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07/05/18 17:22:34 (6 years ago)

#2520: worked on new persistence

  • removed type version
  • removed conversions
  • execute AfterDeserialization hooks after all objects have been populated
  • worked on transformers
1 deleted
9 edited


  • branches/PersistenceReintegration/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Core/Index.cs

    r15509 r15986  
    5959    }
     61    public bool TryGetValue(uint index, out T value) {
     62      return values.TryGetValue(index, out value);
     63    }
    6165    public IEnumerable<T> GetValues() {
    6266      return values.Values;
  • branches/PersistenceReintegration/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Core/Mapper.cs

    r15529 r15986  
    9393    public Type GetType(uint typeId) {
    9494      return types.GetValue(typeId);
     95    }
     97    public bool TryGetType(uint typeId, out Type type) {
     98      return types.TryGetValue(typeId, out type);
    9599    }
    96100    #endregion
    132136        o = transformer.ToObject(box, this);
    133137        boxId2Object.Add(boxId, o);
    134         transformer.FillFromBox(o, box, this);
     138        if (o != null) transformer.FillFromBox(o, box, this);
    135139      }
    176180      mapper.strings = new Index<string>(bundle.Strings);
    178       return mapper.GetObject(bundle.RootBoxId);
     182      var root = mapper.GetObject(bundle.RootBoxId);
     184      ExecuteAfterDeserializationHooks(mapper.boxId2Object.Values.ToArray());
     186      return root;
     187    }
     189    private static void ExecuteAfterDeserializationHooks(object[] objects) {
     190      var emptyArgs = new object[0];
     192      foreach (var obj in objects) {
     193        if (!StorableTypeAttribute.IsStorableType(obj.GetType())) continue; // TODO: performance
     195        var typeStack = new Stack<Type>();
     196        for (var type = obj.GetType(); type != null; type = type.BaseType) {
     197          typeStack.Push(type);
     198        }
     200        while (typeStack.Any()) {
     201          var type = typeStack.Pop();
     202          if (!StorableTypeAttribute.IsStorableType(type)) continue; // object <- mytype (has hooks) or object <- valuetype <- mystruct
     204          var typeInfo = staticCache.GetTypeInfo(type);
     205          foreach (var hook in typeInfo.AfterDeserializationHooks) {
     206            hook.Invoke(obj, emptyArgs);
     207          }
     208        }
     209      }
    179210    }
    180211  }
  • branches/PersistenceReintegration/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Core/StaticCache.cs

    r15857 r15986  
    6868      RegisterType(new Guid("724A2D49-7E7B-455B-BBA9-4214C64E8A21"), typeof(TimeSpan));
    6969      RegisterType(new Guid("ECC12A57-DA8D-43D9-9EC7-FCAC878A4D69"), typeof(Font));
     70      RegisterType(new Guid("494C1352-A1C3-47A3-8754-A0B19B8F1567"), typeof(FontStyle));
     71      RegisterType(new Guid("41147B67-4C7A-4907-9F6C-509568395EDB"), typeof(GraphicsUnit));
    7072      RegisterType(new Guid("E8348C94-9817-4164-9C98-377689F83F30"), typeof(Bitmap));
    7173      RegisterType(new Guid("05551382-E894-4218-B860-FEE1D92CA07D"), typeof(Nullable<>));
    111113            if (StorableTypeAttribute.IsStorableType(t)) {
    112114              RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(t).Guid, t);
    113             }
    114             foreach (var mi in t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)) {
    115               if (StorableConversionAttribute.IsStorableConversionMethod(mi)) {
    116                 RegisterStorableConversion(StorableConversionAttribute.GetStorableConversionAttribute(mi).Guid, mi);
    117               }
    118115            }
    119116          }
    194191      }
    195192    }
    197     public IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetStorableConversions(Guid guid) {
    198       List<MethodInfo> conversionMethods;
    199       if (guid2ConversionMethods.TryGetValue(guid, out conversionMethods)) return conversionMethods;
    200       return Enumerable.Empty<MethodInfo>();
    201     }
    203     public IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetStorableConversions(IList<Tuple<Guid, uint>> typeChain) {
    204       foreach (var type in typeChain) {
    205         var conversionMethod = (from methodInfo in GetStorableConversions(type.Item1)
    206                                 let attrib = StorableConversionAttribute.GetStorableConversionAttribute(methodInfo)
    207                                 where attrib.Version == type.Item2 && (attrib.Dependencies == null ||
    208                                   attrib.Dependencies.All(x => typeChain.Any(y => y.Item1 == Guid.Parse(x.Key) && y.Item2 == x.Value)))
    209                                 select methodInfo).SingleOrDefault();
    210         if (conversionMethod != null)
    211           yield return conversionMethod;
    212       }
    213     }
    214193  }
  • branches/PersistenceReintegration/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Core/StorableTypeAttribute.cs

    r15034 r15986  
    3838    public Guid Guid { get; private set; }
    39     public uint Version { get; private set; }
    4140    /// <summary>
    4342    /// </summary>
    4443    /// <param name="memberSelection">The storable class memberSelection.</param>
    45     public StorableTypeAttribute(StorableMemberSelection memberSelection, string guid, uint version = 1) {
     44    public StorableTypeAttribute(StorableMemberSelection memberSelection, string guid) {
    4645      MemberSelection = memberSelection;
    4746      Guid = new Guid(guid);
    48       Version = version;
    4947    }
    51     public StorableTypeAttribute(string guid, uint version = 1) {
     49    public StorableTypeAttribute(string guid) {
    5250      Guid = new Guid(guid);
    53       Version = version;
    5451    }
  • branches/PersistenceReintegration/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Core/TypeInfo.cs

    r15529 r15986  
    7171        if (StorableTypeAttribute.MemberSelection != StorableMemberSelection.AllProperties) {
    72           var fieldInfos = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
     72          // TODO: improved performance for static fields
     73          var fieldInfos = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
    7374                               .Where(x => !x.Name.StartsWith("<") && !x.Name.EndsWith("k__BackingField")); // exclude backing fields
    8586        if (StorableTypeAttribute.MemberSelection != StorableMemberSelection.AllFields) {
    86           var propertyInfos = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
     87          // TODO: improved performance for static properties
     88          var propertyInfos = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
    8789                                  .Where(x => !x.GetIndexParameters().Any());  // exclude indexed properties
  • branches/PersistenceReintegration/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/HeuristicLab.Persistence-4.0.csproj

    r15509 r15986  
    6565    <Compile Include="Core\StorableTypeAttribute.cs" />
    6666    <Compile Include="Core\Transformer.cs" />
    67     <Compile Include="Core\StorableConversionAttribute.cs" />
    6867    <Compile Include="Core\TransformerAttribute.cs" />
    6968    <Compile Include="Core\TypeInfo.cs" />
  • branches/PersistenceReintegration/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Protos/PersistenceMessages.proto

    r15529 r15986  
