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07/05/12 17:25:44 (12 years ago)

#1784 adapted Vladislavleva instances

9 edited


  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis/3.3/Regression/Vladislavleva/KotanchekFunction.cs

    r7849 r8240  
    2727  public class KotanchekFunction : ArtificialRegressionDataDescriptor {
    29     public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva Kotanchek"; } }
     29    public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva-1 F1(X1,X2) = exp(-(X1 - 1))² / (1.2 + (X2 -2.5)²"; } }
    3030    public override string Description {
    3131      get {
    3232        return "Paper: Order of Nonlinearity as a Complexity Measure for Models Generated by Symbolic Regression via Pareto Genetic Programming " + Environment.NewLine
    3333        + "Authors: Ekaterina J. Vladislavleva, Member, IEEE, Guido F. Smits, Member, IEEE, and Dick den Hertog" + Environment.NewLine
    34         + "Function: F1(X1, X2) = e^-(X1 - 1)^2 / (1.2 + (X2 -2.5)^2" + Environment.NewLine
     34        + "Function: F1(X1, X2) = exp(-(X1 - 1))² / (1.2 + (X2 -2.5)²" + Environment.NewLine
    3535        + "Training Data: 100 points X1, X2 = Rand(0.3, 4)" + Environment.NewLine
    3636        + "Test Data: 2026 points (X1, X2) = (-0.2:0.1:4.2)" + Environment.NewLine
    4343    protected override int TrainingPartitionStart { get { return 0; } }
    4444    protected override int TrainingPartitionEnd { get { return 100; } }
    45     protected override int TestPartitionStart { get { return 1000; } }
    46     protected override int TestPartitionEnd { get { return 3025; } }
     45    protected override int TestPartitionStart { get { return 100; } }
     46    protected override int TestPartitionEnd { get { return 2126; } }
    4848    protected override List<List<double>> GenerateValues() {
    5353      var combinations = ValueGenerator.GenerateAllCombinationsOfValuesInLists(testData).ToList<IEnumerable<double>>();
    5454      for (int i = 0; i < AllowedInputVariables.Count(); i++) {
    55         data.Add(ValueGenerator.GenerateUniformDistributedValues(1000, 0.3, 4).ToList());
     55        data.Add(ValueGenerator.GenerateUniformDistributedValues(100, 0.3, 4).ToList());
    5656        data[i].AddRange(combinations[i]);
    5757      }
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis/3.3/Regression/Vladislavleva/RationalPolynomialThreeDimensional.cs

    r7849 r8240  
    2727  public class RationalPolynomialThreeDimensional : ArtificialRegressionDataDescriptor {
    29     public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva RatPol3D"; } }
     29    public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva-5 F5(X1, X2, X3) = 30 * ((X1 - 1) * (X3 -1)) / (X2² * (X1 - 10))"; } }
    3030    public override string Description {
    3131      get {
    3232        return "Paper: Order of Nonlinearity as a Complexity Measure for Models Generated by Symbolic Regression via Pareto Genetic Programming " + Environment.NewLine
    3333        + "Authors: Ekaterina J. Vladislavleva, Member, IEEE, Guido F. Smits, Member, IEEE, and Dick den Hertog" + Environment.NewLine
    34         + "Function: F5(X1, X2, X3) = 30 * ((X1 - 1) * (X3 -1)) / (X2^2 * (X1 - 10))" + Environment.NewLine
     34        + "Function: F5(X1, X2, X3) = 30 * ((X1 - 1) * (X3 -1)) / (X2² * (X1 - 10))" + Environment.NewLine
    3535        + "Training Data: 300 points X1, X3 = Rand(0.05, 2), X2 = Rand(1, 2)" + Environment.NewLine
    3636        + "Test Data: 2701 points X1, X3 = (-0.05:0.15:2.1), X2 = (0.95:0.1:2.05)" + Environment.NewLine
    4949      List<List<double>> data = new List<List<double>>();
    51       int amountOfPoints = 1000;
    52       data.Add(ValueGenerator.GenerateUniformDistributedValues(amountOfPoints, 0.05, 2).ToList());
    53       data.Add(ValueGenerator.GenerateUniformDistributedValues(amountOfPoints, 1, 2).ToList());
    54       data.Add(ValueGenerator.GenerateUniformDistributedValues(amountOfPoints, 0.05, 2).ToList());
     51      int n = 1000;
     52      data.Add(ValueGenerator.GenerateUniformDistributedValues(n, 0.05, 2).ToList());
     53      data.Add(ValueGenerator.GenerateUniformDistributedValues(n, 1, 2).ToList());
     54      data.Add(ValueGenerator.GenerateUniformDistributedValues(n, 0.05, 2).ToList());
    5656      List<List<double>> testData = new List<List<double>>() {
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis/3.3/Regression/Vladislavleva/RationalPolynomialTwoDimensional.cs

