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Changeset 18011 for branches

07/15/21 23:04:44 (3 years ago)

#3087: Implement ceres-based parameter optimizer in new evaluator. Revert constant optimization evaluator to old behavior.

1 added
2 edited


  • branches/3087_Ceres_Integration/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression/3.4/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression-3.4.csproj

    r18009 r18011  
    136136    <Compile Include="SingleObjective\ConstantOptimizationAnalyzer.cs" />
    137137    <Compile Include="SingleObjective\Evaluators\NMSESingleObjectiveConstraintsEvaluator.cs" />
     138    <Compile Include="SingleObjective\Evaluators\ParameterOptimizationEvaluator.cs" />
    138139    <Compile Include="SingleObjective\Evaluators\SymbolicRegressionMeanRelativeErrorEvaluator.cs" />
    139140    <Compile Include="SingleObjective\ShapeConstrainedRegressionSingleObjectiveProblem.cs" />
  • branches/3087_Ceres_Integration/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression/3.4/SingleObjective/Evaluators/SymbolicRegressionConstantOptimizationEvaluator.cs

    r18010 r18011  
    3030using HeuristicLab.Data;
    3131using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
    32 using HeuristicLab.NativeInterpreter;
    3332using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
    3433using HeuristicLab.Parameters;
    212211      bool updateConstantsInTree = true, Action<double[], double, object> iterationCallback = null, EvaluationsCounter counter = null) {
     213      // Numeric constants in the tree become variables for parameter optimization.
     214      // Variables in the tree become parameters (fixed values) for parameter optimization.
     215      // For each parameter (variable in the original tree) we store the
     216      // variable name, variable value (for factor vars) and lag as a DataForVariable object.
     217      // A dictionary is used to find parameters
     218      double[] initialConstants;
     219      var parameters = new List<TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.DataForVariable>();
     221      TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunction func;
     222      TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunctionGradient func_grad;
     223      if (!TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.TryConvertToAutoDiff(tree, updateVariableWeights, applyLinearScaling, out parameters, out initialConstants, out func, out func_grad))
     224        throw new NotSupportedException("Could not optimize constants of symbolic expression tree due to not supported symbols used in the tree.");
     225      if (parameters.Count == 0) return 0.0; // constant expressions always have a R² of 0.0
     226      var parameterEntries = parameters.ToArray(); // order of entries must be the same for x
     228      // extract inital constants
     229      double[] c;
     230      if (applyLinearScaling) {
     231        c = new double[initialConstants.Length + 2];
     232        c[0] = 0.0;
     233        c[1] = 1.0;
     234        Array.Copy(initialConstants, 0, c, 2, initialConstants.Length);
     235      } else {
     236        c = (double[])initialConstants.Clone();
     237      }
    214239      double originalQuality = SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectivePearsonRSquaredEvaluator.Calculate(interpreter, tree, lowerEstimationLimit, upperEstimationLimit, problemData, rows, applyLinearScaling);
    216       var nodesToOptimize = new HashSet<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>();
    217       var originalNodeValues = new Dictionary<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, double>();
    219       foreach (var node in tree.IterateNodesPrefix().OfType<SymbolicExpressionTreeTerminalNode>()) {
    220         if (node is VariableTreeNode && !updateVariableWeights) {
    221           continue;
     241      if (counter == null) counter = new EvaluationsCounter();
     242      var rowEvaluationsCounter = new EvaluationsCounter();
     244      alglib.lsfitstate state;
     245      alglib.lsfitreport rep;
     246      int retVal;
     248      IDataset ds = problemData.Dataset;
     249      double[,] x = new double[rows.Count(), parameters.Count];
     250      int row = 0;
     251      foreach (var r in rows) {
     252        int col = 0;
     253        foreach (var info in parameterEntries) {
     254          if (ds.VariableHasType<double>(info.variableName)) {
     255            x[row, col] = ds.GetDoubleValue(info.variableName, r + info.lag);
     256          } else if (ds.VariableHasType<string>(info.variableName)) {
     257            x[row, col] = ds.GetStringValue(info.variableName, r) == info.variableValue ? 1 : 0;
     258          } else throw new InvalidProgramException("found a variable of unknown type");
     259          col++;
    222260        }
    223         if (node is ConstantTreeNode && node.Parent.Symbol is Power && node.Parent.GetSubtree(1) == node) {
    224           // do not optimize exponents
    225           continue;
     261        row++;
     262      }
     263      double[] y = ds.GetDoubleValues(problemData.TargetVariable, rows).ToArray();
     264      int n = x.GetLength(0);
     265      int m = x.GetLength(1);
     266      int k = c.Length;
     268      alglib.ndimensional_pfunc function_cx_1_func = CreatePFunc(func);
     269      alglib.ndimensional_pgrad function_cx_1_grad = CreatePGrad(func_grad);
     270      alglib.ndimensional_rep xrep = (p, f, obj) => iterationCallback(p, f, obj);
     272      try {
     273        alglib.lsfitcreatefg(x, y, c, n, m, k, false, out state);
     274        alglib.lsfitsetcond(state, 0.0, maxIterations);
     275        alglib.lsfitsetxrep(state, iterationCallback != null);
     276        alglib.lsfitfit(state, function_cx_1_func, function_cx_1_grad, xrep, rowEvaluationsCounter);
