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Changeset 6991

11/14/11 17:08:32 (13 years ago)

#1669: First version with a simpler design as discussed with Michael Kommenda has been implemented and will be tested soon. Currently only the KotanchekFunction.cs is changed accordingly. Other benchmarks are going to follow soon.

The classes for the different distributions are not needed any longer. Static methods in RegressionBenchmark replace them.

1 deleted
10 edited


  • branches/RegressionBenchmarks/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks/3.4/Generator/RegressionBenchmark.cs

    r6968 r6991  
    22 using System;
    2322using System.Collections;
    2423using System.Collections.Generic;
    2625using HeuristicLab.Common;
    2726using HeuristicLab.Data;
     27using HeuristicLab.Random;
    2929namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks {
    3030  public abstract class RegressionBenchmark : Benchmark, IRegressionBenchmarkProblemDataGenerator {
     32    #region properties
     33    public abstract List<string> InputVariable { get; }
     34    public abstract string TargetVariable { get; }
     35    public abstract IntRange TrainingPartition { get; }
     36    public abstract IntRange TestPartition { get; }
     37    #endregion
    3239    protected RegressionBenchmark() { }
    3542    }
    37     #region properties
    38     public string TargetVariable { get; protected set; }
    39     public Dictionary<string, IntRange> Inputvariables { get; protected set; }
    40     public int AmountOfPoints { get; protected set; }
    41     public IntRange TrainingPartition { get; protected set; }
    42     public IntRange TestPartition { get; protected set; }
    43     #endregion
     44    protected abstract List<double> CalculateFunction(Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data);
    45     protected abstract double CalculateFunction(Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data, List<string> vars);
     46    protected abstract Dictionary<string, IList<double>> GenerateInput(Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data);
    4748    public IDataAnalysisProblemData GenerateProblemData() {
    48       //prepare dictionary
    4949      Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data = new Dictionary<string, IList<double>>();
    50       data.Add(TargetVariable, new List<double>());
    51       foreach (var variable in Inputvariables.Keys) {
     50      data.Add(this.TargetVariable, new List<double>());
     51      foreach (var variable in this.InputVariable) {
    5252        data.Add(variable, new List<double>());
    5353      }
    55       data = CalculateValues(data);
     55      data = GenerateInput(data);
    5757      List<IList> values = new List<IList>();
    6565      RegressionProblemData problemData = new RegressionProblemData(dataset, dataset.DoubleVariables.Skip(1), dataset.DoubleVariables.First());
    67       #region set ProblemData specific parameters
    6867      problemData.Name = "Data generated for benchmark problem \"" + this.Name + "\"";
    70       problemData.TargetVariableParameter.Value =
    71         problemData.TargetVariableParameter.ValidValues.First(v => v.Value == TargetVariable);
    72       problemData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
    73         problemData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == TargetVariable), false);
    75       foreach (var variable in this.Inputvariables) {
    76         problemData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
    77           problemData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == variable.Key), true);
    78       }
    8070      problemData.TestPartition.Start = this.TestPartition.Start;
    8171      problemData.TestPartition.End = this.TestPartition.End;
    8273      problemData.TrainingPartition.Start = this.TrainingPartition.Start;
    8374      problemData.TrainingPartition.End = this.TrainingPartition.End;
    84       #endregion
    8676      return problemData;
    8777    }
    89     private Dictionary<string, IList<double>> CalculateValues(Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data) {
    90       Random rand = new Random();
    91       List<string> vars = new List<string>(Inputvariables.Keys);
    92       for (int i = 0; i < AmountOfPoints; i++) {
    93         foreach (var variable in vars) {
    94           data[variable].Add(rand.NextDouble() *
    95             (Inputvariables[variable].End - Inputvariables[variable].Start) +
    96             Inputvariables[variable].Start);
    97         }
     79    //private Dictionary<string, IList<double>> CalculateValues(Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data, DatasetDefinition dataDef) {
     80    //  Random rand = new Random();
     81    //  var combinationDataSet = AllCombinationsOf(dataDef.RangeVariables.Values.Select(range => range.Values).ToList());
     82    //  int index = 0;
     83    //  var help = dataDef.RangeVariables.Keys;
     84    //  foreach (var dataSet in combinationDataSet) {
     85    //    data[help.ElementAt(index)] = dataSet;
     86    //    index++;
     87    //  }
     88    //  List<string> vars = new List<string>(dataDef.RandomVariables.Keys);
     89    //  for (int i = 0; i < dataDef.AmountOfPoints; i++) {
     90    //    foreach (var variable in vars) {
     91    //      data[variable].Add(dataDef.RandomVariables[variable].Next());
     92    //    }
     93    //    //  data[TargetVariable].Add(CalculateFunction(data, vars));
     94    //  }
     95    //  int bla = 0;
     96    //  var test = data.Values.Select((ind) => (ind.ElementAt(bla)));
    99         data[TargetVariable].Add(CalculateFunction(data, vars));
     98    //  return data;
     99    //}
     101    public static List<double> generateSteps(DoubleRange range, double stepWidth) {
     102      return Enumerable.Range(0, (int)((range.End - range.Start) / stepWidth) + 1)
     103                                      .Select(i => (range.Start + i * stepWidth))
     104                                      .ToList<double>();
     105    }
     107    public static List<double> generateUniformDistributedValues(int amount, DoubleRange range) {
     108      List<double> values = new List<double>();
     109      System.Random rand = new System.Random();
     110      for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
     111        values.Add(rand.NextDouble() * (range.End - range.Start) + range.Start);
    100112      }
    101       return data;
     113      return values;
     114    }
     116    public static List<double> generateNormalDistributedValues(int amount, double mu, double sigma) {
     117      List<double> values = new List<double>();
     118      FastRandom rand = new FastRandom();
     119      for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
     120        values.Add(NormalDistributedRandom.NextDouble(rand, mu, sigma));
     121      }
     122      return values;
     123    }
     125    public static List<List<double>> AllCombinationsOf(List<List<double>> sets) {
     127      var combinations = new List<List<double>>();
     129      foreach (var value in sets[0])
     130        combinations.Add(new List<double> { value });
     132      foreach (var set in sets.Skip(1))
     133        combinations = AddExtraSet(combinations, set);
     135      return combinations;
     136    }
     138    private static List<List<double>> AddExtraSet
     139         (List<List<double>> combinations, List<double> set) {
     140      var newCombinations = from value in set
     141                            from combination in combinations
     142                            select new List<double>(combination) { value };
     144      return newCombinations.ToList();
    102145    }
    103146  }
  • branches/RegressionBenchmarks/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks/3.4/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks-3.4.csproj

