- Timestamp:
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- Location:
- trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3
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TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/ArchitectureAlteringOperators/ArgumentCreater.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 60 60 var functionDefiningBranches = symbolicExpressionTree.IterateNodesPrefix().OfType<DefunTreeNode>(); 61 61 62 var allowedArgumentIndexes = Enumerable.Range(0, maxFunctionArguments);63 64 62 if (functionDefiningBranches.Count() == 0) 65 63 // no function defining branch found => abort 66 64 return false; 65 67 66 // select a random function defining branch 68 var selectedDefunBranch = SelectRandomBranch(random, functionDefiningBranches); 67 var selectedDefunBranch = functionDefiningBranches.SelectRandom(random); 68 var definedArguments = (from symbol in selectedDefunBranch.Grammar.Symbols.OfType<Argument>() 69 select symbol.ArgumentIndex).Distinct(); 70 if (definedArguments.Count() >= maxFunctionArguments) 71 // max number of arguments reached => abort 72 return false; 69 73 // select a random cut point in the function defining branch 70 74 // the branch at the cut point is to be replaced by a new argument node 71 var cutPoints = (from node in IterateNodesPrefix(selectedDefunBranch)75 var cutPoints = (from node in selectedDefunBranch.IterateNodesPrefix() 72 76 where node.SubTrees.Count > 0 73 77 from subtree in node.SubTrees … … 78 82 return false; 79 83 var selectedCutPoint = cutPoints[random.Next(cutPoints.Count)]; 80 var existingArguments = from node in IterateNodesPrefix(selectedDefunBranch) 81 let argNode = node as ArgumentTreeNode 82 where argNode != null 83 select argNode; 84 var newArgumentIndex = allowedArgumentIndexes.Except(existingArguments.Select(x => x.ArgumentIndex)).First(); 84 var allowedArgumentIndexes = Enumerable.Range(0, maxFunctionArguments); 85 var newArgumentIndex = allowedArgumentIndexes.Except(definedArguments).First(); 85 86 // replace the branch at the cut point with an argument node 86 87 var newArgNode = MakeArgumentNode(newArgumentIndex); … … 88 89 selectedCutPoint.Parent.RemoveSubTree(selectedCutPoint.ReplacedChildIndex); 89 90 selectedCutPoint.Parent.InsertSubTree(selectedCutPoint.ReplacedChildIndex, newArgNode); 90 // find all invo kations of the selected ADF and attach a cloned version of the originally cut out branch91 // find all invocations of the selected ADF and attach a cloned version of the replaced branch (with all argument-nodes expanded) 91 92 var invocationNodes = from node in symbolicExpressionTree.IterateNodesPrefix().OfType<InvokeFunctionTreeNode>() 92 where node. InvokedFunctionName == selectedDefunBranch.Name93 where node.Symbol.FunctionName == selectedDefunBranch.FunctionName 93 94 select node; 94 // append a new argument branch after preprocessing95 95 foreach (var invocationNode in invocationNodes) { 96 // append a new argument branch after expanding all argument nodes 96 97 var clonedBranch = (SymbolicExpressionTreeNode)replacedBranch.Clone(); 97 98 ReplaceArgumentsInBranch(clonedBranch, invocationNode.SubTrees); 98 99 invocationNode.InsertSubTree(newArgumentIndex, clonedBranch); 99 100 } 100 // adapt the known functions informations 101 // increase expected number of arguments of function defining branch 102 // it's possible that the number of actually referenced arguments was reduced (all references were replaced by a single new argument) 103 // but the number of expected arguments is increased anyway 101 104 selectedDefunBranch.NumberOfArguments++; 102 selectedDefunBranch.AddDynamicSymbol("ARG" + newArgumentIndex, 0); 105 selectedDefunBranch.Grammar.AddSymbol(newArgNode.Symbol); 106 selectedDefunBranch.Grammar.SetMinSubtreeCount(newArgNode.Symbol, 0); 107 selectedDefunBranch.Grammar.SetMaxSubtreeCount(newArgNode.Symbol, 0); 108 // allow the argument as child of any other symbol 109 foreach (var symb in selectedDefunBranch.Grammar.Symbols) 110 for (int i = 0; i < selectedDefunBranch.Grammar.GetMaxSubtreeCount(symb); i++) { 111 selectedDefunBranch.Grammar.SetAllowedChild(symb, newArgNode.Symbol, i); 112 } 103 113 foreach (var subtree in symbolicExpressionTree.Root.SubTrees) { 104 if (subtree.DynamicSymbols.Contains(selectedDefunBranch.Name)) { 105 subtree.SetDynamicSymbolArgumentCount(selectedDefunBranch.Name, selectedDefunBranch.NumberOfArguments); 114 // when the changed function is known in the branch then update the number of arguments 115 var matchingSymbol = subtree.Grammar.Symbols.Where(s => s.Name == selectedDefunBranch.FunctionName).SingleOrDefault(); 116 if (matchingSymbol != null) { 117 subtree.Grammar.SetMinSubtreeCount(matchingSymbol, selectedDefunBranch.NumberOfArguments); 118 subtree.Grammar.SetMaxSubtreeCount(matchingSymbol, selectedDefunBranch.NumberOfArguments); 106 119 } 107 120 } 108 Debug.Assert(grammar.IsValidExpression(symbolicExpressionTree));109 121 return true; 110 122 } … … 117 129 if (argNode != null) { 118 130 // replace argument nodes by a clone of the original subtree that provided the result for the argument node 119 branch.SubTrees[subtreeIndex] = (SymbolicExpressionTreeNode)argumentTrees[argNode. ArgumentIndex].Clone();131 branch.SubTrees[subtreeIndex] = (SymbolicExpressionTreeNode)argumentTrees[argNode.Symbol.ArgumentIndex].Clone(); 120 132 } else { 121 133 // recursively replace arguments in all branches … … 125 137 } 126 138 127 private static IEnumerable<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodesPrefix(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) {128 yield return tree;129 foreach (var subTree in tree.SubTrees) {130 foreach (var node in IterateNodesPrefix(subTree)) {131 yield return node;132 }133 }134 }135 136 private static T SelectRandomBranch<T>(IRandom random, IEnumerable<T> branches) {137 var list = branches.ToList();138 return list[random.Next(list.Count)];139 }140 141 139 private static SymbolicExpressionTreeNode MakeArgumentNode(int argIndex) { 142 var node = (ArgumentTreeNode)(new Argument()).CreateTreeNode(); 143 node.ArgumentIndex = argIndex; 140 var node = (ArgumentTreeNode)(new Argument(argIndex)).CreateTreeNode(); 144 141 return node; 145 142 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/ArchitectureAlteringOperators/ArgumentDeleter.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 61 61 // no function defining branch => abort 62 62 return false; 63 var selectedDefunBranch = (DefunTreeNode)SelectRandomBranch(random, functionDefiningBranches);63 var selectedDefunBranch = functionDefiningBranches.SelectRandom(random); 64 64 if (selectedDefunBranch.NumberOfArguments <= 1) 65 65 // argument deletion by consolidation is not possible => abort 66 66 return false; 67 var cutPoints = (from node in IterateNodesPrefix(selectedDefunBranch) 68 where node.SubTrees.Count > 0 69 from argNode in node.SubTrees.OfType<ArgumentTreeNode>() 70 select new { Parent = node, ReplacedChildIndex = node.SubTrees.IndexOf(argNode), ReplacedChild = argNode }).ToList(); 71 if (cutPoints.Count() == 0) 72 // no cut points found => abort 73 return false; 74 var selectedCutPoint = cutPoints[random.Next(cutPoints.Count)]; 75 var removedArgument = selectedCutPoint.ReplacedChild.ArgumentIndex; 67 var removedArgument = (from sym in selectedDefunBranch.Grammar.Symbols.OfType<Argument>() 68 select sym.ArgumentIndex).Distinct().SelectRandom(random); 69 // find invocations of the manipulated funcion and remove the specified argument tree 76 70 var invocationNodes = from node in symbolicExpressionTree.IterateNodesPrefix().OfType<InvokeFunctionTreeNode>() 77 where node. InvokedFunctionName == selectedDefunBranch.Name71 where node.Symbol.FunctionName == selectedDefunBranch.FunctionName 78 72 select node; 79 73 foreach (var invokeNode in invocationNodes) { 80 invokeNode.RemoveSubTree( selectedCutPoint.ReplacedChild.ArgumentIndex);74 invokeNode.RemoveSubTree(removedArgument); 81 75 } 82 76 83 77 DeleteArgumentByConsolidation(random, selectedDefunBranch, removedArgument); 84 78 85 selectedDefunBranch.RemoveDynamicSymbol("ARG" + removedArgument); 79 // delete the dynamic argument symbol that matches the argument to be removed 80 var matchingSymbol = selectedDefunBranch.Grammar.Symbols.OfType<Argument>().Where(s => s.ArgumentIndex == removedArgument).First(); 81 selectedDefunBranch.Grammar.RemoveSymbol(matchingSymbol); 86 82 // reduce arity in known functions of all root branches 87 83 foreach (var subtree in symbolicExpressionTree.Root.SubTrees) { 88 if (subtree.DynamicSymbols.Contains(selectedDefunBranch.Name)) { 89 subtree.SetDynamicSymbolArgumentCount(selectedDefunBranch.Name, selectedDefunBranch.NumberOfArguments - 1); 84 var matchingInvokeSymbol = subtree.Grammar.Symbols.OfType<InvokeFunction>().Where(s => s.FunctionName == selectedDefunBranch.FunctionName).FirstOrDefault(); 85 if (matchingInvokeSymbol != null) { 86 subtree.Grammar.SetMinSubtreeCount(matchingInvokeSymbol, selectedDefunBranch.NumberOfArguments - 1); 87 subtree.Grammar.SetMaxSubtreeCount(matchingInvokeSymbol, selectedDefunBranch.NumberOfArguments - 1); 90 88 } 91 89 } 92 90 selectedDefunBranch.NumberOfArguments--; 93 Debug.Assert(grammar.IsValidExpression(symbolicExpressionTree));94 91 return true; 95 92 } … … 97 94 private static void DeleteArgumentByConsolidation(IRandom random, DefunTreeNode branch, int removedArgumentIndex) { 98 95 // replace references to the deleted argument with random references to existing arguments 99 var possibleArgument Indexes = (from node in IterateNodesPrefix(branch).OfType<ArgumentTreeNode>()100 where node.ArgumentIndex != removedArgumentIndex101 select node.ArgumentIndex).Distinct().ToList();102 var argNodes = from node in IterateNodesPrefix(branch).OfType<ArgumentTreeNode>()103 where node. ArgumentIndex == removedArgumentIndex96 var possibleArgumentSymbols = (from sym in branch.Grammar.Symbols.OfType<Argument>() 97 where sym.ArgumentIndex != removedArgumentIndex 98 select sym).ToList(); 99 var argNodes = from node in branch.IterateNodesPrefix().OfType<ArgumentTreeNode>() 100 where node.Symbol.ArgumentIndex == removedArgumentIndex 104 101 select node; 105 102 foreach (var argNode in argNodes) { 106 var replacement Argument = possibleArgumentIndexes[random.Next(possibleArgumentIndexes.Count)];107 argNode. ArgumentIndex = replacementArgument;103 var replacementSymbol = possibleArgumentSymbols.SelectRandom(random); 104 argNode.Symbol = replacementSymbol; 108 105 } 109 }110 private static IEnumerable<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodesPrefix(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) {111 yield return tree;112 foreach (var subTree in tree.SubTrees) {113 foreach (var node in IterateNodesPrefix(subTree)) {114 yield return node;115 }116 }117 }118 119 private static SymbolicExpressionTreeNode SelectRandomBranch(IRandom random, IEnumerable<DefunTreeNode> branches) {120 var list = branches.ToList();121 return list[random.Next(list.Count)];122 106 } 123 107 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/ArchitectureAlteringOperators/ArgumentDuplicater.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 106 106 return true; 107 107 } 108 109 private static IEnumerable<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodesPrefix(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) {110 yield return tree;111 foreach (var subTree in tree.SubTrees) {112 foreach (var node in IterateNodesPrefix(subTree)) {113 yield return node;114 }115 }116 }117 118 private static T SelectRandomBranch<T>(IRandom random, IEnumerable<T> branches) {119 var list = branches.ToList();120 return list[random.Next(list.Count)];121 }122 108 } 123 109 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/ArchitectureAlteringOperators/SubroutineCreater.cs ¶
