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Changeset 9783 for trunk/sources

07/26/13 14:06:27 (11 years ago)

#2088: Adapted HL-3.3.Tests, Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Tests, and Collections.Test.

19 edited
1 moved


  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/CloningConstructorTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    3939    [TestMethod]
     40    [TestCategory("General")]
     41    [TestCategory("Essential")]
     42    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    4043    public void TestCloningConstructor() {
    4144      StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/CollectObjectGraphTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    4545    [TestMethod]
     46    [TestCategory("General")]
     47    [TestCategory("Essential")]
     48    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    4649    [DeploymentItem(@"HeuristicLab-3.3/Resources/GA_SymbReg.hl")]
    4750    public void CollectGASample() {
    9497    /// </summary>
    9598    [TestMethod]
     99    [TestCategory("General")]
     100    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    96101    public void AlgorithmExecutions() {
    97102      var algs = new List<IAlgorithm>();
    120125    /// </summary>
    121126    [TestMethod]
     127    [TestCategory("General")]
     128    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    122129    public void ParallelAlgorithmExecutions() {
    123130      int n = 60;
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/ContentViewTests.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    3434    }
    36     private TestContext testContextInstance;
    38     /// <summary>
    39     ///Gets or sets the test context which provides
    40     ///information about and functionality for the current test run.
    41     ///</summary>
    42     public TestContext TestContext {
    43       get {
    44         return testContextInstance;
    45       }
    46       set {
    47         testContextInstance = value;
    48       }
    49     }
    5136    // Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
    5237    [ClassInitialize]
    5843    [TestMethod]
     44    [TestCategory("General")]
     45    [TestCategory("Essential")]
     46    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    5947    public void ContentViewAttributeTest() {
    6048      //get all non-generic and instantiable classes which implement IContentView
    7058        try {
    7159          accessor.OnContentChanged();
    72         } catch (Exception ex) {
     60        }
     61        catch (Exception ex) {
    7362          Assert.Fail(viewType.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message);
    7463        }
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/DeepCloneableCloningTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    4242    }
     44    private TestContext testContextInstance;
     45    public TestContext TestContext {
     46      get { return testContextInstance; }
     47      set { testContextInstance = value; }
     48    }
    4450    public DeepCloneableCloningTest() {
    4551      excludedTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
    5561    }
    57     private TestContext testContextInstance;
    5863    private readonly HashSet<Type> excludedTypes;
    60     /// <summary>
    61     ///Gets or sets the test context which provides
    62     ///information about and functionality for the current test run.
    63     ///</summary>
    64     public TestContext TestContext {
    65       get {
    66         return testContextInstance;
    67       }
    68       set {
    69         testContextInstance = value;
    70       }
    71     }
    73     #region Additional test attributes
    74     //
    75     // You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
    76     //
    77     // Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
    78     // [ClassInitialize()]
    79     // public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { }
    80     //
    81     // Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
    82     // [ClassCleanup()]
    83     // public static void MyClassCleanup() { }
    84     //
    85     // Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
    86     // [TestInitialize()]
    87     // public void MyTestInitialize() { }
    88     //
    89     // Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
    90     // [TestCleanup()]
    91     // public void MyTestCleanup() { }
    92     //
    93     #endregion
    9565    [TestMethod]
     66    [TestCategory("General")]
     67    [TestCategory("Essential")]
     68    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    9669    [DeploymentItem(@"HeuristicLab-3.3\Resources\SamplesExperimentFinished.hl")]
    9770    public void TestCloningFinishedExperiment() {
    10679    [TestMethod]
     80    [TestCategory("General")]
     81    [TestCategory("Essential")]
     82    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    10783    public void TestCloningAllDeepCloneables() {
    10884      PluginLoader.Assemblies.ToArray();
    11995        try {
    12096          item = (IDeepCloneable)Activator.CreateInstance(deepCloneableType, nonPublic: false);
    121         } catch { continue; } // no default constructor
     97        }
     98        catch { continue; } // no default constructor
    123100        IDeepCloneable clone = null;
    124101        try {
    125102          clone = (IDeepCloneable)item.Clone(new Cloner());
    126         } catch (Exception e) {
     103        }
     104        catch (Exception e) {
    127105          TestContext.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + deepCloneableType.FullName + ":");
    128106          TestContext.WriteLine("ERROR! " + e.GetType().Name + @" was thrown during cloning.
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/GeneticAlgorithmTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    3535    private TestContext testContextInstance;
    37     /// <summary>
    38     ///Gets or sets the test context which provides
    39     ///information about and functionality for the current test run.
