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Custom Query (97 matches)


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Results (81 - 97 of 97)

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Status: closed (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1698 ProblemData should be saveable ascheibe feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis 3.3.6
#1701 Object traversal hitting security sensitive fields can crash while sandboxed abeham defect medium Common 3.3.6
#1705 Remove solution folders ascheibe defect medium General 3.3.6
#1706 Move outdated plugins to extra solution ascheibe defect medium General 3.3.6
#1713 Allow dragging of the checked state in the checked item collection views ascheibe enhancement medium Core.Views 3.3.6
#1714 Stopping optimizers in experiments enables the wrong buttons on the experiment swagner defect medium Optimization 3.3.6
#1718 Delete outdated plugins ascheibe task medium General 3.3.6
#1725 Create an info dialog for anonymous Hive users ascheibe feature request medium Hive.Client 3.3.6
#125 Pruning operator for symbolic expressions gkronber feature request low Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression 3.3.6
#1050 Improve description of SearchIntervalFactor in the BreederGeneticAlgorithmManipulator abeham enhancement low Encodings.RealVectorEncoding 3.3.6
#1579 Code maintenance and minor changes swagner enhancement low General 3.3.6
#1626 Crash in RunCollectionEqualityConstraint when querying non-existing variable epitzer defect low Optimization 3.3.6
#1667 ExternalEvaluation waits indefinitely for clients if unchecked alternatives exist abeham defect low Problems.ExternalEvaluation 3.3.6
#1724 Adapt DataTableVisualPropertiesDialog according to the HL GUI standards swagner enhancement low Analysis.Views 3.3.6
#763 Plugin for data-modeling with k-Nearest Neighbour gkronber feature request lowest Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3.6
#1054 Add an explanatory description to the CurrentSuccessRatio result abeham enhancement lowest Algorithms.OffspringSelectionGeneticAlgorithm 3.3.6
#1655 Reconfiguring the TypeSelector can lead to a wrong type being selected abeham defect lowest Core.Views 3.3.6
1 2 3 4 5
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.