    r6973 r6991  
    4949  <ItemGroup>
    5050    <Compile Include="Benchmark.cs" />
    51     <Compile Include="DistributionGenerator\Distribution.cs" />
    52     <Compile Include="DistributionGenerator\DistributionGenerator.cs" />
    53     <Compile Include="DistributionGenerator\NormalDistribution.cs" />
    54     <Compile Include="DistributionGenerator\RandomDistribution.cs" />
    55     <Compile Include="DistributionGenerator\StepsDistribution.cs" />
    56     <Compile Include="DistributionGenerator\UniformalDistribution.cs" />
    5751    <Compile Include="Plugin.cs" />
    5852    <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
    59     <Compile Include="RegressionBenchmarks\RationalPolynomial.cs" />
    60     <Compile Include="RegressionBenchmarks\RationalPolynomialTwo.cs" />
    61     <Compile Include="RegressionBenchmarks\RippleFunction.cs" />
    62     <Compile Include="RegressionBenchmarks\SalustowiczFunctionTwoDimensional.cs" />
    6353    <Compile Include="RegressionBenchmarks\KotanchekFunction.cs" />
    6454    <Compile Include="Generator\RegressionBenchmark.cs" />
    65     <Compile Include="RegressionBenchmarks\SalustowiczFunctionOneDimensional.cs" />
    66     <Compile Include="RegressionBenchmarks\SineCosineFunction.cs" />
    67     <Compile Include="RegressionBenchmarks\UnwrappedBallFunction.cs" />
    6855  </ItemGroup>
    6956  <ItemGroup>
    9683      <Name>HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis-3.4</Name>
    9784    </ProjectReference>
     85    <ProjectReference Include="..\..\HeuristicLab.Random\3.3\HeuristicLab.Random-3.3.csproj">
     86      <Project>{F4539FB6-4708-40C9-BE64-0A1390AEA197}</Project>
     87      <Name>HeuristicLab.Random-3.3</Name>
     88    </ProjectReference>
    9889  </ItemGroup>
    9990  <ItemGroup>
  • branches/RegressionBenchmarks/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks/3.4/RegressionBenchmarks/KotanchekFunction.cs