    40     ///</summary>
    4136    public TestContext TestContext {
    42       get {
    43         return testContextInstance;
    44       }
    45       set {
    46         testContextInstance = value;
    47       }
     37      get { return testContextInstance; }
     38      set { testContextInstance = value; }
    4839    }
    50     #region Additional test attributes
    51     //
    52     // You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
    53     //
    54     // Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
    55     // [ClassInitialize()]
    56     // public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { }
    57     //
    58     // Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
    59     // [ClassCleanup()]
    60     // public static void MyClassCleanup() { }
    61     //
    62     // Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
    63     // [TestInitialize()]
    64     // public void MyTestInitialize() { }
    65     //
    66     // Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
    67     // [TestCleanup()]
    68     // public void MyTestCleanup() { }
    69     //
    70     #endregion
    7241    private EventWaitHandle trigger = new AutoResetEvent(false);
    7544    [TestMethod]
     45    [TestCategory("General")]
     46    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    7647    [DeploymentItem(@"HeuristicLab-3.3/Resources/GA_TSP.hl")]
    7748    public void GeneticAlgorithmPerformanceTest() {
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/InstantiateCreatablesTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    3737    }
    3838    [TestMethod]
     39    [TestCategory("General")]
     40    [TestCategory("Essential")]
     41    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    3942    public void InstantiateAllCreatables() {
    4043      var exceptions = new List<string>();
    4952        try {
    5053          var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
    51         } catch {
     54        }
     55        catch {
    5256          exceptions.Add("Error instantiating " + t.FullName);
    5357        }
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/ParameterVisibilityTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    3636      PluginLoader.Assemblies.Any();
    3737    }
    38     /// <summary>
    39     ///Gets or sets the test context which provides
    40     ///information about and functionality for the current test run.
    41     ///</summary>
    4239    private TestContext testContextInstance;
    4340    public TestContext TestContext {
    44       get {
    45         return testContextInstance;
    46       }
    47       set {
    48         testContextInstance = value;
    49       }
     41      get { return testContextInstance; }
     42      set { testContextInstance = value; }
    5043    }
    5245    [TestMethod]
     46    [TestCategory("General")]
     47    [TestCategory("Essential")]
     48    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    5349    public void TestParameterVisibility() {
    5450      StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/PluginDependenciesTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    5454    [TestMethod]
     55    [TestCategory("General")]
     56    [TestCategory("Essential")]
     57    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    5558    public void CheckReferenceAssembliesForPluginDependencies() {
    5659      StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
    7780    [TestMethod]
     81    [TestCategory("General")]
     82    [TestCategory("Essential")]
     83    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    7884    public void CheckPluginDependenciesForReferencedAssemblies() {
    7985      StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
    104110    private static Type GetPluginFromAssembly(Assembly assembly) {
    105       return assembly.GetExportedTypes().Where(t => typeof(IPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(t) && !t.IsAbstract && !t.IsInterface).FirstOrDefault();
     111      return assembly.GetExportedTypes().FirstOrDefault(t => typeof(IPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(t) && !t.IsAbstract && !t.IsInterface);
    106112    }
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/SamplesTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    7171    #region TSP
    7272    [TestMethod]
     73    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     74    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    7375    public void CreateGaTspSampleTest() {
    7476      var ga = CreateGaTspSample();
    7678    }
    7779    [TestMethod]
     80    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     81    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    7882    public void RunGaTspSampleTest() {
    7983      var ga = CreateGaTspSample();
    107111    #region VRP
    108112    [TestMethod]
     113    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     114    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    109115    public void CreateGaVrpSampleTest() {
    110116      var ga = CreateGaVrpSample();
    114120    [TestMethod]
     121    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     122    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    115123    public void RunGaVrpSampleTest() {
    116124      var ga = CreateGaVrpSample();
    177185    #region ArtificialAnt
    178186    [TestMethod]
     187    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     188    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    179189    public void CreateGpArtificialAntSampleTest() {
    180190      var ga = CreateGpArtificialAntSample();
    184194    [TestMethod]
     195    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     196    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    185197    public void RunGpArtificialAntSampleTest() {
    186198      var ga = CreateGpArtificialAntSample();
    229241    #region Symbolic Regression
    230242    [TestMethod]
     243    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     244    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    231245    public void CreateGpSymbolicRegressionSampleTest() {
