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Custom Query (80 matches)


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Results (1 - 20 of 80)

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Status: closed (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2277 Missing class modifier in BestSingleObjectiveTestFunctionSolutionAnalyzer mkommend defect lowest Problems.TestFunctions 3.3.10
#2220 Improve the generation of all possible combinations of values in ValueGenerator.cs bburlacu enhancement low Problems.Instances 3.3.10
#2222 Update Startpage text abeham defect low Optimizer 3.3.10
#2229 Enable loading of best known solutions for mult-depot VRP abeham enhancement low Problems.VehicleRouting 3.3.10
#1802 Improve serialization and deserialization of enumerables of primitive types mkommend enhancement medium Persistence 3.3.6
#2031 Implement views for statistical hypothesis testing ascheibe enhancement medium Analysis 3.3.10
#2077 Update SharpDevelop to latest version (4.3) jkarder task medium ExtLibs 3.3.10
#2096 Persistence has issues with certain characters gkronber defect medium Persistence 3.3.8
#2098 Excel export of symbolic data analysis solutions should support boolean functions mkommend enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic 3.3.10
#2112 ThreadSafeLogThreadSafetyTest sometimes fails ascheibe defect medium Tests 3.3.8
#2120 RunCollection doesn't update ResultNames or ParameterNames when items are added to a run afterwards abeham enhancement medium Optimization 3.3.9
#2144 Interpreter Evaluation Tests could fail if VS2013 is installed mkommend task medium Tests 3.3.9
#2149 ViewHost shall stop displaying views after a certain nesting level mkommend defect medium MainForm.WindowsForms 3.3.9
#2158 Exception occurs for too many nested views. (BSOD on Win8) ascheibe defect medium MainForm.WindowsForms 3.3.9
#2164 Tree matching functionality for symbolic expression trees jkarder enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic 3.3.9
#2174 Add programmable optimization problem abeham feature request medium Optimization branch
#2211 Provide unit tests for samples and scripts creation and execution jkarder enhancement medium Tests 3.3.9
#2212 Release HeuristicLab 3.3.11 ascheibe task medium General 3.3.10
#2214 DataPreprocessing cannot be started directly from the problem data mkommend defect medium DataPreprocessing 3.3.10
#2215 More accurate tree similarity measure based on tree bottom-up distance mkommend enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic 3.3.10
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