Changeset 7916
- Timestamp:
- 05/29/12 14:04:59 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/sources
- Files:
- 1 added
- 14 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r7582 r7916 119 119 <Compile Include="HiveAdminClient.cs" /> 120 120 <Compile Include="HiveClient.cs" /> 121 <Compile Include="ServiceClients\ResourcePermission.cs" /> 121 122 <Compile Include="Settings.Designer.cs"> 122 123 <AutoGen>True</AutoGen> -
r7862 r7916 2 2 // <auto-generated> 3 3 // This code was generated by a tool. 4 // Runtime Version:4.0.30319. 5444 // Runtime Version:4.0.30319.269 5 5 // 6 6 // Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if … … 19 19 [System.Runtime.Serialization.KnownTypeAttribute(typeof(HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.StateLog))] 20 20 [System.Runtime.Serialization.KnownTypeAttribute(typeof(HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Task))] 21 [System.Runtime.Serialization.KnownTypeAttribute(typeof(HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.ResourcePermission))] 21 22 [System.Runtime.Serialization.KnownTypeAttribute(typeof(HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Downtime))] 22 23 [System.Runtime.Serialization.KnownTypeAttribute(typeof(HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.JobPermission))] … … 59 60 60 61 public event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; 61 62 63 62 } 64 63 … … 416 415 this.PriorityField = value; 417 416 this.RaisePropertyChanged("Priority"); 417 } 418 } 419 } 420 } 421 422 [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()] 423 [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")] 424 [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute(Name = "ResourcePermission", Namespace = "")] 425 [System.SerializableAttribute()] 426 public partial class ResourcePermission : HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.HiveItem { 427 428 [System.Runtime.Serialization.OptionalFieldAttribute()] 429 private System.Guid GrantedByUserIdField; 430 431 [System.Runtime.Serialization.OptionalFieldAttribute()] 432 private System.Guid GrantedUserIdField; 433 434 [System.Runtime.Serialization.OptionalFieldAttribute()] 435 private System.Guid ResourceIdField; 436 437 [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute()] 438 public System.Guid GrantedByUserId { 439 get { 440 return this.GrantedByUserIdField; 441 } 442 set { 443 if ((this.GrantedByUserIdField.Equals(value) != true)) { 444 this.GrantedByUserIdField = value; 445 this.RaisePropertyChanged("GrantedByUserId"); 446 } 447 } 448 } 449 450 [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute()] 451 public System.Guid GrantedUserId { 452 get { 453 return this.GrantedUserIdField; 454 } 455 set { 456 if ((this.GrantedUserIdField.Equals(value) != true)) { 457 this.GrantedUserIdField = value; 458 this.RaisePropertyChanged("GrantedUserId"); 459 } 460 } 461 } 462 463 [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute()] 464 public System.Guid ResourceId { 465 get { 466 return this.ResourceIdField; 467 } 468 set { 469 if ((this.ResourceIdField.Equals(value) != true)) { 470 this.ResourceIdField = value; 471 this.RaisePropertyChanged("ResourceId"); 418 472 } 419 473 } … … 912 966 913 967 [System.Runtime.Serialization.OptionalFieldAttribute()] 968 private System.Nullable<System.Guid> OwnerUserIdField; 969 970 [System.Runtime.Serialization.OptionalFieldAttribute()] 914 971 private System.Nullable<System.Guid> ParentResourceIdField; 915 972 … … 923 980 this.HbIntervalField = value; 924 981 this.RaisePropertyChanged("HbInterval"); 982 } 983 } 984 } 985 986 [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute()] 987 public System.Nullable<System.Guid> OwnerUserId { 988 get { 989 return this.OwnerUserIdField; 990 } 991 set { 992 if ((this.OwnerUserIdField.Equals(value) != true)) { 993 this.OwnerUserIdField = value; 994 this.RaisePropertyChanged("OwnerUserId"); 925 995 } 926 996 } … … 1621 1691 int GetNewHeartbeatInterval(System.Guid slaveId); 1622 1692 1693 [System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action = "", ReplyAction = "")] 1694 void GrantResourcePermission(System.Guid slaveId, System.Guid grantedUserId); 1695 1696 [System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action = "", ReplyAction = "")] 1697 void RevokeResourcePermission(System.Guid slaveId, System.Guid grantedUserId); 1698 1699 [System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action = "", ReplyAction = "")] 1700 System.Collections.Generic.List<HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.ResourcePermission> GetSlavePermissions(System.Guid slaveId); 1701 1623 1702 [System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action = "", ReplyAction = "")] 1624 1703 System.Guid AddDowntime(HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Downtime downtime); … … 1830 1909 } 1831 1910 1911 public void GrantResourcePermission(System.Guid slaveId, System.Guid grantedUserId) { 1912 base.Channel.GrantResourcePermission(slaveId, grantedUserId); 1913 } 1914 1915 public void RevokeResourcePermission(System.Guid slaveId, System.Guid grantedUserId) { 1916 base.Channel.RevokeResourcePermission(slaveId, grantedUserId); 1917 } 1918 1919 public System.Collections.Generic.List<HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.ResourcePermission> GetSlavePermissions(System.Guid slaveId) { 1920 return base.Channel.GetSlavePermissions(slaveId); 1921 } 1922 1832 1923 public System.Guid AddDowntime(HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Downtime downtime) { 1833 1924 return base.Channel.AddDowntime(downtime); -