r3297 r3338 82 82 if (selectedBody == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); 83 83 // select a random node in the selected branch 84 var allCutPoints = (from parent in IterateNodesPrefix(selectedBody)84 var allCutPoints = (from parent in selectedBody.IterateNodesPrefix() 85 85 from subtree in parent.SubTrees 86 86 select new { Parent = parent, ReplacedBranchIndex = parent.SubTrees.IndexOf(subtree), ReplacedBranch = subtree }).ToList(); … … 160 160 return argumentBranches; 161 161 } 162 163 private static IEnumerable<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodesPrefix(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) { 164 yield return tree; 165 foreach (var subTree in tree.SubTrees) { 166 foreach (var node in IterateNodesPrefix(subTree)) { 167 yield return node; 168 } 169 } 170 } 171 162 172 163 private static IEnumerable<string> UsedFunctionNames(SymbolicExpressionTree symbolicExpressionTree) { 173 164 return from node in symbolicExpressionTree.IterateNodesPrefix() … … 175 166 select ((DefunTreeNode)node).Name; 176 167 } 177 178 private static SymbolicExpressionTreeNode SelectRandomBranch(IRandom random, IEnumerable<DefunTreeNode> branches) {179 var list = branches.ToList();180 return list[random.Next(list.Count)];181 }182 168 } 183 169 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/ArchitectureAlteringOperators/SubroutineDeleter.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 63 63 // no ADF to delete => abort 64 64 return false; 65 var selectedDefunBranch = (DefunTreeNode)SelectRandomBranch(random, functionDefiningBranches);65 var selectedDefunBranch = functionDefiningBranches.SelectRandom(random); 66 66 // remove the selected defun 67 67 int defunSubtreeIndex = symbolicExpressionTree.Root.SubTrees.IndexOf(selectedDefunBranch); … … 104 104 return true; 105 105 } 106 107 private static SymbolicExpressionTreeNode SelectRandomBranch(IRandom random, IEnumerable<DefunTreeNode> branches) {108 var list = branches.ToList();109 return list[random.Next(list.Count)];110 }111 106 } 112 107 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/ArchitectureAlteringOperators/SubroutineDuplicater.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 65 65 // no function defining branches to duplicate or already reached the max number of ADFs 66 66 return false; 67 var selectedBranch = (DefunTreeNode)SelectRandomBranch(random, functionDefiningBranches);67 var selectedBranch = functionDefiningBranches.SelectRandom(random); 68 68 var clonedBranch = (DefunTreeNode)selectedBranch.Clone(); 69 69 clonedBranch.Name = allowedFunctionNames.Except(UsedFunctionNames(symbolicExpressionTree)).First(); … … 73 73 if (invokeFunctionNode != null && invokeFunctionNode.InvokedFunctionName == selectedBranch.Name) { 74 74 // add the new function name to the list of known functions in the branches that used the originating function 75 var branch = FindDefiningBranch(symbolicExpressionTree,invokeFunctionNode);75 var branch = symbolicExpressionTree.GetTopLevelBranchOf(invokeFunctionNode); 76 76 branch.AddDynamicSymbol(clonedBranch.Name, clonedBranch.NumberOfArguments); 77 77 // flip coin wether to replace with newly defined function … … 83 83 Debug.Assert(grammar.IsValidExpression(symbolicExpressionTree)); 84 84 return true; 85 }86 87 private static SymbolicExpressionTreeNode FindDefiningBranch(SymbolicExpressionTree tree, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode node) {88 foreach (var subtree in tree.Root.SubTrees) {89 if (ContainsNode(subtree, node)) return subtree;90 }91 return null;92 85 } 93 86 … … 106 99 } 107 100 108 private static SymbolicExpressionTreeNode SelectRandomBranch(IRandom random, IEnumerable<DefunTreeNode> branches) { 109 var list = branches.ToList(); 110 return list[random.Next(list.Count)]; 111 } 101 112 102 } 113 103 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Creators/ProbabilisticTreeCreator.cs ¶
r3297 r3338 27 27 using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.CompositeSerializers.Storable; 28 28 using System.Collections.Generic; 29 using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.GeneralSymbols; 30 using System.Text; 29 31 30 32 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding { … … 32 34 [Item("ProbabilisticTreeCreator", "An operator that creates new symbolic expression trees with uniformly distributed size")] 33 35 public class ProbabilisticTreeCreator : SymbolicExpressionTreeCreator { 36 34 37 public ProbabilisticTreeCreator() 35 38 : base() { 36 39 } 37 40 38 protected override SymbolicExpressionTree Create(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, IntValue maxTreeSize, IntValue maxTreeHeight) { 39 return Create(random, grammar, maxTreeSize.Value, maxTreeHeight.Value); 40 } 41 42 public static SymbolicExpressionTree Create(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, int maxTreeSize, int maxTreeHeight) { 41 protected override SymbolicExpressionTree Create( 42 IRandom random, 43 ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, 44 IntValue maxTreeSize, IntValue maxTreeHeight, 45 IntValue maxFunctionDefinitions, IntValue maxFunctionArguments) { 46 return Create(random, grammar, maxTreeSize.Value, maxTreeHeight.Value, maxFunctionDefinitions.Value, maxFunctionArguments.Value); 47 } 48 49 public static SymbolicExpressionTree Create(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, 50 int maxTreeSize, int maxTreeHeight, 51 int maxFunctionDefinitions, int maxFunctionArguments 52 ) { 43 53 // tree size is limited by the grammar and by the explicit size constraints 44 54 int allowedMinSize = grammar.GetMinExpressionLength(grammar.StartSymbol); … … 49 59 do { 50 60 try { 51 tree.Root = grammar.ProgramRootSymbol.CreateTreeNode(); 52 tree.Root.AddSubTree(PTC2(random, grammar, grammar.StartSymbol, treeSize + 1, maxTreeHeight + 1)); 61 tree.Root = PTC2(random, grammar, grammar.StartSymbol, treeSize + 1, maxTreeHeight + 1, maxFunctionDefinitions, maxFunctionArguments); 53 62 } 54 63 catch (ArgumentException) { … … 56 65 treeSize = random.Next(allowedMinSize, allowedMaxSize); 57 66 } 58 } while (tree.Root .SubTrees.Count == 0|| tree.Size > maxTreeSize || tree.Height > maxTreeHeight);67 } while (tree.Root == null || tree.Size > maxTreeSize || tree.Height > maxTreeHeight); 59 68 return tree; 69 } 70 71 private class TreeExtensionPoint { 72 public SymbolicExpressionTreeNode Parent { get; set; } 73 public int ChildIndex { get; set; } 74 public int ExtensionPointDepth { get; set; } 75 } 76 public static SymbolicExpressionTreeNode PTC2(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, Symbol rootSymbol, 77 int size, int maxDepth, int maxFunctionDefinitions, int maxFunctionArguments) { 78 SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root = rootSymbol.CreateTreeNode(); 79 root.Grammar = grammar; 80 if (size <= 1 || maxDepth <= 1) return root; 81 CreateFullTreeFromSeed(random, root, size, maxDepth, maxFunctionDefinitions, maxFunctionArguments); 82 return root; 83 } 84 85 private static void CreateFullTreeFromSeed(IRandom random, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, int size, int maxDepth, int maxFunctionDefinitions, int maxFunctionArguments) { 86 List<TreeExtensionPoint> extensionPoints = new List<TreeExtensionPoint>(); 87 int currentSize = 1; 88 int totalListMinSize = root.Grammar.GetMinExpressionLength(root.Symbol) - 1; 89 int actualArity = SampleArity(random, root, size); 90 for (int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++) { 91 // insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list 92 var dummy = new SymbolicExpressionTreeNode(); 93 root.AddSubTree(dummy); 94 dummy.Grammar = (ISymbolicExpressionGrammar)dummy.Grammar.Clone(); 95 extensionPoints.Add(new TreeExtensionPoint { Parent = root, ChildIndex = i, ExtensionPointDepth = 2 }); 96 } 97 // while there are pending extension points and we have not reached the limit of adding new extension points 98 while (extensionPoints.Count > 0 && totalListMinSize + currentSize < size) { 99 int randomIndex = random.Next(extensionPoints.Count); 100 TreeExtensionPoint nextExtension = extensionPoints[randomIndex]; 101 extensionPoints.RemoveAt(randomIndex); 102 SymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent = nextExtension.Parent; 103 int argumentIndex = nextExtension.ChildIndex; 104 int extensionDepth = nextExtension.ExtensionPointDepth; 105 if (extensionDepth + parent.Grammar.GetMinExpressionDepth(parent.Symbol) >= maxDepth) { 106 ReplaceWithMinimalTree(random, root, parent, argumentIndex, maxFunctionDefinitions, maxFunctionArguments); 107 //parent.RemoveSubTree(argumentIndex); 108 //var allowedSymbols = from s in parent.Grammar.Symbols 109 // where parent.Grammar.IsAllowedChild(parent.Symbol, s, argumentIndex) 110 // select s; 111 //SymbolicExpressionTreeNode branch = CreateMinimalTree(random, parent, allowedSymbols); 112 //parent.InsertSubTree(argumentIndex, branch); // insert a smallest possible tree 113 //currentSize += branch.GetSize(); 114 //totalListMinSize -= branch.GetSize(); 115 } else { 116 var allowedSymbols = from s in parent.Grammar.Symbols 117 where parent.Grammar.IsAllowedChild(parent.Symbol, s, argumentIndex) 118 where parent.Grammar.GetMinExpressionDepth(s) + extensionDepth - 1 < maxDepth 119 where parent.Grammar.GetMaxExpressionLength(s) > size - totalListMinSize - currentSize 120 /*|| 121 totalListMinSize + currentSize >= size * 0.9 // if the necessary size is almost reached then also allow 122 // terminals or terminal-branches*/ 123 // where !IsDynamicSymbol(s) || IsDynamicSymbolAllowed(grammar, root, parent, s) 124 select s; 125 Symbol selectedSymbol = SelectRandomSymbol(random, allowedSymbols); 126 SymbolicExpressionTreeNode newTree = selectedSymbol.CreateTreeNode(); 127 parent.RemoveSubTree(argumentIndex); 128 parent.InsertSubTree(argumentIndex, newTree); 129 130 InitializeNewTreeNode(random, root, newTree, maxFunctionDefinitions, maxFunctionArguments); 131 132 currentSize++; 133 totalListMinSize--; 134 135 actualArity = SampleArity(random, newTree, size - currentSize); 136 for (int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++) { 137 // insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list 138 var dummy = new SymbolicExpressionTreeNode(); 139 newTree.AddSubTree(dummy); 140 if (IsTopLevelBranch(root, dummy)) 141 dummy.Grammar = (ISymbolicExpressionGrammar)dummy.Grammar.Clone(); 142 extensionPoints.Add(new TreeExtensionPoint { Parent = newTree, ChildIndex = i, ExtensionPointDepth = extensionDepth + 1 }); 143 } 144 totalListMinSize += newTree.Grammar.GetMinExpressionLength(newTree.Symbol); 145 } 146 } 147 // fill all pending extension points 148 while (extensionPoints.Count > 0) { 149 int randomIndex = random.Next(extensionPoints.Count); 150 TreeExtensionPoint nextExtension = extensionPoints[randomIndex]; 151 extensionPoints.RemoveAt(randomIndex); 152 SymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent = nextExtension.Parent; 153 int a = nextExtension.ChildIndex; 154 int d = nextExtension.ExtensionPointDepth; 155 ReplaceWithMinimalTree(random, root, parent, a, maxFunctionDefinitions, maxFunctionArguments); 156 } 157 } 158 159 private static void ReplaceWithMinimalTree(IRandom random, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent, int argumentIndex, int maxFunctionDefinitions, int maxFunctionArguments) { 160 // determine possible symbols that will lead to the smallest possible tree 161 var possibleSymbols = (from s in parent.GetAllowedSymbols(argumentIndex) 162 group s by parent.Grammar.GetMinExpressionLength(s) into g 163 orderby g.Key 164 select g).First(); 165 var selectedSymbol = SelectRandomSymbol(random, possibleSymbols); 166 var tree = selectedSymbol.CreateTreeNode(); 167 parent.RemoveSubTree(argumentIndex); 168 parent.InsertSubTree(argumentIndex, tree); 169 InitializeNewTreeNode(random, root, tree, maxFunctionDefinitions, maxFunctionArguments); 170 for (int i = 0; i < tree.GetMinSubtreeCount(); i++) { 171 // insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list 172 var dummy = new SymbolicExpressionTreeNode(); 173 tree.AddSubTree(dummy); 174 dummy.Grammar = (ISymbolicExpressionGrammar)dummy.Grammar.Clone(); 175 // replace the just inserted dummy by recursive application 176 ReplaceWithMinimalTree(random, root, tree, i, maxFunctionDefinitions, maxFunctionArguments); 177 } 178 } 179 180 private static void InitializeNewTreeNode(IRandom random, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode newTree, int maxFunctionDefinitions, int maxFunctionArguments) { 181 // NB it is assumed that defuns are only allowed as children of root and nowhere else 182 // also assumes that newTree is already attached to root somewhere 183 if (IsTopLevelBranch(root, newTree)) 184 newTree.Grammar = (ISymbolicExpressionGrammar)newTree.Grammar.Clone(); 185 if (newTree.Symbol is Defun) { 186 var defunTree = newTree as DefunTreeNode; 187 string formatString = new StringBuilder().Append('0', (int)Math.Log10(maxFunctionDefinitions * 