    r6968 r6991  
    3131  public class KotanchekFunction : RegressionBenchmark {
     33    private const string targetVariable = "Y";
     34    private static readonly List<string> inputVariables = new List<string>() { "X1", "X2" };
     35    private static readonly IntRange trainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 1000);
     36    private static readonly IntRange testPartition = new IntRange(1001, 2000);
     38    public override List<string> InputVariable {
     39      get { return inputVariables; }
     40    }
     42    public override string TargetVariable {
     43      get { return targetVariable; }
     44    }
     46    public override IntRange TrainingPartition {
     47      get { return trainingPartition; }
     48    }
     50    public override IntRange TestPartition {
     51      get { return testPartition; }
     52    }
    3354    public KotanchekFunction() {
    3455      Name = "Kotanchek function (2d)";
    35       TargetVariable = "y";
    36       Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
    37         {"x1", new IntRange(0, 4)},
    38         {"x2", new IntRange(0, 4)}
    39       };
    40       AmountOfPoints = 4000;
    41       TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
    42       TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
    4356    }
    5366    #endregion
    55     protected override double CalculateFunction(Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data, List<string> vars) {
    56       double x1 = data[vars.ElementAt(0)].Last();
    57       double x2 = data[vars.ElementAt(1)].Last();
    58       return Math.Exp(-Math.Pow(x1 - 1, 2)) / (Math.Pow(x2 - 2.5, 2) + 3.2);
     68    protected override List<double> CalculateFunction(Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data) {
     69      double x1, x2;
     70      List<double> results = new List<double>();
     71      for (int i = 0; i < TestPartition.End; i++) {
     72        x1 = data[InputVariable.ElementAt(0)].ElementAt(i);
     73        x2 = data[InputVariable.ElementAt(1)].ElementAt(i);
     74        results.Add(Math.Exp(-Math.Pow(x1 - 1, 2)) / (Math.Pow(x2 - 2.5, 2) + 3.2));
     75      }
     76      return results;
     77    }
     79    protected override Dictionary<string, IList<double>> GenerateInput(Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data) {
     80      foreach (var variable in InputVariable) {
     81        data[variable] = RegressionBenchmark.generateUniformDistributedValues(TestPartition.End, new DoubleRange(0, 4));
     82      }
     83      data[TargetVariable] = CalculateFunction(data);
     84      return data;
    5985    }
    6086  }
  • branches/RegressionBenchmarks/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks/3.4/RegressionBenchmarks/RationalPolynomial.cs

    r6968 r6991  
    2525using HeuristicLab.Common;
    2626using HeuristicLab.Core;
    27 using HeuristicLab.Data;
    2928namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks {
    3332    public RationalPolynomial() {
    34       Name = "Rational polynomial (3d)";
    35       TargetVariable = "y";
    36       Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
    37         {"x1", new IntRange(0, 2)},
    38         {"x2", new IntRange(1, 2)},
    39         {"x3", new IntRange(1, 2)}
    40       };
    41       AmountOfPoints = 4000;
    42       TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
    43       TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
     33      //Name = "Rational polynomial (3d)";
     34      //TargetVariable = "y";
     36      //var inputVariables = new Dictionary<string, RandomDistribution>() {
     37      //  {"x1", new UniformalDistribution(0, 2)},
     38      //  {"x2", new UniformalDistribution(1, 2)},
     39      //  {"x3", new UniformalDistribution(1, 2)}
     40      //};
     42      //TestData = new DatasetDefinition(2667, inputVariables);
     43      //TrainingData = new DatasetDefinition(1333, inputVariables);
    4444    }
    5454    #endregion
    56     protected override double CalculateFunction(Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data, List<string> vars) {
     56    protected override double CalculateFunction(Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data) {
    5757      double x1 = data[vars.ElementAt(0)].Last();
    5858      double x2 = data[vars.ElementAt(1)].Last();
    6060      return (30 * (x1 - 1) * (x3 - 1)) / ((x1 - 10) * Math.Pow(x2, 2));
    6161    }
     63    public override List<string> InputVariable {
     64      get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
     65    }
     67    public override string TargetVariable {
     68      get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
     69    }
     71    public override Data.IntRange TrainingPartition {
     72      get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
     73    }
     75    public override Data.IntRange TestPartition {
     76      get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
     77    }
     79    protected override Dictionary<string, IList<double>> GenerateInput(Dictionary<string, IList<double>> data) {
     80      throw new NotImplementedException();
     81    }
    6282  }
  • branches/RegressionBenchmarks/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks/3.4/RegressionBenchmarks/RationalPolynomialTwo.cs

    r6968 r6991  
    2525using HeuristicLab.Common;
    2626using HeuristicLab.Core;
    27 using HeuristicLab.Data;
    2928namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks {
    3332    public RationalPolynomialTwo() {
    3433      Name = "RationalPolynomial2 (2d)";
    35       TargetVariable = "y";
    36       Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
    37         {"x1", new IntRange(0, 6)},
    38         {"x2", new IntRange(0, 6)}
    39       };
    40       AmountOfPoints = 4000;
    41       TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
    42       TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
     34      //TargetVariable = "y";
     35      //Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
     36      //  {"x1", new IntRange(0, 6)},
     37      //  {"x2", new IntRange(0, 6)}
     38      //};
     39      //AmountOfPoints = 4000;
     40      //TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
     41      //TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
    4342    }
  • branches/RegressionBenchmarks/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks/3.4/RegressionBenchmarks/RippleFunction.cs