r7862 r7916 37 37 <Column Name="ParentResourceId" Type="System.Guid" DbType="UniqueIdentifier" CanBeNull="true" /> 38 38 <Column Name="HbInterval" Type="System.Int32" DbType="Int" CanBeNull="false" /> 39 <Column Name="OwnerUserId" Type="System.Guid" DbType="UniqueIdentifier" CanBeNull="true" /> 39 40 <Association Name="Resource_AssignedResource" Member="AssignedResources" ThisKey="ResourceId" OtherKey="ResourceId" Type="AssignedResource" /> 40 41 <Association Name="Resource_Resource" Member="ChildResources" ThisKey="ResourceId" OtherKey="ParentResourceId" Type="Resource" /> 41 42 <Association Name="Resource_Downtime" Member="Downtimes" Storage="_UptimeCalendars" ThisKey="ResourceId" OtherKey="ResourceId" Type="Downtime" /> 42 43 <Association Name="Resource_StateLog" Member="StateLogs" ThisKey="ResourceId" OtherKey="SlaveId" Type="StateLog" /> 44 <Association Name="Resource_SlavePermission" Member="ResourcePermissions" ThisKey="ResourceId" OtherKey="ResourceId" Type="ResourcePermission" /> 43 45 <Association Name="Resource_Resource" Member="ParentResource" ThisKey="ParentResourceId" OtherKey="ResourceId" Type="Resource" IsForeignKey="true" /> 44 46 <Type Name="Slave" InheritanceCode="Slave" IsInheritanceDefault="true"> … … 193 195 </Type> 194 196 </Table> 197 <Table Name="dbo.ResourcePermission" Member="ResourcePermissions"> 198 <Type Name="ResourcePermission"> 199 <Column Name="ResourceId" Type="System.Guid" DbType="UniqueIdentifier NOT NULL" IsPrimaryKey="true" CanBeNull="false" /> 200 <Column Name="GrantedUserId" Type="System.Guid" DbType="UniqueIdentifier NOT NULL" IsPrimaryKey="true" CanBeNull="false" /> 201 <Column Name="GrantedByUserId" Type="System.Guid" DbType="UniqueIdentifier NOT NULL" CanBeNull="false" /> 202 <Association Name="Resource_SlavePermission" Member="Resource" ThisKey="ResourceId" OtherKey="ResourceId" Type="Resource" IsForeignKey="true" /> 203 </Type> 204 </Table> 195 205 </Database> -
r7862 r7916 3 3 <DataContextMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext" /> 4 4 <nestedChildShapes> 5 <classShape Id="a929c9dc-69f4-4488-ba1c-a2342bf81d89" absoluteBounds="8.875, 4. 25, 2, 1.1939925130208327">5 <classShape Id="a929c9dc-69f4-4488-ba1c-a2342bf81d89" absoluteBounds="8.875, 4.5, 2, 1.1939925130208327"> 6 6 <DataClassMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/AssignedResource" /> 7 7 <nestedChildShapes> 8 <elementListCompartment Id="8b005775-f0ee-41b0-ae10-6d1151003708" absoluteBounds="8.89, 4. 7100000000000009, 1.9700000000000002, 0.63399251302083326" name="DataPropertiesCompartment" titleTextColor="Black" itemTextColor="Black" />9 </nestedChildShapes> 10 </classShape> 11 <classShape Id="7d998e56-4fba-41ca-a1a8-1dcdb9068edf" absoluteBounds="8.875, 5. 625, 2, 1.9631982421874996">8 <elementListCompartment Id="8b005775-f0ee-41b0-ae10-6d1151003708" absoluteBounds="8.89, 4.9600000000000009, 1.9700000000000002, 0.63399251302083326" name="DataPropertiesCompartment" titleTextColor="Black" itemTextColor="Black" /> 9 </nestedChildShapes> 10 </classShape> 11 <classShape Id="7d998e56-4fba-41ca-a1a8-1dcdb9068edf" absoluteBounds="8.875, 5.875, 2, 1.9631982421874996"> 12 12 <DataClassMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/Plugin" /> 13 13 <nestedChildShapes> 14 <elementListCompartment Id="ec4ba325-6dff-4418-baad-59af81ae2024" absoluteBounds="8.89, 6. 0850000000000009, 1.9700000000000002, 1.4031982421875" name="DataPropertiesCompartment" titleTextColor="Black" itemTextColor="Black" />15 </nestedChildShapes> 16 </classShape> 17 <classShape Id="97b00810-fa30-457e-b484-b4e80b22f91b" absoluteBounds="6.5, 5. 625, 2, 1.3862939453124987">14 <elementListCompartment Id="ec4ba325-6dff-4418-baad-59af81ae2024" absoluteBounds="8.89, 6.3350000000000009, 1.9700000000000002, 1.4031982421875" name="DataPropertiesCompartment" titleTextColor="Black" itemTextColor="Black" /> 15 </nestedChildShapes> 16 </classShape> 17 <classShape Id="97b00810-fa30-457e-b484-b4e80b22f91b" absoluteBounds="6.5, 5.875, 2, 1.3862939453124987"> 18 18 <DataClassMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/RequiredPlugin" /> 19 19 <nestedChildShapes> 20 <elementListCompartment Id="df6451e5-069e-4ca0-a909-61b8213b5047" absoluteBounds="6.5150000000000006, 6. 0850000000000009, 1.9700000000000002, 0.8262939453125" name="DataPropertiesCompartment" titleTextColor="Black" itemTextColor="Black" />21 </nestedChildShapes> 22 </classShape> 23 <classShape Id="706a4581-6daf-4e71-ae2a-87d50b27a051" absoluteBounds="11.25, 1, 2, 1. 7708968098958331">20 <elementListCompartment Id="df6451e5-069e-4ca0-a909-61b8213b5047" absoluteBounds="6.5150000000000006, 6.3350000000000009, 1.9700000000000002, 0.8262939453125" name="DataPropertiesCompartment" titleTextColor="Black" itemTextColor="Black" /> 21 </nestedChildShapes> 22 </classShape> 23 <classShape Id="706a4581-6daf-4e71-ae2a-87d50b27a051" absoluteBounds="11.25, 1, 2, 1.9631982421875"> 24 24 <DataClassMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/Resource" /> 25 25 <nestedChildShapes> 26 <elementListCompartment Id="8c24f5bf-2164-4d0f-832e-1730eb0066df" absoluteBounds="11.265, 1.46, 1.9700000000000002, 1. 