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Changeset 15471

11/14/17 15:31:22 (7 years ago)


  • Added some unit tests
  • Enhanced the documentation
3 added
1 deleted
14 edited


  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/3D/BinPacking3D.cs

    r15462 r15471  
    6767    #region New methods for bin packer class
     69    /// <summary>
     70    /// Puts a given item into the bin packing at the given position.
     71    /// </summary>
     72    /// <param name="itemID">Offset in the internal item array</param>
     73    /// <param name="item">Item</param>
     74    /// <param name="position">Position of the item in the bin packing</param>
    6975    public override void PackItem(int itemID, PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
    7076      Items[itemID] = item;
    107113      AddExtremePoint(ep2);
    108114      AddExtremePoint(ep3);
    110       /*
    111       ExtremePoints.Add(ep1);
    112       ExtremePoints.Add(ep2);
    113       ExtremePoints.Add(ep3);
    115       var rs1 = CalculateResidualSpace(CreateRs(ep1));
    116       var rs2 = CalculateResidualSpace(CreateRs(ep2));
    117       var rs3 = CalculateResidualSpace(CreateRs(ep3));
    118       ResidualSpace.Add(ep1, rs1);
    119       ResidualSpace.Add(ep2, rs2);
    120       ResidualSpace.Add(ep3, rs3);*/
    121     }
    124     /*private bool AddExtremePoint(PackingPosition position) {
    125       if ()
    127       return true;
    128     }
    131     private bool AddExtremePoint(PackingPosition pos) {
    132       if (ExtremePoints.Add(pos)) {
    133         var rs = CalculateResidualSpace(new Vector3D(pos));
    134         ResidualSpace.Add(pos, rs);
    135         // Check if existing extreme points are shadowed by the new point
    136         // That is, their residual space fit entirely into the residual space of the new point
    137         foreach (var ep in ExtremePoints.Where(x => x != pos && new Vector3D(x).IsInside(pos, rs)).ToList()) {
    138           if (IsWithinResidualSpaceOfAnotherExtremePoint(new Vector3D(ep), ResidualSpace[ep], pos, rs)) {
    139             ExtremePoints.Remove(ep);
    140             ResidualSpace.Remove(ep);
    141           }
    142         }
    143         return true;
    144       }
    145       return false;
    146     }*/
     115    }
    149117    private Tuple<int, int, int> CalculateResidualSpace(Vector3D pos) {
    150118      var itemPos = Items.Select(x => new { Item = x.Value, Position = Positions[x.Key] });
    164132        }
    165133      }
    169135      if (limit.X - pos.X <= 0 || limit.Y - pos.Y <= 0  || limit.Z - pos.Z <= 0) {
    170136        return Tuple.Create(0, 0, 0);
    171       }
     137      }     
    174138      return Tuple.Create(limit.X - pos.X, limit.Y - pos.Y, limit.Z - pos.Z);
    175139    }
    491455    }
     457    /// <summary>
     458    /// Returns true if all values of a given tuple are not zero
     459    /// </summary>
     460    /// <param name="rs">Tuple with three integer values which represents a residual space</param>
     461    /// <returns></returns>
    493462    private bool IsNonZero(Tuple<int, int, int> rs) {
    494463      return rs.Item1 > 0 && rs.Item2 > 0 && rs.Item3 > 0;
    495464    }
     466    /// <summary>
     467    ///
     468    /// </summary>
     469    /// <param name="pos"></param>
     470    /// <param name="residualSpace"></param>
     471    /// <returns></returns>
    497472    private bool IsWithinResidualSpaceOfAnotherExtremePoint(Vector3D pos, Tuple<int, int, int> residualSpace) {
    498473      var eps = ExtremePoints.Where(x => !pos.Equals(x) && pos.IsInside(x, ResidualSpace[x]));
    505480    }
     482    /// <summary>
     483    /// Adds an extrem point to the extreme point collection of the bin packing.
     484    /// </summary>
     485    /// <param name="pos">Position of the new extreme point</param>
     486    /// <returns>Retruns true if the extreme point could be added</returns>
    507487    private bool AddExtremePoint(PackingPosition pos) {
    508488      if (ExtremePoints.Add(pos)) {
    509489        var rs = CalculateResidualSpace(new Vector3D(pos));
    510490        ResidualSpace.Add(pos, rs);
    511         // Check if existing extreme points are shadowed by the new point
    512         // That is, their residual space fit entirely into the residual space of the new point
     491        // Check if the existing extreme points are shadowed by the new point
     492        // This is, their residual space fit entirely into the residual space of the new point
    513493        foreach (var ep in ExtremePoints.Where(x => x != pos && new Vector3D(x).IsInside(pos, rs)).ToList()) {
    514494          if (IsWithinResidualSpaceOfAnotherExtremePoint(new Vector3D(ep), ResidualSpace[ep], pos, rs)) {
    521501      return false;
    522502    }
    524     private Tuple<int, int, int> CalculateResidualSpace1(Vector3D pos) {
    525       var itemPos = Items.Select(x => new { Item = x.Value, Position = Positions[x.Key] });
    526       var rightLimit = ProjectRight(pos);
    527       var upLimit = ProjectUp(pos);
    528       var forwardLimit = ProjectForward(pos);
    529       return Tuple.Create(rightLimit.X - pos.X, upLimit.Y - pos.Y, forwardLimit.Z - pos.Z);
    530     }
    532504    #region Projections
     693    /// <summary>
     694    /// Updates the resiual space for a packing item.
     695    /// </summary>
     696    /// <param name="item"></param>
     697    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    721698    public void UpdateResidualSpace(PackingItem item, PackingPosition pos) {
    722699      foreach (var ep in ExtremePoints.ToList()) {
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/3D/Instances/RealWorldContainerPackingInstanceProvider.cs

