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11/30/10 21:47:19 (14 years ago)

UnitTests added
TODO: test of entries in ResourceResourceGroup, update methods

1 edited


  • branches/ClientManagement/HeuristicLab.Services.Authentication/TestWebService/TestWebServiec.cs

    r4953 r5004  
    44using System.Linq;
    55using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
    7 namespace TestWebService
    8 {
    9     [TestClass]
    10     public class WebserviceUnitTest
    11     {
    12         public void Init()
    13         {
    15         }
    17         [TestMethod]
    18         public void TestMethod1()
    19         {
    20         }
    21     }
     6using HeuristicLab.Services.Authentication;
     7using HL = HeuristicLab.Services.Authentication;
     8using DA = HeuristicLab.Services.Authentication.DataAccess;
     9using DT = HeuristicLab.Services.Authentication.DataTransfer;
     10using System.Data;
     11using System.Data.Common;
     12using System.Data.Linq;
     13using System.Collections;
     15namespace TestWebService {
     16  [TestClass]
     17  public class WebserviceUnitTest {
     19    private string sqlCountClients = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Resource where ResourceType = 'Client'";
     20    private string sqlCountGroups = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Resource where ResourceType = 'ResourceGroup'";
     22    #region TestIdsAndNames
     23    private Guid groupID1 = Guid.NewGuid();
     24    private string groupName1 = "groupName1";
     25    private Guid groupID2 = Guid.NewGuid();
     26    private string groupName2 = "groupName2";
     27    private Guid groupID3 = Guid.NewGuid();
     28    private string groupName3 = "groupName3";
     30    private Guid clientID1 = Guid.NewGuid();
     31    private string clientName1 = "clientName1";
     32    private Guid clientID2 = Guid.NewGuid();
     33    private string clientName2 = "clientName2";
     34    #endregion
     36    #region ValidationMethods
     37    class ClientEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<DT.Client> {
     38      public bool Equals(DT.Client c1, DT.Client c2) {
     39        return (
     40          c1.Name == c2.Name &&
     41          c1.Id == c2.Id &&
     42          c1.Description == c2.Description &&
     43          c1.IPAdress == c2.IPAdress &&
     44          c1.NumberOfProcessors == c2.NumberOfProcessors &&
     45          c1.NumberOfThreads == c2.NumberOfThreads &&
     46          c1.OperatingSystem == c2.OperatingSystem &&
     47          c1.ProcessorType == c2.ProcessorType
     48        );
     49      }
     51      public int GetHashCode(DT.Client obj) {
     52        throw new NotImplementedException();
     53      }
     54    }
     56    class ResourceGroupEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<DT.ResourceGroup> {
     57      public bool Equals(DT.ResourceGroup rg1, DT.ResourceGroup rg2) {
     58        return (
     59          rg1.Name == rg2.Name &&
     60          rg1.Id == rg2.Id &&
     61          rg1.Description == rg2.Description
     62        );
     63      }
     65      public int GetHashCode(DT.ResourceGroup obj) {
     66        throw new NotImplementedException();
     67      }
     68    }
     70    private bool CompareClients(DT.Client c1, DT.Client c2) {
     71      return (
     72        c1.Name == c2.Name &&
     73        c1.Id == c2.Id &&
     74        //c1.ResourceType == c2.ResourceType &&
     75        c1.Description == c2.Description &&
     76        c1.IPAdress == c2.IPAdress &&
     77        c1.NumberOfProcessors == c2.NumberOfProcessors &&
     78        c1.NumberOfThreads == c2.NumberOfThreads &&
     79        c1.OperatingSystem == c2.OperatingSystem &&
     80        c1.ProcessorType == c2.ProcessorType
     81        );
     82    }
     84    private bool CompareGroups(DT.ResourceGroup r1, DT.ResourceGroup r2) {
     85      return (
     86        r1.Name == r2.Name &&
     87        r1.Id == r2.Id &&
     88        //c1.ResourceType == c2.ResourceType &&