    r6968 r6991  
    2525using HeuristicLab.Common;
    2626using HeuristicLab.Core;
    27 using HeuristicLab.Data;
    2928namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks {
    3332    public RippleFunction() {
    3433      Name = "Ripple function (2d)";
    35       TargetVariable = "y";
    36       Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
    37         {"x1", new IntRange(0, 6)},
    38         {"x2", new IntRange(0, 6)}
    39       };
    40       AmountOfPoints = 4000;
    41       TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
    42       TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
     34      //TargetVariable = "y";
     35      //Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
     36      //  {"x1", new IntRange(0, 6)},
     37      //  {"x2", new IntRange(0, 6)}
     38      //};
     39      //AmountOfPoints = 4000;
     40      //TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
     41      //TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
    4342    }
  • branches/RegressionBenchmarks/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks/3.4/RegressionBenchmarks/SalustowiczFunctionOneDimensional.cs

    r6968 r6991  
    2525using HeuristicLab.Common;
    2626using HeuristicLab.Core;
    27 using HeuristicLab.Data;
    2928namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks {
    3332    public SalustowiczFunctionOneDimensional() {
    3433      Name = "Salustowicz function (1d)";
    35       TargetVariable = "y";
    36       Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
    37         {"x", new IntRange(0, 10)}
    38       };
    39       AmountOfPoints = 4000;
    40       TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
    41       TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
     34      //TargetVariable = "y";
     35      //Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
     36      //  {"x", new IntRange(0, 10)}
     37      //};
     38      //AmountOfPoints = 4000;
     39      //TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
     40      //TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
    4241    }
  • branches/RegressionBenchmarks/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks/3.4/RegressionBenchmarks/SalustowiczFunctionTwoDimensional.cs

    r6968 r6991  
    2525using HeuristicLab.Common;
    2626using HeuristicLab.Core;
    27 using HeuristicLab.Data;
    2928namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks {
    3332    public SalustowiczFunctionTwoDimensional() {
    3433      Name = "Salustowicz function (2d)";
    35       TargetVariable = "y";
    36       Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
    37         {"x1", new IntRange(0, 10)},
    38         {"x2", new IntRange(0, 10)}
    39       };
    40       AmountOfPoints = 4000;
    41       TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
    42       TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
     34      //TargetVariable = "y";
     35      //Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
     36      //  {"x1", new IntRange(0, 10)},
     37      //  {"x2", new IntRange(0, 10)}
     38      //};
     39      //AmountOfPoints = 4000;
     40      //TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
     41      //TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
    4342    }
  • branches/RegressionBenchmarks/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks/3.4/RegressionBenchmarks/SineCosineFunction.cs

    r6968 r6991  
    2525using HeuristicLab.Common;
    2626using HeuristicLab.Core;
    27 using HeuristicLab.Data;
    2928namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks {
    3332    public SineCosineFunction() {
    3433      Name = "SineCosine function (2d)";
    35       TargetVariable = "y";
    36       Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
    37         {"x1", new IntRange(0, 6)},
    38         {"x2", new IntRange(0, 6)}
    39       };
    40       AmountOfPoints = 4000;
    41       TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
    42       TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
     34      //TargetVariable = "y";
     35      //Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
     36      //  {"x1", new IntRange(0, 6)},
     37      //  {"x2", new IntRange(0, 6)}
     38      //};
     39      //AmountOfPoints = 4000;
     40      //TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
     41      //TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
    4342    }
  • branches/RegressionBenchmarks/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks/3.4/RegressionBenchmarks/UnwrappedBallFunction.cs

    r6968 r6991  
    2525using HeuristicLab.Common;
    2626using HeuristicLab.Core;
    27 using HeuristicLab.Data;
    2928namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Benchmarks {
    3332    public UnwrappedBallFunction() {
    3433      Name = "UnwrappedBall function (1d)";
    35       TargetVariable = "y";
    36       Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
    37         {"x1", new IntRange(-2, 8)}
    38       };
    39       AmountOfPoints = 4000;
    40       TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
    41       TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
     34      //TargetVariable = "y";
     35      //Inputvariables = new Dictionary<string, IntRange>() {
     36      //  {"x1", new IntRange(-2, 8)}
     37      //};
     38      //AmountOfPoints = 4000;
     39      //TrainingPartition = new IntRange(0, 2667);
     40      //TestPartition = new IntRange(TrainingPartition.End, AmountOfPoints);
    4241    }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.