    r15230 r15471  
    102102        var parser = new ThreeDInstanceParser();
    103103        parser.Parse(stream);
    105104        return new BPPData() {
    106105          Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path),
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/3D/IntegerVectorEncoding/ThreeDInstanceParser.cs

    r15463 r15471  
    6464      var next = reader.Read();
    6565      var builder = new StringBuilder();
    66       while (next >= 0 && !char.IsDigit((char)next)) next = reader.Read();
    67       if (next == -1) throw new InvalidOperationException("No further integer available");
     66      while (next >= 0 && !char.IsDigit((char)next))
     67        next = reader.Read();
     68      if (next == -1)
     69        throw new InvalidOperationException("No further integer available");
    6870      while (char.IsDigit((char)next)) {
    6971        builder.Append((char)next);
    7072        next = reader.Read();
    71         if (next == -1) break;
     73        if (next == -1)
     74          break;
    7275      }
    7376      return int.Parse(builder.ToString());
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/3D/Packer/BinPacker.cs

    r15462 r15471  
    4444    /// <param name="items">A list of packing items which should be assigned to a bin</param>
    4545    /// <param name="useStackingConstraints">Flag for using stacking constraints</param>
    46     /// <returns></returns>
     46    /// <returns>Returns a collection of bin packing 3d objects. Each object represents a bin and the packed items</returns>
    4747    public abstract IList<BinPacking3D> PackItems(Permutation sortedItems, PackingShape binShape, IList<PackingItem> items, bool useStackingConstraints);
    5149    /// <summary>
    5250    /// Pack a given item into a given bin and updates the residual space and the extreme points
    7876        packingItem.TargetBin, packingItem.Weight, packingItem.Material);
    80       // The extremepoints are sortet by Z, X, Y
     78      // The extremepoints are sortet by Y / Z / X
    8279      return packingBin.ExtremePoints.Where(x => packingBin.IsPositionFeasible(newItem, x, useStackingConstraints)).FirstOrDefault();
    8380    }
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/3D/Packer/BinPackerFactory.cs

    r15463 r15471  
    1616    /// </summary>
    1717    /// <param name="fittingMethod"></param>
    18     /// <returns></returns>
     18    /// <returns>Returns a new BinPacker depending on the given fitting method</returns>
    1919    public static BinPacker CreateBinPacker(FittingMethod fittingMethod) {
    2020      BinPacker binPacker = null;
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/3D/Packer/BinPackerFirstFit.cs