    1818  uint32 type_id = 10;
    19   uint32 type_version = 11;
    20   repeated uint32 generic_type_box_ids = 12;
     19  repeated uint32 generic_type_box_ids = 11;
    2221  bool bool = 20;
  • branches/PersistenceReintegration/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Transformers/Transformers.cs

    r15857 r15986  
    4949    public override object ToObject(Box box, Mapper mapper) {
    50       return Extract(box, (Type)mapper.GetObject(box.TypeBoxId), mapper);
     50      var type = (Type)mapper.GetObject(box.TypeBoxId);
     51      return type == null ? default(T) : Extract(box, type, mapper);
    5152    }
    8081        box.TypeId = mapper.GetTypeId(type);
    8182      }
    83       if (StorableTypeAttribute.IsStorableType(type))
    84         box.TypeVersion = StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(type).Version;
    8583    }
    8785    public override object ToObject(Box box, Mapper mapper) {
    88       return Extract(box, mapper.GetType(box.TypeId), mapper);
     86      Type type;
     87      return mapper.TryGetType(box.TypeId, out type) ? Extract(box, type, mapper) : null;
    8988    }
    9190    private object Extract(Box box, Type type, Mapper mapper) {
    9291      if (type.IsGenericType) {
    93         return type.MakeGenericType(box.GenericTypeBoxIds.Select(x => (Type)mapper.GetObject(x)).ToArray());
     92        var genericArgumentTypes = box.GenericTypeBoxIds.Select(x => (Type)mapper.GetObject(x)).ToArray();
     93        return genericArgumentTypes.Any(x => x == null) ? null : type.MakeGenericType(genericArgumentTypes);
    9494      } else if (type == typeof(Array)) {
    95         return ((Type)mapper.GetObject(box.GenericTypeBoxIds[0])).MakeArrayType();
     95        var arrayType = (Type)mapper.GetObject(box.GenericTypeBoxIds[0]);
     96        return arrayType?.MakeArrayType();
    9697      } else {
    9798        return type;
    526527        var box = new Box {
    527528          TransformerId = mapper.GetTransformerId(this),
    528           TypeId = mapper.GetStringId(o.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName),
    529           UInt = mapper.GetStringId(Enum.Format(o.GetType(), o, "G")),
     529          TypeBoxId = mapper.GetBoxId(o.GetType()),
     530          UInt = mapper.GetStringId(Enum.Format(o.GetType(), o, "G")) // TODO: introduce old names for enum values to enable refactoring
    530531        };
    531532        return box;
    534535      public override object ToObject(Box box, Mapper mapper) {
    535         return Enum.Parse(Type.GetType(mapper.GetString(box.TypeId)), mapper.GetString(box.UInt));
     536        var type = (Type)mapper.GetObject(box.TypeBoxId);
     537        return type == null ? null : Enum.Parse(type, mapper.GetString(box.UInt));
    536538      }
    537539    }
    784786    protected override void Populate(Box box, object value, Mapper mapper) {
    785787      var kvps = box.KeyValuePairs;
    786       var parentTypeVersions = box.UInts;
    787788      var emptyArgs = new object[0];
    815816        }
    817         if (type != originalType) {
    818           parentTypeVersions.AddRange(new[] { mapper.GetStringId(guid.ToString()), attribute.Version });
    819         }
    821818        type = type.BaseType;
    822819      }
    829826    public override void FillFromBox(object obj, Box box, Mapper mapper) {
    830827      var kvps = box.KeyValuePairs;
    831       var parentTypeVersions = box.UInts;
    832828      var emptyArgs = new object[0];
    841837      var type = (Type)mapper.GetObject(box.TypeBoxId);
    842       var typeBox = mapper.GetBox(box.TypeBoxId);
    843838      var typeInfo = Mapper.StaticCache.GetTypeInfo(type);
    845       var typeVersions = new List<Tuple<Guid, uint>>();
    846       typeVersions.Add(Tuple.Create(typeInfo.StorableTypeAttribute.Guid, typeBox.TypeVersion));
    847       for (int i = 0; i < parentTypeVersions.Count; i += 2)
    848         typeVersions.Add(Tuple.Create(Guid.Parse(mapper.GetString(parentTypeVersions[i])), parentTypeVersions[i + 1]));
    850       while (true) {
    851         var applicableConversion = Mapper.StaticCache.GetStorableConversions(typeVersions).FirstOrDefault();
    852         if (applicableConversion == null) break;
    854         Dictionary<string, object> newDict;
    855         List<Tuple<string, uint>> typeChain = null;
    857         var conversionParameters = applicableConversion.GetParameters();
    858         if (conversionParameters.Length == 1) {
    859           newDict = (Dictionary<string, object>)applicableConversion.Invoke(null, new object[] { dict });
    860         } else if (conversionParameters.Length == 2) {
    861           var parameters = new object[] { dict, typeChain };
    862           newDict = (Dictionary<string, object>)applicableConversion.Invoke(null, parameters);
    863           typeChain = (List<Tuple<string, uint>>)parameters[1];
    864         } else throw new PersistenceException("Conversion method has an invalid signature.");
    866         foreach (var kvp in newDict) dict[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
    868         var convertedType = StorableConversionAttribute.GetGuid(applicableConversion);
    869         var convertedVersion = StorableConversionAttribute.GetVersion(applicableConversion);
    871         var index = typeVersions.FindIndex(x => x.Item1 == convertedType);
    872         typeVersions.RemoveAt(index);
    873         typeVersions.Insert(index, Tuple.Create(convertedType, convertedVersion + 1));
    875         if (typeChain != null && typeChain.Any()) {
    876           typeVersions.RemoveRange(index + 1, typeVersions.Count - (index + 1));
    877           typeVersions.AddRange(typeChain.Select(x => Tuple.Create(Guid.Parse(x.Item1), x.Item2)));
    878         }
    879       }
    881839      var typeStack = new Stack<Tuple<Type, TypeInfo>>();
    905863        }
    907         // set all members as generated by conversion method chain
     865        // set all members
    908866        foreach (var kvp in dict) {
    909867          string key = kvp.Key;
    940898        //    typeInfo.StorableTypeAttribute.Version,
    941899        //    string.Join(", ", undefinedMembers.Select(x => x.Key))));
    943         foreach (var hook in typeInfo.AfterDeserializationHooks) {
    944           hook.Invoke(obj, emptyArgs);
    945         }
    946900      }
    947901    }
  • branches/PersistenceReintegration/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Persistence-3.3/UseCasesPersistenceNew.cs

    r15878 r15986  
    4040using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.Xml;
    4141using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Tests;
    42 using HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions;
    4342using HeuristicLab.Tests;
    4443using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
    338337    }
    340     public static void RemoveTypeInfo(Type type) {
    341       typeInfos.Remove(typeof(ConversionA));
    342     }
     339    //public static void RemoveTypeInfo(Type type) {
     340    //  typeInfos.Remove(typeof(ConversionA));
     341    //}
    344343    public static Guid GetTypeGuid(Type type) {
    21502149    #region conversion
    2152     [StorableType("F9F51075-490C-48E3-BF64-14514A210149", 1)]
    2153     private class OldBaseType {
    2154       [Storable]
    2155       public ItemCollection<IItem> items;
    2156     }
    2157     [StorableType("D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75", 1)]
    2158     private class V1 : OldBaseType {
    2159       [Storable]