2108968098958333" name="DataPropertiesCompartment" titleTextColor="Black" itemTextColor="Black" />26 <elementListCompartment Id="8c24f5bf-2164-4d0f-832e-1730eb0066df" absoluteBounds="11.265, 1.46, 1.9700000000000002, 1.4031982421875" name="DataPropertiesCompartment" titleTextColor="Black" itemTextColor="Black" /> 27 27 </nestedChildShapes> 28 28 </classShape> … … 57 57 </nestedChildShapes> 58 58 </classShape> 59 <inheritanceConnector edgePoints="[(11.25 : 1. 88544840494792); (10.875 : 1.88544840494792)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed" TargetRelationshipDomainClassId="7a7fe09e-e9ef-4b01-9ff3-bde95e827b62">59 <inheritanceConnector edgePoints="[(11.25 : 1.98159912109375); (10.875 : 1.98159912109375)]" fixedFrom="Algorithm" fixedTo="Algorithm" TargetRelationshipDomainClassId="7a7fe09e-e9ef-4b01-9ff3-bde95e827b62"> 60 60 <nodes> 61 61 <classShapeMoniker Id="706a4581-6daf-4e71-ae2a-87d50b27a051" /> … … 63 63 </nodes> 64 64 </inheritanceConnector> 65 <inheritanceConnector edgePoints="[(13.25 : 1.40469482421875); (13.5 : 1.40469482421875)]" fixedFrom=" NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed" TargetRelationshipDomainClassId="7a7fe09e-e9ef-4b01-9ff3-bde95e827b62">65 <inheritanceConnector edgePoints="[(13.25 : 1.40469482421875); (13.5 : 1.40469482421875)]" fixedFrom="Algorithm" fixedTo="Algorithm" TargetRelationshipDomainClassId="7a7fe09e-e9ef-4b01-9ff3-bde95e827b62"> 66 66 <nodes> 67 67 <classShapeMoniker Id="706a4581-6daf-4e71-ae2a-87d50b27a051" /> … … 69 69 </nodes> 70 70 </inheritanceConnector> 71 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(11. 92578 : 2.77089680989583); (11.92578 : 4.84699625651042); (10.875 : 4.84699625651042)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed">71 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(11.8134963640734 : 2.9631982421875); (11.8134963640734 : 3.56770833333333); (11.1119791666667 : 3.56770833333333); (11.1119791666667 : 5.09699625651042); (10.875 : 5.09699625651042)]" manuallyRouted="true" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed"> 72 72 <AssociationMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/Resource/Resource_AssignedResource" /> 73 73 <nodes> … … 82 82 </nestedChildShapes> 83 83 </classShape> 84 <classShape Id="ad25bd0f-80e8-4a06-abd8-190eb678eec7" absoluteBounds="11.25, 5. 625, 2, 1.5785953776041666">84 <classShape Id="ad25bd0f-80e8-4a06-abd8-190eb678eec7" absoluteBounds="11.25, 5.875, 2, 1.5785953776041666"> 85 85 <DataClassMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/PluginData" /> 86 86 <nestedChildShapes> 87 <elementListCompartment Id="acddb513-7de6-4bb4-8335-d6982fb2ef35" absoluteBounds="11.265, 6. 0850000000000009, 1.9700000000000002, 1.0185953776041665" name="DataPropertiesCompartment" titleTextColor="Black" itemTextColor="Black" />88 </nestedChildShapes> 89 </classShape> 90 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(10.875 : 6. 41429768880208); (11.25 : 6.41429768880208)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed">87 <elementListCompartment Id="acddb513-7de6-4bb4-8335-d6982fb2ef35" absoluteBounds="11.265, 6.3350000000000009, 1.9700000000000002, 1.0185953776041665" name="DataPropertiesCompartment" titleTextColor="Black" itemTextColor="Black" /> 88 </nestedChildShapes> 89 </classShape> 90 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(10.875 : 6.66429768880208); (11.25 : 6.66429768880208)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed"> 91 91 <AssociationMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/Plugin/Plugin_PluginData" /> 92 92 <nodes> … … 95 95 </nodes> 96 96 </associationConnector> 97 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(8.875 : 6. 31814697265625); (8.5 : 6.31814697265625)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed">97 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(8.875 : 6.56814697265625); (8.5 : 6.56814697265625)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed"> 98 98 <AssociationMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/Plugin/Plugin_RequiredPlugin" /> 99 99 <nodes> … … 102 102 </nodes> 103 103 </associationConnector> 104 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(1 3.25 : 1.62798725335537); (13.5 : 1.62798725335537); (13.5 : 2.1551696113782); (13.25 : 2.1551696113782)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed">104 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(11.9586362792969 : 1); (11.9586362792969 : 0.75); (12.5552381835937 : 0.75); (12.5552381835937 : 1)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed"> 105 105 <AssociationMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/Resource/Resource_Resource" /> 106 106 <nodes> … … 121 121 </nestedChildShapes> 122 122 </classShape> 123 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(11.25 : 1.4 1147220247396); (10.9375 : 1.41147220247396); (10.9375 : 0.6875); (2.75 : 0.6875); (2.75 : 1)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed">123 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(11.25 : 1.45954756054688); (10.9375 : 1.45954756054688); (10.9375 : 0.6875); (2.75 : 0.6875); (2.75 : 1)]" fixedFrom="Algorithm" fixedTo="Algorithm"> 124 124 <AssociationMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/Resource/Resource_StateLog" /> 125 125 <nodes> … … 172 172 </nodes> 173 173 </associationConnector> 174 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(1 2.664065 : 2.77089680989583); (12.664065 : 3.7131987421875); (13.5 : 3.7131987421875)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed">174 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(13.25 : 2.73159912109375); (13.5 : 2.73159912109375)]" fixedFrom="Algorithm" fixedTo="Algorithm"> 175 175 <AssociationMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/Resource/Resource_Downtime" /> 176 176 <nodes> … … 179 179 </nodes> 180 180 </associationConnector> 181 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(7. 