10 - 1)).ToString(); // >= 100 functions => ### 188 var allowedNames = from index in Enumerable.Range(0, maxFunctionDefinitions) 189 select "ADF" + index.ToString(formatString); 190 var takenNames = (from node in root.IterateNodesPrefix().OfType<DefunTreeNode>() 191 select node.FunctionName).Distinct(); 192 var remainingNames = allowedNames.Except(takenNames).ToList(); 193 string functionName = remainingNames[random.Next(remainingNames.Count)]; 194 // set name and number of arguments of the ADF 195 int nArgs = random.Next(maxFunctionArguments); 196 defunTree.FunctionName = functionName; 197 defunTree.NumberOfArguments = nArgs; 198 if (nArgs > 0) { 199 AddDynamicArguments(defunTree.Grammar, nArgs); 200 } 201 int argIndex = root.SubTrees.IndexOf(newTree); 202 // allow invokes of ADFs with higher index 203 for (int i = argIndex + 1; i < root.SubTrees.Count; i++) { 204 var otherDefunNode = root.SubTrees[i] as DefunTreeNode; 205 if (otherDefunNode != null) { 206 var allowedParents = from sym in defunTree.Grammar.Symbols 207 where defunTree.Grammar.IsAllowedChild(defunTree.Symbol, sym, 0) 208 select sym; 209 var allowedChildren = allowedParents; 210 AddDynamicSymbol(defunTree.Grammar, allowedParents, allowedChildren, otherDefunNode.FunctionName, otherDefunNode.NumberOfArguments); 211 } 212 } 213 // make the ADF available as symbol for other branches (with smaller index to prevent recursions) 214 for (int i = 0; i < argIndex; i++) { 215 // if not dummy node 216 if (root.SubTrees[i].Symbol != null) { 217 var topLevelGrammar = root.SubTrees[i].Grammar; 218 var allowedParents = from sym in root.SubTrees[i].Grammar.Symbols 219 where root.SubTrees[i].Grammar.IsAllowedChild(root.SubTrees[i].Symbol, sym, 0) 220 select sym; 221 var allowedChildren = allowedParents; 222 223 AddDynamicSymbol(topLevelGrammar, allowedParents, allowedChildren, functionName, nArgs); 224 } 225 } 226 } 227 } 228 229 private static void AddDynamicSymbol(ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, IEnumerable<Symbol> allowedParents, IEnumerable<Symbol> allowedChildren, string symbolName, int nArgs) { 230 var invokeSym = new InvokeFunction(symbolName); 231 grammar.AddSymbol(invokeSym); 232 grammar.SetMinSubtreeCount(invokeSym, nArgs); 233 grammar.SetMaxSubtreeCount(invokeSym, nArgs); 234 foreach (var parent in allowedParents) { 235 for (int arg = 0; arg < grammar.GetMaxSubtreeCount(parent); arg++) { 236 grammar.SetAllowedChild(parent, invokeSym, arg); 237 } 238 } 239 foreach (var child in allowedChildren) { 240 for (int arg = 0; arg < grammar.GetMaxSubtreeCount(invokeSym); arg++) { 241 grammar.SetAllowedChild(invokeSym, child, arg); 242 } 243 } 244 } 245 246 private static void AddDynamicArguments(ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, int nArgs) { 247 for (int argIndex = 0; argIndex < nArgs; argIndex++) { 248 var argNode = new Argument(argIndex); 249 grammar.AddSymbol(argNode); 250 grammar.SetMinSubtreeCount(argNode, 0); 251 grammar.SetMaxSubtreeCount(argNode, 0); 252 // allow the argument as child of any other symbol 253 foreach (var symb in grammar.Symbols) 254 for (int i = 0; i < grammar.GetMaxSubtreeCount(symb); i++) { 255 grammar.SetAllowedChild(symb, argNode, i); 256 } 257 } 258 } 259 260 private static bool IsTopLevelBranch(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode branch) { 261 return root.SubTrees.IndexOf(branch) > -1; 60 262 } 61 263 … … 75 277 } 76 278 77 78 public static SymbolicExpressionTreeNode PTC2(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, Symbol rootSymbol, int size, int maxDepth) { 79 SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root = rootSymbol.CreateTreeNode(); 80 if (size <= 1 || maxDepth <= 1) return root; 81 List<object[]> extensionPoints = new List<object[]>(); 82 int currentSize = 1; 83 int totalListMinSize = grammar.GetMinExpressionLength(rootSymbol) - 1; 84 85 int actualArity = SampleArity(random, grammar, rootSymbol, size); 86 for (int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++) { 87 // insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list 88 root.AddSubTree(null); 89 extensionPoints.Add(new object[] { root, i, 2 }); 90 } 91 92 // while there are pending extension points and we have not reached the limit of adding new extension points 93 while (extensionPoints.Count > 0 && totalListMinSize + currentSize < size) { 94 int randomIndex = random.Next(extensionPoints.Count); 95 object[] nextExtension = extensionPoints[randomIndex]; 96 extensionPoints.RemoveAt(randomIndex); 97 SymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent = (SymbolicExpressionTreeNode)nextExtension[0]; 98 int argumentIndex = (int)nextExtension[1]; 99 int extensionDepth = (int)nextExtension[2]; 100 if (extensionDepth + grammar.GetMinExpressionDepth(parent.Symbol) >= maxDepth) { 101 parent.RemoveSubTree(argumentIndex); 102 SymbolicExpressionTreeNode branch = CreateMinimalTree(random, grammar, grammar.GetAllowedSymbols(parent.Symbol, argumentIndex)); 103 parent.InsertSubTree(argumentIndex, branch); // insert a smallest possible tree 104 currentSize += branch.GetSize(); 105 totalListMinSize -= branch.GetSize(); 106 } else { 107 var allowedSubFunctions = from s in grammar.GetAllowedSymbols(parent.Symbol, argumentIndex) 108 where grammar.GetMinExpressionDepth(parent.Symbol) + extensionDepth - 1 < maxDepth 109 where grammar.GetMaxExpressionLength(s) > size - totalListMinSize - currentSize || 110 totalListMinSize + currentSize >= size * 0.9 // if the necessary size is almost reached then also allow 111 // terminals or terminal-branches 112 select s; 113 Symbol selectedSymbol = SelectRandomSymbol(random, allowedSubFunctions); 114 SymbolicExpressionTreeNode newTree = selectedSymbol.CreateTreeNode(); 115 parent.RemoveSubTree(argumentIndex); 116 parent.InsertSubTree(argumentIndex, newTree); 117 currentSize++; 118 totalListMinSize--; 119 120 actualArity = SampleArity(random, grammar, selectedSymbol, size - currentSize); 121 for (int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++) { 122 // insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list 123 newTree.AddSubTree(null); 124 extensionPoints.Add(new object[] { newTree, i, extensionDepth + 1 }); 125 } 126 totalListMinSize += grammar.GetMinExpressionLength(selectedSymbol); 127 } 128 } 129 // fill all pending extension points 130 while (extensionPoints.Count > 0) { 131 int randomIndex = random.Next(extensionPoints.Count); 132 object[] nextExtension = extensionPoints[randomIndex]; 133 extensionPoints.RemoveAt(randomIndex); 134 SymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent = (SymbolicExpressionTreeNode)nextExtension[0]; 135 int a = (int)nextExtension[1]; 136 int d = (int)nextExtension[2]; 137 parent.RemoveSubTree(a); 138 parent.InsertSubTree(a, 139 CreateMinimalTree(random, grammar, grammar.GetAllowedSymbols(parent.Symbol, a))); // append a tree with minimal possible height 140 } 141 return root; 142 } 143 144 private static int SampleArity(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, Symbol symbol, int targetSize) { 279 private static int SampleArity(IRandom random, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode node, int targetSize) { 145 280 // select actualArity randomly with the constraint that the sub-trees in the minimal arity can become large enough 146 int minArity = grammar.GetMinSubTreeCount(symbol);147 int maxArity = grammar.GetMaxSubTreeCount(symbol);281 int minArity = node.GetMinSubtreeCount(); 282 int maxArity = node.GetMaxSubtreeCount(); 148 283 if (maxArity > targetSize) { 149 284 maxArity = targetSize; … … 153 288 long aggregatedLongestExpressionLength = 0; 154 289 for (int i = 0; i < maxArity; i++) { 155 aggregatedLongestExpressionLength += (from s in grammar.GetAllowedSymbols(symbol,i)156 select grammar.GetMaxExpressionLength(s)).Max();290 aggregatedLongestExpressionLength += (from s in node.GetAllowedSymbols(i) 291 select node.Grammar.GetMaxExpressionLength(s)).Max(); 157 292 if (aggregatedLongestExpressionLength < targetSize) minArity = i; 158 293 else break; … … 163 298 long aggregatedShortestExpressionLength = 0; 164 299 for (int i = 0; i < maxArity; i++) { 165 aggregatedShortestExpressionLength += (from s in grammar.GetAllowedSymbols(symbol,i)166 select grammar.GetMinExpressionLength(s)).Min();300 aggregatedShortestExpressionLength += (from s in node.GetAllowedSymbols(i) 301 select node.Grammar.GetMinExpressionLength(s)).Min(); 167 302 if (aggregatedShortestExpressionLength > targetSize) { 168 303 maxArity = i; … … 173 308 return random.Next(minArity, maxArity + 1); 174 309 } 175 176 private static SymbolicExpressionTreeNode CreateMinimalTree(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, IEnumerable<Symbol> symbols) {177 // determine possible symbols that will lead to the smallest possible tree178 var possibleSymbols = (from s in symbols179 group s by grammar.GetMinExpressionLength(s) into g180 orderby g.Key181 select g).First();182 var selectedSymbol = SelectRandomSymbol(random, possibleSymbols);183 // build minimal tree by recursive application184 var tree = selectedSymbol.CreateTreeNode();185 for (int i = 0; i < grammar.GetMinSubTreeCount(selectedSymbol); i++)186 tree.AddSubTree(CreateMinimalTree(random, grammar, grammar.GetAllowedSymbols(selectedSymbol, i)));187 return tree;188 }189 310 } 190 311 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Crossovers/SubtreeCrossover.cs ¶
r3297 r3338 49 49 } 50 50 51 protected override SymbolicExpressionTree Cross(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar,51 protected override SymbolicExpressionTree Cross(IRandom random, 52 52 SymbolicExpressionTree parent0, SymbolicExpressionTree parent1, 53 53 IntValue maxTreeSize, IntValue maxTreeHeight, out bool success) { 54 return Cross(random, grammar,parent0, parent1, InternalCrossoverPointProbabilityParameter.ActualValue.Value, maxTreeSize.Value, maxTreeHeight.Value, out success);54 return Cross(random, parent0, parent1, InternalCrossoverPointProbabilityParameter.ActualValue.Value, maxTreeSize.Value, maxTreeHeight.Value, out success); 55 55 } 56 56 57 public static SymbolicExpressionTree Cross(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar,57 public static SymbolicExpressionTree Cross(IRandom random, 58 58 SymbolicExpressionTree parent0, SymbolicExpressionTree parent1, 59 59 double internalCrossoverPointProbability, int maxTreeSize, int maxTreeHeight, out bool success) { … … 67 67 int maxInsertedBranchHeight = maxTreeHeight - GetBranchLevel(parent0.Root, crossoverPoint0); 68 68 69 var allowedBranches = from branch in IterateNodes(parent1.Root)69 var allowedBranches = from branch in parent1.Root.IterateNodesPrefix() 70 70 where branch.GetSize() < maxInsertedBranchSize 71 71 where branch.GetHeight() < maxInsertedBranchHeight 72 where grammar.GetAllowedSymbols(crossoverPoint0.Symbol,replacedSubtreeIndex).Contains(branch.Symbol)73 where IsMatchingPointType( parent0, crossoverPoint0, branch)72 // where crossoverPoint0.GetAllowedSymbols(replacedSubtreeIndex).Contains(branch.Symbol) 73 where IsMatchingPointType(crossoverPoint0, replacedSubtreeIndex, branch) 74 74 select branch; 75 75 … … 89 89 } 90 90 91 private static bool IsMatchingPointType(SymbolicExpressionTree tree, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode newBranch) { 92 var functionCalls = (from node in IterateNodes(newBranch) 93 let invokeNode = node as InvokeFunctionTreeNode 94 let argNode = node as ArgumentTreeNode 95 where invokeNode != null || argNode != null 96 let name = invokeNode != null ? invokeNode.InvokedFunctionName : "ARG" + argNode.ArgumentIndex 97 let argCount = invokeNode != null ? invokeNode.SubTrees.Count : 0 98 select new { FunctionName = name, FunctionArgumentCount = argCount }).Distinct(); 99 var definingBranch = GetDefiningBranch(tree, parent); 100 if (definingBranch == null) return false; 101 foreach (var functionCall in functionCalls) { 102 if (!definingBranch.DynamicSymbols.Contains(functionCall.FunctionName) || 103 definingBranch.GetDynamicSymbolArgumentCount(functionCall.FunctionName) != functionCall.FunctionArgumentCount) 104 return false; 91 private static bool IsMatchingPointType(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent, int replacedSubtreeIndex, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode branch) { 92 // cannot compare dynamic symbols by reference because new instances of Invoke/Argument are created