Free cookie consent management tool by TermsFeed Policy Generator
04/10/13 13:29:24 (11 years ago)


  • Added input parameters to the run class. They will be populated by the back-end and returned to the web pages which renders them.
  • Added a ParameterMapper class which converts HL specific model classes to OaaS independent classes. The conversion gets delegated to IParameterHandler which have to be implemented manually and registered for a certain Type before. All parameters which can be converted to IStringConvertible, IStringConvertibleMatrix, IString* will be converted into a OaaS-StringValue instance.
  • Added IParameterHandlers for PathTSPTour and PermutationType (required for TSP).
  • AlgorithmConverter now makes sure that the id of a run is unique. (All runs of a RunList will be shown now.)
  • Web pages are capable of rendering both the results of a run and their input parameters (added a accordion to wrap their content).
  • Renamed "Traveling Salesman Problem" to "Genetic Algorithm - TSP".
  • Changed js-files to render both input and result parameters of a Run.
6 added

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