Changeset 14996 for branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content
- Timestamp:
- 05/18/17 12:29:59 (8 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content
- Files:
- 12 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/CorrelationMatrixContent.cs
r14994 r14996 32 32 } 33 33 34 p rivate PreprocessingContext Context { get;set; }34 public PreprocessingContext Context { get; private set; } 35 35 public ITransactionalPreprocessingData PreprocessingData { 36 36 get { return Context.Data; } -
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/DataCompletenessChartContent.cs
r14903 r14996 32 32 } 33 33 34 //public DataGridLogic DataGridLogic { get; private set; }35 34 public SearchLogic SearchLogic { get; private set; } 36 35 -
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/DataGridContent.cs
r14903 r14996 32 32 [Item("Data Grid", "Represents a data grid.")] 33 33 public class DataGridContent : Item, IStringConvertibleMatrix, IViewShortcut { 34 35 public ITransactionalPreprocessingData PreProcessingData { get; private set; }36 37 34 public static new Image StaticItemImage { 38 35 get { return HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Table; } 39 36 } 37 38 public ITransactionalPreprocessingData PreProcessingData { get; private set; } 40 39 41 40 public ManipulationLogic ManipulationLogic { get; private set; } … … 43 42 44 43 public int Rows { 45 get { 46 return PreProcessingData.Rows; 47 } 48 set { 49 //does nothing 50 } 44 get { return PreProcessingData.Rows; } 45 set { } 51 46 } 52 47 53 48 public int Columns { 54 get { 55 return PreProcessingData.Columns; 56 } 57 set { 58 //does nothing 59 } 49 get { return PreProcessingData.Columns; } 50 set { } 60 51 } 61 52 62 53 public IEnumerable<string> ColumnNames { 63 get { 64 return PreProcessingData.VariableNames; 65 } 66 set { 67 68 } 54 get { return PreProcessingData.VariableNames; } 55 set { } 69 56 } 70 57 71 58 public IEnumerable<string> RowNames { 72 get { 73 return Enumerable.Range(1, Rows).Select(n => n.ToString()); 74 } 75 set { 76 throw new NotSupportedException(); 77 } 59 get { return Enumerable.Range(1, Rows).Select(n => n.ToString()); } 60 set { throw new NotSupportedException(); } 78 61 } 79 62 80 63 public bool SortableView { 81 get { 82 return true; 83 } 84 set { 85 throw new NotSupportedException(); 86 } 64 get { return true; } 65 set { throw new NotSupportedException(); } 87 66 } 88 67 … … 91 70 } 92 71 93 94 72 public IDictionary<int, IList<int>> Selection { 95 73 get { return PreProcessingData.Selection; } 96 74 set { PreProcessingData.Selection = value; } 97 75 } 98 99 76 100 77 public DataGridContent(ITransactionalPreprocessingData preProcessingData, ManipulationLogic theManipulationLogic, FilterLogic theFilterLogic) { … … 137 114 } 138 115 139 140 116 #region unused stuff/not implemented but necessary due to IStringConvertibleMatrix 141 117 #pragma warning disable 0067 … … 154 130 public event EventHandler<EventArgs<int, int>> ItemChanged; 155 131 public event EventHandler Reset; 156 157 132 #pragma warning restore 0067 158 133 #endregion 159 160 134 } 161 135 } -
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/FilterContent.cs
r14185 r14996 28 28 [Item("Filter", "Represents the filter grid.")] 29 29 public class FilterContent : Item, IViewShortcut { 30 31 30 public static new Image StaticItemImage { 32 31 get { return HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Filter; } 33 32 } 34 33 35 private ICheckedItemCollection<IFilter> filters = new CheckedItemCollection<IFilter>();36 37 34 public FilterLogic FilterLogic { get; private set; } 38 35 39 public ICheckedItemCollection<IFilter> Filters { 40 get { 41 return this.filters; 42 } 43 set { 44 this.filters = value; 45 } 46 } 36 public ICheckedItemCollection<IFilter> Filters { get; private set; } 47 37 48 private bool isAndCombination = true; 49 public bool IsAndCombination { 50 get { 51 return this.isAndCombination; 52 } 53 set { 54 this.isAndCombination = value; 55 } 56 } 38 public bool IsAndCombination { get; set; } 57 39 58 40 public FilterContent(FilterLogic filterLogic) { 41 Filters = new CheckedItemCollection<IFilter>(); 42 IsAndCombination = true; 59 43 FilterLogic = filterLogic; 60 44 } -
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/LineChartContent.cs