    232246      var ga = CreateGpSymbolicRegressionSample();
    234248    }
    235249    [TestMethod]
     250    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     251    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    236252    public void RunGpSymbolicRegressionSampleTest() {
    237253      var ga = CreateGpSymbolicRegressionSample();
    333349    #region Symbolic Classification
    334350    [TestMethod]
     351    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     352    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    335353    public void CreateGpSymbolicClassificationSampleTest() {
    336354      var ga = CreateGpSymbolicClassificationSample();
    340358    [TestMethod]
     359    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     360    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    341361    public void RunGpSymbolicClassificationSampleTest() {
    342362      var ga = CreateGpSymbolicClassificationSample();
    440460    #region LawnMower
    441461    [TestMethod]
     462    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     463    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    442464    public void RunGpLawnMowerSampleTest() {
    443465      var ga = CreateGpLawnMowerSample();
    470492    #region Griewank
    471493    [TestMethod]
     494    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     495    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    472496    public void CreateEsGriewankSampleTest() {
    473497      var es = CreateEsGriewankSample();
    475499    }
    476500    [TestMethod]
     501    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     502    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    477503    public void RunEsGriewankSampleTest() {
    478504      var es = CreateEsGriewankSample();
    524550    #region TSP
    525551    [TestMethod]
     552    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     553    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    526554    public void CreateIslandGaTspSampleTest() {
    527555      var ga = CreateIslandGaTspSample();
    529557    }
    530558    [TestMethod]
     559    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     560    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    531561    public void RunIslandGaTspSampleTest() {
    532562      var ga = CreateIslandGaTspSample();
    564594    #region Knapsack
    565595    [TestMethod]
     596    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     597    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    566598    public void CreateLocalSearchKnapsackSampleTest() {
    567599      var ls = CreateLocalSearchKnapsackSample();
    569601    }
    570602    [TestMethod]
     603    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     604    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    571605    public void RunLocalSearchKnapsackSampleTest() {
    572606      var ls = CreateLocalSearchKnapsackSample();
    625659    #region Schwefel
    626660    [TestMethod]
     661    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     662    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    627663    public void CreatePsoSchwefelSampleTest() {
    628664      var pso = CreatePsoSchwefelSample();
    630666    }
    631667    [TestMethod]
     668    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     669    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    632670    public void RunPsoSchwefelSampleTest() {
    633671      var pso = CreatePsoSchwefelSample();
    704742    #region Rastrigin
    705743    [TestMethod]
     744    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     745    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    706746    public void CreateSimulatedAnnealingRastriginSampleTest() {
    707747      var sa = CreateSimulatedAnnealingRastriginSample();
    709749    }
    710750    [TestMethod]
     751    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     752    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    711753    public void RunSimulatedAnnealingRastriginSampleTest() {
    712754      var sa = CreateSimulatedAnnealingRastriginSample();
    770812    #region TSP
    771813    [TestMethod]
     814    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     815    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    772816    public void CreateTabuSearchTspSampleTest() {
    773817      var ts = CreateTabuSearchTspSample();
    775819    }
    776820    [TestMethod]
     821    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     822    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    777823    public void RunTabuSearchTspSampleTest() {
    778824      var ts = CreateTabuSearchTspSample();
    837883    #region VRP
    838884    [TestMethod]
     885    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     886    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    839887    public void CreateTabuSearchVRPSampleTest() {
    840888      var vrp = CreateTabuSearchVrpSample();
    842890    }
    843891    [TestMethod]
     892    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     893    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    844894    public void RunTabuSearchVRPSampleTest() {
    845895      var vrp = CreateTabuSearchVrpSample();
    905955    #region TSP
    906956    [TestMethod]
     957    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     958    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    907959    public void CreateVnsTspSampleTest() {
    908960      var vns = CreateVnsTspSample();
    910962    }
    911963    [TestMethod]
     964    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     965    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    912966    public void RunVnsTspSampleTest() {
    913967      var vns = CreateVnsTspSample();
    9821036    #region Gaussian Process Regression
    9831037    [TestMethod]
     1038    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     1039    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    9841040    public void CreateGaussianProcessRegressionSampleTest() {
