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12/07/17 16:07:30 (7 years ago)

#2520: added protobuf version 3.5.0 and changed proto definition

2 edited


  • branches/PersistenceReintegration/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Protos/PersistenceMessages.proto

    r14771 r15501  
     1syntax = "proto3";
    13package HeuristicLab.Persistence;
    46  repeated bytes transformer_guids = 1;
    57  repeated bytes type_guids = 2;
    6   repeated string strings = 3;
    7   repeated Box boxes = 4;
    8   required uint32 root_box_id = 5;
     9  uint32 root_box_id = 10;
     10  repeated Box boxes = 20;
     12  repeated string strings = 100;
     13  repeated bool bools = 101;
     14  repeated int32 ints = 102;
     15  repeated int64 longs = 103;
     16  repeated uint32 uints = 104;
     17  repeated uint64 ulongs = 105;
     18  repeated float floats = 106;
     19  repeated double doubles = 107;
     20  repeated bytes bytes = 108;
     22  repeated StringArrayBox string_arrays = 200;
     23  repeated BoolArrayBox bool_arrays = 201;
     24  repeated IntArrayBox int_arrays = 202;
     25  repeated LongArrayBox long_arrays = 203;
     26  repeated UnsignedIntArrayBox uint_arrays = 204;
     27  repeated UnsignedLongArrayBox ulong_arrays = 205;
     28  repeated FloatArrayBox float_arrays = 206;
     29  repeated DoubleArrayBox double_arrays = 207;
     30  repeated ByteArrayBox byte_arrays = 208;
     32  repeated MatrixBox matrices = 300;
     33  repeated BoolMatrixBox bool_matrices = 310;
     34  repeated IntMatrixBox int_matrices = 311;
     36  repeated DictionaryBox dictionaries = 400;
     37  repeated StorableClassBox storables = 410;
    1139message Box {
    12   optional uint32 transformer_id = 1;
    13   optional uint32 type_id = 2;
    15   extensions 100 to max;
     40  uint32 transformer_id = 1;
     41  uint32 type_id = 2;
     42  uint32 box_id = 3;
     43  bool bool = 10;
     44  int32 int = 11;
     45  int64 long = 12;
     46  uint32 uint = 13;
     47  uint64 ulong = 14;
     48  float float = 15;
     49  double double = 16;
    19 // scalar boxes
    20 message BoolBox {
    21   extend Box {
    22     required BoolBox bool = 100;
    23   }
    24   required bool value = 1;
    25 }
    26 message IntBox {
    27   extend Box {
    28     required IntBox int = 101;
    29   }
    30   required int32 value = 1;
    31 }
    32 message LongBox {
    33   extend Box {
    34     required LongBox long = 102;
    35   }
    36   required int64 value = 1;
    37 }
    38 message UnsignedIntBox {
    39   extend Box {
    40     required UnsignedIntBox unsigned_int = 103;
    41   }
    42   required uint32 value = 1;
    43 }
    44 message UnsignedLongBox {
    45   extend Box {
    46     required UnsignedLongBox unsigned_long = 104;
    47   }
    48   required uint64 value = 1;
    49 }
    50 message FloatBox {
    51   extend Box {
    52     required FloatBox float = 105;
    53   }
    54   required float value = 1;
    55 }
    56 message DoubleBox {
    57   extend Box {
    58     required DoubleBox double = 106;
    59   }
    60   required double value = 1;
    61 }
    62 message StringBox {
    63   extend Box {
    64     required StringBox string = 107;
    65   }
    66   required string value = 1;
    67 }
    68 message BytesBox {
    69   extend Box {
    70     required BytesBox bytes = 108;
    71   }
    72   required bytes value = 1;
     51message TypeBox {
     52  uint32 version = 1;
     53  repeated uint32 generic_type_ids = 2;
    7556// array boxes
    76 message BoolArrayBox {
    77   extend Box {
    78     required BoolArrayBox bool_array = 120;
    79   }
    80   repeated bool values = 1 [packed = true];
    81 }
    82 message ByteArrayBox {
    83   extend Box {
    84     required ByteArrayBox byte_array = 121;
    85   }
    86   required bytes values = 1;
    87 }
    88 message IntArrayBox {
    89   extend Box {
    90     required IntArrayBox int_array = 122;