on demand 93 // instead we must check equality by names and number of arguments 94 var branchSymbols = (from node in branch.IterateNodesPrefix() 95 select new { FunctionName = node.Symbol.Name, SubtreeCount = node.SubTrees.Count }).Distinct(); 96 97 // check syntax constraints of direct parent - child relation 98 var matchingSymbolInParentGrammar = (from sym in parent.GetAllowedSymbols(replacedSubtreeIndex) 99 where sym.Name == branch.Symbol.Name 100 select sym).SingleOrDefault(); 101 if (matchingSymbolInParentGrammar == null || 102 branch.SubTrees.Count < parent.Grammar.GetMinSubtreeCount(matchingSymbolInParentGrammar) || 103 branch.SubTrees.Count > parent.Grammar.GetMaxSubtreeCount(matchingSymbolInParentGrammar)) return false; 104 105 // check point type for the whole branch 106 foreach (var branchSymbol in branchSymbols) { 107 matchingSymbolInParentGrammar = (from sym in parent.Grammar.Symbols 108 where sym.Name == branchSymbol.FunctionName 109 select sym).SingleOrDefault(); 110 if (matchingSymbolInParentGrammar == null || 111 branchSymbol.SubtreeCount < parent.Grammar.GetMinSubtreeCount(matchingSymbolInParentGrammar) || 112 branchSymbol.SubtreeCount > parent.Grammar.GetMaxSubtreeCount(matchingSymbolInParentGrammar)) return false; 105 113 } 114 106 115 return true; 107 116 } 108 117 109 private static SymbolicExpressionTreeNode GetDefiningBranch(SymbolicExpressionTree tree, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent) {110 foreach (var treeNode in tree.Root.SubTrees) {111 if (IterateNodes(treeNode).Contains(parent)) return treeNode;112 }113 return null;114 }115 116 118 private static void SelectCrossoverPoint(IRandom random, SymbolicExpressionTree parent0, double internalNodeProbability, out SymbolicExpressionTreeNode crossoverPoint, out int subtreeIndex) { 117 var crossoverPoints = from branch in IterateNodes(parent0.Root)119 var crossoverPoints = from branch in parent0.Root.IterateNodesPrefix() 118 120 where branch.SubTrees.Count > 0 119 where !(branch.Symbol is ProgramRootSymbol)121 where branch != parent0.Root 120 122 from index in Enumerable.Range(0, branch.SubTrees.Count) 121 123 let p = new { CrossoverPoint = branch, SubtreeIndex = index, IsLeaf = branch.SubTrees[index].SubTrees.Count == 0 } … … 172 174 } 173 175 174 private static IEnumerable<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodes(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root) {175 foreach (var subTree in root.SubTrees) {176 foreach (var branch in IterateNodes(subTree)) {177 yield return branch;178 }179 }180 yield return root;181 }182 183 176 private static int GetBranchLevel(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode point) { 184 177 if (root == point) return 0; -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/DefaultSymbolicExpressionGrammar.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 34 34 public class DefaultSymbolicExpressionGrammar : Item, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar { 35 35 [Storable] 36 private int minFunctionDefinitions;37 [Storable]38 private int maxFunctionDefinitions;39 [Storable]40 private int minFunctionArguments;41 [Storable]42 private int maxFunctionArguments;43 44 [Storable]45 36 private Dictionary<string, int> minSubTreeCount; 46 37 [Storable] 47 38 private Dictionary<string, int> maxSubTreeCount; 48 39 [Storable] 49 private Dictionary<string, List<HashSet<string>>> allowed Functions;40 private Dictionary<string, List<HashSet<string>>> allowedChildSymbols; 50 41 [Storable] 51 42 private HashSet<Symbol> allSymbols; 52 43 53 public DefaultSymbolicExpressionGrammar( int minFunctionDefinitions, int maxFunctionDefinitions, int minFunctionArguments, int maxFunctionArguments)44 public DefaultSymbolicExpressionGrammar() 54 45 : base() { 55 this.minFunctionDefinitions = minFunctionDefinitions; 56 this.maxFunctionDefinitions = maxFunctionDefinitions; 57 this.minFunctionArguments = minFunctionArguments; 58 this.maxFunctionArguments = maxFunctionArguments; 46 Reset(); 47 } 48 49 private void Initialize() { 50 startSymbol = new StartSymbol(); 51 AddSymbol(startSymbol); 52 SetMinSubtreeCount(startSymbol, 1); 53 SetMaxSubtreeCount(startSymbol, 1); 54 } 55 56 #region ISymbolicExpressionGrammar Members 57 58 private Symbol startSymbol; 59 public Symbol StartSymbol { 60 get { return startSymbol; } 61 set { startSymbol = value; } 62 } 63 64 protected void Reset() { 59 65 minSubTreeCount = new Dictionary<string, int>(); 60 66 maxSubTreeCount = new Dictionary<string, int>(); 61 allowed Functions = new Dictionary<string, List<HashSet<string>>>();67 allowedChildSymbols = new Dictionary<string, List<HashSet<string>>>(); 62 68 allSymbols = new HashSet<Symbol>(); 63 cachedMinExpressionLength = new Dictionary< Symbol, int>();64 cachedMaxExpressionLength = new Dictionary< Symbol, int>();65 cachedMinExpressionDepth = new Dictionary< Symbol, int>();69 cachedMinExpressionLength = new Dictionary<string, int>(); 70 cachedMaxExpressionLength = new Dictionary<string, int>(); 71 cachedMinExpressionDepth = new Dictionary<string, int>(); 66 72 Initialize(); 67 73 } 68 74 69 private void Initialize() { 70 programRootSymbol = new ProgramRootSymbol(); 71 var defunSymbol = new Defun(); 72 startSymbol = new StartSymbol(); 73 var invokeFunctionSymbol = new InvokeFunction(); 74 75 SetMinSubTreeCount(programRootSymbol, minFunctionDefinitions + 1); 76 SetMaxSubTreeCount(programRootSymbol, maxFunctionDefinitions + 1); 77 SetMinSubTreeCount(startSymbol, 1); 78 SetMaxSubTreeCount(startSymbol, 1); 79 SetMinSubTreeCount(defunSymbol, 1); 80 SetMaxSubTreeCount(defunSymbol, 1); 81 SetMinSubTreeCount(invokeFunctionSymbol, minFunctionArguments); 82 SetMaxSubTreeCount(invokeFunctionSymbol, maxFunctionArguments); 83 AddAllowedSymbols(programRootSymbol, 0, startSymbol); 84 for (int argumentIndex = 1; argumentIndex < maxFunctionDefinitions + 1; argumentIndex++) { 85 AddAllowedSymbols(programRootSymbol, argumentIndex, defunSymbol); 86 } 87 } 88 89 public void AddAllowedSymbols(Symbol parent, int argumentIndex, Symbol allowedChild) { 90 allSymbols.Add(parent); allSymbols.Add(allowedChild); 91 if (!allowedFunctions.ContainsKey(parent.Name)) { 92 allowedFunctions[parent.Name] = new List<HashSet<string>>(); 93 } 94 while (allowedFunctions[parent.Name].Count <= argumentIndex) 95 allowedFunctions[parent.Name].Add(new HashSet<string>()); 96 allowedFunctions[parent.Name][argumentIndex].Add(allowedChild.Name); 97 ClearCaches(); 98 } 99 100 public void SetMaxSubTreeCount(Symbol parent, int nSubTrees) { 101 maxSubTreeCount[parent.Name] = nSubTrees; 102 ClearCaches(); 103 } 104 105 public void SetMinSubTreeCount(Symbol parent, int nSubTrees) { 106 minSubTreeCount[parent.Name] = nSubTrees; 107 ClearCaches(); 108 } 75 public void AddSymbol(Symbol symbol) { 76 if (allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == symbol.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Symbol " + symbol + " is already defined."); 77 allSymbols.Add(symbol); 78 allowedChildSymbols[symbol.Name] = new List<HashSet<string>>(); 79 ClearCaches(); 80 } 81 82 public void RemoveSymbol(Symbol symbol) { 83 allSymbols.RemoveWhere(s => s.Name == symbol.Name); 84 minSubTreeCount.Remove(symbol.Name); 85 maxSubTreeCount.Remove(symbol.Name); 86 allowedChildSymbols.Remove(symbol.Name); 87 ClearCaches(); 88 } 89 90 public IEnumerable<Symbol> Symbols { 91 get { return allSymbols.AsEnumerable(); } 92 } 93 94 public void SetAllowedChild(Symbol parent, Symbol child, int argumentIndex) { 95 if (!allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == parent.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: " + parent, "parent"); 96 if (!allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == child.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: " + child, "child"); 97 if (argumentIndex >= GetMaxSubtreeCount(parent)) throw new ArgumentException("Symbol " + parent + " can have only " + GetMaxSubtreeCount(parent) + " subtrees."); 98 allowedChildSymbols[parent.Name][argumentIndex].Add(child.Name); 99 ClearCaches(); 100 } 101 102 public bool IsAllowedChild(Symbol parent, Symbol child, int argumentIndex) { 103 if (!allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == parent.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: " + parent, "parent"); 104 if (!allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == child.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: " + child, "child"); 105 if (argumentIndex >= GetMaxSubtreeCount(parent)) throw new ArgumentException("Symbol " + parent + " can have only " + GetMaxSubtreeCount(parent) + " subtrees."); 106 if (allowedChildSymbols.ContainsKey(parent.Name)) return allowedChildSymbols[parent.Name][argumentIndex].Contains(child.Name); 107 return false; 108 } 109 110 private Dictionary<string, int> cachedMinExpressionLength; 111 public int GetMinExpressionLength(Symbol symbol) { 112 if (!allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == symbol.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: " + symbol); 113 if (!cachedMinExpressionLength.ContainsKey(symbol.Name)) { 114 cachedMinExpressionLength[symbol.Name] = int.MaxValue; // prevent infinite recursion 115 long sumOfMinExpressionLengths = 1 + (from argIndex in Enumerable.Range(0, GetMinSubtreeCount(symbol)) 116 let minForSlot = (long)(from s in allSymbols 117 where IsAllowedChild(symbol, s, argIndex) 118 select GetMinExpressionLength(s)).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Min() 119 select minForSlot).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); 120 121 cachedMinExpressionLength[symbol.Name] = (int)Math.Min(sumOfMinExpressionLengths, int.MaxValue); 122 } 123 return cachedMinExpressionLength[symbol.Name]; 124 } 125 126 private Dictionary<string, int> cachedMaxExpressionLength; 127 public int GetMaxExpressionLength(Symbol symbol) { 128 if (!allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == symbol.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: " + symbol); 129 if (!cachedMaxExpressionLength.ContainsKey(symbol.Name)) { 130 cachedMaxExpressionLength[symbol.Name] = int.MaxValue; // prevent infinite recursion 131 long sumOfMaxTrees = 1 + (from argIndex in Enumerable.Range(0, GetMaxSubtreeCount(symbol)) 132 let maxForSlot = (long)(from s in allSymbols 133 where IsAllowedChild(symbol, s, argIndex) 134 select GetMaxExpressionLength(s)).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max() 135 select maxForSlot).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); 136 long limit = int.MaxValue; 137 cachedMaxExpressionLength[symbol.Name] = (int)Math.Min(sumOfMaxTrees, limit); 138 } 139 return cachedMaxExpressionLength[symbol.Name]; 140 } 141 142 private Dictionary<string, int> cachedMinExpressionDepth; 143 public int GetMinExpressionDepth(Symbol symbol) { 144 if (!allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == symbol.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: " + symbol); 145 if (!cachedMinExpressionDepth.ContainsKey(symbol.Name)) { 146 cachedMinExpressionDepth[symbol.Name] = int.MaxValue; // prevent infinite recursion 147 cachedMinExpressionDepth[symbol.Name] = 1 + (from argIndex in Enumerable.Range(0, GetMinSubtreeCount(symbol)) 148 let minForSlot = (from s in allSymbols 149 where IsAllowedChild(symbol, s, argIndex) 150 select GetMinExpressionDepth(s)).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Min() 151 select minForSlot).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max(); 152 } 153 return cachedMinExpressionDepth[symbol.Name]; 154 } 155 156 public void SetMaxSubtreeCount(Symbol symbol, int nSubTrees) { 157 if (!allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == symbol.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: " + symbol); 158 maxSubTreeCount[symbol.Name] = nSubTrees; 159 while (allowedChildSymbols[symbol.Name].Count <= nSubTrees) 160 allowedChildSymbols[symbol.Name].Add(new HashSet<string>()); 161 while (allowedChildSymbols[symbol.Name].Count > nSubTrees) { 162 allowedChildSymbols[symbol.Name].RemoveAt(allowedChildSymbols[symbol.Name].Count - 1); 163 } 164 ClearCaches(); 165 } 166 167 public void SetMinSubtreeCount(Symbol symbol, int nSubTrees) { 168 if (!allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == symbol.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: " + symbol); 169 minSubTreeCount[symbol.Name] = nSubTrees; 170 ClearCaches(); 171 } 172 173 public int GetMinSubtreeCount(Symbol symbol) { 174 if (!allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == symbol.