    2160       public IntValue a;
    2162       [Storable]
    2163       public ItemList<IntValue> vals;
    2165       [Storable]
    2166       public V1 mySelf;
    2168       [Storable]
    2169       public Tuple<int, int> tup;
    2171       [Storable]
    2172       public int x;
    2173       [Storable]
    2174       public int y;
    2176       [Storable]
    2177       public string s;
    2178     }
    2181     [StorableType("B72C58C8-3321-4706-AA94-578F57337070")]
    2182     private class NewBaseType {
    2183       [Storable]
    2184       public DoubleValue[] items;
    2185     }
    2186     [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-BADCAFFEE001", 2)] // for testing (version 2)
    2187     private class V2 : NewBaseType {
    2188       [Storable]
    2189       public int a;
    2191       [Storable]
    2192       public int[] val;
    2194       [Storable]
    2195       public V2 mySelf;
    2197       [Storable]
    2198       public int TupItem1;
    2200       [Storable]
    2201       public int TupItem2;
    2203       [Storable]
    2204       public Point coords;
    2206       [Storable(Name = "s")]
    2207       public string StorableString { get; set; }
    2208     }
    2210     [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-BADCAFFEE002", 3)] // for testing (version 3)
    2211     private class V3 : NewBaseType {
    2212       [Storable]
    2213       public int a;
    2215       [Storable]
    2216       public int[] val;
    2218       [Storable]
    2219       public V3 mySelf;
    2221       [Storable]
    2222       public Tuple<int, int> tup;
    2224       [Storable]
    2225       public Point coords;
    2227       [Storable(Name = "s", AllowOneWay = true)]
    2228       public string StorableString { set { PublicString = value; } }
    2229       public string PublicString { get; set; }
    2230     }
    2232     private static class Conversions {
    2233       [StorableConversion("D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75", 1)]
    2234       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertV1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
    2235         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2236         var items = (ItemCollection<IItem>)values["F9F51075-490C-48E3-BF64-14514A210149.items"];
    2237         newValues["B72C58C8-3321-4706-AA94-578F57337070.items"] = items.Select(iv => new DoubleValue((double)(((dynamic)iv).Value))).ToArray();
    2238         newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.a"] = ((IntValue)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.a"]).Value;
    2239         newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.val"] = ((ItemList<IntValue>)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.vals"]).Select(iv => iv.Value).ToArray();
    2241         newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.mySelf"] = values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.mySelf"]; // myself type will be mapped correctly
    2243         var tup = (Tuple<int, int>)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.tup"];
    2244         if (tup != null) {
    2245           newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.TupItem1"] = tup.Item1;
    2246           newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.TupItem2"] = tup.Item2;
    2247         }
    2249         newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.coords"] = new Point((int)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.x"], (int)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.y"]);
    2251         return newValues;
    2252       }
    2254       [StorableConversion("D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75", 2)]
    2255       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertV2(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
    2256         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2257         newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.a"] = values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.a"];
    2258         newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.val"] = values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.val"];
    2259         newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.mySelf"] = values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.mySelf"];
    2261         newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.tup"] = Tuple.Create((int)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.TupItem1"], (int)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.TupItem2"]);
    2262         newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.coords"] = values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.coords"];
    2264         return newValues;
    2265       }
    2266     }
    2268     [TestMethod]
    2269     [TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
    2270     [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    2271     public void TestConversion() {
    2272       var test = new Func<V1>(() => {
    2273         var p = new V1();
    2274         p.a = new IntValue(1);
    2275         p.mySelf = p;
    2276         p.vals = new ItemList<IntValue>(new IntValue[] { p.a, new IntValue(2), new IntValue(3) });
    2277         p.tup = Tuple.Create(17, 4);
    2278         var dv = new DoubleValue(1.0);
    2279         p.items = new ItemCollection<IItem>(new IItem[] { dv, dv, p.a });
    2280         p.s = "123";
    2281         return p;
    2282       });
    2284       ProtoBufSerializer serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
    2285       var old = test();
    2286       serializer.Serialize(old, tempFile);
    2288       DeregisterType(typeof(V1));
    2289       DeregisterType(typeof(V2));
    2290       DeregisterType(typeof(V3));
    2292       RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(V1)).Guid, typeof(V3));
    2293       SetTypeGuid(typeof(V3), GetTypeGuid(typeof(V1)));
    2294       RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(V1));
    2296       object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
    2297       var restored = (V3)o;
    2298       Assert.AreEqual(restored.a, old.a.Value);
    2299       Assert.IsTrue(restored.val.SequenceEqual(old.vals.Select(iv => iv.Value)));
    2300       Assert.IsTrue(restored.items.Select(item => item.Value).SequenceEqual(old.items.Select(iv => (double)((dynamic)iv).Value)));
    2301       // Assert.AreSame(restored.items[0], restored.items[1]);
    2302       Assert.AreSame(restored, restored.mySelf);
    2303       Assert.AreEqual(restored.PublicString, old.s);
    2304     }
    2306     #endregion
    2308     [TestMethod]
    2309     [TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
    2310     [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    2311     public void TestGASerializeDeserializeExecute() {
    2312       var test = new Func<GeneticAlgorithm>(() => {
    2313         var ga = new GeneticAlgorithm();
    2314         ga.Problem = new SingleObjectiveTestFunctionProblem();
    2315         ga.MaximumGenerations.Value = 100;
    2316         ga.SetSeedRandomly.Value = false;
    2317         return ga;
    2318       });
    2319       ProtoBufSerializer serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
    2320       GeneticAlgorithm original = test();
    2321       serializer.Serialize(original, tempFile);
    2322       object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
    2324       // this fails because old persistence didn't handle all IComparer ?
