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02/11/19 18:12:03 (6 years ago)

#2925: changed code to use LM instead of LBFGS and removed standardization

2 edited


  • branches/2925_AutoDiffForDynamicalModels/HeuristicLab.Problems.DynamicalSystemsModelling/3.3/Problem.cs

    r16597 r16599  
    201201                                                                                                      // retreive optimized parameters from nodes?
    203       var problemData = ProblemData;
     203      var problemData = Standardize(ProblemData);
    204204      var targetVars = TargetVariables.CheckedItems.OrderBy(i => i.Index).Select(i => i.Value.Value).ToArray();
    205205      var latentVariables = Enumerable.Range(1, NumberOfLatentVariables).Select(i => "λ" + i).ToArray(); // TODO: must coincide with the variables which are actually defined in the grammar and also for which we actually have trees
    227227    }
     229    private IRegressionProblemData Standardize(IRegressionProblemData problemData) {
     230      // var standardizedDataset = new Dataset(
     231      //   problemData.Dataset.DoubleVariables,
     232      //   problemData.Dataset.DoubleVariables.Select(v => Standardize(problemData.Dataset.GetReadOnlyDoubleValues(v)).ToList()));
     233      // return new RegressionProblemData(standardizedDataset, problemData.AllowedInputVariables, problemData.TargetVariable);
     234      return new RegressionProblemData(problemData.Dataset, problemData.AllowedInputVariables, problemData.TargetVariable);
     235    }
    229237    public static void OptimizeForEpisodes(
    230238      ISymbolicExpressionTree[] trees,
    242250      var targetValues = new double[rows.Length, targetVars.Length];
    244       // collect values of all target variables
     253      // collect values of all target variables                                           
    245254      var colIdx = 0;
    246255      foreach (var targetVar in targetVars) {
    266275      var theta = new double[paramNodes.Count + latentVariables.Length * episodes.Count()];
    267276      for (int i = 0; i < theta.Length; i++)
    268         theta[i] = random.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0;
     277        theta[i] = random.NextDouble() * 2.0e-2 - 1.0e-2;
    270279      optTheta = new double[0];
    271280      if (theta.Length > 0) {
    272         alglib.minlbfgsstate state;
    273         alglib.minlbfgsreport report;
    274         alglib.minlbfgscreate(Math.Min(theta.Length, 5), theta, out state);
    275         alglib.minlbfgssetcond(state, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, maxParameterOptIterations);
    276         // alglib.minlbfgssetgradientcheck(state, 1e-4);
    277         alglib.minlbfgsoptimize(state, EvaluateObjectiveAndGradient, null,
    278           new object[] { trees, targetVars, problemData, targetValues, episodes.ToArray(), numericIntegrationSteps, latentVariables, odeSolver }); //TODO: create a type
    280         alglib.minlbfgsresults(state, out optTheta, out report);
    282         /*
    283          *
    284          *         L-BFGS algorithm results
    286           INPUT PARAMETERS:
    287               State   -   algorithm state
    289           OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
    290               X       -   array[0..N-1], solution
    291               Rep     -   optimization report:
    292                           * Rep.TerminationType completetion code:
    293                               * -7    gradient verification failed.
    294                                       See MinLBFGSSetGradientCheck() for more information.
    295                               * -2    rounding errors prevent further improvement.
    296                                       X contains best point found.
    297                               * -1    incorrect parameters were specified
    298                               *  1    relative function improvement is no more than
    299                                       EpsF.
    300                               *  2    relative step is no more than EpsX.
    301                               *  4    gradient norm is no more than EpsG
    302                               *  5    MaxIts steps was taken
    303                               *  7    stopping conditions are too stringent,
    304                                       further improvement is impossible
    305                           * Rep.IterationsCount contains iterations count
    306                           * NFEV countains number of function calculations
    307          */
     281        alglib.minlmstate state;
     282        alglib.minlmreport report;
     283        alglib.minlmcreatevj(targetValues.Length, theta, out state);
     284        alglib.minlmsetcond(state, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, maxParameterOptIterations);
     285        alglib.minlmsetgradientcheck(state, 1.0e-3);
     286        //TODO: create a type
     287        var myState = new object[] { trees, targetVars, problemData, targetValues, episodes.ToArray(), numericIntegrationSteps, latentVariables, odeSolver };
     288        alglib.minlmoptimize(state, EvaluateObjectiveVector, EvaluateObjectiveVectorAndJacobian, null, myState);
     290        alglib.minlmresults(state, out optTheta, out report);
     292        /*************************************************************************
     293         Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm results
     295         INPUT PARAMETERS:
     296             State   -   algorithm state
     298         OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
     299             X       -   array[0..N-1], solution
     300             Rep     -   optimization  report;  includes  termination   codes   and
     301                         additional information. Termination codes are listed below,
     302                         see comments for this structure for more info.
     303                         Termination code is stored in rep.terminationtype field:
     304                         * -8    optimizer detected NAN/INF values either in the
     305                                 function itself, or in its Jacobian
     306                         * -7    derivative correctness check failed;