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: " + symbol); 175 return minSubTreeCount[symbol.Name]; 176 } 177 178 public int GetMaxSubtreeCount(Symbol symbol) { 179 if (!allSymbols.Any(s => s.Name == symbol.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: " + symbol); 180 return maxSubTreeCount[symbol.Name]; 181 } 182 183 #endregion 109 184 110 185 private void ClearCaches() { … … 114 189 } 115 190 116 private void symbol_ToStringChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 117 OnToStringChanged(); 118 } 119 120 #region ISymbolicExpressionGrammar Members 121 122 private Symbol programRootSymbol; 123 public Symbol ProgramRootSymbol { 124 get { return programRootSymbol; } 125 } 126 127 private Symbol startSymbol; 128 public Symbol StartSymbol { 129 get { return startSymbol; } 130 } 131 132 public IEnumerable<Symbol> GetAllowedSymbols(Symbol parent, int argumentIndex) { 133 return from name in allowedFunctions[parent.Name][argumentIndex] 134 from sym in allSymbols 135 where name == sym.Name 136 select sym; 137 } 138 139 140 private Dictionary<Symbol, int> cachedMinExpressionLength; 141 public int GetMinExpressionLength(Symbol start) { 142 if (!cachedMinExpressionLength.ContainsKey(start)) { 143 cachedMinExpressionLength[start] = int.MaxValue; // prevent infinite recursion 144 cachedMinExpressionLength[start] = 1 + (from argIndex in Enumerable.Range(0, GetMinSubTreeCount(start)) 145 let minForSlot = (from symbol in GetAllowedSymbols(start, argIndex) 146 select GetMinExpressionLength(symbol)).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Min() 147 select minForSlot).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); 148 } 149 return cachedMinExpressionLength[start]; 150 } 151 152 private Dictionary<Symbol, int> cachedMaxExpressionLength; 153 public int GetMaxExpressionLength(Symbol start) { 154 if (!cachedMaxExpressionLength.ContainsKey(start)) { 155 cachedMaxExpressionLength[start] = int.MaxValue; // prevent infinite recursion 156 long sumOfMaxTrees = 1 + (from argIndex in Enumerable.Range(0, GetMaxSubTreeCount(start)) 157 let maxForSlot = (long)(from symbol in GetAllowedSymbols(start, argIndex) 158 select GetMaxExpressionLength(symbol)).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max() 159 select maxForSlot).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); 160 long limit = int.MaxValue; 161 cachedMaxExpressionLength[start] = (int)Math.Min(sumOfMaxTrees, limit); 162 } 163 return cachedMaxExpressionLength[start]; 164 } 165 166 private Dictionary<Symbol, int> cachedMinExpressionDepth; 167 public int GetMinExpressionDepth(Symbol start) { 168 if (!cachedMinExpressionDepth.ContainsKey(start)) { 169 cachedMinExpressionDepth[start] = int.MaxValue; // prevent infinite recursion 170 cachedMinExpressionDepth[start] = 1 + (from argIndex in Enumerable.Range(0, GetMinSubTreeCount(start)) 171 let minForSlot = (from symbol in GetAllowedSymbols(start, argIndex) 172 select GetMinExpressionDepth(symbol)).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Min() 173 select minForSlot).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max(); 174 } 175 return cachedMinExpressionDepth[start]; 176 } 177 178 public int GetMinSubTreeCount(Symbol start) { 179 return minSubTreeCount[start.Name]; 180 } 181 182 public int GetMaxSubTreeCount(Symbol start) { 183 return maxSubTreeCount[start.Name]; 184 } 185 186 public bool IsValidExpression(SymbolicExpressionTree expression) { 187 if (expression.Root.Symbol != ProgramRootSymbol) return false; 188 // check dynamic symbols 189 foreach (var branch in expression.Root.SubTrees) { 190 foreach (var dynamicNode in branch.DynamicSymbols) { 191 if (!dynamicNode.StartsWith("ARG")) { 192 if (FindDefinitionOfDynamicFunction(expression.Root, dynamicNode) == null) return false; 193 } 194 } 195 } 196 return IsValidExpression(expression.Root); 197 } 198 199 #endregion 200 private bool IsValidExpression(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root) { 201 if (root.SubTrees.Count < GetMinSubTreeCount(root.Symbol)) return false; 202 if (root.SubTrees.Count > GetMaxSubTreeCount(root.Symbol)) return false; 203 if (root.Symbol is Defun || root.Symbol is StartSymbol) { 204 // check references to dynamic symbols 205 if (!CheckDynamicSymbolsInBranch(root, root.SubTrees[0])) return false; 206 } 207 for (int i = 0; i < root.SubTrees.Count; i++) { 208 if (!GetAllowedSymbols(root.Symbol, i).Contains(root.SubTrees[i].Symbol)) return false; 209 if (!IsValidExpression(root.SubTrees[i])) return false; 210 } 211 return true; 212 } 213 214 private SymbolicExpressionTreeNode FindDefinitionOfDynamicFunction(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, string dynamicNode) { 215 return (from node in root.SubTrees.OfType<DefunTreeNode>() 216 where node.Name == dynamicNode 217 select node).FirstOrDefault(); 218 } 219 220 private bool CheckDynamicSymbolsInBranch(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode node) { 221 var argNode = node as ArgumentTreeNode; 222 var invokeNode = node as InvokeFunctionTreeNode; 223 if (argNode != null) { 224 if (!root.DynamicSymbols.Contains("ARG" + argNode.ArgumentIndex)) return false; 225 } else if (invokeNode != null) { 226 if (!root.DynamicSymbols.Contains(invokeNode.InvokedFunctionName)) return false; 227 if (root.GetDynamicSymbolArgumentCount(invokeNode.InvokedFunctionName) != invokeNode.SubTrees.Count()) return false; 228 } 229 foreach (var subtree in node.SubTrees) { 230 if (!CheckDynamicSymbolsInBranch(root, subtree)) return false; 231 } 232 return true; 233 } 234 191 //private void symbol_ToStringChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 192 // OnToStringChanged(); 193 //} 194 195 //private bool IsValidExpression(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root) { 196 // if (root.SubTrees.Count < root.GetMinSubtreeCount()) return false; 197 // else if (root.SubTrees.Count > root.GetMaxSubtreeCount()) return false; 198 // else for (int i = 0; i < root.SubTrees.Count; i++) { 199 // if (!root.GetAllowedSymbols(i).Select(x => x.Name).Contains(root.SubTrees[i].Symbol.Name)) return false; 200 // if (!IsValidExpression(root.SubTrees[i])) return false; 201 // } 202 // return true; 203 //} 204 205 public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) { 206 DefaultSymbolicExpressionGrammar clone = (DefaultSymbolicExpressionGrammar)base.Clone(cloner); 207 clone.maxSubTreeCount = new Dictionary<string, int>(maxSubTreeCount); 208 clone.minSubTreeCount = new Dictionary<string, int>(minSubTreeCount); 209 clone.startSymbol = startSymbol; 210 clone.allowedChildSymbols = new Dictionary<string, List<HashSet<string>>>(allowedChildSymbols); 211 clone.allSymbols = new HashSet<Symbol>(allSymbols); 212 return clone; 213 } 235 214 } 236 215 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding-3.3.csproj ¶
r3294 r3338 83 83 </ItemGroup> 84 84 <ItemGroup> 85 <Compile Include="ArchitectureAlteringOperators\ArgumentDuplicater.cs" />86 85 <Compile Include="ArchitectureAlteringOperators\ArgumentCreater.cs" /> 87 86 <Compile Include="ArchitectureAlteringOperators\ArgumentDeleter.cs" /> 88 <Compile Include="ArchitectureAlteringOperators\RandomArchitectureAlteringOperator.cs" /> 89 <Compile Include="ArchitectureAlteringOperators\SubroutineDeleter.cs" /> 90 <Compile Include="ArchitectureAlteringOperators\SubroutineCreater.cs"> 87 <Compile Include="Crossovers\SubtreeCrossover.cs"> 91 88 <SubType>Code</SubType> 92 89 </Compile> 93 <Compile Include=" ArchitectureAlteringOperators\SubroutineDuplicater.cs">94 <SubType>Code</SubType>95 < /Compile>90 <Compile Include="GlobalSymbolicExpressionGrammar.cs" /> 91 <Compile Include="EnumerableExtensions.cs" /> 92 <Compile Include="Symbols\StartSymbolTreeNode.cs" /> 96 93 <Compile Include="DefaultSymbolicExpressionGrammar.cs"> 97 94 <SubType>Code</SubType> … … 103 100 <Compile Include="SymbolicExpressionTreeManipulator.cs" /> 104 101 <Compile Include="SymbolicExpressionTreeTerminalNode.cs" /> 105 <Compile Include="Crossovers\SubtreeCrossover.cs" />106 102 <Compile Include="Interfaces\ISymbolicExpressionGrammar.cs" /> 107 103 <Compile Include="Creators\ProbabilisticTreeCreator.cs" /> … … 126 122 <Compile Include="Symbols\Multiplication.cs" /> 127 123 <Compile Include="Symbols\Subtraction.cs" /> 128 <Compile Include="Symbols\Values.cs">129 <SubType>Code</SubType>130 </Compile>131 <Compile Include="Symbols\ValuesTreeNode.cs">132 <SubType>Code</SubType>133 </Compile>134 124 </ItemGroup> 135 125 <ItemGroup> -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Interfaces/ISymbolicExpressionGrammar.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 31 31 public interface ISymbolicExpressionGrammar : IItem { 32 32 Symbol StartSymbol { get; } 33 Symbol ProgramRootSymbol { get; } 34 IEnumerable<Symbol> GetAllowedSymbols(Symbol parent, int argumentIndex); 33 void AddSymbol(Symbol symbol); 34 void RemoveSymbol(Symbol symbol); 35 IEnumerable<Symbol> Symbols { get; } 36 void SetAllowedChild(Symbol parent, Symbol child, int argumentIndex); 37 bool IsAllowedChild(Symbol parent, Symbol child, int argumentIndex); 35 38 int GetMinExpressionLength(Symbol start); 36 39 int GetMaxExpressionLength(Symbol start); 37 40 int GetMinExpressionDepth(Symbol start); 38 int GetMinSub TreeCount(Symbol start);39 int GetMaxSubTreeCount(Symbol start);40 41 bool IsValidExpression(SymbolicExpressionTree expression);41 int GetMinSubtreeCount(Symbol symbol); 42 void SetMinSubtreeCount(Symbol symbol, int value); 43 int GetMaxSubtreeCount(Symbol symbol); 44 void SetMaxSubtreeCount(Symbol symbol, int value); 42 45 } 43 46 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/SymbolicExpressionTree.cs ¶
r3317 r3338 50 50 } 51 51 52 [Storable]53 private Dictionary<int, IEnumerable<string>> allowedFunctionsInBranch;54 55 52 public int Size { 56 53 get { … … 67 64 public SymbolicExpressionTree() 68 65 : base() { 69 allowedFunctionsInBranch = new Dictionary<int, IEnumerable<string>>();70 66 } 71 67 72 68 public SymbolicExpressionTree(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode root) 73 69 : base() { 74 allowedFunctionsInBranch = new Dictionary<int, IEnumerable<string>>();75 70 } 76 71 77 72 public IEnumerable<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodesPrefix() { 78 return IterateNodesPrefix(root); 79 } 80 private IEnumerable<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodesPrefix(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode node) { 81 yield return node; 82 foreach (var subtree in node.SubTrees) { 83 foreach (var n in IterateNodesPrefix(subtree)) 84 yield return n; 85 } 73 return root.IterateNodesPrefix(); 86 74 } 87 75 public IEnumerable<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodesPostfix() { 88 return IterateNodesPostfix(root);76 return root.IterateNodesPostfix(); 89 77 } 90 private IEnumerable<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodesPostfix(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode node) { 91 foreach (var subtree in node.SubTrees) {92 foreach (var n in IterateNodesPrefix(subtree))93 yield return n;78 79 public SymbolicExpressionTreeNode GetTopLevelBranchOf(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode node) { 80 foreach (var branch in root.SubTrees) { 81 if (branch.IterateNodesPrefix().Contains(node)) return branch; 94 82 } 95 yield return node;83 throw new ArgumentException("Node was not found in tree."); 96 84 } 97 85 … … 101 89 clone.ReadOnlyView = ReadOnlyView; 102 90 clone.root = (SymbolicExpressionTreeNode)this.root.Clone(); 103 clone.allowedFunctionsInBranch = new Dictionary<int, IEnumerable<string>>(allowedFunctionsInBranch);104 91 return clone; 92 } 93 94 public bool IsValidExpression() { 95 if (root.Symbol != root.Grammar.StartSymbol) return false; 96 foreach (var subtree in root.SubTrees) 97 if (subtree.Grammar == root.Grammar) return false; 98 return root.IsValidTree(); 105 99 } 106 100 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/SymbolicExpressionTreeCompiler.