    91   }
    92   repeated int32 values = 1 [packed = true];
    93 }
    94 message LongArrayBox {
    95   extend Box {
    96     required LongArrayBox long_array = 123;
    97   }
    98   repeated int64 values = 1 [packed = true];
    99 }
    100 message UnsignedIntArrayBox {
    101   extend Box {
    102     required UnsignedIntArrayBox unsigned_int_array = 124;
    103   }
    104   repeated uint32 values = 1 [packed = true];
    106   extensions 100 to max;
    107 }
    108 message UnsignedLongArrayBox {
    109   extend Box {
    110     required UnsignedLongArrayBox unsigned_long_array = 125;
    111   }
    112   repeated uint64 values = 1 [packed = true];
    113 }
    114 message FloatArrayBox {
    115   extend Box {
    116     required FloatArrayBox float_array = 126;
    117   }
    118   repeated float values = 1 [packed = true];
    119 }
    120 message DoubleArrayBox {
    121   extend Box {
    122     required DoubleArrayBox double_array = 127;
    123   }
    124   repeated double values = 1 [packed = true];
    125 }
    126 message StringArrayBox {
    127   extend Box {
    128     required StringArrayBox string_array = 128;
    129   }
    130   repeated string values = 1;
    131 }
     57message StringArrayBox { repeated string values = 1; }
     58message BoolArrayBox { repeated bool values = 1; }
     59message IntArrayBox { repeated int32 values = 1; }
     60message LongArrayBox { repeated int64 values = 1; }
     61message UnsignedIntArrayBox { repeated uint32 values = 1; }
     62message UnsignedLongArrayBox { repeated uint64 values = 1; }
     63message FloatArrayBox { repeated float values = 1; }
     64message DoubleArrayBox { repeated double values = 1; }
     65message ByteArrayBox { bytes values = 1; }
    13367// matrix boxes
    13468message MatrixBox {
    135   extend Box {
    136     required MatrixBox matrix = 140;
    137   }
    138   optional uint32 element_type_id = 1;
    139   repeated uint32 lengths = 2 [packed = true];
    141   extensions 100 to max;
     69  uint32 element_type_id = 1;
     70  repeated uint32 lengths = 2;
    14372message BoolMatrixBox {
    144   extend MatrixBox {
    145     required BoolMatrixBox bool_matrix = 100;
    146   }
    147   repeated bool values = 1 [packed = true];
     73  MatrixBox matrixBox = 1;
     74  repeated bool values = 2;
    14976message IntMatrixBox {
    150   extend MatrixBox {
    151     required IntMatrixBox int_matrix = 101;
    152   }
    153   repeated int32 values = 1 [packed = true];
     77  MatrixBox matrixBox = 1;
     78  repeated int32 values = 2;
    15681// composite boxes
    15782message DictionaryBox {
    158   extend Box {
    159     required DictionaryBox dictionary = 160;
    160   }
    161   repeated uint32 key_ids = 1 [packed = true];
    162   repeated uint32 value_ids = 2 [packed = true];
    163   required uint32 comparer_id = 3;
     83  map<uint32, uint32> key_value_pairs = 1;
     84  uint32 comparer_id = 2;
    16686message StorableClassBox {
    167   extend Box {
    168     required StorableClassBox storable_class = 200;
    169   }
    170   repeated uint32 key_ids = 1 [packed = true];
    171   repeated uint32 value_ids = 2 [packed = true];
     87  map<uint32, uint32> key_value_pairs = 1;
    175 message TypeBox {
    176   extend Box {
    177     required TypeBox type = 250;
    178   }
    179   optional uint32 version = 1;
    180   repeated uint32 generic_type_ids = 2 [packed = true];
    181 }
  • branches/PersistenceReintegration/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Protos/ProcessProtos.cmd

    r13326 r15501  
    11for %%i in ("%ProjectDir%Protos\*.proto") do (
    22  echo Processing %%i
    3   ProtoGen --proto_path="%ProjectDir%\Protos" "%%i" --include_imports -output_directory="%ProjectDir%Protos"
     3  protoc-3.5.0 --proto_path="%ProjectDir%\Protos" "%%i" --include_imports --csharp_out="%ProjectDir%Protos"
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