5 : 4.30930826822917); (7.5 : 4.876650890625); (7.97916666666667 : 4.876650890625 : JumpStart); (8.14583333333333 : 4.876650890625 : JumpEnd); (8.875 : 4.876650890625)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed">181 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(7.96163946463664 : 4.30930826822917); (7.96163946463664 : 5.09699625651042); (8.875 : 5.09699625651042)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed"> 182 182 <AssociationMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/Task/Task_AssignedResource" /> 183 183 <nodes> … … 186 186 </nodes> 187 187 </associationConnector> 188 <associationConnector edgePoints="[( 8.0625 : 4.30930826822917); (8.0625 : 5.625)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed">188 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(7.16831973231832 : 4.30930826822917); (7.16831973231832 : 5.875)]" fixedFrom="NotFixed" fixedTo="NotFixed"> 189 189 <AssociationMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/Task/Task_RequiredPlugin" /> 190 190 <nodes> … … 228 228 </nodes> 229 229 </associationConnector> 230 <classShape Id="a3f352be-9f15-4e73-8d44-3e8ac02fb4cf" absoluteBounds="11.25, 3.875, 2, 1.3862939453124996"> 231 <DataClassMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/ResourcePermission" /> 232 <nestedChildShapes> 233 <elementListCompartment Id="45e2f1a8-8a1e-4647-b649-10ec55976ab4" absoluteBounds="11.265, 4.335, 1.9700000000000002, 0.8262939453125" name="DataPropertiesCompartment" titleTextColor="Black" itemTextColor="Black" /> 234 </nestedChildShapes> 235 </classShape> 236 <associationConnector edgePoints="[(12.5942481820367 : 2.9631982421875); (12.5942481820367 : 3.875)]" fixedFrom="Algorithm" fixedTo="Algorithm"> 237 <AssociationMoniker Name="/HiveDataContext/Resource/Resource_SlavePermission" /> 238 <nodes> 239 <classShapeMoniker Id="706a4581-6daf-4e71-ae2a-87d50b27a051" /> 240 <classShapeMoniker Id="a3f352be-9f15-4e73-8d44-3e8ac02fb4cf" /> 241 </nodes> 242 </associationConnector> 230 243 </nestedChildShapes> 231 244 </ordesignerObjectsDiagram> -
r7862 r7916 3 3 // <auto-generated> 4 4 // This code was generated by a tool. 5 // Runtime Version:4.0.30319. 5445 // Runtime Version:4.0.30319.269 6 6 // 7 7 // Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if … … 79 79 partial void UpdateStatistics(Statistics instance); 80 80 partial void DeleteStatistics(Statistics instance); 81 partial void InsertResourcePermission(ResourcePermission instance); 82 partial void UpdateResourcePermission(ResourcePermission instance); 83 partial void DeleteResourcePermission(ResourcePermission instance); 81 84 #endregion 82 85 … … 236 239 { 237 240 return this.GetTable<Statistics>(); 241 } 242 } 243 244 public System.Data.Linq.Table<ResourcePermission> ResourcePermissions 245 { 246 get 247 { 248 return this.GetTable<ResourcePermission>(); 238 249 } 239 250 } … … 857 868 private int _HbInterval; 858 869 870 private System.Nullable<System.Guid> _OwnerUserId; 871 859 872 private EntitySet<AssignedResource> _AssignedResources; 860 873 … … 864 877 865 878 private EntitySet<StateLog> _StateLogs; 879 880 private EntitySet<ResourcePermission> _ResourcePermissions; 866 881 867 882 private EntityRef<Resource> _ParentResource; … … 881 896 partial void OnHbIntervalChanging(int value); 882 897 partial void OnHbIntervalChanged(); 898 partial void OnOwnerUserIdChanging(System.Nullable<System.Guid> value); 899 partial void OnOwnerUserIdChanged(); 883 900 #endregion 884 901 … … 889 906 this._UptimeCalendars = new EntitySet<Downtime>(new Action<Downtime>(this.attach_UptimeCalendars), new Action<Downtime>(this.detach_UptimeCalendars)); 890 907 this._StateLogs = new EntitySet<StateLog>(new Action<StateLog>(this.attach_StateLogs), new Action<StateLog>(this.detach_StateLogs)); 908 this._ResourcePermissions = new EntitySet<ResourcePermission>(new Action<ResourcePermission>(this.attach_ResourcePermissions), new Action<ResourcePermission>(this.detach_ResourcePermissions)); 891 909 this._ParentResource = default(EntityRef<Resource>); 892 910 OnCreated(); … … 997 1015 } 998 1016 1017 [global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage="_OwnerUserId", DbType="UniqueIdentifier")] 1018 public System.Nullable<System.Guid> OwnerUserId 1019 { 1020 get 1021 { 1022 return this._OwnerUserId; 1023 } 1024 set 1025 { 1026 if ((this._OwnerUserId != value)) 1027 { 1028 this.OnOwnerUserIdChanging(value); 1029 this.SendPropertyChanging(); 1030 this._OwnerUserId = value; 1031 this.SendPropertyChanged("OwnerUserId"); 1032 this.OnOwnerUserIdChanged(); 1033 } 1034 } 1035 } 1036 999 1037 [global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AssociationAttribute(Name="Resource_AssignedResource", Storage="_AssignedResources", ThisKey="ResourceId", OtherKey="ResourceId")] 1000 1038 public EntitySet<AssignedResource> AssignedResources … … 1046 1084 { 1047 1085 this._StateLogs.Assign(value); 1086 } 1087 } 1088 1089 [global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AssociationAttribute(Name="Resource_SlavePermission", Storage="_ResourcePermissions", ThisKey="ResourceId", OtherKey="ResourceId")] 1090 public EntitySet<ResourcePermission> ResourcePermissions 