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 36 36 {typeof(Division), CodeSymbol.Div}, 37 37 {typeof(InvokeFunction), CodeSymbol.Call}, 38 {typeof(Values), CodeSymbol.Values}38 //{typeof(Values), CodeSymbol.Values} 39 39 }; 40 40 private Dictionary<string, short> entryPoint = new Dictionary<string, short>(); … … 50 50 select node; 51 51 foreach (DefunTreeNode branch in functionBranches) { 52 entryPoint[branch. Name] = (short)code.Count;52 entryPoint[branch.FunctionName] = (short)code.Count; 53 53 code.AddRange(Compile(branch)); 54 54 } … … 65 65 if (instr.symbol == CodeSymbol.Call) { 66 66 var invokeNode = (InvokeFunctionTreeNode)node; 67 instr.iArg0 = entryPoint[invokeNode. InvokedFunctionName];67 instr.iArg0 = entryPoint[invokeNode.Symbol.FunctionName]; 68 68 } 69 69 } else { -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/SymbolicExpressionTreeCreator.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 35 35 [StorableClass] 36 36 public abstract class SymbolicExpressionTreeCreator : SymbolicExpressionTreeOperator, ISolutionCreator { 37 private const string MaxFunctionDefinitionsParameterName = "MaxFunctionDefinitions"; 38 private const string MaxFunctionArgumentsParameterName = "MaxFunctionArguments"; 39 #region Parameter Properties 40 public IValueLookupParameter<IntValue> MaxFunctionDefinitionsParameter { 41 get { return (IValueLookupParameter<IntValue>)Parameters[MaxFunctionDefinitionsParameterName]; } 42 } 43 public IValueLookupParameter<IntValue> MaxFunctionArgumentsParameter { 44 get { return (IValueLookupParameter<IntValue>)Parameters[MaxFunctionArgumentsParameterName]; } 45 } 46 #endregion 47 48 #region Propeties 49 public IntValue MaxFunctionDefinitions { 50 get { return MaxFunctionDefinitionsParameter.ActualValue; } 51 } 52 public IntValue MaxFunctionArguments { 53 get { return MaxFunctionArgumentsParameter.ActualValue; } 54 } 55 56 #endregion 37 57 protected SymbolicExpressionTreeCreator() 38 58 : base() { 59 Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter<IntValue>(MaxFunctionDefinitionsParameterName, "Maximal number of function definitions in the symbolic expression tree.")); 60 Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter<IntValue>(MaxFunctionArgumentsParameterName, "Maximal number of arguments of automatically defined functions in the symbolic expression tree.")); 39 61 } 40 62 41 63 public sealed override IOperation Apply() { 42 SymbolicExpressionTreeParameter.ActualValue = Create(Random Parameter.ActualValue, SymbolicExpressionGrammarParameter.ActualValue,43 MaxTreeSize Parameter.ActualValue, MaxTreeHeightParameter.ActualValue);64 SymbolicExpressionTreeParameter.ActualValue = Create(Random, SymbolicExpressionGrammar, 65 MaxTreeSize, MaxTreeHeight, MaxFunctionDefinitions, MaxFunctionArguments); 44 66 45 67 foreach (var node in SymbolicExpressionTreeParameter.ActualValue.IterateNodesPostfix()) { … … 49 71 } 50 72 51 protected abstract SymbolicExpressionTree Create(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, IntValue maxTreeSize, IntValue maxTreeHeight); 73 protected abstract SymbolicExpressionTree Create( 74 IRandom random, 75 ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, 76 IntValue maxTreeSize, IntValue maxTreeHeight, 77 IntValue maxFunctionDefinitions, IntValue maxFunctionArguments 78 ); 52 79 } 53 80 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/SymbolicExpressionTreeCrossover.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 67 67 68 68 IRandom random = RandomParameter.ActualValue; 69 ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar = SymbolicExpressionGrammarParameter.ActualValue;70 69 71 70 // randomly swap parents to remove a possible bias from selection (e.g. when using gender-specific selection) … … 77 76 78 77 bool success; 79 SymbolicExpressionTree result = Cross(random, grammar,parent0, parent1,78 SymbolicExpressionTree result = Cross(random, parent0, parent1, 80 79 MaxTreeSizeParameter.ActualValue, MaxTreeHeightParameter.ActualValue, out success); 81 80 … … 89 88 } 90 89 91 protected abstract SymbolicExpressionTree Cross(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar,90 protected abstract SymbolicExpressionTree Cross(IRandom random, 92 91 SymbolicExpressionTree parent0, SymbolicExpressionTree parent1, 93 92 IntValue maxTreeSize, IntValue maxTreeHeight, out bool success); -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/SymbolicExpressionTreeNode.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 38 38 private Symbol symbol; 39 39 40 public SymbolicExpressionTreeNode() { } 40 public SymbolicExpressionTreeNode() { 41 subTrees = new List<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode>(); 42 } 41 43 42 public SymbolicExpressionTreeNode(Symbol symbol) {43 subTrees = new List<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode>();44 public SymbolicExpressionTreeNode(Symbol symbol) 45 : this() { 44 46 this.symbol = symbol; 45 47 } … … 49 51 symbol = original.symbol; 50 52 subTrees = new List<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode>(); 53 grammar = original.grammar; 51 54 foreach (var subtree in original.SubTrees) { 52 AddSubTree((SymbolicExpressionTreeNode)subtree.Clone());55 SubTrees.Add((SymbolicExpressionTreeNode)subtree.Clone()); 53 56 } 54 dynamicSymbols = new Dictionary<string, int>(original.dynamicSymbols);55 57 } 56 58 … … 68 70 } 69 71 72 private ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar; 73 public virtual ISymbolicExpressionGrammar Grammar { 74 get { return grammar; } 75 set { 76 grammar = value; 77 foreach (var subtree in subTrees) 78 subtree.Grammar = value; 79 } 80 } 81 70 82 public int GetSize() { 71 83 int size = 1; … … 80 92 } 81 93 82 [Storable]83 private Dictionary<string, int> dynamicSymbols = new Dictionary<string, int>();84 public void AddDynamicSymbol(string symbolName) {85 Debug.Assert(!dynamicSymbols.ContainsKey(symbolName));86 dynamicSymbols[symbolName] = 0;87 }88 89 public void AddDynamicSymbol(string symbolName, int nArguments) {90 AddDynamicSymbol(symbolName);91 SetDynamicSymbolArgumentCount(symbolName, nArguments);92 }93 94 public void RemoveDynamicSymbol(string symbolName) {95 dynamicSymbols.Remove(symbolName);96 }97 98 public IEnumerable<string> DynamicSymbols {99 get { return dynamicSymbols.Keys; }100 }101 102 public int GetDynamicSymbolArgumentCount(string symbolName) {103 return dynamicSymbols[symbolName];104 }105 public void SetDynamicSymbolArgumentCount(string symbolName, int nArguments) {106 Debug.Assert(dynamicSymbols.ContainsKey(symbolName));107 dynamicSymbols[symbolName] = nArguments;108 }109 110 94 public virtual void ResetLocalParameters(IRandom random) { } 111 95 public virtual void ShakeLocalParameters(IRandom random, double shakingFactor) { } 112 96 113 p rotected internalvirtual void AddSubTree(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) {97 public virtual void AddSubTree(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) { 114 98 SubTrees.Add(tree); 99 //if (tree != null) 100 tree.Grammar = Grammar; 115 101 } 116 102 117 p rotected internalvirtual void InsertSubTree(int index, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) {103 public virtual void InsertSubTree(int index, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) { 118 104 SubTrees.Insert(index, tree); 105 //if (tree != null) 106 tree.Grammar = Grammar; 119 107 } 120 108 121 protected internal virtual void RemoveSubTree(int index) { 109 public virtual void RemoveSubTree(int index) { 110 //if (SubTrees[index] != null) 111 SubTrees[index].Grammar = null; 122 112 SubTrees.RemoveAt(index); 123 113 } 114 115 public IEnumerable<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodesPrefix() { 116 yield return this; 117 foreach (var subtree in subTrees) { 118 foreach (var n in subtree.IterateNodesPrefix()) 119 yield return n; 120 } 121 } 122 123 public IEnumerable<SymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodesPostfix() { 124 foreach (var subtree in subTrees) { 125 foreach (var n in subtree.IterateNodesPrefix()) 126 yield return n; 127 } 128 yield return this; 129 } 130 //public int GetMinExpressionLength() { 131 // return Grammar.GetMinExpressionLength(Symbol); 132 //} 133 //public int GetMaxExpressionLength() { 134 // return Grammar.GetMaxExpressionLength(Symbol); 135 //} 136 //public int GetMinExpressionDepth() { 137 // return Grammar.GetMinExpressionDepth(Symbol); 138 //} 139 public IEnumerable<Symbol> GetAllowedSymbols(int argumentIndex) { 140 return Grammar.Symbols.Where(s => Grammar.IsAllowedChild(Symbol, s, argumentIndex)); 141 } 142 public int GetMinSubtreeCount() { 143 return Grammar.GetMinSubtreeCount(Symbol); 144 } 145 public int GetMaxSubtreeCount() { 146 return Grammar.GetMaxSubtreeCount(Symbol); 147 } 148 //public int GetMaxExpressionLength(Symbol s) { 149 // return Grammar.GetMaxExpressionLength(s); 150 //} 151 //public int GetMinExpressionLength(Symbol s) { 152 // return Grammar.GetMinExpressionLength(s); 153 //} 154 //public int GetMinExpressionDepth(Symbol s) { 155 // return Grammar.GetMinExpressionDepth(s); 156 //} 124 157 125 158 #region ICloneable Members … … 130 163 131 164 #endregion 165 166 167 public bool IsValidTree() { 168 var matchingSymbol = (from symb in Grammar.Symbols 169 where symb.Name == Symbol.Name 170 select symb).SingleOrDefault(); 171 172 if (SubTrees.Count < Grammar.GetMinSubtreeCount(matchingSymbol)) return false; 173 else if (SubTrees.Count > Grammar.GetMaxSubtreeCount(matchingSymbol)) return false; 174 else for (int i = 0; i < SubTrees.Count; i++) { 175 if (!GetAllowedSymbols(i).Select(x => x.Name).Contains(SubTrees[i].Symbol.Name)) return false; 176 if (!SubTrees[i].IsValidTree()) return false; 177 } 178 return true; 179 } 132 180 } 133 181 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/SymbolicExpressionTreeOperator.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 45 45 } 46 46 47 #region Parameter Properties 47 48 public ILookupParameter<IRandom> RandomParameter { 48 49 get { return (LookupParameter<IRandom>)Parameters[RandomParameterName]; } … … 60 61 get { return (ILookupParameter<ISymbolicExpressionGrammar>)Parameters[SymbolicExpressionGrammarParameterName]; } 61 62 } 63 #endregion 64 65 #region Properties 66 public IRandom Random { 67 get { return RandomParameter.ActualValue; } 68 } 69 public SymbolicExpressionTree SymbolicExpressionTree { 70 get { return SymbolicExpressionTreeParameter.ActualValue; } 71 } 72 public IntValue MaxTreeSize { 73 get { return MaxTreeSizeParameter.ActualValue; } 74 } 75 public IntValue MaxTreeHeight { 76 get { return MaxTreeHeightParameter.ActualValue; } 77 } 78 public ISymbolicExpressionGrammar SymbolicExpressionGrammar { 79 get { return SymbolicExpressionGrammarParameter.ActualValue; } 80 } 81 #endregion 62 82 63 83 protected SymbolicExpressionTreeOperator() -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/SymbolicExpressionTreeTerminalNode.cs ¶