     307                                 see rep.funcidx, rep.varidx for
     308                                 more information.
     309                         * -3    constraints are inconsistent
     310                         *  2    relative step is no more than EpsX.
     311                         *  5    MaxIts steps was taken
     312                         *  7    stopping conditions are too stringent,
     313                                 further improvement is impossible
     314                         *  8    terminated by user who called minlmrequesttermination().
     315                                 X contains point which was "current accepted" when
     316                                 termination request was submitted.
     318           -- ALGLIB --
     319              Copyright 10.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
     320         *************************************************************************/
    308321        if (report.terminationtype < 0) { nmse = 10.0; return; }
    309       }
    311       // perform evaluation for optimal theta to get quality value
    312       double[] grad = new double[optTheta.Length];
    313       nmse = double.NaN;
    314       EvaluateObjectiveAndGradient(optTheta, ref nmse, grad,
    315         new object[] { trees, targetVars, problemData, targetValues, episodes.ToArray(), numericIntegrationSteps, latentVariables, odeSolver });
    316       if (double.IsNaN(nmse) || double.IsInfinity(nmse)) { nmse = 10.0; return; } // return a large value (TODO: be consistent by using NMSE)
    317     }
    319     private static void EvaluateObjectiveAndGradient(double[] x, ref double f, double[] grad, object obj) {
     323        nmse = state.f; //TODO check
     325        // var myState = new object[] { trees, targetVars, problemData, targetValues, episodes.ToArray(), numericIntegrationSteps, latentVariables, odeSolver };
     326        // EvaluateObjectiveVector(optTheta, ref nmse, grad,myState);
     327        if (double.IsNaN(nmse) || double.IsInfinity(nmse)) { nmse = 10.0; return; } // return a large value (TODO: be consistent by using NMSE)
     328      } else {
     329        // no parameters
     330        nmse = targetValues.Length;
     331      }
     333    }
     335    // private static IEnumerable<double> Standardize(IEnumerable<double> xs) {
     336    //   var m = xs.Average();
     337    //   var s = xs.StandardDeviationPop();
     338    //   return xs.Select(xi => (xi - m) / s);
     339    // }
     341    alglib.ndimensional_fvec fvec;
     342    alglib.ndimensional_jac jac;
     344    private static void EvaluateObjectiveVector(double[] x, double[] fi, object obj) {
     345      EvaluateObjectiveVectorAndJacobian(x, fi, null, obj);
     346    }
     348    private static void EvaluateObjectiveVectorAndJacobian(double[] x, double[] fi, double[,] jac, object obj) {
    320349      var trees = (ISymbolicExpressionTree[])((object[])obj)[0];
    321350      var targetVariables = (string[])((object[])obj)[1];
    341370          numericIntegrationSteps).ToArray();
     372      // clear all result data structures
     373      for (int j = 0; j < fi.Length; j++) {
     374        fi[j] = 10.0;
     375        if (jac != null) Array.Clear(jac, 0, jac.Length);
     376      }
    343378      if (predicted.Length != targetValues.GetLength(0)) {
    344         f = 10.0; // TODO
    345         Array.Clear(grad, 0, grad.Length);
    346379        return;
    347380      }
    355388      //   .ToArray();
    357       double[] invVar = Enumerable.Repeat(1.0, targetVariables.Length).ToArray();
     390      // double[] invVar = Enumerable.Repeat(1.0, targetVariables.Length).ToArray();
    360393      // objective function is NMSE
    361       f = 0.0;
    362394      int n = predicted.Length;
    363395      double invN = 1.0 / n;
    364       var g = Vector.Zero;
     396      int i = 0;
    365397      int r = 0;
    366398      foreach (var y_pred in predicted) {
    371403          var y = targetValues[r, c];
    373           var res = (y - y_pred_f);
    374           var ressq = res * res;
    375           f += ressq * invN * invVar[c] /* * Math.Exp(-0.2 * r) */ ;
    376           g += -2.0 * res * y_pred[c].Item2 * invN * invVar[c] /* * Math.Exp(-0.2 * r) */;
     405          fi[i] = (y - y_pred_f);
     406          var g = y_pred[c].Item2;
     407          if (jac != null && g != Vector.Zero) for (int j = 0; j < g.Length; j++) jac[i, j] = -g[j];
     408          i++; // we put the errors for each target variable after each other
    377409        }
    378410        r++;
    379411      }
    381       g.CopyTo(grad);
    382412    }
    409439      results["SNMSE"].Value = new DoubleValue(bestIndividualAndQuality.Item2);
    411       var problemData = ProblemData;
     441      var problemData = Standardize(ProblemData);
    412442      var targetVars = TargetVariables.CheckedItems.OrderBy(i => i.Index).Select(i => i.Value.Value).ToArray();
    413443      var latentVariables = Enumerable.Range(1, NumberOfLatentVariables).Select(i => "λ" + i).ToArray(); // TODO: must coincide with the variables which are actually defined in the grammar and also for which we actually have trees
    11221152        case "-": {
    1123             InterpretRec(node.GetSubtree(0), nodeValues, out fl, out gl);
    1124             InterpretRec(node.GetSubtree(1), nodeValues, out fr, out gr);
    1125             f = fl - fr;
    1126             g = Vector.Subtract(gl, gr);
     1153            if (node.SubtreeCount == 1) {
     1154              InterpretRec(node.GetSubtree(0), nodeValues, out fl, out gl);
     1155              f = -fl;
     1156              g = gl.Scale(-1.0);
     1157            } else {
     1158              InterpretRec(node.GetSubtree(0), nodeValues, out fl, out gl);
     1159              InterpretRec(node.GetSubtree(1), nodeValues, out fr, out gr);
     1161              f = fl - fr;
     1162              g = Vector.Subtract(gl, gr);
     1163            }
    11271164            break;
    11281165          }
  • branches/2925_AutoDiffForDynamicalModels/HeuristicLab.Problems.DynamicalSystemsModelling/3.3/Vector.cs

    r16597 r16599  
    145145    }
    148147    /// <summary>
    149148    /// Creates a new vector
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