    r15462 r15471  
    3939    /// <summary>
    40     /// Packs the items of the object by using a first fit algorithm into an amount of bins and returns them
     40    /// Packs the items of the object by using a first fit algorithm into an amount of bins and returns them.
    4141    /// </summary>
    4242    /// <returns>Returns a collection of bin packing 3d objects. Each object represents a bin and the packed items</returns>
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/3D/Packer/BinPackerFreeVolumeBestFit.cs

    r15462 r15471  
    3636    public BinPackerFreeVolumeBestFit() : base() { }
     38    /// <summary>
     39    /// Packs all items by using a free volume best fit strategy.
     40    /// If there is no bin packing item, a new one will be created an the current item will be packed into it.
     41    /// If there exists at least on bin packing item in the packing list they are being sortet by their free volume ascending.
     42    /// The current item will be packed into the bin packing with the fewest free volume and enought space for placing it.
     43    /// If an item could not be placed in any bin packing, a new one will be created for the item.
     44    /// </summary>
     45    /// <param name="sortedItems"></param>
     46    /// <param name="binShape"></param>
     47    /// <param name="items"></param>
     48    /// <param name="useStackingConstraints"></param>
     49    /// <returns>Returns a collection of bin packing 3d objects. Each object represents a bin and the packed items</returns>
    3850    public override IList<BinPacking3D> PackItems(Permutation sortedItems, PackingShape binShape, IList<PackingItem> items, bool useStackingConstraints) {
    3951      IList<BinPacking3D> packingList = new List<BinPacking3D>();
    4052      IList<int> remainingIds = new List<int>(sortedItems);
    4354      foreach (int remainingId in remainingIds) {
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/3D/Packer/BinPackerResidualSpaceBestFit.cs

    r15462 r15471  
    3434  public class BinPackerResidualSpaceBestFit : BinPacker {
    36     public BinPackerResidualSpaceBestFit() : base() { }/*
    37     public BinPackerResidualSpaceBestFit(Permutation permutation, PackingShape binShape, IList<PackingItem> items, bool useStackingConstraints)
    38       : base(permutation, binShape, items, useStackingConstraints) { }
    39       */
     36    public BinPackerResidualSpaceBestFit() : base() { }
    4038    /// <summary>
    4139    /// Packs the items into the bins by using a best fit residual space algorithm.
    4341    /// Each residual space belongs to an extreme point.
    4442    /// </summary>
    45     /// <returns></returns>
     43    /// <returns>Returns a collection of bin packing 3d objects. Each object represents a bin and the packed items</returns>
    4644    public override IList<BinPacking3D> PackItems(Permutation sortedItems, PackingShape binShape, IList<PackingItem> items, bool useStackingConstraints) {
    4745      IList<BinPacking3D> packingList = new List<BinPacking3D>();
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/3D/PackingPosition.cs

    r15462 r15471  
    105105    /// <summary>
    106106    /// Compares two packing positions by their coordinates.
    107     /// The order of comparing is z -> x -> y.
     107    /// The order of comparing is y (height) -> z (depth) -> x (width).
    108108    /// </summary>
    109109    /// <param name="other"></param>
    110110    /// <returns></returns>
    111111    public int CompareTo(PackingPosition other) {
     112      int result = Y.CompareTo(other.Y);
     113      if (result == 0)
     114        result = Z.CompareTo(other.Z);
     115      if (result == 0)
     116        result = X.CompareTo(other.X);
     117      /*
    112118      int result = Z.CompareTo(other.Z);
    113119      if (result == 0)
    115121      if (result == 0)
    116122        result = Y.CompareTo(other.Y);
     123      */
    118124      return result;
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/3D/ProblemBase.cs

    r15276 r15471  
    236236      BinShape = data.BinShape;
    237237      var items = new ItemList<PackingItem>(data.Items);
    238       items.Sort((x, y) => y.CompareTo(x));
    239238      Items = items.AsReadOnly();
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/3D/Sorting/PackingItemSorter.cs