    2325       // Assert.AreEqual(DebugStringGenerator.Serialize(original),DebugStringGenerator.Serialize(o));
    2327       GeneticAlgorithm result = (GeneticAlgorithm)o;
    2328       SamplesUtils.RunAlgorithm(result);
    2329       SamplesUtils.RunAlgorithm(original);
    2330       Assert.AreEqual(((DoubleValue)result.Results["BestQuality"].Value).Value,
    2331         ((DoubleValue)original.Results["BestQuality"].Value).Value);
    2333       // Assert.AreEqual(DebugStringGenerator.Serialize(result), DebugStringGenerator.Serialize(result2));
    2334     }
    2336     [TestMethod]
    2337     [TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
    2338     [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    2339     public void TestLoadingSamples() {
    2340       var path = @"D:\Dev\Software_HL\branches\PersistenceReintegration\HeuristicLab.Optimizer\3.3\Documents";
    2341       var serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
    2342       foreach (var fileName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*.hl")) {
    2343         var original = XmlParser.Deserialize(fileName);
    2344         var ok = true;
    2345         // foreach (var t in original.GetObjectGraphObjects().Select(o => o.GetType())) {
    2346         //   if (
    2347         //     t.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public)
    2348         //       .Any(ctor => StorableConstructorAttribute.IsStorableConstructor(ctor))) {
    2349         //     try {
    2350         //       if (t.IsGenericType) {
    2351         //         var g = Mapper.StaticCache.GetGuid(t.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
    2352         //       } else {
    2353         //         var g = Mapper.StaticCache.GetGuid(t);
    2354         //       }
    2355         //     } catch (Exception e) {
    2356         //       Console.WriteLine(t.FullName);
    2357         //       ok = false;
    2358         //     }
    2359         //   }
    2360         // }
    2361         if (ok) {
    2362           serializer.Serialize(original, fileName + ".proto");
    2363           // var newVersion = serializer.Deserialize(fileName + ".proto");
    2364           //Console.WriteLine("File: " + fileName);
    2365           var p = Profile(() => original, Path.GetFileName(fileName));
    2366           Console.WriteLine(p);
    2367         }
    2368       }
    2369     }
    2371     [StorableType("3B48A44F-93E2-4ECC-A9B9-56E425EF96F8")]
    2372     private class ConversionA {
    2373       [Storable]
    2374       public int f;
    2375     }
    2377     [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", 2)]
    2378     private class ConversionANew {
    2379       [Storable]
    2380       public int g;
    2381     }
    2383     [StorableType("7CBF2251-CF9F-4D9E-AA7B-C65495AE078F")]
    2384     private class ConversionB : ConversionA {
    2385       [Storable]
    2386       public int f;
    2387       public int BaseF { get { return base.f; } }
    2389       public ConversionB() {
    2391       }
    2393       public ConversionB(int myF, int baseF) {
    2394         this.f = myF;
    2395         base.f = baseF;
    2396       }
    2397     }
    2399     [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", 2)]
    2400     private class ConversionBNew : ConversionANew {
    2401       [Storable]
    2402       public int g;
    2404       public int BaseG { get { return base.g; } }
    2405     }
    2407     private static class NewConversions {
    2408       [StorableConversion("7CBF2251-CF9F-4D9E-AA7B-C65495AE078F", 1)]
    2409       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertB(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
    2410         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2411         newValues["7CBF2251-CF9F-4D9E-AA7B-C65495AE078F.g"] = values["7CBF2251-CF9F-4D9E-AA7B-C65495AE078F.f"];
    2412         return newValues;
    2413       }
    2415       [StorableConversion("3B48A44F-93E2-4ECC-A9B9-56E425EF96F8", 1)]
    2416       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertA(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
    2417         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2418         newValues["3B48A44F-93E2-4ECC-A9B9-56E425EF96F8.g"] = values["3B48A44F-93E2-4ECC-A9B9-56E425EF96F8.f"];
    2419         return newValues;
    2420       }
    2421     }
    2423     [TestMethod]
    2424     [TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
    2425     [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    2426     public void TestConversionCase1() {
    2427       var test = new Func<ConversionB>(() => {
    2428         return new ConversionB(1, 2);
    2429       });
    2431       ProtoBufSerializer serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
    2432       var old = test();
    2433       serializer.Serialize(old, tempFile);
    2435       DeregisterType(typeof(ConversionB));
    2436       DeregisterType(typeof(ConversionBNew));
    2437       DeregisterType(typeof(ConversionA));
    2438       DeregisterType(typeof(ConversionANew));
    2440       RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(ConversionA)).Guid, typeof(ConversionANew));
    2441       SetTypeGuid(typeof(ConversionANew), GetTypeGuid(typeof(ConversionA)));
    2442       RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(ConversionA));
    2444       RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(ConversionB)).Guid, typeof(ConversionBNew));
    2445       SetTypeGuid(typeof(ConversionBNew), GetTypeGuid(typeof(ConversionB)));
    2446       RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(ConversionB));
    2448       object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
    2449       var restored = (ConversionBNew)o;
    2450       Assert.AreEqual(restored.g, old.f);
    2451       Assert.AreEqual(restored.BaseG, old.BaseF);
    2452     }
    2454     [StorableType("90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84")]
    2455     private class A0 {
    2456       [Storable]
    2457       public int x;
    2458     }
    2460     [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000A1", 2)]
    2461     private class A1 {
    2462       [Storable]
    2463       public int y;
    2464     }
    2466     [StorableType("847DD840-3EE3-4A01-AC60-FD7E71ED05F8")]
    2467     private class B0 {
    2468       [Storable]
    2469       public int x;
    2470     }
    2472     [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000B1", 2)]
    2473     private class B1 : A0 { }
    2475     [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000B2", 3)]
    2476     private class B2 {
    2477       [Storable]
    2478       public int x;
    2479     }
    2481     private static class ConversionsA2A_B2B {
    2482       [StorableConversion("847DD840-3EE3-4A01-AC60-FD7E71ED05F8", 1, baseGuid: "90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84", baseVersion: 1)]
    2483       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertB0_B1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
    2484         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2485         newValues["90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84.x"] = values["847DD840-3EE3-4A01-AC60-FD7E71ED05F8.x"];
    2486         return newValues;
    2487       }
    2489       [StorableConversion("90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84", 1)]
    2490       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertA0_A1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
    2491         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2492         newValues["90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84.y"] = values["90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84.x"];
    2493         return newValues;
    2494       }
    2496       [StorableConversion("847DD840-3EE3-4A01-AC60-FD7E71ED05F8", 2)]
    2497       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertB1_B2(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
    2498         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2499         newValues["847DD840-3EE3-4A01-AC60-FD7E71ED05F8.x"] = values["90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84.y"];
    2500         return newValues;
    2501       }
