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Changeset 562

09/13/08 20:32:22 (16 years ago)
  • implemented selection of points
  • implemented functionality to open the underlying FunctionTree of a point

#268 (Possibility to open the function-tree of any model (represented as point in the scatter-plot))

3 edited


  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.CEDMA.Charting/BubbleChart.cs

    r561 r562  
    2626using System.Linq;
    2727using HeuristicLab.Charting;
     28using System.Windows.Forms;
    2930namespace HeuristicLab.CEDMA.Charting {
    3637    private const int minAlpha = 50;
    3738    private static readonly Color defaultColor = Color.Blue;
    39     private List<string> dimensions;
    40     private Dictionary<string, List<double>> values;
     39    private static readonly Color selectionColor = Color.Red;
    4141    private double xJitterFactor = 0.0;
    4242    private double yJitterFactor = 0.0;
    4949    private double maxX = double.NegativeInfinity;
    5050    private double maxY = double.NegativeInfinity;
     51    private List<Record> records;
     52    private ResultList results;
     53    private Dictionary<IPrimitive, Record> primitiveToRecordDictionary;
    5254    private Random random = new Random();
    54     public BubbleChart(PointD lowerLeft, PointD upperRight)
     55    private Group points;
     57    public BubbleChart(ResultList results, PointD lowerLeft, PointD upperRight)
    5558      : base(lowerLeft, upperRight) {
    56       dimensions = new List<string>();
    57       values = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
    58     }
    59     public BubbleChart(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
    60       : this(new PointD(x1, y1), new PointD(x2, y2)) {
    61     }
    63     public void AddDimension(string name) {
    64       dimensions.Add(name);
    65       values.Add(name, new List<double>());
    66     }
    67     public void RemoveDimension(string name) {
    68       dimensions.Remove(name);
    69       values.Remove(name);
    70     }
    72     public void AddDataPoint(string dimension, double value) {
    73       values[dimension].Add(value);
    74     }
     59      records = new List<Record>();
     60      primitiveToRecordDictionary = new Dictionary<IPrimitive, Record>();
     61      this.results = results;
     62      results.OnRecordAdded += new EventHandler<RecordAddedEventArgs>(results_OnRecordAdded);
     63    }
     65    public BubbleChart(ResultList results, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
     66      : this(results, new PointD(x1, y1), new PointD(x2, y2)) {
     67    }
     69    void results_OnRecordAdded(object sender, RecordAddedEventArgs e) {
     70      lock(records) {
     71        e.Record.OnSelectionChanged += new EventHandler(Record_OnSelectionChanged);
     72        records.Add(e.Record);
     73      }
     74    }
     76    void Record_OnSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
     77      Record r = (Record)sender;
     78      foreach(KeyValuePair<IPrimitive, Record> pair in primitiveToRecordDictionary) {
     79        if(pair.Value == r) {
     80          IPrimitive primitive = pair.Key;
     81          if(r.Selected) {
     82            int alpha = primitive.Pen.Color.A;
     83            primitive.Pen.Color = Color.FromArgb(alpha, selectionColor);
     84            primitive.Brush = primitive.Pen.Brush;
     85            primitive.IntoForeground();
     86          } else {
     87            int alpha = primitive.Pen.Color.A;
     88            primitive.Pen.Color = Color.FromArgb(alpha, defaultColor);
     89            primitive.Brush = primitive.Pen.Brush;
     90            primitive.IntoBackground();
     91          }
     92          primitive.EnforceUpdate();
     93        }
     94      }
     95    }
     97    //public void AddDimension(string name) {
     98    //  dimensions.Add(name);
     99    //  values.Add(name, new List<double>());
     100    //}
     101    //public void RemoveDimension(string name) {
     102    //  dimensions.Remove(name);
     103    //  values.Remove(name);
     104    //}
     106    //public void AddDataPoint(string dimension, double value) {
     107    //  values[dimension].Add(value);
     108    //}
    76110    public void SetBubbleSizeDimension(string dimension, bool inverted) {
    91125    }
    93     public override void MouseClick(Point point, System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons button) {
    94       // should select the model in the underlying model
    95     }
    97     public override void MouseDoubleClick(Point point, System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons button) {
    98       // should open the model
    99     }
    101127    internal void SetJitter(double xJitterFactor, double yJitterFactor) {
    102128      this.xJitterFactor = xJitterFactor * maxXJitterPercent * Size.Width;
    108134    private void Repaint() {
    110       List<double> xs = values[xDimension];
    111       List<double> ys = values[yDimension];
    113       List<double> sizes = null;
    114       double maxSize = 1;
    115       double minSize = 1;
    116       if(sizeDimension != null && values.ContainsKey(sizeDimension)) {