    9851041      var gpr = CreateGaussianProcessRegressionSample();
    9871043    }
    9881044    [TestMethod]
     1045    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     1046    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    9891047    public void RunGaussianProcessRegressionSample() {
    9901048      var gpr = CreateGaussianProcessRegressionSample();
    10211079    #region VRP
    10221080    [TestMethod]
     1081    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     1082    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    10231083    public void CreateScatterSearchVRPSampleTest() {
    10241084      var ss = CreateScatterSearchVRPSample();
    10281088    [TestMethod]
     1089    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     1090    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    10291091    public void RunScatterSearchVRPSampleTest() {
    10301092      var ss = CreateScatterSearchVRPSample();
    10771139    #region Scheduling
    10781140    [TestMethod]
     1141    [TestCategory("Samples.Create")]
     1142    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    10791143    public void CreateRAPGASchedulingSampleTest() {
    10801144      var ss = CreateRAPGASchedulingSample();
    10841148    [TestMethod]
     1149    [TestCategory("Samples.Execute")]
     1150    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    10851151    public void RunRAPGASchedulingSampleTest() {
    10861152      var rapga = CreateRAPGASchedulingSample();
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/StorableConstructorTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    4242    [TestMethod]
     43    [TestCategory("General")]
     44    [TestCategory("Essential")]
     45    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    4346    public void TestStorableConstructor() {
    4447      StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/ThreadSafeLogTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    3131    [TestMethod]
     32    [TestCategory("General")]
     33    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    3234    public void ThreadSafeLogThreadSafetyTest() {
    3335      int count = 10000;
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/ToStringTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    3232    private TestContext testContextInstance;
    33     /// <summary>
    34     ///Gets or sets the test context which provides
    35     ///information about and functionality for the current test run.
    36     ///</summary>
    3733    public TestContext TestContext {
    38       get {
    39         return testContextInstance;
    40       }
    41       set {
    42         testContextInstance = value;
    43       }
     34      get { return testContextInstance; }
     35      set { testContextInstance = value; }
    4436    }
    5244    [TestMethod]
     45    [TestCategory("General")]
     46    [TestCategory("Essential")]
     47    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    5348    public void TestToString() {
    5449      bool success = true;
    5752        try {
    5853          item.ToString();
    59         } catch (Exception e) {
     54        }
     55        catch (Exception e) {
    6056          TestContext.WriteLine(item.GetType() + " throws a " + e.GetType() + " in the ToString method.");
    6157          success = false;
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis-3.4/GaussianProcessFunctionsTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    3030  public class GaussianProcessFunctionsTest {
    3131    [TestMethod]
     32    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     33    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    3234    public void MeanConstTest() {
    3335      TestMeanFunction(new MeanConst(), 0,
    4345    [TestMethod]
     46    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     47    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    4448    public void MeanZeroTest() {
    4549      TestMeanFunction(new MeanZero(), 0,
    5559    [TestMethod]
     60    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     61    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    5662    public void MeanSumTest() {
    5763      var sum = new MeanSum();
    7985    }
    8086    [TestMethod]
     87    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     88    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    8189    public void MeanProdTest() {
    8290      var prod = new MeanProduct();
    151159    [TestMethod]
     160    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     161    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    152162    public void MeanLinear() {
    153163      TestMeanFunction(new MeanLinear(), 0,
    177187    [TestMethod]
     188    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     189    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    178190    public void CovSeIsoTest() {
    179191      TestCovarianceFunction(new CovarianceSquaredExponentialIso(), 0,
    265277    [TestMethod]
     278    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     279    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    266280    public void CovNnTest() {
    267281      TestCovarianceFunction(new CovarianceNeuralNetwork(), 0,
    354368    [TestMethod]
     369    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     370    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    355371    public void CovRQIsoTest() {
    356372      TestCovarianceFunction(new CovarianceRationalQuadraticIso(), 0,
    467483    [TestMethod]
     484    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     485    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    468486    public void CovRQArdTest() {
    469487      TestCovarianceFunction(new CovarianceRationalQuadraticArd(), 0,
    691709    [TestMethod]
     710    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     711    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    692712    public void CovMaternIsoTest() {
    693713      var cov = new CovarianceMaternIso();
    876896    [TestMethod]