r3256 r3338 37 37 } 38 38 39 p rotected internaloverride void AddSubTree(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) {39 public override void AddSubTree(SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) { 40 40 throw new NotSupportedException(); 41 41 } 42 p rotected internaloverride void InsertSubTree(int index, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) {42 public override void InsertSubTree(int index, SymbolicExpressionTreeNode tree) { 43 43 throw new NotSupportedException(); 44 44 } 45 p rotected internaloverride void RemoveSubTree(int index) {45 public override void RemoveSubTree(int index) { 46 46 throw new NotSupportedException(); 47 47 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Symbols/Argument.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 34 34 } 35 35 } 36 37 private int argumentIndex; 38 public int ArgumentIndex { 39 get { return argumentIndex; } 40 } 41 42 public Argument(int argumentIndex) 43 : base() { 44 this.argumentIndex = argumentIndex; 45 this.name = "ARG" + argumentIndex; 46 } 47 36 48 public override SymbolicExpressionTreeNode CreateTreeNode() { 37 49 return new ArgumentTreeNode(this); -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Symbols/ArgumentTreeNode.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 25 25 [StorableClass] 26 26 public sealed class ArgumentTreeNode : SymbolicExpressionTreeNode { 27 private int argumentIndex; 28 [Storable] 29 public int ArgumentIndex { 30 get { return argumentIndex; } 31 set { argumentIndex = value; } 27 public new Argument Symbol { 28 get { return (Argument)base.Symbol; } 29 set { 30 if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); 31 if(!(value is Argument)) throw new ArgumentException(); 32 base.Symbol = value; 33 } 32 34 } 33 35 34 36 // copy constructor 35 37 private ArgumentTreeNode(ArgumentTreeNode original) 36 38 : base(original) { 37 argumentIndex = original.argumentIndex;38 39 } 39 40 -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Symbols/Defun.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 34 34 } 35 35 } 36 36 37 public override SymbolicExpressionTreeNode CreateTreeNode() { 37 38 return new DefunTreeNode(this); -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Symbols/DefunTreeNode.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 22 22 using System; 23 23 using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.CompositeSerializers.Storable; 24 using HeuristicLab.Core; 24 25 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.GeneralSymbols { 25 26 [StorableClass] … … 31 32 set { numberOfArguments = value; } 32 33 } 33 private string name;34 private string functionName; 34 35 [Storable] 35 public string Name { 36 get { return name; } 37 set { this.name = value; } 36 public string FunctionName { 37 get { return functionName; } 38 set { this.functionName = value; } 39 } 40 41 private new Defun Symbol { 42 get { return (Defun)base.Symbol; } 38 43 } 39 44 … … 41 46 private DefunTreeNode(DefunTreeNode original) 42 47 : base(original) { 43 name = original.Name;48 functionName = original.functionName; 44 49 numberOfArguments = original.numberOfArguments; 45 50 } 46 51 47 52 public DefunTreeNode(Defun defunSymbol) : base(defunSymbol) { } 53 48 54 49 55 public override object Clone() { -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Symbols/InvokeFunction.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 34 34 } 35 35 } 36 public string FunctionName { get; set; } 37 38 public InvokeFunction(string functionName) 39 : base() { 40 this.FunctionName = functionName; 41 this.name = "Invoke: " + functionName; 42 } 43 36 44 public override SymbolicExpressionTreeNode CreateTreeNode() { 37 45 return new InvokeFunctionTreeNode(this); -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Symbols/InvokeFunctionTreeNode.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 25 25 [StorableClass] 26 26 public sealed class InvokeFunctionTreeNode : SymbolicExpressionTreeNode { 27 private string invokedFunctionName; 28 [Storable] 29 public string InvokedFunctionName { 30 get { return invokedFunctionName; } 31 set { this.invokedFunctionName = value; } 27 public new InvokeFunction Symbol { 28 get { return (InvokeFunction)base.Symbol; } 32 29 } 33 30 … … 35 32 private InvokeFunctionTreeNode(InvokeFunctionTreeNode original) 36 33 : base(original) { 37 invokedFunctionName = original.invokedFunctionName;38 34 } 39 35 -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Symbols/StartSymbol.cs ¶
r3294 r3338 31 31 } 32 32 } 33 34 public override SymbolicExpressionTreeNode CreateTreeNode() { 35 return new StartSymbolTreeNode(this); 36 } 33 37 } 34 38 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding-3.3.Tests.csproj ¶
r3297 r3338 39 39 </ItemGroup> 40 40 <ItemGroup> 41 <Compile Include="SubroutineCreaterTest.cs" /> 42 <Compile Include="SubtreeCrossoverTest.cs" /> 41 <Compile Include="ArgumentCreaterTest.cs" /> 42 <Compile Include="ArgumentDeleterTest.cs" /> 43 <Compile Include="Grammars.cs" /> 44 <Compile Include="SubtreeCrossoverTest.cs"> 45 <SubType>Code</SubType> 46 </Compile> 47 <Compile Include="Util.cs" /> 43 48 <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" /> 44 49 <Compile Include="ProbabilisticTreeCreaterTest.cs" /> -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Tests/ProbabilisticTreeCreaterTest.cs ¶
r3297 r3338 11 11 [TestClass] 12 12 public class ProbabilisticTreeCreaterTest { 13 public ProbabilisticTreeCreaterTest() { 14 int populationSize = 1000; 15 randomTrees = new List<SymbolicExpressionTree>(); 16 var grammar = new TestGrammar(); 17 var random = new MersenneTwister(); 18 for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { 19 randomTrees.Add(ProbabilisticTreeCreator.Create(random, grammar, 100, 10)); 20 } 21 foreach (var tree in randomTrees) 22 Assert.IsTrue(grammar.IsValidExpression(tree)); 23 } 24 13 private const int POPULATION_SIZE = 1000; 14 private const int MAX_TREE_SIZE = 100; 15 private const int MAX_TREE_HEIGHT = 10; 25 16 private TestContext testContextInstance; 26 17 … … 38 29 } 39 30 40 private List<SymbolicExpressionTree> randomTrees; 41 42 43 private class Addition : Symbol { } 44 private class Subtraction : Symbol { } 45 private class Multiplication : Symbol { } 46 private class Division : Symbol { } 47 private class Terminal : Symbol { } 48 49 private class TestGrammar : DefaultSymbolicExpressionGrammar { 50 public TestGrammar() 51 : base(0, 0, 0, 0) { 52 Initialize(); 31 [TestMethod()] 32 public void ProbabilisticTreeCreaterDistributionsTest() { 33 var randomTrees = new List<SymbolicExpressionTree>(); 34 var grammar = Grammars.CreateSimpleArithmeticGrammar(); 35 var random = new MersenneTwister(); 36 for (int i = 0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++) { 37 randomTrees.Add(ProbabilisticTreeCreator.Create(random, grammar, MAX_TREE_SIZE, MAX_TREE_HEIGHT, 0, 0)); 53 38 } 54 39 55 private void Initialize() { 56 var add = new Addition(); 57 var sub = new Subtraction(); 58 var mul = new Multiplication(); 59 var div = new Division(); 60 var terminal = new Terminal(); 61 62 var allSymbols = new List<Symbol>() { add, sub, mul, div, terminal }; 63 var functionSymbols = new List<Symbol>() { add, sub, mul, div }; 64 allSymbols.ForEach(s => AddAllowedSymbols(StartSymbol, 0, s)); 65 66 SetMinSubTreeCount(terminal, 0); 67 SetMaxSubTreeCount(terminal, 0); 68 int maxSubTrees = 3; 69 foreach (var functionSymbol in functionSymbols) { 70 SetMinSubTreeCount(functionSymbol, 1); 71 SetMaxSubTreeCount(functionSymbol, maxSubTrees); 72 foreach (var childSymbol in allSymbols) { 73 for (int argumentIndex = 0; argumentIndex < maxSubTrees; argumentIndex++) { 74 AddAllowedSymbols(functionSymbol, argumentIndex, childSymbol); 75 } 76 } 77 } 78 } 79 } 80 81 [TestMethod()] 82 public void ProbabilisticTreeCreaterSizeDistributionTest() { 83 int[] histogram = new int[105 / 5]; 84 for (int i = 0; i < randomTrees.Count; i++) { 85 histogram[randomTrees[i].Size / 5]++; 86 } 87 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 88 for (int i = 0; i < histogram.Length; i++) { 89 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 90 strBuilder.Append("< "); strBuilder.Append((i + 1) * 5); 91 strBuilder.Append(": "); strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", histogram[i] / (double)randomTrees.Count); 92 } 93 Assert.Inconclusive("Size distribution of ProbabilisticTreeCreator: " + strBuilder); 94 } 95 96 [TestMethod()] 97 public void ProbabilisticTreeCreaterFunctionDistributionTest() { 98 Dictionary<Symbol, int> occurances = new Dictionary<Symbol, int>(); 99 double n = 0.0; 100 for (int i = 0; i < randomTrees.Count; i++) { 101 foreach (var node in randomTrees[i].IterateNodesPrefix()) { 102 if (node.SubTrees.Count > 0) { 103 if (!occurances.ContainsKey(node.Symbol)) 104 occurances[node.Symbol] = 0; 105 occurances[node.Symbol]++; 106 n++; 107 } 108 } 109 } 110 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 111 foreach (var function in occurances.Keys) { 112 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 113 strBuilder.Append(function.Name); strBuilder.Append(": "); 114 strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", occurances[function] / n); 115 } 116 Assert.Inconclusive("Function distribution of ProbabilisticTreeCreator: " + strBuilder); 117 } 118 119 [TestMethod()] 120 public void ProbabilisticTreeCreaterNumberOfSubTreesDistributionTest() { 121 Dictionary<int, int> occurances = new Dictionary<int, int>(); 122 double n = 0.0; 123 for (int i = 0; i < randomTrees.Count; i++) { 124 foreach (var node in randomTrees[i].IterateNodesPrefix()) { 125 if (!occurances.ContainsKey(node.SubTrees.Count)) 126 occurances[node.SubTrees.Count] = 0; 127 occurances[node.SubTrees.Count]++; 128 n++; 129 } 130 } 131 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 132 foreach (var arity in occurances.Keys) { 133 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 134 strBuilder.Append(arity); strBuilder.Append(": "); 135 strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", occurances[arity] / n); 136 } 137 Assert.Inconclusive("Distribution of function arities of ProbabilisticTreeCreator: " + strBuilder); 40 foreach (var tree in randomTrees) 41 Assert.IsTrue(tree.IsValidExpression()); 42 Assert.Inconclusive("ProbabilisticTreeCreator: " + Environment.NewLine + 43 Util.GetSizeDistributionString(randomTrees, 105, 5) + Environment.NewLine + 44 Util.GetFunctionDistributionString(randomTrees) + Environment.NewLine + 45 Util.GetNumberOfSubTreesDistributionString(randomTrees) + Environment.NewLine + 46 Util.GetTerminalDistributionString(randomTrees) + Environment.NewLine 47 ); 138 48 } 139 49 140 50 141 51 [TestMethod()] 142 public void ProbabilisticTreeCreaterTerminalDistributionTest() { 143 Dictionary<Symbol, int> occurances = new Dictionary<Symbol, int>(); 144 double n = 0.0; 145 for (int i = 0; i < randomTrees.Count; i++) { 146 foreach (var node in randomTrees[i].IterateNodesPrefix()) { 147 if (node.SubTrees.Count == 0) { 148 if (!occurances.ContainsKey(node.Symbol)) 149 occurances[node.Symbol] = 0; 150 occurances[node.Symbol]++; 151 n++; 152 } 153 } 52 public void ProbabilisticTreeCreaterWithAdfDistributionsTest() { 53 var randomTrees = new List<SymbolicExpressionTree>(); 54 var grammar = Grammars.CreateArithmeticAndAdfGrammar(); 55 var random = new MersenneTwister(); 56 for (int i = 0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++) { 57 randomTrees.Add(ProbabilisticTreeCreator.Create(random, grammar, MAX_TREE_SIZE, MAX_TREE_HEIGHT, 3, 3)); 154 58 } 155 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 156 foreach (var function in occurances.Keys) { 157 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 158 strBuilder.Append(function.Name); strBuilder.Append(": "); 159 strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", occurances[function] / n); 160 } 161 Assert.Inconclusive("Terminal distribution of ProbabilisticTreeCreator: " + strBuilder); 59 foreach (var tree in randomTrees) 60 Assert.IsTrue(tree.IsValidExpression()); 61 Assert.Inconclusive("ProbabilisticTreeCreator: " + Environment.NewLine + 62 Util.GetSizeDistributionString(randomTrees, 105, 5) + Environment.NewLine + 63 Util.GetFunctionDistributionString(randomTrees) + Environment.NewLine + 64 Util.GetNumberOfSubTreesDistributionString(randomTrees) + Environment.NewLine + 65 Util.GetTerminalDistributionString(randomTrees) + Environment.NewLine 66 ); 162 67 } 163 68 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Tests/SubroutineCreaterTest.cs ¶