    117         sizes = values[sizeDimension];
    118         maxSize = sizes.Max();
    119         minSize = sizes.Min();
    120       }
    121       UpdateEnabled = false;
    122       Group.Clear();
    123       Group.Add(new Axis(this, 0, 0, AxisType.Both));
    124       UpdateViewSize(0, 0, 5);
    125       Group points = new Group(this);
    126       int n = Math.Min(xs.Count, ys.Count);
    127       if(sizes != null) n = Math.Min(n, sizes.Count);
    128       for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    129         double x = xs[i] + (random.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0) * xJitterFactor;
    130         double y = ys[i] + (random.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0) * yJitterFactor;
    131         int size;
    132         if(sizes != null) {
    133           size = CalculateSize(sizes[i], minSize, maxSize);
    134         } else {
    135           size = minBubbleSize;
    136         }
    138         if(double.IsInfinity(x) || x == double.MaxValue || x == double.MinValue) x = double.NaN;
    139         if(double.IsInfinity(y) || y == double.MaxValue || y == double.MinValue) y = double.NaN;
    140         if(!double.IsNaN(x) && !double.IsNaN(y)) {
    141           UpdateViewSize(x, y, size);
    142           int alpha = CalculateAlpha(size);
    143           Pen pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(alpha, defaultColor));
    144           Brush brush = pen.Brush;
    145           points.Add(new FixedSizeCircle(this, x, y, size, pen, brush));
    146         }
    147       }
    148       Group.Add(points);
    149       UpdateEnabled = true;
     135      lock(records) {
     136        double maxSize = 1;
     137        double minSize = 1;
     138        if(sizeDimension != null) {
     139          var sizes = records.Select(r => r.Get(sizeDimension));
     140          maxSize = sizes.Max();
     141          minSize = sizes.Min();
     142        }
     143        UpdateEnabled = false;
     144        Group.Clear();
     145        primitiveToRecordDictionary.Clear();
     146        points = new Group(this);
     147        Group.Add(new Axis(this, 0, 0, AxisType.Both));
     148        UpdateViewSize(0, 0, 5);
     149        foreach(Record r in records) {
     150          double x = r.Get(xDimension) + (random.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0) * xJitterFactor;
     151          double y = r.Get(yDimension) + (random.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0) * yJitterFactor;
     152          int size = CalculateSize(r.Get(sizeDimension), minSize, maxSize);
     154          if(double.IsInfinity(x) || x == double.MaxValue || x == double.MinValue) x = double.NaN;
     155          if(double.IsInfinity(y) || y == double.MaxValue || y == double.MinValue) y = double.NaN;
     156          if(!double.IsNaN(x) && !double.IsNaN(y)) {
     157            UpdateViewSize(x, y, size);
     158            int alpha = CalculateAlpha(size);
     159            Pen pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(alpha, defaultColor));
     160            Brush brush = pen.Brush;
     161            FixedSizeCircle c = new FixedSizeCircle(this, x, y, size, pen, brush);
     162            c.ToolTipText = CreateToolTipText(r);
     163            points.Add(c);
     164            primitiveToRecordDictionary[c] = r;
     165          }
     166        }
     167        Group.Add(points);
     168        UpdateEnabled = true;
     169      }
     170    }
     172    private string CreateToolTipText(Record r) {
     173      StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
     174      foreach(KeyValuePair<string, double> v in r.Values) {
     175        b.Append(v.Key).Append(" = ").Append(v.Value).AppendLine();
     176      }
     177      return b.ToString();
    150178    }
    152180    private int CalculateSize(double size, double minSize, double maxSize) {
     181      if(double.IsNaN(size)) return minBubbleSize;
    153182      double sizeDifference = ((size - minSize) / (maxSize - minSize) * (maxBubbleSize - minBubbleSize));
    154183      if(invertSize) return maxBubbleSize - (int)sizeDifference;
    186215      maxY = double.NegativeInfinity;
    187216    }
     218    public override void MouseClick(Point point, MouseButtons button) {
     219      if(button == MouseButtons.Left) {
     220        Record r;
     221        IPrimitive p = points.GetPrimitive(TransformPixelToWorld(point));
     222        if(p != null) {
     223          primitiveToRecordDictionary.TryGetValue(p, out r);
     224          if(r != null) r.ToggleSelected();
     225        }
     226      } else base.MouseClick(point, button);
     227    }
     229    public override void MouseDoubleClick(Point point, MouseButtons button) {
     230      if(button == MouseButtons.Left) {
     231        Record r;
     232        IPrimitive p = points.GetPrimitive(TransformPixelToWorld(point));
     233        if(p != null) {
     234          primitiveToRecordDictionary.TryGetValue(p, out r);
     235          if(r != null) results.OpenModel(r);
     236        }
     237      } else base.MouseDoubleClick(point, button);
     238    }
    188239  }
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.CEDMA.Charting/ResultList.cs