     277        alglib.lsfitresults(state, out retVal, out c, out rep);
     278      } catch (ArithmeticException) {
     279        return originalQuality;
     280      } catch (alglib.alglibexception) {
     281        return originalQuality;
     282      }
     284      counter.FunctionEvaluations += rowEvaluationsCounter.FunctionEvaluations / n;
     285      counter.GradientEvaluations += rowEvaluationsCounter.GradientEvaluations / n;
     287      //retVal == -7  => constant optimization failed due to wrong gradient
     288      //          -8  => optimizer detected  NAN / INF  in  the target
     289      //                 function and/ or gradient
     290      if (retVal != -7 && retVal != -8) {
     291        if (applyLinearScaling) {
     292          var tmp = new double[c.Length - 2];
     293          Array.Copy(c, 2, tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
     294          UpdateConstants(tree, tmp, updateVariableWeights);
     295        } else UpdateConstants(tree, c, updateVariableWeights);
     296      }
     297      var quality = SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectivePearsonRSquaredEvaluator.Calculate(interpreter, tree, lowerEstimationLimit, upperEstimationLimit, problemData, rows, applyLinearScaling);
     299      if (!updateConstantsInTree) UpdateConstants(tree, initialConstants, updateVariableWeights);
     301      if (originalQuality - quality > 0.001 || double.IsNaN(quality)) {
     302        UpdateConstants(tree, initialConstants, updateVariableWeights);
     303        return originalQuality;
     304      }
     305      return quality;
     306    }
     308    private static void UpdateConstants(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, double[] constants, bool updateVariableWeights) {
     309      int i = 0;
     310      foreach (var node in tree.Root.IterateNodesPrefix().OfType<SymbolicExpressionTreeTerminalNode>()) {
     311        ConstantTreeNode constantTreeNode = node as ConstantTreeNode;
     312        VariableTreeNodeBase variableTreeNodeBase = node as VariableTreeNodeBase;
     313        FactorVariableTreeNode factorVarTreeNode = node as FactorVariableTreeNode;
     314        if (constantTreeNode != null) {
     315          if (constantTreeNode.Parent.Symbol is Power
     316              && constantTreeNode.Parent.GetSubtree(1) == constantTreeNode) continue; // exponents in powers are not optimizated (see TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter)
     317          constantTreeNode.Value = constants[i++];
     318        } else if (updateVariableWeights && variableTreeNodeBase != null)
     319          variableTreeNodeBase.Weight = constants[i++];
     320        else if (factorVarTreeNode != null) {
     321          for (int j = 0; j < factorVarTreeNode.Weights.Length; j++)
     322            factorVarTreeNode.Weights[j] = constants[i++];
    226323        }
    227         nodesToOptimize.Add(node);
    228         if (node is ConstantTreeNode constant) {
    229           originalNodeValues[node] = constant.Value;
    230         } else if (node is VariableTreeNode variable) {
    231           originalNodeValues[node] = variable.Weight;
    232         }
    233       }
    235       var options = new SolverOptions {
    236         Iterations = maxIterations
     324      }
     325    }
     327    private static alglib.ndimensional_pfunc CreatePFunc(TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunction func) {
     328      return (double[] c, double[] x, ref double fx, object o) => {
     329        fx = func(c, x);
     330        var counter = (EvaluationsCounter)o;
     331        counter.FunctionEvaluations++;
    237332      };
    238       var summary = new OptimizationSummary();
    239       var optimizedNodeValues = ParameterOptimizer.OptimizeTree(tree, problemData.Dataset, problemData.TrainingIndices, problemData.TargetVariable, nodesToOptimize, options, ref summary);
    241       counter.FunctionEvaluations += summary.ResidualEvaluations;
    242       counter.GradientEvaluations += summary.JacobianEvaluations;
    244       // check if the fitting of the parameters was successful
    245       UpdateNodeValues(optimizedNodeValues);
    247       var quality = SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectivePearsonRSquaredEvaluator.Calculate(interpreter, tree, lowerEstimationLimit, upperEstimationLimit, problemData, rows, applyLinearScaling);
    248       if (quality < originalQuality || !updateConstantsInTree) {
    249         UpdateNodeValues(originalNodeValues);
    250       }
    251       return Math.Max(quality, originalQuality);
    252     }
    254     private static void UpdateNodeValues(IDictionary<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, double> values) {
    255       foreach (var item in values) {
    256         var node = item.Key;
    257         if (node is ConstantTreeNode constant) {
    258           constant.Value = item.Value;
    259         } else if (node is VariableTreeNode variable) {
    260           variable.Weight = item.Value;
    261         }
    262       }
    263     }
     333    }
     335    private static alglib.ndimensional_pgrad CreatePGrad(TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunctionGradient func_grad) {
     336      return (double[] c, double[] x, ref double fx, double[] grad, object o) => {
     337        var tuple = func_grad(c, x);
     338        fx = tuple.Item2;
     339        Array.Copy(tuple.Item1, grad, grad.Length);
     340        var counter = (EvaluationsCounter)o;
     341        counter.GradientEvaluations++;
     342      };
     343    }
    265344    public static bool CanOptimizeConstants(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree) {
    266345      return TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.IsCompatible(tree);
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