     89        r1.Description == r2.Description
     90        );
     91    }
     93    private static int GetNumberOfEntries(string sqlCommand) {
     94      DA.ClientManagmentDataContext dc = new DA.ClientManagmentDataContext();
     95      try {
     96        IEnumerable<int> cnt = dc.ExecuteQuery<int>(sqlCommand);
     97        return (int)cnt.First();
     98      }
     99      catch (Exception e) {
     100        return 0;
     101      }
     102    }
     103    #endregion
     105    #region PublicResources
     106    DA.ClientManagmentDataContext dc = null;
     108    public DT.Client cl1 = null;
     109    public DT.Client cl2 = null;
     110    public DT.Client cl3 = null;
     112    public DT.ResourceGroup rg1 = null;
     113    public DT.ResourceGroup rg2 = null;
     114    public DT.ResourceGroup rg3 = null;
     116    public DA.ResourceResourceGroup rrg1 = null;
     117    public DA.ResourceResourceGroup rrg2 = null;
     118    public DA.ResourceResourceGroup rrg3 = null;
     119    #endregion
     121    #region Additional test attributes
     122    //
     123    // You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
     124    //
     125    // Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
     126    // [ClassInitialize()]
     127    // public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { }
     128    //
     129    // Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
     130    // [ClassCleanup()]
     131    // public static void MyClassCleanup() { }
     132    //
     133    // Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
     134    // [TestInitialize()]
     135    // public void MyTestInitialize() { }
     136    //
     137    // Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
     138    // c
     139    // public void MyTestCleanup() { }
     140    //
     141    #endregion
     143    [TestInitialize()]
     144    public void Init() { 
     146      dc = new DA.ClientManagmentDataContext();
     147      if (dc.DatabaseExists()) {
     148        //dc.DeleteDatabase();
     149        dc.ExecuteCommand("delete from ResourceResourceGroup");
     150        dc.ExecuteCommand("delete from Resource");
     151        dc.SubmitChanges();
     152      }
     153      else {
     154        dc.CreateDatabase();
     155        dc.SubmitChanges();
     156      }
     159      // create groups
     160      rg1 = new DT.ResourceGroup();
     161      rg1.Name = groupName1;
     162      rg1.Id = groupID1;     
     163      rg1.Description = "descr rg1";
     164      dc.GetTable<DA.Resource>().InsertOnSubmit(HL.Convert.ToEntity(rg1));
     166      rg2 = new DT.ResourceGroup();
     167      rg2.Name = groupName2;
     168      rg2.Id = groupID2;
     169      rg2.ResourceGroup = rg1.Id;
     170      rg2.Description = "descrrg2";
     171      dc.GetTable<DA.Resource>().InsertOnSubmit(HL.Convert.ToEntity(rg2));
     173      rg3 = new DT.ResourceGroup();
     174      rg3.Name = groupName3;
     175      rg3.Id = groupID3;
     176      rg3.Description = "descrrg3";
     177      dc.GetTable<DA.Resource>().InsertOnSubmit(HL.Convert.ToEntity(rg3));
     179      // create clients
     180      cl1 = new DT.Client();
     181      cl1.Name = clientName1;
     182      cl1.Id = clientID1;
     183      cl1.ResourceGroup = groupID1;
     184      cl1.Description = "Test-PC-1";
     185      cl1.IPAdress = "";
     186      cl1.NumberOfProcessors = "2";
     187      cl1.NumberOfThreads = "4";
     188      cl1.OperatingSystem = "WINXP";
     189      cl1.MemorySize = "2048";
     190      cl1.ProcessorType = "AMD";
     191      dc.GetTable<DA.Resource>().InsertOnSubmit(HL.Convert.ToEntity(cl1));
     193      cl2 = new DT.Client();
     194      cl2.Name = clientName2;
     195      cl2.Id = clientID2;
     196      cl2.ResourceGroup = groupID2;
     197      cl2.Description = "Test-PC-2";
     198      cl2.IPAdress = "";
     199      cl2.NumberOfProcessors = "4";
     200      cl2.NumberOfThreads = "4";
     201      cl2.OperatingSystem = "Vista";
     202      cl2.MemorySize = "4096";