    r15463 r15471  
    99namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking3D.Sorting {
     11  /// <summary>
     12  /// This is a extension class for sorting a permutation.
     13  /// </summary>
    1014  public static class PackingItemSorter {
     16    /// <summary>
     17    /// Sorts a given permutation first by the volume and secoundly by the height.
     18    /// </summary>
     19    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     20    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    1121    public static Permutation SortByVolumeHeight(this IList<PackingItem> items) {
    1222      return new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute,
    1727    }
     29    /// <summary>
     30    /// Sorts a given permutation first by the heigth and secoundly by the volume.
     31    /// </summary>
     32    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     33    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    1934    public static Permutation SortByHeightVolume(this IList<PackingItem> items) {
    2035      return new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute,
    2540    }
     42    /// <summary>
     43    /// Sorts a given permutation first by the area and secondly by the height.
     44    /// </summary>
     45    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     46    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    2747    public static Permutation SortByAreaHeight(this IList<PackingItem> items) {
    2848      return new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute,
    3353    }
     55    /// <summary>
     56    /// Sorts a given permuation first by the height and secoundly by the area.
     57    /// </summary>
     58    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     59    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    3560    public static Permutation SortByHeightArea(this IList<PackingItem> items) {
    3661      return new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute,
    4166    }
     68    /// <summary>
     69    /// Sorts a given permutation. The items are being grouped by the cluster id.
     70    /// The cluster id is calulated as followed: clusterId = Ceiling( (width * depth) / (width * depth * delta))
     71    /// The permutation is first being sorted by the area and secoundly by the height.
     72    /// </summary>
     73    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     74    /// <param name="bin">The bin is needed for building the cluster</param>
     75    /// <param name="delta">The delta is needed for building the cluster</param>
     76    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    4377    public static Permutation SortByClusteredAreaHeight(this IList<PackingItem> items, PackingShape bin, double delta) {
    4478      double clusterRange = bin.Width * bin.Depth * delta;
    5286    }
     88    /// <summary>
     89    /// Sorts a given permutation. The items are being grouped by the cluster id.
     90    /// The cluster id is calulated as followed: clusterId = Ceiling( (height) / (height * delta))
     91    /// The permutation is first being sorted by the height and secoundly by the area.
     92    /// </summary>
     93    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     94    /// <param name="bin">The bin is needed for building the cluster</param>
     95    /// <param name="delta">The delta is needed for building the cluster</param>
     96    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    5497    public static Permutation SortByClusteredHeightArea(this IList<PackingItem> items, PackingShape bin, double delta) {
    5598      double clusterRange2 = bin.Height * delta;
    63106    }
     108    /// <summary>
     109    /// Sorts a given permutation first by the material, secoundly by the volume and finally by the height.
     110    /// </summary>
     111    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     112    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    65113    public static Permutation SortByMaterialVolumeHeight(this IList<PackingItem> items) {
    66114      return new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute,
    72120    }
     122    /// <summary>
     123    /// Sorts a given permutation first by the material, secoundly by the heigth and finally by the volume.
     124    /// </summary>
     125    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     126    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    74127    public static Permutation SortByMaterialHeightVolume(this IList<PackingItem> items) {