1091 { 1092 get 1093 { 1094 return this._ResourcePermissions; 1095 } 1096 set 1097 { 1098 this._ResourcePermissions.Assign(value); 1048 1099 } 1049 1100 } … … 1146 1197 1147 1198 private void detach_StateLogs(StateLog entity) 1199 { 1200 this.SendPropertyChanging(); 1201 entity.Resource = null; 1202 } 1203 1204 private void attach_ResourcePermissions(ResourcePermission entity) 1205 { 1206 this.SendPropertyChanging(); 1207 entity.Resource = this; 1208 } 1209 1210 private void detach_ResourcePermissions(ResourcePermission entity) 1148 1211 { 1149 1212 this.SendPropertyChanging(); … … 4199 4262 } 4200 4263 } 4264 4265 [global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute(Name="dbo.ResourcePermission")] 4266 public partial class ResourcePermission : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged 4267 { 4268 4269 private static PropertyChangingEventArgs emptyChangingEventArgs = new PropertyChangingEventArgs(String.Empty); 4270 4271 private System.Guid _ResourceId; 4272 4273 private System.Guid _GrantedUserId; 4274 4275 private System.Guid _GrantedByUserId; 4276 4277 private EntityRef<Resource> _Resource; 4278 4279 #region Extensibility Method Definitions 4280 partial void OnLoaded(); 4281 partial void OnValidate(System.Data.Linq.ChangeAction action); 4282 partial void OnCreated(); 4283 partial void OnResourceIdChanging(System.Guid value); 4284 partial void OnResourceIdChanged(); 4285 partial void OnGrantedUserIdChanging(System.Guid value); 4286 partial void OnGrantedUserIdChanged(); 4287 partial void OnGrantedByUserIdChanging(System.Guid value); 4288 partial void OnGrantedByUserIdChanged(); 4289 #endregion 4290 4291 public ResourcePermission() 4292 { 4293 this._Resource = default(EntityRef<Resource>); 4294 OnCreated(); 4295 } 4296 4297 [global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage="_ResourceId", DbType="UniqueIdentifier NOT NULL", IsPrimaryKey=true)] 4298 public System.Guid ResourceId 4299 { 4300 get 4301 { 4302 return this._ResourceId; 4303 } 4304 set 4305 { 4306 if ((this._ResourceId != value)) 4307 { 4308 if (this._Resource.HasLoadedOrAssignedValue) 4309 { 4310 throw new System.Data.Linq.ForeignKeyReferenceAlreadyHasValueException(); 4311 } 4312 this.OnResourceIdChanging(value); 4313 this.SendPropertyChanging(); 4314 this._ResourceId = value; 4315 this.SendPropertyChanged("ResourceId"); 4316 this.OnResourceIdChanged(); 4317 } 4318 } 4319 } 4320 4321 [global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage="_GrantedUserId", DbType="UniqueIdentifier NOT NULL", IsPrimaryKey=true)] 4322 public System.Guid GrantedUserId 4323 { 4324 get 4325 { 4326 return this._GrantedUserId; 4327 } 4328 set 4329 { 4330 if ((this._GrantedUserId != value)) 4331 { 4332 this.OnGrantedUserIdChanging(value); 4333 this.SendPropertyChanging(); 4334 this._GrantedUserId = value; 4335 this.SendPropertyChanged("GrantedUserId"); 4336 this.OnGrantedUserIdChanged(); 4337 } 4338 } 4339 } 4340 4341 [global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage="_GrantedByUserId", DbType="UniqueIdentifier NOT NULL")] 4342 public System.Guid GrantedByUserId 4343 { 4344 get 4345 { 4346 return this._GrantedByUserId; 4347 } 4348 set 4349 { 4350 if ((this._GrantedByUserId != value)) 4351 { 4352 this.OnGrantedByUserIdChanging(value); 4353 this.SendPropertyChanging(); 4354 this._GrantedByUserId = value; 4355 this.SendPropertyChanged("GrantedByUserId"); 4356 this.OnGrantedByUserIdChanged(); 4357 } 4358 } 4359 } 4360 4361 [global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AssociationAttribute(Name="Resource_SlavePermission", Storage="_Resource", ThisKey="ResourceId", OtherKey="ResourceId", IsForeignKey=true)] 4362 public Resource Resource 4363 { 4364 get 4365 { 4366 return this._Resource.Entity; 4367 } 4368 set 4369 { 4370 Resource previousValue = this._Resource.Entity; 4371 if (((previousValue != value) 4372 || (this._Resource.HasLoadedOrAssignedValue == false))) 4373 { 4374 this.SendPropertyChanging(); 4375 if ((previousValue != null)) 4376 { 4377 this._Resource.Entity = null; 4378 previousValue.ResourcePermissions.Remove(this); 4379 } 4380 this._Resource.Entity = value; 4381 if ((value != null)) 4382 { 4383 value.ResourcePermissions.Add(this); 4384 this._ResourceId = value.ResourceId; 4385 } 4386 else 4387 { 4388 this._ResourceId = default(System.Guid); 4389 } 4390 this.SendPropertyChanged("Resource"); 4391 } 4392 } 4393 } 4394 4395 public event PropertyChangingEventHandler PropertyChanging; 4396 4397 public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; 4398 4399 protected virtual void SendPropertyChanging() 4400 { 4401 if ((this.PropertyChanging != null)) 4402 { 4403 this.PropertyChanging(this, emptyChangingEventArgs); 4404 } 4405 } 4406 4407 protected virtual void SendPropertyChanged(String propertyName) 4408 { 4409 if ((this.PropertyChanged != null)) 4410 { 4411 this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); 4412 } 4413 } 4414 } 4201 4415 } 4202 4416 #pragma warning restore 1591 -
trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive.DataAccess/3.3/SQL Scripts/Initialize Hive Database.sql