     203      cl2.ProcessorType = "Intel";
     204      dc.GetTable<DA.Resource>().InsertOnSubmit(HL.Convert.ToEntity(cl2));
     206      // ResourceResourceGroups
     207      rrg1 = new DA.ResourceResourceGroup();
     208      rrg1.ResourceId = cl1.Id;
     209      rrg1.ResourceGroupId = rg1.Id;
     210      dc.GetTable<DA.ResourceResourceGroup>().InsertOnSubmit(rrg1);
     212      DA.ResourceResourceGroup rrg2 = new DA.ResourceResourceGroup();
     213      rrg2.ResourceId = cl2.Id;
     214      rrg2.ResourceGroupId = rg2.Id;
     215      dc.GetTable<DA.ResourceResourceGroup>().InsertOnSubmit(rrg2);
     217      DA.ResourceResourceGroup rrg3 = new DA.ResourceResourceGroup();
     218      rrg3.ResourceId = rg1.Id;
     219      rrg3.ResourceGroupId = rg3.Id;
     220      dc.GetTable<DA.ResourceResourceGroup>().InsertOnSubmit(rrg3);
     222      dc.SubmitChanges();
     223    }
     225    [TestCleanup()]
     226    public void CleanUp() {
     227      dc = new DA.ClientManagmentDataContext();
     228      if (dc.DatabaseExists()) {
     229        //dc.DeleteDatabase();
     230        dc.ExecuteCommand("delete from ResourceResourceGroup");
     231        dc.ExecuteCommand("delete from Resource");
     232        dc.SubmitChanges();
     233      }
     234      else {
     235        dc.CreateDatabase();
     236        dc.SubmitChanges();
     237      }
     238    }
     240    #region TestMethods   
     242    #region TestGroup
     244    /// <summary>
     245    /// Add ResourceGroup
     246    /// </summary>
     247    [TestMethod]
     248    public void TestAddResourceGroup() {
     249      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     251      DT.ResourceGroup rg4 = new DT.ResourceGroup();
     252      rg4.Name = "groupName4";
     253      rg4.Description = "descrrg4";
     254      dc.GetTable<DA.Resource>().InsertOnSubmit(HL.Convert.ToEntity(rg4));
     256      int cntPrev = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountGroups);
     257      rg4.Id = cs.AddResourceGroup(rg4);
     258      Assert.AreNotEqual(Guid.Empty, rg4.Id);
     259      int cntNew = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountGroups);
     260      Assert.AreEqual(cntPrev, (cntNew - 1));
     262      DA.ResourceGroup group = dc.Resources.OfType<DA.ResourceGroup>().First(x => x.Id == rg4.Id);
     263      Assert.IsTrue(CompareGroups(HL.Convert.ToDto(group), rg4));
     264    }
     266    /// <summary>
     267    /// TODO
     268    /// </summary>
     269    [TestMethod]
     270    public void TestUpdateResourceGroup() {
     271    }
     273    /// <summary>
     274    /// GetResourceGroup with existing id
     275    /// </summary>
     276    [TestMethod]
     277    public void TestGetResourceGroup() {
     278      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     279      DT.ResourceGroup rg = cs.GetResourceGroup(groupID1);
     280      Assert.AreEqual(rg.Id, groupID1);
     281      Assert.IsTrue(CompareGroups(rg, rg1));
     282    }
     284    /// <summary>
     285    /// GetResourceGroups
     286    /// </summary>
     287    [TestMethod]
     288    public void TestGetResourceGroups() {
     289      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     290      IEnumerable<DT.ResourceGroup> groups = cs.GetResourceGroups();
     291      Assert.AreEqual(3, groups.Count<DT.ResourceGroup>());
     292      Assert.IsTrue(
     293        groups.Contains(rg1, new ResourceGroupEqualityComparer()) &&
     294        groups.Contains(rg2, new ResourceGroupEqualityComparer()) &&
     295        groups.Contains(rg3, new ResourceGroupEqualityComparer())
     296      );
     297    }
     299    /// <summary>
     300    /// Delete existing ResourceGroup whisch is no parent group
     301    /// </summary>
     302    [TestMethod]
     303    public void TestDeleteResourceGroup1() {
     304      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     306      int cntPrev = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountGroups);
     307      Assert.IsTrue(cs.DeleteResourceGroup(rg2));