    r7849 r8240  
    2727  public class RationalPolynomialTwoDimensional : ArtificialRegressionDataDescriptor {
    29     public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva RatPol2D"; } }
     29    public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva-8 F8(X1, X2) = ((X1 - 3)^4 + (X2 - 3)³ - (X2 -3)) / ((X2 - 2)^4 + 10)"; } }
    3030    public override string Description {
    3131      get {
    3232        return "Paper: Order of Nonlinearity as a Complexity Measure for Models Generated by Symbolic Regression via Pareto Genetic Programming " + Environment.NewLine
    3333        + "Authors: Ekaterina J. Vladislavleva, Member, IEEE, Guido F. Smits, Member, IEEE, and Dick den Hertog" + Environment.NewLine
    34         + "Function: F8(X1, X2) = ((X1 - 3)^4 + (X2 - 3)^3 - (X2 -3)) / ((X2 - 2)^4 + 10)" + Environment.NewLine
     34        + "Function: F8(X1, X2) = ((X1 - 3)^4 + (X2 - 3)³ - (X2 -3)) / ((X2 - 2)^4 + 10)" + Environment.NewLine
    3535        + "Training Data: 50 points X1, X2 = Rand(0.05, 6.05)" + Environment.NewLine
    3636        + "Test Data: 1157 points X1, X2 = (-0.25:0.2:6.35)" + Environment.NewLine
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis/3.3/Regression/Vladislavleva/RippleFunction.cs

    r7849 r8240  
    2727  public class RippleFunction : ArtificialRegressionDataDescriptor {
    29     public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva Ripple"; } }
     29    public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva-7  F7(X1, X2) = (X1 - 3)(X2 - 3) + 2 * sin((X1 - 4)(X2 - 4))"; } }
    3030    public override string Description {
    3131      get {
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis/3.3/Regression/Vladislavleva/SalutowiczFunctionOneDimensional.cs

    r7849 r8240  
    2727  public class SalutowiczFunctionOneDimensional : ArtificialRegressionDataDescriptor {
    29     public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva Salutowicz"; } }
     29    public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva-2 F2(X) = exp(-X) * X³ * cos(X) * sin(X) * (cos(X)sin(X)² - 1)"; } }
    3030    public override string Description {
    3131      get {
    3232        return "Paper: Order of Nonlinearity as a Complexity Measure for Models Generated by Symbolic Regression via Pareto Genetic Programming " + Environment.NewLine
    3333        + "Authors: Ekaterina J. Vladislavleva, Member, IEEE, Guido F. Smits, Member, IEEE, and Dick den Hertog" + Environment.NewLine
    34         + "Function: F2(X) = e^-X * X^3 * cos(X) * sin(X) * (cos(X)sin(X)^2 - 1)" + Environment.NewLine
     34        + "Function: F2(X) = exp(-X) * X³ * cos(X) * sin(X) * (cos(X)sin(X)² - 1)" + Environment.NewLine
    3535        + "Training Data: 100 points X = (0.05:0.1:10)" + Environment.NewLine
    3636        + "Test Data: 221 points X = (-0.5:0.05:10.5)" + Environment.NewLine
    37         + "Function Set: +, -, *, /, sqaure, x^real, x + real, x + real, e^x, e^-x, sin(x), cos(x)";
     37        + "Function Set: +, -, *, /, square, x^real, x + real, x + real, e^x, e^-x, sin(x), cos(x)";
    3838      }
    3939    }
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis/3.3/Regression/Vladislavleva/SalutowiczFunctionTwoDimensional.cs