    2502     }
    2504     [TestMethod]
    2505     [TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
    2506     [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    2507     public void TestConversionCase2() {
    2508       var test = new Func<B0>(() => {
    2509         return new B0() { x = 17 };
    2510       });
    2512       ProtoBufSerializer serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
    2513       var old = test();
    2514       serializer.Serialize(old, tempFile);
    2516       DeregisterType(typeof(B0));
    2517       DeregisterType(typeof(B1));
    2518       DeregisterType(typeof(B2));
    2519       DeregisterType(typeof(A0));
    2520       DeregisterType(typeof(A1));
    2522       RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(B0)).Guid, typeof(B2));
    2523       SetTypeGuid(typeof(B2), GetTypeGuid(typeof(B0)));
    2524       RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(B0));
    2526       RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(A0)).Guid, typeof(A1));
    2527       SetTypeGuid(typeof(A1), GetTypeGuid(typeof(A0)));
    2528       RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(A0));
    2530       object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
    2531       var restored = (B2)o;
    2532       Assert.AreEqual(restored.x, old.x);
    2533     }
    2535     #region Inheritance Chain Test
    2536     [StorableType("C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95")]
    2537     private class InheritanceA0 {
    2538       [Storable]
    2539       public int x;
    2540     }
    2542     [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000001A1", 2)]
    2543     private class InheritanceA1 {
    2544       [Storable]
    2545       public int y;
    2546     }
    2548     [StorableType("28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722", 1)]
    2549     private class InheritanceC0 {
    2550       [Storable]
    2551       public int x;
    2552     }
    2554     [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000001C1", 2)]
    2555     private class InheritanceC1 {
    2556       [Storable]
    2557       public int x;
    2558     }
    2560     [StorableType("41108958-227D-43C4-B049-80AD0D3DB7F6")]
    2561     private class InheritanceB0 : InheritanceA0 {
    2562       [Storable]
    2563       public int x;
    2565       [StorableConstructor]
    2566       private InheritanceB0(StorableConstructorFlag flag) { }
    2567       public InheritanceB0(int x) {
    2568         this.x = x;
    2569         base.x = x;
    2570       }
    2571     }
    2573     [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000001B1", 2)]
    2574     private class InheritanceB1 : InheritanceC1 { }
    2576     private static class InheritanceConversionsA2A_B2B {
    2577       [StorableConversion("C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95", 1)]
    2578       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertA0_A1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
    2579         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2580         newValues["C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95.y"] = values["C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95.x"];
    2581         return newValues;
    2582       }
    2584       [StorableConversion("41108958-227D-43C4-B049-80AD0D3DB7F6", 1, baseGuid: "C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95", baseVersion: 2)]
    2585       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertB0_B1(Dictionary<string, object> values, out List<Tuple<string, uint>> typeChain) {
    2586         typeChain = new List<Tuple<string, uint>> {
    2587           Tuple.Create("28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722", 1u)
    2588         };
    2590         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2591         newValues["41108958-227D-43C4-B049-80AD0D3DB7F6.x"] = values["C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95.y"];
    2592         newValues["28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722.x"] = values["C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95.y"];
    2593         return newValues;
    2594       }
    2596       [StorableConversion("28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722", 1)]
    2597       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertC0_C1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
    2598         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2599         newValues["28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722.x"] = (int)values["28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722.x"] * 2;
    2600         return newValues;
    2601       }
    2602     }
    2604     private static class InheritanceConversionsWithNamesDemo {
    2605       [StorableConversion("A", 1)]
    2606       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertA1_A2(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
    2607         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2608         newValues["y"] = values["x"];
    2609         return newValues;
    2610       }
    2612       [StorableConversion("B", 1, baseGuid: "A", baseVersion: 2)]
    2613       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertB1_B2(Dictionary<string, object> values, out List<Tuple<string, uint>> typeChain) {
    2614         typeChain = new List<Tuple<string, uint>> {
    2615           Tuple.Create("C", 1u)
    2616         };
    2618         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2619         newValues["x"] = values["A.y"];
    2620         newValues["C.x"] = values["A.y"];
    2621         return newValues;
    2622       }
    2624       [StorableConversion("C", 1)]
    2625       private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertC1_C2(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
    2626         var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    2627         newValues["x"] = (int)values["x"] * 2;
    2628         return newValues;
    2629       }
    2631       [StorableConversion("C", 1, "D", 1)]
    2632       [StorableConversion("D", 1, "E", 1)]
    2633       private static string Rename() { return "D"; }
    2634     }
    2636     [TestMethod]
    2637     [TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
    2638     [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    2639     public void TestInheritanceConversionCase1() {
    2640       var test = new Func<InheritanceB0>(() => {
    2641         return new InheritanceB0(17);
    2642       });
    2644       ProtoBufSerializer serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
    2645       var old = test();
    2646       serializer.Serialize(old, tempFile);
    2648       DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceB0));
    2649       DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceB1));
    2650       DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceA0));
    2651       DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceA1));
    2652       DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceC0));
    2653       DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceC1));
    2655       RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(InheritanceA0)).Guid, typeof(InheritanceA1));
    2656       SetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceA1), GetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceA0)));
    2657       RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(InheritanceA0));
    2659       RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(InheritanceB0)).Guid, typeof(InheritanceB1));
    2660       SetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceB1), GetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceB0)));
    2661       RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(InheritanceB0));
    2663       RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(InheritanceC0)).Guid, typeof(InheritanceC1));
    2664       SetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceC1), GetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceC0)));
    2665       RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(InheritanceC0));
    2667       object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
    2668       var restoredC1 = (InheritanceC1)o;
