by
fixed #446 (EngineRunner clears the global scope when an engine is finished) in the CEDMA refactoring branch.
- 13:29 Ticket #446 (EngineRunner clears the global scope when an engine is finished) created by
- The global scope contains the results of the run so this is incorrect …
- 13:21 Ticket #445 (StandardCrossover enters an infinite loop when trees are too large) closed by
- fixed: fixed with r1065 in trunk.
- 13:21 Changeset [1065] by
fixed #445 (StandardCrossover enters an infinite loop when trees are too large).
- 13:19 Changeset [1064] by
fixed #445 (StandardCrossover enters an infinite loop when trees are too large) in the CEDMA refactoring branch.
- 13:17 Ticket #445 (StandardCrossover enters an infinite loop when trees are too large) created by
- Bug reported by mkofler. The stopping criterion to prevent the …
- 13:14 Ticket #444 (TournamentSelector throws NullPointerException when all solutions of ...) closed by
- fixed: fixed with r1063 in trunk.
- 13:14 Changeset [1063] by
fixed #444 (TournamentSelector throws NullPointerException when all solutions of a group have quality of positive or negative infinity).
- 13:11 Changeset [1062] by
fixed #444 (TournamentSelector throws NullPointerException when all solutions of a group have quality of positive or negative infinity).
- 13:10 Ticket #444 (TournamentSelector throws NullPointerException when all solutions of ...) created by
- This is an extreme case but the exception can be easily prevented by …
- 11:14 Changeset [1061] by
#320 optimization of persistence (save) + tests
- 18:40 Changeset [1060] by
worked on executer which retrieves the next job from the dispatcher and sends it to the grid for execution. #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 16:18 Changeset [1059] by
Implemented history stack for clipping areas - by pressing the "back" button the antecedent clipping area will be set
- 15:44 Changeset [1058] by
Implemented zooming by holding the control key + scrolling
- 13:40 Ticket #442 (Implement integer vector solution representation) closed by
- fixed
- 13:40 Changeset [1057] by
Finished basic implementation of integer vector encoding (#442)
- 13:29 Ticket #443 (Plugin dependency HeuristicLab.Random in missing in the plugin class ...) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in r1056.
- 13:29 Changeset [1056] by
Added missing plugin dependency (#443)
- 13:25 Ticket #443 (Plugin dependency HeuristicLab.Random in missing in the plugin class ...) created by
- In the plugin class of the HeuristicLab.RealVector plugin the …
- 12:48 Changeset [1055] by
Did some code refactoring (created concrete MouseEventListeners)
- 12:45 Changeset [1054] by
Added empty plugin HeuristicLab.IntVector (#442)
- 12:41 Ticket #442 (Implement integer vector solution representation) created by
- A new plugin HeuristicLab.IntVector has to be implemented to provide …
- 18:24 Changeset [1053] by
added problem injector for CEDMA problems and to create standard GP runs in the CEDMA dispatcher. #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 15:20 Changeset [1052] by
fixed persistence of hard-coded standard GP and added operators to track the best solution on the validation set. #224 (Simple frontend for GP for non-expert users (similar to HeurisicLab.SGA))
- 09:37 Changeset [1051] by
fixed missing project file.
fixed operator graph of standard GP engine.
#224 (Simple frontend for GP for non-expert users (similar to HeurisicLab.SGA))
- 22:41 Changeset [1050] by
worked on #224 (Simple frontend for GP for non-expert users (similar to HeurisicLab.SGA)) in branch for ticket #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 19:58 Changeset [1049] by
Legend implementation finished (#407)
- 19:53 Changeset [1048] by
Legend implementation finished (#407)
- 19:51 Changeset [1047] by
Legend implementation finished (#407)
- 19:51 Changeset [1046] by
Legend implementation finished (#407)
- 18:42 Changeset [1045] by
Did some code refactoring (created concrete MouseEventListeners)
- 23:22 Changeset [1044] by
worked on dispatcher for CEDMA agents. #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 13:54 Changeset [1043] by
worked on view for CEDMA problems and persistence of CEDMA problems to RDF store. #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 11:11 Changeset [1042] by
worked on control for CEDMA problem importer. #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 10:16 Changeset [1041] by
fixed 'CEDMA Debug' configuration to work on x64 systems by switching all projects from 'Any CPU' to 'x86'. #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 15:15 Changeset [1040] by
Added test for AutoZoom function. It currently doesn't work when data was already available in the model before the view was created. (#345)
- 12:11 Ticket #439 (One-Point Shaker does not work for terminals without parameters) closed by
- fixed
- 12:11 Changeset [1039] by
fixed #439 (One-Point Shaker does not work for terminals without parameters)
- 23:17 Changeset [1038] by
Modified the XAxis labels so they are always visible at the bottom. (#433)
Added simple layout management to the line chart's root shape containing a title-, lines- and xaxis-area. (#345)
- 17:18 Changeset [1037] by
Refactoring Tab-order, renaming (#380)
- 17:16 Changeset [1036] by
bugfix for #401
- 17:04 Changeset [1035] by
bugfix for #440
- 17:02 Ticket #441 (GUID aren't restored after restart) closed by
- fixed: fixed in r1034
- 17:01 Changeset [1034] by
bugfix for #441