    r7849 r8240  
    2727  public class SalutowiczFunctionTwoDimensional : ArtificialRegressionDataDescriptor {
    29     public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva Salutowicz2D"; } }
     29    public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva-3 F3(X1, X2) = exp(-X1) * X1³ * cos(X1) * sin(X1) * (cos(X1)sin(X1)² - 1)(X2 - 5)"; } }
    3030    public override string Description {
    3131      get {
    3232        return "Paper: Order of Nonlinearity as a Complexity Measure for Models Generated by Symbolic Regression via Pareto Genetic Programming " + Environment.NewLine
    3333        + "Authors: Ekaterina J. Vladislavleva, Member, IEEE, Guido F. Smits, Member, IEEE, and Dick den Hertog" + Environment.NewLine
    34         + "Function: F3(X1, X2) = e^-X1 * X1^3 * cos(X1) * sin(X1) * (cos(X1)sin(X1)^2 - 1)(X2 - 5)" + Environment.NewLine
     34        + "Function: F3(X1, X2) = exp(-X1) * X1³ * cos(X1) * sin(X1) * (cos(X1)sin(X1)² - 1)(X2 - 5)" + Environment.NewLine
    3535        + "Training Data: 601 points X1 = (0.05:0.1:10), X2 = (0.05:2:10.05)" + Environment.NewLine
    36         + "Test Data: 2554 points X1 = (-0.5:0.05:10.5), X2 = (-0.5:0.5:10.5)" + Environment.NewLine
    37         + "Function Set: +, -, *, /, sqaure, x^real, x + real, x + real, e^x, e^-x, sin(x), cos(x)" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
    38         + "Important: The stepwidth of the variable X1 in the test partition has been set to 0.1, to fit the amount of data points.";
     36        + "Test Data: 4840 points X1 = (-0.5:0.05:10.5), X2 = (-0.5:0.5:10.5)" + Environment.NewLine
     37        + "Function Set: +, -, *, /, square, x^real, x + real, x + real, e^x, e^-x, sin(x), cos(x)";
    3938      }
    4039    }
    4544    protected override int TrainingPartitionEnd { get { return 601; } }
    4645    protected override int TestPartitionStart { get { return 601; } }
    47     protected override int TestPartitionEnd { get { return 3155; } }
     46    protected override int TestPartitionEnd { get { return 5441; } }
    4948    protected override List<List<double>> GenerateValues() {
    5655      List<List<double>> testData = new List<List<double>>() {
    57         ValueGenerator.GenerateSteps(-0.5, 10.5, 0.1).ToList(),
     56        ValueGenerator.GenerateSteps(-0.5, 10.5, 0.05).ToList(),
    5857        ValueGenerator.GenerateSteps(-0.5, 10.5, 0.5).ToList()
    5958      };
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis/3.3/Regression/Vladislavleva/SineCosineFunction.cs

    r7849 r8240  
    2727  public class SineCosineFunction : ArtificialRegressionDataDescriptor {
    29     public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva SineCosine"; } }
     29    public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva-6 F6(X1, X2) = 6 * sin(X1) * cos(X2)"; } }
    3030    public override string Description {
    3131      get {
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis/3.3/Regression/Vladislavleva/UnwrappedBallFunctionFiveDimensional.cs

    r7849 r8240  
    2727  public class UnwrappedBallFunctionFiveDimensional : ArtificialRegressionDataDescriptor {
    29     public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva UBall5D"; } }
     29    public override string Name { get { return "Vladislavleva-4 F4(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5) = 10 / (5 + Sum(Xi - 3)^2)"; } }
    3030    public override string Description {
    3131      get {
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis/3.3/Regression/Vladislavleva/VladislavlevaInstanceProvider.cs

    r8224 r8240  
    4141      List<IDataDescriptor> descriptorList = new List<IDataDescriptor>();
    4242      descriptorList.Add(new KotanchekFunction());
    43       descriptorList.Add(new RationalPolynomialTwoDimensional());
    44       descriptorList.Add(new RationalPolynomialThreeDimensional());
    45       descriptorList.Add(new RippleFunction());
    4643      descriptorList.Add(new SalutowiczFunctionOneDimensional());
    4744      descriptorList.Add(new SalutowiczFunctionTwoDimensional());
    4845      descriptorList.Add(new UnwrappedBallFunctionFiveDimensional());
     46      descriptorList.Add(new RationalPolynomialThreeDimensional());
     47      descriptorList.Add(new SineCosineFunction());
     48      descriptorList.Add(new RippleFunction());
     49      descriptorList.Add(new RationalPolynomialTwoDimensional());
    4950      return descriptorList;
    5051    }
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