    r561 r562  
    3030using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    3131using System.IO;
     32using HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure;
    3334namespace HeuristicLab.CEDMA.Charting {
     35  public class Record {
     36    private Dictionary<string, double> values = new Dictionary<string, double>();
     37    public Dictionary<string,double> Values {
     38      get {
     39        return values;
     40      }
     41    }
     43    private bool selected = false;
     44    public bool Selected { get { return selected; } }
     46    private string uri;
     47    public string Uri { get { return uri; } }
     48    public Record(string uri) {
     49      this.uri = uri;
     50    }
     52    public void Set(string name, double value) {
     53      Values.Add(name, value);
     54    }
     56    public double Get(string name) {
     57      if(name==null || !Values.ContainsKey(name)) return double.NaN;
     58      return Values[name];
     59    }
     61    public void ToggleSelected() {
     62      selected = !selected;
     63      if(OnSelectionChanged != null) OnSelectionChanged(this, new EventArgs());
     64    }
     66    public event EventHandler OnSelectionChanged;
     67  }
     69  public class RecordAddedEventArgs : EventArgs {
     70    private Record record;
     71    public Record Record { get { return record; } }
     72    public RecordAddedEventArgs(Record r)
     73      : base() {
     74      this.record = r;
     75    }
     76  }
    3478  public class ResultList : ItemBase {
    3579    private const string cedmaNS = "";
    5498    private readonly Entity treeSizePredicate = new Entity(cedmaNS + "TreeSize");
    5599    private readonly Entity treeHeightPredicate = new Entity(cedmaNS + "TreeHeight");
     100    private readonly Entity rawDataPredicate = new Entity(cedmaNS + "rawData");
    56101    private readonly Entity anyEntity = new Entity(null);
    74119      }
    75120    }
    76     private Dictionary<string, List<double>> allVariables;
     122    public event EventHandler<RecordAddedEventArgs> OnRecordAdded;
     124    private List<Record> records;
    78126    private void ReloadList() {
    79       List<double> trainingMAPE = new List<double>();
    80       List<double> validationMAPE = new List<double>();
    81       List<double> testMAPE = new List<double>();
    82       List<double> trainingR2 = new List<double>();
    83       List<double> validationR2 = new List<double>();
    84       List<double> testR2 = new List<double>();
    85       List<double> size = new List<double>();
    86       List<double> height = new List<double>();
    87       List<double> targetVariable = new List<double>();
    89       lock(allVariables) {
    90         allVariables.Clear();
    91         allVariables[MAPE_TRAINING] = trainingMAPE;
    92         allVariables[MAPE_VALIDATION] = validationMAPE;
    93         allVariables[MAPE_TEST] = testMAPE;
    94         allVariables[R2_TRAINING] = trainingR2;
    95         allVariables[R2_VALIDATION] = validationR2;
    96         allVariables[R2_TEST] = testR2;
    97         allVariables[TREE_SIZE] = size;
    98         allVariables[TREE_HEIGHT] = height;
    99         allVariables[TARGET_VARIABLE] = targetVariable;
    100       }
    102127      var results = store.Select(new Statement(anyEntity, new Entity(cedmaNS + "instanceOf"), new Literal("class:GpFunctionTree")))
    103128      .Select(x => store.Select(new SelectFilter(
    108133          new Resource[] { anyEntity })));
    110       Random random = new Random(); // for adding random noise to int values
    111135      foreach(Statement[] ss in results) {
    112         lock(allVariables) {
    113           targetVariable.Add(double.NaN);
    114           size.Add(double.NaN);
    115           height.Add(double.NaN);
    116           trainingMAPE.Add(double.NaN);
    117           validationMAPE.Add(double.NaN);
    118           testMAPE.Add(double.NaN);
    119           trainingR2.Add(double.NaN);
    120           validationR2.Add(double.NaN);
    121           testR2.Add(double.NaN);
     136        if(ss.Length > 0) {
     137          Record r = new Record(ss[0].Subject.Uri);
    122138          foreach(Statement s in ss) {
    123139            if(s.Predicate.Equals(targetVariablePredicate)) {
    124               ReplaceLastItem(targetVariable, (double)(int)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
     140              r.Set(TARGET_VARIABLE, (double)(int)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
    125141            } else if(s.Predicate.Equals(treeSizePredicate)) {
    126               ReplaceLastItem(size, (double)(int)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
     142              r.Set(TREE_SIZE, (double)(int)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
    127143            } else if(s.Predicate.Equals(treeHeightPredicate)) {