    2669       var restoredB1 = (InheritanceB1)o;
    2670       Assert.AreEqual(old.x * 2, restoredC1.x);
    2671     }
     2151    //[StorableType("F9F51075-490C-48E3-BF64-14514A210149", 1)]
     2152    //private class OldBaseType {
     2153    //  [Storable]
     2154    //  public ItemCollection<IItem> items;
     2155    //}
     2156    //[StorableType("D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75", 1)]
     2157    //private class V1 : OldBaseType {
     2158    //  [Storable]
     2159    //  public IntValue a;
     2161    //  [Storable]
     2162    //  public ItemList<IntValue> vals;
     2164    //  [Storable]
     2165    //  public V1 mySelf;
     2167    //  [Storable]
     2168    //  public Tuple<int, int> tup;
     2170    //  [Storable]
     2171    //  public int x;
     2172    //  [Storable]
     2173    //  public int y;
     2175    //  [Storable]
     2176    //  public string s;
     2177    //}
     2180    //[StorableType("B72C58C8-3321-4706-AA94-578F57337070")]
     2181    //private class NewBaseType {
     2182    //  [Storable]
     2183    //  public DoubleValue[] items;
     2184    //}
     2185    //[StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-BADCAFFEE001", 2)] // for testing (version 2)
     2186    //private class V2 : NewBaseType {
     2187    //  [Storable]
     2188    //  public int a;
     2190    //  [Storable]
     2191    //  public int[] val;
     2193    //  [Storable]
     2194    //  public V2 mySelf;
     2196    //  [Storable]
     2197    //  public int TupItem1;
     2199    //  [Storable]
     2200    //  public int TupItem2;
     2202    //  [Storable]
     2203    //  public Point coords;
     2205    //  [Storable(Name = "s")]
     2206    //  public string StorableString { get; set; }
     2207    //}
     2209    //[StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-BADCAFFEE002", 3)] // for testing (version 3)
     2210    //private class V3 : NewBaseType {
     2211    //  [Storable]
     2212    //  public int a;
     2214    //  [Storable]
     2215    //  public int[] val;
     2217    //  [Storable]
     2218    //  public V3 mySelf;
     2220    //  [Storable]
     2221    //  public Tuple<int, int> tup;
     2223    //  [Storable]
     2224    //  public Point coords;
     2226    //  [Storable(Name = "s", AllowOneWay = true)]
     2227    //  public string StorableString { set { PublicString = value; } }
     2228    //  public string PublicString { get; set; }
     2229    //}
     2231    //private static class Conversions {
     2232    //  [StorableConversion("D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75", 1)]
     2233    //  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertV1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2234    //    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2235    //    var items = (ItemCollection<IItem>)values["F9F51075-490C-48E3-BF64-14514A210149.items"];
     2236    //    newValues["B72C58C8-3321-4706-AA94-578F57337070.items"] = items.Select(iv => new DoubleValue((double)(((dynamic)iv).Value))).ToArray();
     2237    //    newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.a"] = ((IntValue)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.a"]).Value;
     2238    //    newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.val"] = ((ItemList<IntValue>)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.vals"]).Select(iv => iv.Value).ToArray();
     2240    //    newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.mySelf"] = values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.mySelf"]; // myself type will be mapped correctly
     2242    //    var tup = (Tuple<int, int>)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.tup"];
     2243    //    if (tup != null) {
     2244    //      newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.TupItem1"] = tup.Item1;
     2245    //      newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.TupItem2"] = tup.Item2;
     2246    //    }
     2248    //    newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.coords"] = new Point((int)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.x"], (int)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.y"]);
     2250    //    return newValues;
     2251    //  }
     2253    //  [StorableConversion("D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75", 2)]
     2254    //  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertV2(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2255    //    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2256    //    newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.a"] = values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.a"];
     2257    //    newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.val"] = values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.val"];
     2258    //    newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.mySelf"] = values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.mySelf"];
     2260    //    newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.tup"] = Tuple.Create((int)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.TupItem1"], (int)values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.TupItem2"]);
     2261    //    newValues["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.coords"] = values["D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75.coords"];
     2263    //    return newValues;
     2264    //  }
     2265    //}
     2267    //[TestMethod]
     2268    //[TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
     2269    //[TestProperty("Time", "short")]
     2270    //public void TestConversion() {
     2271    //  var test = new Func<V1>(() => {
     2272    //    var p = new V1();
     2273    //    p.a = new IntValue(1);
     2274    //    p.mySelf = p;
     2275    //    p.vals = new ItemList<IntValue>(new IntValue[] { p.a, new IntValue(2), new IntValue(3) });
     2276    //    p.tup = Tuple.Create(17, 4);
     2277    //    var dv = new DoubleValue(1.0);
     2278    //    p.items = new ItemCollection<IItem>(new IItem[] { dv, dv, p.a });
     2279    //    p.s = "123";
     2280    //    return p;
     2281    //  });
     2283    //  ProtoBufSerializer serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
     2284    //  var old = test();
     2285    //  serializer.Serialize(old, tempFile);
     2287    //  DeregisterType(typeof(V1));
     2288    //  DeregisterType(typeof(V2));
     2289    //  DeregisterType(typeof(V3));
     2291    //  RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(V1)).Guid, typeof(V3));
     2292    //  SetTypeGuid(typeof(V3), GetTypeGuid(typeof(V1)));
     2293    //  RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(V1));
     2295    //  object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
     2296    //  var restored = (V3)o;
     2297    //  Assert.AreEqual(restored.a, old.a.Value);
     2298    //  Assert.IsTrue(restored.val.SequenceEqual(old.vals.Select(iv => iv.Value)));
     2299    //  Assert.IsTrue(restored.items.Select(item => item.Value).SequenceEqual(old.items.Select(iv => (double)((dynamic)iv).Value)));
     2300    //  // Assert.AreSame(restored.items[0], restored.items[1]);
     2301    //  Assert.AreSame(restored, restored.mySelf);
     2302    //  Assert.AreEqual(restored.PublicString, old.s);
     2303    //}
     2305    //#endregion
     2307    //[TestMethod]
     2308    //[TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
     2309    //[TestProperty("Time", "short")]
     2310    //public void TestGASerializeDeserializeExecute() {
     2311    //  var test = new Func<GeneticAlgorithm>(() => {
     2312    //    var ga = new GeneticAlgorithm();
     2313    //    ga.Problem = new SingleObjectiveTestFunctionProblem();
     2314    //    ga.MaximumGenerations.Value = 100;
     2315    //    ga.SetSeedRandomly.Value = false;
     2316    //    return ga;
     2317    //  });
     2318    //  ProtoBufSerializer serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
     2319    //  GeneticAlgorithm original = test();
     2320    //  serializer.Serialize(original, tempFile);
     2321    //  object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
     2323    //  // this fails because old persistence didn't handle all IComparer ?
