made interfaces for array/matrix JsonItems and for their VMs aswell (IArrayJsonItem, IArrayJsonItemVM, IMatrixJsonItem, IMatrixJsonItemVM), incl. base classes (ArrayJsonItemBase, ArrayValueVM, MatrixJsonItemBase, MatrixValueVM)
changed inheritance structure for already existing array/matrix JsonItems -> they inherit now from new base array/matrix base classes
added input elements to configure the size of an matrix or array in JsonItemMultiValueControl (incl. VM binding and validation)
splitted file JsonItems.cs into separate files for their corresponding types (IntJsonItems.cs, DoubleJsonItems.cs, BoolJsonItems.cs, StringJsonItem.cs, DateTimeJsonItem.cs)
changed location of deserialization of json values from JsonTemplateInstantiator into IJsonItem (implemented in JsonItem and set to virtual, overridden in MatrixJsonItemBase and ArrayJsonItemBase)
added new CLI argument StringArgument
some little UI improvements (location fixes, anchor fixes, ...)