- 16:59 Ticket #441 (GUID aren't restored after restart) created by
- 16:41 Changeset [1033] by
added locking to avoid race conditions (#440)
- 16:38 Ticket #440 (Locking failure in core and WCF Client Service) created by
- 15:53 Changeset [1032] by
added logging functionality (#438)
- 15:33 Changeset [1031] by
implementation for #438
- 15:33 Changeset [1030] by
jobs in groups offline, calculating, finished - more than one job can be added (#380)
- 15:33 Changeset [1029] by
Fixed caching (#372)
- 15:27 Changeset [1028] by
added some error messages (#397)
- 14:55 Changeset [1027] by
refactor client console (#397)
- 14:37 Changeset [1026] by
fixed caching (#372)
- 14:24 Changeset [1025] by
Fixed deletion (#372)
- 14:19 Changeset [1024] by
Implementation of JobManager (#431)
- 14:09 Ticket #356 (Implementing a JobBase Class) closed by
- fixed: changes implemented in r1023
- 14:09 Ticket #439 (One-Point Shaker does not work for terminals without parameters) created by
- 14:07 Changeset [1023] by
changed testjob => thread.sleep instead of for - loops (#356)
- 14:06 Ticket #356 (Implementing a JobBase Class) reopened by
- 13:56 Changeset [1022] by
Implementation of ClientCommunicator (#399)
- 19:27 Changeset [1021] by
Fixed caching mechanism of jobs (#372)
- 17:14 Changeset [1020] by
Fixed client communicator (#399)
- 16:55 Changeset [1019] by
deleted obsolete files (#380)
- 16:52 Changeset [1018] by
Job and User insert updated, also job with parent-job, user in user-group. (#380)
- 16:38 Changeset [1017] by
Fixed ResultsAdapter (#372)
- 16:32 Changeset [1016] by
Bug fixed (#397)
- 16:31 Changeset [1015] by
impl update (#437)
- 16:29 Changeset [1014] by
Fixed client adapter (#372)
- 15:55 Changeset [1013] by
added sort after date (#397)
- 15:54 Changeset [1012] by
Implementation of JobManager (#431)
- 15:31 Changeset [1011] by
Implementation of ClientCommunicator (#399)
- 15:19 Changeset [1010] by
Graph fixed (#397)
- 15:18 Changeset [1009] by
Updated client/user adapter (#372)
- 15:14 Changeset [1008] by
rename bugfix for #438
- 15:14 Ticket #438 (Move Job Classes to a own plugin) reopened by
- 15:09 Changeset [1007] by
ws update (#437)
- 15:08 Ticket #437 (Refactoring: Using the Webservice Integration of Visual Studio instead ...) reopened by
- 15:08 Ticket #438 (Move Job Classes to a own plugin) closed by
- fixed: renamed the folder in r1006
- 15:07 Changeset [1006] by
foldername fix (#438)
- 15:04 Ticket #438 (Move Job Classes to a own plugin) reopened by
- 14:46 Changeset [1005] by
Implemented JobResultsAdapter (#372)
- 14:36 Changeset [1004] by
Implementation of ClientCommunicator, pullJob sendHeartbeat (#399)
- 14:29 Changeset [1003] by
worked on CEDMA console and problem importer. #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 14:24 Changeset [1002] by
added new features (#397)
- 14:12 Ticket #438 (Move Job Classes to a own plugin) closed by
- fixed: refact. done in r1001
- 14:12 Changeset [1001] by
refactoring for #438
- 13:40 Changeset [1000] by
Added job results data adapter interface for the Hive DAL (#372)
- 13:16 Changeset [999] by
Updated Client Manager Interface (#427)
- 13:06 Changeset [998] by
Added state query to job adapter (#372)
- 12:55 Ticket #438 (Move Job Classes to a own plugin) created by
- 22:20 Changeset [997] by
improved sandbox (#410)
- 19:47 Changeset [996] by
RectangleShape -> Opacity property added
- 17:26 Changeset [995] by
Refactored DAL, Improved Caching (#372)
- 19:17 Ticket #437 (Refactoring: Using the Webservice Integration of Visual Studio instead ...) closed by
- fixed: refactoring done in r993
- 19:17 Ticket #436 (SendFinishedJob Event isn't fired) closed by
- fixed: fixed in r994
- 19:16 Changeset [994] by
fix for #436
- 19:13 Changeset [993] by
refactored for #437
- 10:56 Ticket #437 (Refactoring: Using the Webservice Integration of Visual Studio instead ...) created by
- 10:48 Changeset [992] by
Added basic design for ProblemView #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 09:48 Changeset [991] by
Renamed Column ClientGroupResource to ClientGroupId (#372)
- 08:48 Changeset [990] by
updated SemWeb assemblies with new versions (which are compatible to SQLite assembly) #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 01:27 Ticket #422 (Persistence doesn't work for types in plugins with multiple assemblies) closed by
- fixed: Tested by mkommend.
- 01:26 Changeset [989] by
worked on #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 01:22 Changeset [988] by
worked on #419 (Refactor CEDMA plugins)
- 20:22 Ticket #436 (SendFinishedJob Event isn't fired) created by
- for whatever reason, the SendFinishedJobCompleted WCF Event doesn't fire
- 18:48 Changeset [987] by
Implemented simple XAxis (#433)
- 19:56 Changeset [986] by
Changed anchor of ResetView-Button
- 19:35 Changeset [985] by
Implemented ResetView
- 19:07 Ticket #435 (Return default values for XLabels) created by
- Implemented XAxisLabelProvider and YAxisLabelProvider (r1190)
- 19:07 Ticket #434 (Add XAxisLabelProvider and YAxisLabelProvider) created by
- 18:48 Changeset [984] by
Implemented zooming
- 18:13 Changeset [983] by
Added XAxis shape to project (#433)
Some small refactorings in LineChart (#345)
- 18:07 Ticket #433 (Implement LineChart Axes) created by
- 17:55 Changeset [982] by
Legend implemented (#407)
- 10:06 Changeset [981] by
Added Feature: ZoomToFullView, which shows the whole datarows in the chart. #345
- 07:15 Changeset [980] by
Added feature: Drawingstyle for lines; #345