     2324    //  // Assert.AreEqual(DebugStringGenerator.Serialize(original),DebugStringGenerator.Serialize(o));
     2326    //  GeneticAlgorithm result = (GeneticAlgorithm)o;
     2327    //  SamplesUtils.RunAlgorithm(result);
     2328    //  SamplesUtils.RunAlgorithm(original);
     2329    //  Assert.AreEqual(((DoubleValue)result.Results["BestQuality"].Value).Value,
     2330    //    ((DoubleValue)original.Results["BestQuality"].Value).Value);
     2332    //  // Assert.AreEqual(DebugStringGenerator.Serialize(result), DebugStringGenerator.Serialize(result2));
     2333    //}
     2335    //[TestMethod]
     2336    //[TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
     2337    //[TestProperty("Time", "short")]
     2338    //public void TestLoadingSamples() {
     2339    //  var path = @"C:\Dev\Software_HL\branches\PersistenceReintegration\HeuristicLab.Optimizer\3.3\Documents";
     2340    //  var serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
     2341    //  foreach (var fileName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*.hl")) {
     2342    //    var original = XmlParser.Deserialize(fileName);
     2343    //    var ok = true;
     2344    //    // foreach (var t in original.GetObjectGraphObjects().Select(o => o.GetType())) {
     2345    //    //   if (
     2346    //    //     t.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public)
     2347    //    //       .Any(ctor => StorableConstructorAttribute.IsStorableConstructor(ctor))) {
     2348    //    //     try {
     2349    //    //       if (t.IsGenericType) {
     2350    //    //         var g = Mapper.StaticCache.GetGuid(t.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
     2351    //    //       } else {
     2352    //    //         var g = Mapper.StaticCache.GetGuid(t);
     2353    //    //       }
     2354    //    //     } catch (Exception e) {
     2355    //    //       Console.WriteLine(t.FullName);
     2356    //    //       ok = false;
     2357    //    //     }
     2358    //    //   }
     2359    //    // }
     2360    //    if (ok) {
     2361    //      serializer.Serialize(original, fileName + ".proto");
     2362    //      // var newVersion = serializer.Deserialize(fileName + ".proto");
     2363    //      //Console.WriteLine("File: " + fileName);
     2364    //      var p = Profile(() => original, Path.GetFileName(fileName));
     2365    //      Console.WriteLine(p);
     2366    //    }
     2367    //  }
     2368    //}
     2370    //[StorableType("3B48A44F-93E2-4ECC-A9B9-56E425EF96F8")]
     2371    //private class ConversionA {
     2372    //  [Storable]
     2373    //  public int f;
     2374    //}
     2376    //[StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", 2)]
     2377    //private class ConversionANew {
     2378    //  [Storable]
     2379    //  public int g;
     2380    //}
     2382    //[StorableType("7CBF2251-CF9F-4D9E-AA7B-C65495AE078F")]
     2383    //private class ConversionB : ConversionA {
     2384    //  [Storable]
     2385    //  public int f;
     2386    //  public int BaseF { get { return base.f; } }
     2388    //  public ConversionB() {
     2390    //  }
     2392    //  public ConversionB(int myF, int baseF) {
     2393    //    this.f = myF;
     2394    //    base.f = baseF;
     2395    //  }
     2396    //}
     2398    //[StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", 2)]
     2399    //private class ConversionBNew : ConversionANew {
     2400    //  [Storable]
     2401    //  public int g;
     2403    //  public int BaseG { get { return base.g; } }
     2404    //}
     2406    //private static class NewConversions {
     2407    //  [StorableConversion("7CBF2251-CF9F-4D9E-AA7B-C65495AE078F", 1)]
     2408    //  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertB(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2409    //    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2410    //    newValues["7CBF2251-CF9F-4D9E-AA7B-C65495AE078F.g"] = values["7CBF2251-CF9F-4D9E-AA7B-C65495AE078F.f"];
     2411    //    return newValues;
     2412    //  }
     2414    //  [StorableConversion("3B48A44F-93E2-4ECC-A9B9-56E425EF96F8", 1)]
     2415    //  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertA(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2416    //    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2417    //    newValues["3B48A44F-93E2-4ECC-A9B9-56E425EF96F8.g"] = values["3B48A44F-93E2-4ECC-A9B9-56E425EF96F8.f"];
     2418    //    return newValues;
     2419    //  }
     2420    //}
     2422    //[TestMethod]
     2423    //[TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
     2424    //[TestProperty("Time", "short")]
     2425    //public void TestConversionCase1() {
     2426    //  var test = new Func<ConversionB>(() => {
     2427    //    return new ConversionB(1, 2);
     2428    //  });
     2430    //  ProtoBufSerializer serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
     2431    //  var old = test();
     2432    //  serializer.Serialize(old, tempFile);
     2434    //  DeregisterType(typeof(ConversionB));
     2435    //  DeregisterType(typeof(ConversionBNew));
     2436    //  DeregisterType(typeof(ConversionA));
     2437    //  DeregisterType(typeof(ConversionANew));
     2439    //  RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(ConversionA)).Guid, typeof(ConversionANew));
     2440    //  SetTypeGuid(typeof(ConversionANew), GetTypeGuid(typeof(ConversionA)));
     2441    //  RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(ConversionA));
     2443    //  RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(ConversionB)).Guid, typeof(ConversionBNew));
     2444    //  SetTypeGuid(typeof(ConversionBNew), GetTypeGuid(typeof(ConversionB)));
     2445    //  RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(ConversionB));
     2447    //  object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
     2448    //  var restored = (ConversionBNew)o;
     2449    //  Assert.AreEqual(restored.g, old.f);
     2450    //  Assert.AreEqual(restored.BaseG, old.BaseF);
     2451    //}
     2453    //[StorableType("90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84")]
     2454    //private class A0 {
     2455    //  [Storable]
     2456    //  public int x;
     2457    //}
     2459    //[StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000A1", 2)]
     2460    //private class A1 {
     2461    //  [Storable]
     2462    //  public int y;
     2463    //}
     2465    //[StorableType("847DD840-3EE3-4A01-AC60-FD7E71ED05F8")]
     2466    //private class B0 {
     2467    //  [Storable]
     2468    //  public int x;
     2469    //}
     2471    //[StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000B1", 2)]
     2472    //private class B1 : A0 { }
     2474    //[StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000B2", 3)]
     2475    //private class B2 {
     2476    //  [Storable]
     2477    //  public int x;
     2478    //}
     2480    //private static class ConversionsA2A_B2B {
     2481    //  [StorableConversion("847DD840-3EE3-4A01-AC60-FD7E71ED05F8", 1, baseGuid: "90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84", baseVersion: 1)]
     2482    //  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertB0_B1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2483    //    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2484    //    newValues["90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84.x"] = values["847DD840-3EE3-4A01-AC60-FD7E71ED05F8.x"];
     2485    //    return newValues;
     2486    //  }
     2488    //  [StorableConversion("90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84", 1)]
     2489    //  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertA0_A1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2490    //    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2491    //    newValues["90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84.y"] = values["90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84.x"];
     2492    //    return newValues;
     2493    //  }
     2495    //  [StorableConversion("847DD840-3EE3-4A01-AC60-FD7E71ED05F8", 2)]
     2496    //  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertB1_B2(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2497    //    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2498    //    newValues["847DD840-3EE3-4A01-AC60-FD7E71ED05F8.x"] = values["90470973-4559-428E-AF28-DD95866B0A84.y"];
     2499    //    return newValues;
     2500    //  }
     2501    //}
     2503    //[TestMethod]
     2504    //[TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