r7857 r7916 42 42 [HbInterval] int NOT NULL, 43 43 [IsDisposable] Bit, 44 [OwnerUserId] UniqueIdentifier, 44 45 CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.Resource] PRIMARY KEY ([ResourceId]) 46 ) 47 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ResourcePermission]( 48 [ResourceId] UniqueIdentifier NOT NULL, 49 [GrantedUserId] UniqueIdentifier NOT NULL, 50 [GrantedByUserId] UniqueIdentifier NOT NULL, 51 CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.ResourcePermission] PRIMARY KEY ([ResourceId], [GrantedUserId]) 45 52 ) 46 53 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Task]( … … 156 163 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Resource] 157 164 ADD CONSTRAINT [Resource_Resource] FOREIGN KEY ([ParentResourceId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Resource]([ResourceId]) 165 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ResourcePermission] 166 ADD CONSTRAINT [Resource_ResourcePermission] FOREIGN KEY ([ResourceId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Resource]([ResourceId]) 158 167 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Task] 159 168 ADD CONSTRAINT [Task_Task] FOREIGN KEY ([ParentTaskId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Task]([TaskId]) -
trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive.DataAccess/3.3/SQL Scripts/Prepare Hive Database.sql
r7814 r7916 83 83 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobPermission] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [Job_JobPermission] FOREIGN KEY([JobId]) 84 84 REFERENCES [dbo].[Job] ([JobId]) 85 ON UPDATE CASCADE 86 ON DELETE CASCADE 87 GO 88 89 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ResourcePermission] DROP CONSTRAINT [Resource_ResourcePermission] 90 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ResourcePermission] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [Resource_ResourcePermission] FOREIGN KEY([ResourceId]) 91 REFERENCES [dbo].[Resource] ([ResourceId]) 85 92 ON UPDATE CASCADE 86 93 ON DELETE CASCADE -
r7857 r7916 200 200 #endregion 201 201 202 #region Resource 203 public static DT.Resource ToDto(DB.Resource source) { 204 if (source == null) return null; 205 return new DT.Resource { Id = source.ResourceId, Name = source.Name, ParentResourceId = source.ParentResourceId, HbInterval = source.HbInterval, OwnerUserId = source.OwnerUserId }; 206 } 207 public static DB.Resource ToEntity(DT.Resource source) { 208 if (source == null) return null; 209 var entity = new DB.Resource(); ToEntity(source, entity); 210 return entity; 211 } 212 public static void ToEntity(DT.Resource source, DB.Resource target) { 213 if ((source != null) && (target != null)) { 214 target.ResourceId = source.Id; target.Name = source.Name; target.ParentResourceId = source.ParentResourceId; target.HbInterval = source.HbInterval; target.OwnerUserId = source.OwnerUserId; 215 } 216 } 217 #endregion 218 219 #region SlaveGroup 220 public static DT.SlaveGroup ToDto(DB.SlaveGroup source) { 221 if (source == null) return null; 222 return new DT.SlaveGroup { Id = source.ResourceId, Name = source.Name, ParentResourceId = source.ParentResourceId, HbInterval = source.HbInterval, OwnerUserId = source.OwnerUserId }; 223 } 224 public static DB.SlaveGroup ToEntity(DT.SlaveGroup source) { 225 if (source == null) return null; 226 var entity = new DB.SlaveGroup(); ToEntity(source, entity); 227 return entity; 228 } 229 public static void ToEntity(DT.SlaveGroup source, DB.SlaveGroup target) { 230 if ((source != null) && (target != null)) { 231 target.ResourceId = source.Id; target.Name = source.Name; target.ParentResourceId = source.ParentResourceId; target.HbInterval = source.HbInterval; target.OwnerUserId = source.OwnerUserId; 232 } 233 } 234 #endregion 235 202 236 #region Slave 203 237 public static DT.Slave ToDto(DB.Slave source) { … … 219 253 CpuUtilization = source.CpuUtilization, 220 254 HbInterval = source.HbInterval, 221 IsDisposable = source.IsDisposable 255 IsDisposable = source.IsDisposable, 256 OwnerUserId = source.OwnerUserId 222 257 }; 223 258 } … … 245 280 target.HbInterval = source.HbInterval; 246 281 target.IsDisposable = source.IsDisposable; 247 } 248 } 249 #endregion 250 251 #region SlaveGroup 252 public static DT.SlaveGroup ToDto(DB.SlaveGroup source) { 253 if (source == null) return null; 254 return new DT.SlaveGroup { Id = source.ResourceId, Name = source.Name, ParentResourceId = source.ParentResourceId, HbInterval = source.HbInterval }; 255 } 256 public static DB.SlaveGroup ToEntity(DT.SlaveGroup source) { 257 if (source == null) return null; 258 var entity = new DB.SlaveGroup(); ToEntity(source, entity); 259 return entity; 260 } 261 public static void ToEntity(DT.SlaveGroup source, DB.SlaveGroup target) { 262 if ((source != null) && (target != null)) { 263 target.ResourceId = source.Id; target.Name = source.Name; target.ParentResourceId = source.ParentResourceId; target.HbInterval = source.HbInterval; 264 } 265 } 266 #endregion 267 268 #region Resource 269 public static DT.Resource ToDto(DB.Resource source) { 270 if (source == null) return null; 271 return new DT.Resource { Id = source.ResourceId, Name = source.Name, ParentResourceId = source.ParentResourceId, HbInterval = source.HbInterval }; 272 } 273 public static DB.Resource ToEntity(DT.Resource source) { 274 if (source == null) return null; 275 var entity = new DB.Resource(); ToEntity(source, entity); 276 return entity; 277 } 278 public static void ToEntity(DT.Resource source, DB.Resource target) { 279 if ((source != null) && (target != null)) { 280 target.ResourceId = source.Id; target.Name = source.Name; target.ParentResourceId = source.ParentResourceId; target.HbInterval = source.HbInterval; 281 } 282 } 283 #endregion 284 285 #region Statistics 286 public static DT.Statistics