     308      int cntNew = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountGroups);
     309      Assert.AreEqual(cntPrev, (cntNew + 1));
     310    }
     312    /// <summary>
     313    /// try to delete existing ResourceGroup whisch is parent group
     314    /// </summary>
     315    [TestMethod]
     316    public void TestDeleteResourceGroup2() {
     317      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     319      int cntPrev = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountGroups);
     320      Assert.IsFalse(cs.DeleteResourceGroup(rg1));
     321      int cntNew = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountGroups);
     322      Assert.AreEqual(cntPrev, cntNew);
     323    }
     324    #endregion
     327    #region TestClient
     329    /// <summary>
     330    /// AddClient
     331    /// </summary>
     332    [TestMethod]
     333    public void TestAddClient1() {
     334      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     336      DT.Client cl3 = new DT.Client();
     337      cl3.Name = "clientName3";
     338      cl3.ResourceGroup = groupID3;
     339      cl3.Description = "Test-PC-3";
     340      cl3.IPAdress = "";
     341      cl3.NumberOfProcessors = "2";
     342      cl3.NumberOfThreads = "2";
     343      cl3.OperatingSystem = "Vista";
     344      cl3.MemorySize = "4096";
     345      cl3.ProcessorType = "Intel";
     347      int cntPrev = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     348      cl3.Id = cs.AddClient(cl3);
     349      Assert.AreNotEqual(Guid.Empty, cl3.Id);
     350      int cntNew = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     351      Assert.AreEqual(cntPrev, (cntNew - 1));
     353      DA.Client client = dc.Resources.OfType<DA.Client>().First(x => x.Id == cl3.Id);
     354      Assert.IsTrue(CompareClients(HL.Convert.ToDto(client), cl3));
     355    }
     357    /// <summary>
     358    /// try to AddClient with not existing ResourceGroup
     359    /// </summary>
     360    [TestMethod]
     361    public void TestAddClient2() {
     362      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     364      DT.Client cl3 = new DT.Client();
     365      cl3.Name = "clientNamexxxx";
     366      cl3.ResourceGroup = Guid.NewGuid();
     368      int cntPrev = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     369      cl3.Id = cs.AddClient(cl3);
     370      Assert.AreEqual(Guid.Empty, cl3.Id);
     371      int cntNew = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     372      Assert.AreEqual(cntPrev, cntNew);
     373    }
     375    /// <summary>
     376    /// GetClient by Id
     377    /// </summary>
     378    [TestMethod]
     379    public void TestGetClient1() {
     380      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     381      DT.Client cl = cs.GetClient(clientID1);
     382      Assert.AreEqual(cl.Id, clientID1);
     383      Assert.IsTrue(CompareClients(cl, cl1));
     384    }
     386    /// <summary>
     387    /// causes error
     388    ///   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     389    ///   
     390    /// try GetClient with not existin id
     391    /// </summary>
     392    //[TestMethod]
     393    //public void TestGetClient2() {
     394    //  ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     395    //  DT.Client cl = cs.GetClient(Guid.NewGuid());
     396    //  Assert.IsNull(cl);
     397    //}
     399    ///// <summary>
     400    ///// Test of Method "Client GetClient(Guid id)"
     401    ///// </summary>
     402    //[TestMethod]
     403    //public void TestGetClient3() {
     404    //  ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     405    //  DT.Client cl = cs.GetClient(Guid.Empty);
     406    //  Assert.IsNull(cl);
     407    //}
     409    //[TestMethod]
     410    //public void TestUpdateClient() {
     411    //}
     413    /// <summary>
     414    /// delete existing client
     415    /// </summary>
     416    [TestMethod]
     417    public void TestDeleteClient1() {