    128               ReplaceLastItem(height, (double)(int)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
     144              r.Set(TREE_HEIGHT, (double)(int)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
    129145            } else if(s.Predicate.Equals(trainingMAPEPredicate)) {
    130               ReplaceLastItem(trainingMAPE, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
     146              r.Set(MAPE_TRAINING, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
    131147            } else if(s.Predicate.Equals(validationMAPEPredicate)) {
    132               ReplaceLastItem(validationMAPE, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
     148              r.Set(MAPE_VALIDATION, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
    133149            } else if(s.Predicate.Equals(testMAPEPredicate)) {
    134               ReplaceLastItem(testMAPE, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
     150              r.Set(MAPE_TEST, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
    135151            } else if(s.Predicate.Equals(trainingR2Predicate)) {
    136               ReplaceLastItem(trainingR2, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
     152              r.Set(R2_TRAINING, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
    137153            } else if(s.Predicate.Equals(validationR2Predicate)) {
    138               ReplaceLastItem(validationR2, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
     154              r.Set(R2_VALIDATION, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
    139155            } else if(s.Predicate.Equals(testR2Predicate)) {
    140               ReplaceLastItem(testR2, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
     156              r.Set(R2_TEST, (double)((Literal)s.Property).Value);
    141157            }
    142158          }
     159          records.Add(r);
     160          FireRecordAdded(r);
    143161        }
    144         FireChanged();
    145162      }
    146163    }
    148     private void ReplaceLastItem(List<double> xs, double x) {
    149       xs.RemoveAt(xs.Count - 1); xs.Add(x);
     165    private void FireRecordAdded(Record r) {
     166      if(OnRecordAdded != null) OnRecordAdded(this, new RecordAddedEventArgs(r));
    150167    }
    152169    public ResultList()
    153170      : base() {
    154       allVariables = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
     171      records = new List<Record>();
    155172    }
    159176    }
    161     internal Histogram GetHistogram(string variableName) {
    162       Histogram h = new Histogram(50);
    163       lock(allVariables) {
    164         h.AddValues(allVariables[variableName]);
     178    internal void OpenModel(Record r) {
     179      IList<Statement> s = store.Select(new Statement(new Entity(r.Uri), rawDataPredicate, anyEntity));
     180      if(s.Count == 1) {
     181        string rawData = ((SerializedLiteral)s[0].Property).RawData;
     182        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
     183        doc.LoadXml(rawData);
     184        IItem item = (IItem)PersistenceManager.Restore(doc.ChildNodes[1], new Dictionary<Guid, IStorable>());
     185        PluginManager.ControlManager.ShowControl(item.CreateView());
    165186      }
    166       return h;
    167     }
    169     internal IList<double> GetValues(string variableName) {
    170       List<double> result = new List<double>();
    171       lock(allVariables) {
    172         result.AddRange(allVariables[variableName]);
    173       }
    174       return result;
    175187    }
    176188  }
  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.CEDMA.Charting/ResultListView.cs

    r561 r562  
    4242    private void InitChart() {
    43       dataChart.Chart = new BubbleChart(0, 0, 100, 100);
    44       foreach(string dim in results.VariableNames) {
    45         dataChart.Chart.AddDimension(dim);
    46         IList<double> xs = results.GetValues(dim);
    47         for(int i = 0; i < xs.Count; i++) {
    48           double x = xs[i];
    49           if(double.IsInfinity(x) || x == double.MaxValue || x == double.MinValue) x = double.NaN;
    50           if(!double.IsNaN(x)) {
    51             dataChart.Chart.AddDataPoint(dim, x);
    52           }
    53         }
    54       }
     43      dataChart.Chart = new BubbleChart(results, 0, 0, 100, 100);
    5544    }
    7968      // TASK
    8069    }
    8271    private void jitterTrackBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    8372      if(dataChart.Chart != null) {
    84         double xJitterFactor = xTrackBar.Value / 100.0 ;
    85         double yJitterFactor = yTrackBar.Value / 100.0 ;
     73        double xJitterFactor = xTrackBar.Value / 100.0;
     74        double yJitterFactor = yTrackBar.Value / 100.0;
    8675        dataChart.Chart.SetJitter(xJitterFactor, yJitterFactor);
    8776      }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.