ToDto(DB.Statistics source) { 287 if (source == null) return null; 288 return new DT.Statistics { 289 Id = source.StatisticsId, 290 TimeStamp = source.Timestamp, 291 SlaveStatistics = source.SlaveStatistics.Select(x => Convert.ToDto(x)).ToArray(), 292 UserStatistics = source.UserStatistics.Select(x => Convert.ToDto(x)).ToArray() 293 }; 294 } 295 public static DB.Statistics ToEntity(DT.Statistics source) { 296 if (source == null) return null; 297 var entity = new DB.Statistics(); ToEntity(source, entity); 298 return entity; 299 } 300 public static void ToEntity(DT.Statistics source, DB.Statistics target) { 301 if ((source != null) && (target != null)) { 302 target.StatisticsId = source.Id; 303 target.Timestamp = source.TimeStamp; 304 282 target.OwnerUserId = source.OwnerUserId; 283 } 284 } 285 #endregion 286 287 #region ResourcePermission 288 public static DT.ResourcePermission ToDto(DB.ResourcePermission source) { 289 if (source == null) return null; 290 return new DT.ResourcePermission { ResourceId = source.ResourceId, GrantedUserId = source.GrantedUserId, GrantedByUserId = source.GrantedByUserId }; 291 } 292 public static DB.ResourcePermission ToEntity(DT.ResourcePermission source) { 293 if (source == null) return null; 294 var entity = new DB.ResourcePermission(); ToEntity(source, entity); 295 return entity; 296 } 297 public static void ToEntity(DT.ResourcePermission source, DB.ResourcePermission target) { 298 if ((source != null) && (target != null)) { 299 target.ResourceId = source.ResourceId; target.GrantedUserId = source.GrantedUserId; target.GrantedByUserId = source.GrantedByUserId; 305 300 } 306 301 } … … 334 329 target.FreeMemory = source.FreeMemory; 335 330 target.Memory = source.Memory; 331 } 332 } 333 #endregion 334 335 #region Statistics 336 public static DT.Statistics ToDto(DB.Statistics source) { 337 if (source == null) return null; 338 return new DT.Statistics { 339 Id = source.StatisticsId, 340 TimeStamp = source.Timestamp, 341 SlaveStatistics = source.SlaveStatistics.Select(x => Convert.ToDto(x)).ToArray(), 342 UserStatistics = source.UserStatistics.Select(x => Convert.ToDto(x)).ToArray() 343 }; 344 } 345 public static DB.Statistics ToEntity(DT.Statistics source) { 346 if (source == null) return null; 347 var entity = new DB.Statistics(); ToEntity(source, entity); 348 return entity; 349 } 350 public static void ToEntity(DT.Statistics source, DB.Statistics target) { 351 if ((source != null) && (target != null)) { 352 target.StatisticsId = source.Id; 353 target.Timestamp = source.TimeStamp; 354 336 355 } 337 356 } -
r7259 r7916 29 29 [DataMember] 30 30 public Guid? ParentResourceId { get; set; } 31 32 31 [DataMember] 33 32 public int HbInterval { get; set; } 33 [DataMember] 34 public Guid? OwnerUserId { get; set; } 34 35 35 36 public Resource() { } -
r7189 r7916 114 114 <Compile Include="Convert.cs" /> 115 115 <Compile Include="DataTransfer\Command.cs" /> 116 <Compile Include="DataTransfer\ResourcePermission.cs" /> 116 117 <Compile Include="DataTransfer\Downtime.cs" /> 117 118 <Compile Include="DataTransfer\Heartbeat.cs" /> -
r7259 r7916 613 613 #endregion 614 614 615 #region ResourcePermission Methods 616 public DT.ResourcePermission GetResourcePermission(Guid resourceId, Guid grantedUserId) { 617 using (var db = CreateContext()) { 618 return DT.Convert.ToDto(db.ResourcePermissions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ResourceId == resourceId && x.GrantedUserId == grantedUserId)); 619 } 620 } 621 622 public IEnumerable<DT.ResourcePermission> GetResourcePermissions(Expression<Func<ResourcePermission, bool>> predicate) { 623 using (var db = CreateContext()) { 624 return db.ResourcePermissions.Where(predicate).Select(x => DT.Convert.ToDto(x)).ToArray(); 625 } 626 } 627 628 public void AddResourcePermission(DT.ResourcePermission dto) { 629 using (var db = CreateContext()) { 630 var entity = db.ResourcePermissions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ResourceId == dto.ResourceId && x.GrantedUserId == dto.GrantedUserId); 631 if (entity == null) { db.ResourcePermissions.InsertOnSubmit(DT.Convert.ToEntity(dto)); db.SubmitChanges(); } 632 } 633 } 634 635 public void UpdateResourcePermission(DT.ResourcePermission dto) { 636 using (var db = CreateContext()) { 637 var entity = db.ResourcePermissions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ResourceId == dto.ResourceId && x.GrantedUserId == dto.GrantedUserId); 638 if (entity == null) db.ResourcePermissions.InsertOnSubmit(DT.Convert.ToEntity(dto)); 639 else DT.Convert.ToEntity(dto, entity); 640 db.SubmitChanges(); 641 } 642 } 643 644 public void DeleteResourcePermission(Guid resourceId, Guid grantedUserId) { 645 using (var db = CreateContext()) { 646 var entity = db.ResourcePermissions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ResourceId == resourceId && x.GrantedUserId == grantedUserId); 647 if (entity != null) db.ResourcePermissions.DeleteOnSubmit(entity); 648 db.SubmitChanges(); 649 } 650 } 651 #endregion 652 615 653 #region Authorization Methods 616 654 public Permission GetPermissionForTask(Guid taskId, Guid userId) { -