     897    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     898    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    877899    public void CovLinearTest() {
    878900      TestCovarianceFunction(new CovarianceLinear(), 0,
    898920    [TestMethod]
     921    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     922    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    899923    public void CovLinearArdTest() {
    900924      TestCovarianceFunction(new CovarianceLinearArd(), 0,
    10701094    [TestMethod]
     1095    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     1096    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    10711097    public void CovPeriodicTest() {
    10721098      TestCovarianceFunction(new CovariancePeriodic(), 0,
    11881214    [TestMethod]
     1215    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     1216    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    11891217    public void CovSEardTest() {
    11901218      TestCovarianceFunction(new CovarianceSquaredExponentialArd(), 0,
    13851413    [TestMethod]
     1414    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     1415    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    13861416    public void CovSumTest() {
    13871417      var cov = new CovarianceSum();
    14831513    [TestMethod]
     1514    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     1515    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    14841516    public void CovScaleTest() {
    14851517      var cov = new CovarianceScale();
    16051637    [TestMethod]
     1638    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     1639    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    16061640    public void CovProdTest() {
    16071641      var cov = new CovarianceProduct();
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis-3.4/GaussianProcessModelTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    2222using System.Linq;
    23 using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis;
    2423using HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis;
    2524using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
    3231    [TestMethod]
    3332    [DeploymentItem(@"HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis-3.4/co2.txt")]
     33    [TestCategory("General")]
     34    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    3435    public void GaussianProcessModelOutputTest() {
    3536      var provider = new RegressionCSVInstanceProvider();
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis-3.4/GaussianProcessRegressionTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    2323using System.Linq;
    2424using System.Threading;
    25 using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis;
    2625using HeuristicLab.Common;
    2726using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis;
    3736    private TestContext testContextInstance;
    39     /// <summary>
    40     ///Gets or sets the test context which provides
    41     ///information about and functionality for the current test run.
    42     ///</summary>
    4337    public TestContext TestContext {
    44       get {
    45         return testContextInstance;
    46       }
    47       set {
    48         testContextInstance = value;
    49       }
     38      get { return testContextInstance; }
     39      set { testContextInstance = value; }
    5040    }
    5545    [TestMethod]
     46    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     47    [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
    5648    public void GaussianProcessRegressionPerformanceTest() {
    5749      ex = null;
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis-3.4/SupportVectorMachineTest.cs

    r9782 r9783  
    5555    [TestMethod]
     56    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     57    [TestProperty("Time", "medium")]
    5658    public void SupportVectorMachinePerformanceTest() {
    5759      ex = null;
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Analysis-3.3/MultidimensionalScalingTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    2222using System;
    2323using System.Globalization;
    24 using HeuristicLab.Analysis;
    2524using HeuristicLab.Data;
    2625using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
    3029  public class MultidimensionalScalingTest {
    3130    [TestMethod]
     31    [TestCategory("Algorithms.DataAnalysis")]
     32    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    3233    public void TestGoodnessOfFit() {
    3334      double stress;
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Collections-3.3/BidirectionalDictionaryTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    2323using System.Collections.Generic;
    2424using System.Linq;
    25 using HeuristicLab.Collections;
    2625using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
    4746    [TestMethod]
     47    [TestCategory("General")]
     48    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    4849    public void TestBidirectionalDictionary() {
    4950      var dict1 = new BidirectionalDictionary<int, double>();
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Collections-3.3/BidirectionalLookupTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    2222using System.Collections.Generic;
    2323using System.Linq;
    24 using HeuristicLab.Collections;
    2524using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
    4645    [TestMethod]
     46    [TestCategory("General")]
     47    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    4748    public void TestBidirectionalLookup() {
    4849      var lookup1 = new BidirectionalLookup<int, double>();
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Collections-3.3/ObservableKeyedListTest.cs

    r9764 r9783  
    2323using System.Collections.Generic;
    2424using System.Linq;
    25 using HeuristicLab.Collections;
    2625using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
    4140    [TestMethod]
     41    [TestCategory("General")]
     42    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    4243    public void KeyedListAddDuplicateItemTest() {
    4344      var list = new IntKeyedList();
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