     2505    //[TestProperty("Time", "short")]
     2506    //public void TestConversionCase2() {
     2507    //  var test = new Func<B0>(() => {
     2508    //    return new B0() { x = 17 };
     2509    //  });
     2511    //  ProtoBufSerializer serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
     2512    //  var old = test();
     2513    //  serializer.Serialize(old, tempFile);
     2515    //  DeregisterType(typeof(B0));
     2516    //  DeregisterType(typeof(B1));
     2517    //  DeregisterType(typeof(B2));
     2518    //  DeregisterType(typeof(A0));
     2519    //  DeregisterType(typeof(A1));
     2521    //  RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(B0)).Guid, typeof(B2));
     2522    //  SetTypeGuid(typeof(B2), GetTypeGuid(typeof(B0)));
     2523    //  RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(B0));
     2525    //  RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(A0)).Guid, typeof(A1));
     2526    //  SetTypeGuid(typeof(A1), GetTypeGuid(typeof(A0)));
     2527    //  RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(A0));
     2529    //  object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
     2530    //  var restored = (B2)o;
     2531    //  Assert.AreEqual(restored.x, old.x);
     2532    //}
     2534    //#region Inheritance Chain Test
     2535    //[StorableType("C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95")]
     2536    //private class InheritanceA0 {
     2537    //  [Storable]
     2538    //  public int x;
     2539    //}
     2541    //[StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000001A1", 2)]
     2542    //private class InheritanceA1 {
     2543    //  [Storable]
     2544    //  public int y;
     2545    //}
     2547    //[StorableType("28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722", 1)]
     2548    //private class InheritanceC0 {
     2549    //  [Storable]
     2550    //  public int x;
     2551    //}
     2553    //[StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000001C1", 2)]
     2554    //private class InheritanceC1 {
     2555    //  [Storable]
     2556    //  public int x;
     2557    //}
     2559    //[StorableType("41108958-227D-43C4-B049-80AD0D3DB7F6")]
     2560    //private class InheritanceB0 : InheritanceA0 {
     2561    //  [Storable]
     2562    //  public int x;
     2564    //  [StorableConstructor]
     2565    //  private InheritanceB0(StorableConstructorFlag flag) { }
     2566    //  public InheritanceB0(int x) {
     2567    //    this.x = x;
     2568    //    base.x = x;
     2569    //  }
     2570    //}
     2572    //[StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000001B1", 2)]
     2573    //private class InheritanceB1 : InheritanceC1 { }
     2575    //private static class InheritanceConversionsA2A_B2B {
     2576    //  [StorableConversion("C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95", 1)]
     2577    //  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertA0_A1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2578    //    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2579    //    newValues["C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95.y"] = values["C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95.x"];
     2580    //    return newValues;
     2581    //  }
     2583    //  [StorableConversion("41108958-227D-43C4-B049-80AD0D3DB7F6", 1, baseGuid: "C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95", baseVersion: 2)]
     2584    //  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertB0_B1(Dictionary<string, object> values, out List<Tuple<string, uint>> typeChain) {
     2585    //    typeChain = new List<Tuple<string, uint>> {
     2586    //      Tuple.Create("28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722", 1u)
     2587    //    };
     2589    //    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2590    //    newValues["41108958-227D-43C4-B049-80AD0D3DB7F6.x"] = values["C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95.y"];
     2591    //    newValues["28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722.x"] = values["C1BFC249-89F6-45E2-8DFB-DA95E1BE9B95.y"];
     2592    //    return newValues;
     2593    //  }
     2595    //  [StorableConversion("28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722", 1)]
     2596    //  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertC0_C1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2597    //    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2598    //    newValues["28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722.x"] = (int)values["28A5F6B8-49AF-4C6A-AF0E-F92EB4511722.x"] * 2;
     2599    //    return newValues;
     2600    //  }
     2601    //}
     2603    ////private static class InheritanceConversionsWithNamesDemo {
     2604    ////  [StorableConversion("A", 1)]
     2605    ////  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertA1_A2(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2606    ////    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2607    ////    newValues["y"] = values["x"];
     2608    ////    return newValues;
     2609    ////  }
     2611    ////  [StorableConversion("B", 1, baseGuid: "A", baseVersion: 2)]
     2612    ////  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertB1_B2(Dictionary<string, object> values, out List<Tuple<string, uint>> typeChain) {
     2613    ////    typeChain = new List<Tuple<string, uint>> {
     2614    ////      Tuple.Create("C", 1u)
     2615    ////    };
     2617    ////    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2618    ////    newValues["x"] = values["A.y"];
     2619    ////    newValues["C.x"] = values["A.y"];
     2620    ////    return newValues;
     2621    ////  }
     2623    ////  [StorableConversion("C", 1)]
     2624    ////  private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertC1_C2(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2625    ////    var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2626    ////    newValues["x"] = (int)values["x"] * 2;
     2627    ////    return newValues;
     2628    ////  }
     2630    ////  [StorableConversion("C", 1, "D", 1)]
     2631    ////  //[StorableConversion("D", 1, "E", 1)]
     2632    ////  private static string Rename() { return "D"; }
     2633    ////}
     2635    //[TestMethod]
     2636    //[TestCategory("PersistenceNew")]
     2637    //[TestProperty("Time", "short")]
     2638    //public void TestInheritanceConversionCase1() {
     2639    //  var test = new Func<InheritanceB0>(() => {
     2640    //    return new InheritanceB0(17);
     2641    //  });
     2643    //  ProtoBufSerializer serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
     2644    //  var old = test();
     2645    //  serializer.Serialize(old, tempFile);
     2647    //  DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceB0));
     2648    //  DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceB1));
     2649    //  DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceA0));
     2650    //  DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceA1));
     2651    //  DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceC0));
     2652    //  DeregisterType(typeof(InheritanceC1));
     2654    //  RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(InheritanceA0)).Guid, typeof(InheritanceA1));
     2655    //  SetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceA1), GetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceA0)));
     2656    //  RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(InheritanceA0));
     2658    //  RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(InheritanceB0)).Guid, typeof(InheritanceB1));
     2659    //  SetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceB1), GetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceB0)));
     2660    //  RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(InheritanceB0));
     2662    //  RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(InheritanceC0)).Guid, typeof(InheritanceC1));
     2663    //  SetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceC1), GetTypeGuid(typeof(InheritanceC0)));
     2664    //  RemoveTypeInfo(typeof(InheritanceC0));
     2666    //  object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
     2667    //  var restoredC1 = (InheritanceC1)o;
     2668    //  var restoredB1 = (InheritanceB1)o;
     2669    //  Assert.AreEqual(old.x * 2, restoredC1.x);
     2670    //}
    26722671    #endregion
    26732672    #endregion
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.