    75128      return new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute,
    81134    }
     136    /// <summary>
     137    /// Sorts a given permutation first by the material, secoundly by the area and finally by the height.
     138    /// </summary>
     139    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     140    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    83141    public static Permutation SortByMaterialAreaHeight(this IList<PackingItem> items) {
    84142      return new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute,
    90148    }
     150    /// <summary>
     151    /// Sorts a given permuation first by the material, secoundly by the height and finally by the area.
     152    /// </summary>
     153    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     154    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    92155    public static Permutation SortByMaterialHeightArea(this IList<PackingItem> items) {
    93156      return new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute,
    99162    }
     164    /// <summary>
     165    /// Sorts a given permutation. The items are being grouped by the cluster id.
     166    /// The cluster id is calulated as followed: clusterId = Ceiling( (width * depth) / (width * depth * delta))
     167    /// The permutation is being clusterd by the area, first sorted by the material, secoundly by the height.
     168    /// </summary>
     169    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     170    /// <param name="bin">The bin is needed for building the cluster</param>
     171    /// <param name="delta">The delta is needed for building the cluster</param>
     172    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    101173    public static Permutation SortByMaterialClusteredAreaHeight(this IList<PackingItem> items, PackingShape bin, double delta) {
    102174      double clusterRange = bin.Width * bin.Depth * delta;
    104176                items.Select((v, i) => new { Index = i, Item = v, ClusterId = (int)(Math.Ceiling(v.Width * v.Depth / clusterRange)) })
    105177                    .GroupBy(x => x.ClusterId)
    106                     .Select(x => new { Cluster = x.Key, Items = x.OrderByDescending(y => y.Item.Height).ToList() })
    107                     .OrderByDescending(x => x.Cluster)
    108                     .SelectMany(x => x.Items)
    109                     .Select(x => x.Index).ToArray());
    110     }
     178                    .Select(x => new { Cluster = x.Key, Items = x.OrderByDescending(z => z.Item.Material).ThenByDescending(y => y.Item.Height).ToList() })
     179                    .OrderByDescending(x => x.Cluster)
     180                    .SelectMany(x => x.Items)
     181                    .Select(x => x.Index).ToArray());
     182    }
     184    /// <summary>
     185    /// Sorts a given permutation. The items are being grouped by the cluster id.
     186    /// The cluster id is calulated as followed: clusterId = Ceiling( (height) / (height * delta))
     187    /// The permutation is being clusterd by the height, first sorted by the material, secoundly by the area.
     188    /// </summary>
     189    /// <param name="items">Permuation which should be sorted</param>
     190    /// <param name="bin">The bin is needed for building the cluster</param>
     191    /// <param name="delta">The delta is needed for building the cluster</param>
     192    /// <returns>A new sorted permutation</returns>
    112193    public static Permutation SortByMaterialClusteredHeightArea(this IList<PackingItem> items, PackingShape bin,  double delta) {
    113194      double clusterRange2 = bin.Height * delta;
    115196                items.Select((v, i) => new { Index = i, Item = v, ClusterId = (int)(Math.Ceiling(v.Height / clusterRange2)) })
    116197                    .GroupBy(x => x.ClusterId)
    117                     .Select(x => new { Cluster = x.Key, Items = x.OrderByDescending(y => y.Item.Depth * y.Item.Width).ToList() })
     198                    .Select(x => new { Cluster = x.Key, Items = x.OrderByDescending(z => z.Item.Material).ThenByDescending(y => y.Item.Depth * y.Item.Width).ToList() })
    118199                    .OrderByDescending(x => x.Cluster)
    119200                    .SelectMany(x => x.Items)
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking/3.3/Algorithms/3D/ExtremePointAlgorithm.cs