     418      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     420      int cntPrev = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     421      Assert.IsTrue(cs.DeleteClient(cl1));
     422      int cntNew = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     423      Assert.AreEqual(cntPrev, (cntNew + 1));
     424    }
     426    /// <summary>
     427    /// try to delete not existing client
     428    /// </summary>
     429    [TestMethod]
     430    public void TestDeleteClient2() {
     431      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     432      DT.Client cl3 = new DT.Client();
     433      cl3.Name = "clientName3";
     434      cl3.ResourceGroup = groupID3;
     435      cl3.Description = "Test-PC-3";
     436      cl3.IPAdress = "";
     437      cl3.NumberOfProcessors = "2";
     438      cl3.NumberOfThreads = "2";
     439      cl3.OperatingSystem = "Vista";
     440      cl3.MemorySize = "4096";
     441      cl3.ProcessorType = "Intel";
     443      int cntPrev = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     444      Assert.IsFalse(cs.DeleteClient(cl3));
     445      int cntNew = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     446      Assert.AreEqual(cntPrev, cntNew);
     447    }
     449    /// <summary>
     450    /// get all clients
     451    /// </summary>
     452    [TestMethod]
     453    public void TestGetClients() {
     454      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     455      IEnumerable<DT.Client> clients = cs.GetClients();
     456      Assert.AreEqual(2, clients.Count<DT.Client>());
     457      Assert.IsTrue(
     458        clients.Contains(cl1, new ClientEqualityComparer()) &&
     459        clients.Contains(cl2, new ClientEqualityComparer())
     460      );
     461    }
     463    /// <summary>
     464    /// update existing client
     465    /// </summary>
     466    [TestMethod]
     467    public void TestUpdateClient1() {
     468      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     469      DT.Client cl1 = new DT.Client();
     470      cl1.Name = "clientName1_modified";
     471      cl1.ResourceGroup = groupID3;
     472      cl1.Description = "Test-PC-1_modifiet";
     473      cl1.IPAdress = "";
     474      cl1.NumberOfProcessors = "4";
     475      cl1.NumberOfThreads = "2";
     476      cl1.OperatingSystem = "Vista";
     477      cl1.MemorySize = "2096";
     478      cl1.ProcessorType = "Intel";
     480      int cntPrev = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     481      Assert.IsTrue(cs.UpdateClient(cl1));
     482      int cntNew = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     483      Assert.AreEqual(cntPrev, cntNew);
     485      DA.Client client = dc.Resources.OfType<DA.Client>().First(x => x.Id == cl1.Id);
     486      Assert.IsTrue(CompareClients(HL.Convert.ToDto(client), cl1));
     487    }
     489    /// <summary>
     490    /// try to update not existing client
     491    /// </summary>
     492    [TestMethod]
     493    public void TestUpdateClient2() {
     494      ClientService cs = new ClientService();
     495      DT.Client cl3 = new DT.Client();
     496      cl3.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
     497      cl3.Name = "clientName3";
     498      cl3.ResourceGroup = groupID3;
     499      cl3.Description = "Test-PC-3";
     500      cl3.IPAdress = "";
     501      cl3.NumberOfProcessors = "2";
     502      cl3.NumberOfThreads = "2";
     503      cl3.OperatingSystem = "Vista";
     504      cl3.MemorySize = "4096";
     505      cl3.ProcessorType = "Intel";
     507      int cntPrev = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     508      Assert.IsFalse(cs.UpdateClient(cl3));
     509      int cntNew = GetNumberOfEntries(sqlCountClients);
     510      Assert.AreEqual(cntPrev, cntNew);
     512      DA.Client client = dc.Resources.OfType<DA.Client>().First(x => x.Id == cl3.Id);
     513      Assert.IsNull(client);
     514    }
     516    #endregion
     518    #endregion //Testmethods
     519  }
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