r7910 r7916 353 353 public void Hello(Slave slaveInfo) { 354 354 authen.AuthenticateForAnyRole(HiveRoles.Slave); 355 if (userManager.CurrentUser.UserName != "hiveslave") 356 slaveInfo.OwnerUserId = userManager.CurrentUserId; 357 355 358 trans.UseTransaction(() => { 356 359 var slave = dao.GetSlave(slaveInfo.Id); … … 359 362 dao.AddSlave(slaveInfo); 360 363 } else { 361 var dbSlave = dao.GetSlave(slaveInfo.Id); 362 363 dbSlave.Name = slaveInfo.Name; 364 dbSlave.Description = slaveInfo.Description; 365 366 dbSlave.Cores = slaveInfo.Cores; 367 dbSlave.CpuArchitecture = slaveInfo.CpuArchitecture; 368 dbSlave.CpuSpeed = slaveInfo.CpuSpeed; 369 dbSlave.FreeCores = slaveInfo.FreeCores; 370 dbSlave.FreeMemory = slaveInfo.FreeMemory; 371 dbSlave.Memory = slaveInfo.Memory; 372 dbSlave.OperatingSystem = slaveInfo.OperatingSystem; 373 374 dbSlave.LastHeartbeat = DateTime.Now; 375 dbSlave.SlaveState = SlaveState.Idle; 364 slave.Name = slaveInfo.Name; 365 slave.Description = slaveInfo.Description; 366 slave.OwnerUserId = slaveInfo.OwnerUserId; 367 368 slave.Cores = slaveInfo.Cores; 369 slave.CpuArchitecture = slaveInfo.CpuArchitecture; 370 slave.CpuSpeed = slaveInfo.CpuSpeed; 371 slave.FreeCores = slaveInfo.FreeCores; 372 slave.FreeMemory = slaveInfo.FreeMemory; 373 slave.Memory = slaveInfo.Memory; 374 slave.OperatingSystem = slaveInfo.OperatingSystem; 375 376 slave.LastHeartbeat = DateTime.Now; 377 slave.SlaveState = SlaveState.Idle; 376 378 377 379 // don't update those properties: dbSlave.IsAllowedToCalculate, dbSlave.ParentResourceId 378 380 379 dao.UpdateSlave( dbSlave);381 dao.UpdateSlave(slave); 380 382 } 381 383 }); … … 461 463 authen.AuthenticateForAnyRole(HiveRoles.Administrator, HiveRoles.Client, HiveRoles.Slave); 462 464 dao.DeletePlugin(pluginId); 465 } 466 #endregion 467 468 #region ResourcePermission Methods 469 public void GrantResourcePermission(Guid resourceId, Guid grantedUserId) { 470 authen.AuthenticateForAnyRole(HiveRoles.Administrator, HiveRoles.Client); 471 trans.UseTransaction(() => { 472 Resource resource = dao.GetResource(resourceId); 473 if (resource == null) throw new FaultException<FaultReason>(new FaultReason("Could not find resource with id " + resourceId)); 474 if (resource.OwnerUserId != userManager.CurrentUserId) throw new FaultException<FaultReason>(new FaultReason("Not allowed to grant permission for this resource")); 475 dao.AddResourcePermission(new ResourcePermission { ResourceId = resourceId, GrantedByUserId = userManager.CurrentUserId, GrantedUserId = grantedUserId }); 476 }); 477 } 478 479 public void RevokeResourcePermission(Guid resourceId, Guid grantedUserId) { 480 authen.AuthenticateForAnyRole(HiveRoles.Administrator, HiveRoles.Client); 481 trans.UseTransaction(() => { 482 Resource resource = dao.GetResource(resourceId); 483 if (resource == null) throw new FaultException<FaultReason>(new FaultReason("Could not find resource with id " + resourceId)); 484 if (resource.OwnerUserId != userManager.CurrentUserId) throw new FaultException<FaultReason>(new FaultReason("Not allowed to revoke permission for this resource")); 485 dao.DeleteResourcePermission(resourceId, grantedUserId); 486 }); 487 } 488 489 public IEnumerable<ResourcePermission> GetResourcePermissions(Guid resourceId) { 490 authen.AuthenticateForAnyRole(HiveRoles.Administrator, HiveRoles.Client); 491 return trans.UseTransaction(() => { 492 Resource resource = dao.GetResource(resourceId); 493 if (resource == null) throw new FaultException<FaultReason>(new FaultReason("Could not find resource with id " + resourceId)); 494 if (resource.OwnerUserId != userManager.CurrentUserId) throw new FaultException<FaultReason>(new FaultReason("Not allowed to list permissions for this resource")); 495 return dao.GetResourcePermissions(x => x.ResourceId == resourceId); 496 }); 463 497 } 464 498 #endregion … … 497 531 public IEnumerable<Slave> GetSlaves() { 498 532 authen.AuthenticateForAnyRole(HiveRoles.Administrator, HiveRoles.Client); 499 return dao.GetSlaves(x => true); 533 return dao.GetSlaves(x => x.OwnerUserId == null 534 || x.OwnerUserId == userManager.CurrentUserId 535 || x.ResourcePermissions.Count(y => y.GrantedUserId == userManager.CurrentUserId) > 0 536 || authen.IsInRole(HiveRoles.Administrator)); 500 537 } 501 538 502 539 public IEnumerable<SlaveGroup> GetSlaveGroups() { 503 540 authen.AuthenticateForAnyRole(HiveRoles.Administrator, HiveRoles.Client); 504 return dao.GetSlaveGroups(x => true); 541 return dao.GetSlaveGroups(x => x.OwnerUserId == null 542 || x.OwnerUserId == userManager.CurrentUserId 543 || x.ResourcePermissions.Count(y => y.GrantedUserId == userManager.CurrentUserId) > 0 544 || authen.IsInRole(HiveRoles.Administrator)); 505 545 } 506 546 -
r7259 r7916 117 117 #endregion 118 118 119 #region ResourcePermission Methods 120 DT.ResourcePermission GetResourcePermission(Guid resourceId, Guid grantedUserId); 121 IEnumerable<DT.ResourcePermission> GetResourcePermissions(Expression<Func<ResourcePermission, bool>> predicate); 122 void AddResourcePermission(DT.ResourcePermission dto); 123 void UpdateResourcePermission(DT.ResourcePermission dto); 124 void DeleteResourcePermission(Guid resourceId, Guid grantedUserId); 125 #endregion 126 119 127 #region Authorization Methods 120 128 Permission GetPermissionForTask(Guid taskId, Guid userId); -
r7259 r7916 158 158 #endregion 159 159 160 #region ResourcePermission Methods 161 [OperationContract] 162 void GrantResourcePermission(Guid resourceId, Guid grantedUserId); 163 164 [OperationContract] 165 void RevokeResourcePermission(Guid resourceId, Guid grantedUserId); 166 167 [OperationContract] 168 IEnumerable<ResourcePermission> GetResourcePermissions(Guid resourceId); 169 #endregion 170 160 171 #region Slave Methods 161 172 [OperationContract]
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.