r3307 r3338 13 13 [TestClass] 14 14 public class SubroutineCreaterTest { 15 public SubroutineCreaterTest() { 16 } 15 private static ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar; 16 private static List<SymbolicExpressionTree> subroutineTrees; 17 private static int failedEvents; 17 18 18 19 private TestContext testContextInstance; … … 36 37 subroutineTrees = new List<SymbolicExpressionTree>(); 37 38 int populationSize = 1000; 38 var grammar = new TestGrammar(); 39 failedEvents = 0; 40 grammar = Grammars.CreateArithmeticAndAdfGrammar(); 39 41 var random = new MersenneTwister(); 40 42 for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { 41 43 var randTree = ProbabilisticTreeCreator.Create(random, grammar, 100, 10); 42 Assert.IsTrue(grammar.IsValidExpression(randTree));44 // PTC create is tested separately 43 45 randomTrees.Add(randTree); 44 46 } … … 47 49 var par0 = (SymbolicExpressionTree)randomTrees[random.Next(populationSize)].Clone(); 48 50 bool success = SubroutineCreater.CreateSubroutine(random, par0, grammar, 100, 10, 3, 3); 49 Assert.IsTrue(grammar.IsValidExpression(par0));51 if (!success) failedEvents++; 50 52 subroutineTrees.Add(par0); 51 53 } … … 53 55 54 56 55 56 private static List<SymbolicExpressionTree> subroutineTrees; 57 private static int failedEvents; 58 59 private class Addition : Symbol { } 60 private class Subtraction : Symbol { } 61 private class Multiplication : Symbol { } 62 private class Division : Symbol { } 63 private class Terminal : Symbol { } 64 65 private class TestGrammar : DefaultSymbolicExpressionGrammar { 66 public TestGrammar() 67 : base(0, 3, 0, 3) { 68 Initialize(); 69 } 70 71 private void Initialize() { 72 var add = new Addition(); 73 var sub = new Subtraction(); 74 var mul = new Multiplication(); 75 var div = new Division(); 76 var terminal = new Terminal(); 77 78 var defun = new Defun(); 79 var invoke = new InvokeFunction(); 80 81 var allSymbols = new List<Symbol>() { add, sub, mul, div, terminal, invoke }; 82 var functionSymbols = new List<Symbol>() { add, sub, mul, div }; 83 foreach (var symb in allSymbols) { 84 AddAllowedSymbols(StartSymbol, 0, symb); 85 AddAllowedSymbols(defun, 0, symb); 86 } 87 SetMinSubTreeCount(invoke, 0); 88 SetMaxSubTreeCount(invoke, 3); 89 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { 90 allSymbols.ForEach(s => AddAllowedSymbols(invoke, i, s)); 91 } 92 SetMinSubTreeCount(terminal, 0); 93 SetMaxSubTreeCount(terminal, 0); 94 int maxSubTrees = 3; 95 foreach (var functionSymbol in functionSymbols) { 96 SetMinSubTreeCount(functionSymbol, 1); 97 SetMaxSubTreeCount(functionSymbol, maxSubTrees); 98 foreach (var childSymbol in allSymbols) { 99 for (int argumentIndex = 0; argumentIndex < maxSubTrees; argumentIndex++) { 100 AddAllowedSymbols(functionSymbol, argumentIndex, childSymbol); 101 } 102 } 103 } 104 } 57 [TestMethod()] 58 public void SubroutineCreaterCreateTest() { 59 foreach (var tree in subroutineTrees) 60 Assert.IsTrue(grammar.IsValidExpression(tree)); 105 61 } 106 62 107 63 [TestMethod()] 108 64 public void SubroutineCreaterSizeDistributionTest() { 109 int[] histogram = new int[105 / 5]; 110 for (int i = 0; i < subroutineTrees.Count; i++) { 111 histogram[subroutineTrees[i].Size / 5]++; 112 } 113 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 114 for (int i = 0; i < histogram.Length; i++) { 115 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 116 strBuilder.Append("< "); strBuilder.Append((i + 1) * 5); 117 strBuilder.Append(": "); strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", histogram[i] / (double)subroutineTrees.Count); 118 } 119 Assert.Inconclusive("Size distribution of SubroutineCreater: " + strBuilder); 65 Assert.Inconclusive("SubroutineCreater: " + Util.GetSizeDistributionString(subroutineTrees, 105, 5)); 120 66 } 121 67 122 68 [TestMethod()] 123 69 public void SubroutineCreaterFunctionDistributionTest() { 124 Dictionary<Symbol, int> occurances = new Dictionary<Symbol, int>(); 125 double n = 0.0; 126 for (int i = 0; i < subroutineTrees.Count; i++) { 127 foreach (var node in subroutineTrees[i].IterateNodesPrefix()) { 128 if (node.SubTrees.Count > 0) { 129 if (!occurances.ContainsKey(node.Symbol)) 130 occurances[node.Symbol] = 0; 131 occurances[node.Symbol]++; 132 n++; 133 } 134 } 135 } 136 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 137 foreach (var function in occurances.Keys) { 138 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 139 strBuilder.Append(function.Name); strBuilder.Append(": "); 140 strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", occurances[function] / n); 141 } 142 Assert.Inconclusive("Function distribution of SubroutineCreater: " + strBuilder); 70 Assert.Inconclusive("SubroutineCreater: " + Util.GetFunctionDistributionString(subroutineTrees)); 143 71 } 144 72 145 73 [TestMethod()] 146 74 public void SubroutineCreaterNumberOfSubTreesDistributionTest() { 147 Dictionary<int, int> occurances = new Dictionary<int, int>(); 148 double n = 0.0; 149 for (int i = 0; i < subroutineTrees.Count; i++) { 150 foreach (var node in subroutineTrees[i].IterateNodesPrefix()) { 151 if (!occurances.ContainsKey(node.SubTrees.Count)) 152 occurances[node.SubTrees.Count] = 0; 153 occurances[node.SubTrees.Count]++; 154 n++; 155 } 156 } 157 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 158 foreach (var arity in occurances.Keys) { 159 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 160 strBuilder.Append(arity); strBuilder.Append(": "); 161 strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", occurances[arity] / n); 162 } 163 Assert.Inconclusive("Distribution of function arities of SubroutineCreater: " + strBuilder); 75 Assert.Inconclusive("SubroutineCreater: " + Util.GetNumberOfSubTreesDistributionString(subroutineTrees)); 164 76 } 165 77 … … 167 79 [TestMethod()] 168 80 public void SubroutineCreaterTerminalDistributionTest() { 169 Dictionary<Symbol, int> occurances = new Dictionary<Symbol, int>(); 170 double n = 0.0; 171 for (int i = 0; i < subroutineTrees.Count; i++) { 172 foreach (var node in subroutineTrees[i].IterateNodesPrefix()) { 173 if (node.SubTrees.Count == 0) { 174 if (!occurances.ContainsKey(node.Symbol)) 175 occurances[node.Symbol] = 0; 176 occurances[node.Symbol]++; 177 n++; 178 } 179 } 180 } 181 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 182 foreach (var function in occurances.Keys) { 183 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 184 strBuilder.Append(function.Name); strBuilder.Append(": "); 185 strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", occurances[function] / n); 186 } 187 Assert.Inconclusive("Terminal distribution of SubroutineCreater: " + strBuilder); 81 Assert.Inconclusive("SubroutineCreater: " + Util.GetTerminalDistributionString(subroutineTrees)); 188 82 } 189 83 } -
TabularUnified trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.3/Tests/SubtreeCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r3297 r3338 11 11 [TestClass] 12 12 public class SubtreeCrossoverTest { 13 public SubtreeCrossoverTest() { 14 } 13 private static ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar; 14 private static List<SymbolicExpressionTree> crossoverTrees; 15 private static double msPerCrossoverEvent; 15 16 16 17 private TestContext testContextInstance; … … 34 35 int populationSize = 1000; 35 36 int generations = 5; 36 var grammar = new TestGrammar(); 37 int failedEvents = 0; 38 grammar = Grammars.CreateArithmeticAndAdfGrammar(); 37 39 var random = new MersenneTwister(); 38 40 for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { 39 crossoverTrees.Add(ProbabilisticTreeCreator.Create(random, grammar, 100, 10 ));41 crossoverTrees.Add(ProbabilisticTreeCreator.Create(random, grammar, 100, 10, 3, 3)); 40 42 } 41 43 Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); … … 47 49 var par1 = (SymbolicExpressionTree)crossoverTrees[random.Next(populationSize)].Clone(); 48 50 bool success; 49 newPopulation.Add(SubtreeCrossover.Cross(random, grammar, par0, par1, 0.9, 100, 10, out success)); 51 newPopulation.Add(SubtreeCrossover.Cross(random, par0, par1, 0.9, 100, 10, out success)); 52 if (!success) failedEvents++; 50 53 } 51 54 crossoverTrees = newPopulation; … … 53 56 stopwatch.Stop(); 54 57 foreach (var tree in crossoverTrees) 55 Assert.IsTrue( grammar.IsValidExpression(tree));56 msPerCrossoverEvent = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)populationSize / (double)generations; 58 Assert.IsTrue(tree.IsValidExpression()); 59 msPerCrossoverEvent = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)populationSize / (double)generations; 57 60 } 58 61 59 62 60 63 61 private static List<SymbolicExpressionTree> crossoverTrees;62 private static double msPerCrossoverEvent;63 64 private class Addition : Symbol { }65 private class Subtraction : Symbol { }66 private class Multiplication : Symbol { }67 private class Division : Symbol { }68 private class Terminal : Symbol { }69 70 private class TestGrammar : DefaultSymbolicExpressionGrammar {71 public TestGrammar()72 : base(0, 0, 0, 0) {73 Initialize();74 }75 76 private void Initialize() {77 var add = new Addition();78 var sub = new Subtraction();79 var mul = new Multiplication();80 var div = new Division();81 var terminal = new Terminal();82 83 var allSymbols = new List<Symbol>() { add, sub, mul, div, terminal };84 var functionSymbols = new List<Symbol>() { add, sub, mul, div };85 allSymbols.ForEach(s => AddAllowedSymbols(StartSymbol, 0, s));86 87 SetMinSubTreeCount(terminal, 0);88 SetMaxSubTreeCount(terminal, 0);89 int maxSubTrees = 3;90 foreach (var functionSymbol in functionSymbols) {91 SetMinSubTreeCount(functionSymbol, 1);92 SetMaxSubTreeCount(functionSymbol, maxSubTrees);93 foreach (var childSymbol in allSymbols) {94 for (int argumentIndex = 0; argumentIndex < maxSubTrees; argumentIndex++) {95 AddAllowedSymbols(functionSymbol, argumentIndex, childSymbol);96 }97 }98 }99 }100 }101 102 64 [TestMethod()] 103 65 public void SubtreeCrossoverSpeed() { 66 104 67 Assert.Inconclusive(msPerCrossoverEvent + " ms per crossover event (~" + 105 68 Math.Round(1000.0 / (msPerCrossoverEvent)) + "crossovers / s)"); … … 107 70 108 71 [TestMethod()] 109 public void SubtreeCrossoverSizeDistributionTest() { 110 int[] histogram = new int[105 / 5]; 111 for (int i = 0; i < crossoverTrees.Count; i++) { 112 histogram[crossoverTrees[i].Size / 5]++; 113 } 114 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 115 for (int i = 0; i < histogram.Length; i++) { 116 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 117 strBuilder.Append("< "); strBuilder.Append((i + 1) * 5); 118 strBuilder.Append(": "); strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", histogram[i] / (double)crossoverTrees.Count); 119 } 120 Assert.Inconclusive("Size distribution of SubtreeCrossover: " + strBuilder); 72 public void SubtreeCrossoverSizeDistributions() { 73 Assert.Inconclusive("SubtreeCrossover: " + Util.GetSizeDistributionString(crossoverTrees, 105, 5)); 121 74 } 122 75 123 76 [TestMethod()] 124 77 public void SubtreeCrossoverFunctionDistributionTest() { 125 Dictionary<Symbol, int> occurances = new Dictionary<Symbol, int>(); 126 double n = 0.0; 127 for (int i = 0; i < crossoverTrees.Count; i++) { 128 foreach (var node in crossoverTrees[i].IterateNodesPrefix()) { 129 if (node.SubTrees.Count > 0) { 130 if (!occurances.ContainsKey(node.Symbol)) 131 occurances[node.Symbol] = 0; 132 occurances[node.Symbol]++; 133 n++; 134 } 135 } 136 } 137 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 138 foreach (var function in occurances.Keys) { 139 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 140 strBuilder.Append(function.Name); strBuilder.Append(": "); 141 strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", occurances[function] / n); 142 } 143 Assert.Inconclusive("Function distribution of SubtreeCrossover: " + strBuilder); 78 Assert.Inconclusive("SubtreeCrossover: " + Util.GetFunctionDistributionString(crossoverTrees)); 144 79 } 145 80 146 81 [TestMethod()] 147 82 public void SubtreeCrossoverNumberOfSubTreesDistributionTest() { 148 Dictionary<int, int> occurances = new Dictionary<int, int>(); 149 double n = 0.0; 150 for (int i = 0; i < crossoverTrees.Count; i++) { 151 foreach (var node in crossoverTrees[i].IterateNodesPrefix()) { 152 if (!occurances.ContainsKey(node.SubTrees.Count)) 153 occurances[node.SubTrees.Count] = 0; 154 occurances[node.SubTrees.Count]++; 155 n++; 156 } 157 } 158 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 159 foreach (var arity in occurances.Keys) { 160 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 161 strBuilder.Append(arity); strBuilder.Append(": "); 162 strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", occurances[arity] / n); 163 } 164 Assert.Inconclusive("Distribution of function arities of SubtreeCrossover: " + strBuilder); 83 Assert.Inconclusive("SubtreeCrossover: " + Util.GetNumberOfSubTreesDistributionString(crossoverTrees)); 165 84 } 166 85 … … 168 87 [TestMethod()] 169 88 public void SubtreeCrossoverTerminalDistributionTest() { 170 Dictionary<Symbol, int> occurances = new Dictionary<Symbol, int>(); 171 double n = 0.0; 172 for (int i = 0; i < crossoverTrees.Count; i++) { 173 foreach (var node in crossoverTrees[i].IterateNodesPrefix()) { 174 if (node.SubTrees.Count == 0) { 175 if (!occurances.ContainsKey(node.Symbol)) 176 occurances[node.Symbol] = 0; 177 occurances[node.Symbol]++; 178 n++; 179 } 180 } 181 } 182 StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 183 foreach (var function in occurances.Keys) { 184 strBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine); 185 strBuilder.Append(function.Name); strBuilder.Append(": "); 186 strBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:#0.00%}", occurances[function] / n); 187 } 188 Assert.Inconclusive("Terminal distribution of SubtreeCrossover: " + strBuilder); 89 Assert.Inconclusive("SubtreeCrossover: " + Util.GetTerminalDistributionString(crossoverTrees)); 189 90 } 190 91 }
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