    r15462 r15471  
    182182          IDecoder<Permutation> decoder = new ExtremePointPermutationDecoder(BinPackerFactory.CreateBinPacker(fit));
    183183          Permutation sortedItems;
    184185          if (SortByMaterialParameter.Value.Value) {
    185186            sortedItems = SortItemsByMaterialAndSortingMethod(bin, items, sort, DeltaParameter.Value.Value);
    187188            sortedItems = SortItemsBySortingMethod(bin, items, sort, DeltaParameter.Value.Value);
    188189          }
    190191          var result = Optimize(sortedItems, bin, items, Problem.UseStackingConstraints, decoder, Problem.SolutionEvaluator);
    192193          if (double.IsNaN(result.Item2) || double.IsInfinity(result.Item2)) {
    193194            continue;
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.Bin-Packing-3.3/3D/ExtremePointAlgorithmTest.cs

    r15463 r15471  
    66using HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking._3D.Utils.Tests;
    77using System.Threading;
     8using System.Linq;
    910namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking._3D.Tests {
    1314    private PackingShape _packingShape1;
    1415    private PackingShape _packingShape2;
     16    private PackingShape _packingShape3;
    1517    private IList<PackingItem> _items;
    1618    private ExtremePointAlgorithm _extremPointAlgorithm;
    2022      _packingShape1 = new PackingShape(19, 19, 19);
    2123      _packingShape2 = new PackingShape(18, 18, 18);
     24      _packingShape3 = new PackingShape(20, 20, 20);
    2225      _items = new List<PackingItem>();
    4750    [TestMethod]
    4851    [TestCategory("Problems.BinPacking.3D")]
    49     public void TestMethod1() {
    50       object[] parameters = new object[] { _packingShape1, _items, new SortingMethod[] { SortingMethod.Given }, new FittingMethod[] { FittingMethod.FirstFit }, new CancellationToken()};
     52    public void TestExtremePointAlgorithm() {
     54      IList<BinPacking3D.PackingPosition> positionsBin0 = new List<BinPacking3D.PackingPosition>() {
     55        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(0, 0,0,0),
     56        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(0, 8,0,0),
     57        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(0, 0,0,10),
     58        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(0, 10,0,10),
     59        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(0, 8,8,0),
     60        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(0, 0,10,0),
     61        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(0, 0,10,8),
     62        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(0, 8,10,8),
     63      };
     65      IList<BinPacking3D.PackingPosition> positionsBin1 = new List<BinPacking3D.PackingPosition>() {
     66        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(1, 0,0,0),
     67        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(1, 9,0,0),
     68        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(1, 0,0,10),
     69        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(1, 10,0,10),
     70        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(1, 9,9,0),
     71        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(1, 0,10,0),
     72        new BinPacking3D.PackingPosition(1, 0,10,9)
     73      };
     75      object[] parameters = new object[] { _packingShape3, _items, new SortingMethod[] { SortingMethod.Given }, new FittingMethod[] { FittingMethod.FirstFit }, new CancellationToken() };
     76      _extremPointAlgorithm.SortingMethodParameter.Value.Value = SortingMethod.Given;
     77      _extremPointAlgorithm.FittingMethodParameter.Value.Value = FittingMethod.FirstFit;
     78      _extremPointAlgorithm.SortByMaterialParameter.Value.Value = false;
    5179      var result = TestUtils.InvokeMethod(typeof(ExtremePointAlgorithm), _extremPointAlgorithm, "GetBest", parameters) as Tuple<Solution, double, SortingMethod?, FittingMethod?>;
    52       //InvokeMethod();
    54       var bins = result.Item1.Bins;
    55       var items0 = bins[0].Items;
    56       var positions0 = bins[0].Positions;
    57       var items1 = bins[1].Items;
    58       var positions1 = bins[1].Positions;
     81      int i = 0;
     82      foreach (var item in result.Item1.Bins[0].Positions.Values) {
     83        Assert.AreEqual(positionsBin0[i].X, item.X);
     84        Assert.AreEqual(positionsBin0[i].Y, item.Y);
     85        Assert.AreEqual(positionsBin0[i].Z, item.Z);
     86        i++;
     87      }
    60       var s = 1;
     89      i = 0;
     90      foreach (var item in result.Item1.Bins[1].Positions.Values) {
     91        Assert.AreEqual(positionsBin1[i].X, item.X);
     92        Assert.AreEqual(positionsBin1[i].Y, item.Y);
     93        Assert.AreEqual(positionsBin1[i].Z, item.Z);
     94        i++;
     95      }
    6196    }
    6297  }
  • branches/2817-BinPackingSpeedup/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Tests.csproj

    r15462 r15471  
    583583    <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.PluginInfraStructure-3.3\InstallationManagerTest.cs" />
    584584    <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.PluginInfraStructure-3.3\TypeExtensionsTest.cs" />
    585     <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Problems.Bin-Packing-3.3\3D\AlgorithmTest.cs" />
     585    <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Problems.Bin-Packing-3.3\3D\RandomInstanceProviderTest.cs" />
    586586    <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Problems.Bin-Packing-3.3\3D\PermutationSortingTest.cs" />
    587587    <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Problems.Bin-Packing-3.3\3D\ExtremePointAlgorithmTest.cs" />
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