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Custom Query (127 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#1502 Operator parameters wired by the algorithm should be hidden per default new swagner high HeuristicLab 4.0 General
#1665 If the random seed is specified for a cross-validation then the same seed is used for each fold assigned gkronber high HeuristicLab 4.x Backlog Algorithms.DataAnalysis
#1755 Plugin manager may describe a missing dependency as a dependency cycle accepted gkronber high HeuristicLab 4.0 PluginInfrastructure
#2118 Plugins referencing missing assemblies are not shown in the PluginManager accepted gkronber high HeuristicLab 4.0 PluginInfrastructure
#2200 ClearState of IStatefulItems is not always executed assigned swagner high HeuristicLab 4.0 Optimization
#2260 For datasets with many variables (>200) the view for variable selection is very slow assigned gkronber high HeuristicLab 3.3.x Backlog Problems.DataAnalysis.Views
#2511 Results for problems with stochastic objective function are not reproduceable when using parallel engine (random parameter in Evaluate()) new high HeuristicLab 4.0 Optimization
#2638 Redraws slow down UI in Windows 10 new high HeuristicLab 4.0 MainForm.WindowsForms
#2655 Symbolic regression variable coefficients are never mutated using an additive random constant assigned gkronber high HeuristicLab 4.0 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic
#3011 Unhandled Exceptions on the Optimizer's ui-thread causes HL to crash new high HeuristicLab 3.3.17 Optimizer
#3028 Add missing StorableType attributes assigned jkarder high HeuristicLab 3.3.17 General
#3059 Disallow upload of Hive jobs with unprepared algorithms accepted jkarder high HeuristicLab 3.3.17 Hive.Client
#3072 Hive tasks receive statelog updates from unauthorized slaves accepted jkarder high HeuristicLab 3.3.17 Hive.Server
#3144 Results of MultiEncodingOperators are not stable / reproducable reviewing abeham high HeuristicLab 3.3.17 Optimization
#1075 Analyzers disappear when changing the evaluation function for real-valued test-functions new swagner medium HeuristicLab 3.3.x Backlog Problems.TestFunctions
#1317 Misleading tooltip if data values are too large new swagner medium HeuristicLab 3.3.x Backlog Data.Views
#1548 XMLGenerator closes the given stream after serializing the data accepted epitzer medium HeuristicLab 3.3.x Backlog Persistence
#1577 Scroll bar of DataGridView throws exception on updates assigned gkronber medium HeuristicLab 3.3.x Backlog Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views
#1757 Hive slave tray icon loses connection after recovering from sleep assigned jkarder medium HeuristicLab 3.3.x Backlog Hive.Slave
#1785 The VariableFrequencies DataTable is slow when displaying more than 100 variables new mkommend medium HeuristicLab 3.3.x Backlog Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.