r14903 r14996 28 28 [Item("Line Chart", "Represents the line chart grid.")] 29 29 public class LineChartContent : PreprocessingChartContent { 30 31 private bool allInOneMode = true; 32 public bool AllInOneMode { 33 get { return this.allInOneMode; } 34 set { this.allInOneMode = value; } 35 } 30 public bool AllInOneMode { get; set; } 36 31 37 32 public static new Image StaticItemImage { … … 41 36 public LineChartContent(IFilteredPreprocessingData preprocessingData) 42 37 : base(preprocessingData) { 38 AllInOneMode = true; 43 39 } 44 40 45 41 public LineChartContent(LineChartContent content, Cloner cloner) 46 42 : base(content, cloner) { 47 this. allInOneMode = content.allInOneMode;43 this.AllInOneMode = content.AllInOneMode; 48 44 } 49 45 public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) { -
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/ManipulationContent.cs
r14185 r14996 28 28 [Item("Manipulation", "Represents the available manipulations on a data set.")] 29 29 public class ManipulationContent : Item, IViewShortcut { 30 31 private ManipulationLogic manipulationLogic;32 private SearchLogic searchLogic;33 private FilterLogic filterLogic;34 35 public ManipulationLogic ManipulationLogic { get { return manipulationLogic; } }36 public SearchLogic SearchLogic { get { return searchLogic; } }37 public FilterLogic FilterLogic { get { return filterLogic; } }38 39 30 public static new Image StaticItemImage { 40 31 get { return HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Method; } 41 32 } 42 33 43 public ManipulationContent(ManipulationLogic theManipulationLogic, SearchLogic theSearchLogic, FilterLogic theFilterLogic) { 44 manipulationLogic = theManipulationLogic; 45 searchLogic = theSearchLogic; 46 filterLogic = theFilterLogic; 34 public ManipulationLogic ManipulationLogic { get; private set; } 35 public SearchLogic SearchLogic { get; private set; } 36 public FilterLogic FilterLogic { get; private set; } 37 38 public ManipulationContent(ManipulationLogic manipulationLogic, SearchLogic searchLogic, FilterLogic filterLogic) { 39 ManipulationLogic = manipulationLogic; 40 SearchLogic = searchLogic; 41 FilterLogic = filterLogic; 47 42 } 48 43 … … 52 47 return new ManipulationContent(this, cloner); 53 48 } 54 55 56 49 } 57 50 } -
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/MultiScatterPlotContent.cs
r14903 r14996 28 28 [Item("Multi Scatter Plot", "Represents a multi scatter plot.")] 29 29 public class MultiScatterPlotContent : ScatterPlotContent { 30 public static new Image StaticItemImage { 31 get { return HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Performance; } 32 } 30 33 31 34 public MultiScatterPlotContent(IFilteredPreprocessingData preprocessingData) … … 37 40 } 38 41 39 public static new Image StaticItemImage {40 get { return HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Performance; }41 }42 43 42 public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) { 44 43 return new MultiScatterPlotContent(this, cloner); -
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/PreprocessingChartContent.cs
r14993 r14996 33 33 [Item("PreprocessingChart", "Represents a preprocessing chart.")] 34 34 public class PreprocessingChartContent : Item, IViewShortcut { 35 36 35 public enum LegendOrder { 37 36 Appearance, -
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/ScatterPlotContent.cs
r14993 r14996 105 105 return scatterPlot; 106 106 } 107 108 107 } 109 108 } -
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/SingleScatterPlotContent.cs
r14903 r14996 28 28 [Item("Scatter Plot", "Represents a scatter plot.")] 29 29 public class SingleScatterPlotContent : ScatterPlotContent { 30 public static new Image StaticItemImage { 31 get { return HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Performance; } 32 } 30 33 31 34 public string SelectedXVariable { get; set; } … … 43 46 } 44 47 45 public static new Image StaticItemImage {46 get { return HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Performance; }47 }48 49 48 public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) { 50 49 return new SingleScatterPlotContent(this, cloner); -
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/StatisticsContent.cs
r14545 r14996 27 27 [Item("Statistics", "Represents the statistics grid.")] 28 28 public class StatisticsContent : Item, IViewShortcut { 29 public static new Image StaticItemImage { 30 get { return HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Object; } 31 } 32 29 33 public ITransactionalPreprocessingData PreprocessingData { get; private set; } 34 public StatisticsLogic StatisticsLogic { get; private set; } 30 35 31 private readonly StatisticsLogic statisticsLogic; 32 public StatisticsContent(ITransactionalPreprocessingData preProcessingData, StatisticsLogic theStatisticsLogic) { 36 public StatisticsContent(ITransactionalPreprocessingData preProcessingData, StatisticsLogic statisticsLogic) { 33 37 PreprocessingData = preProcessingData; 34 statisticsLogic = theStatisticsLogic;38 StatisticsLogic = statisticsLogic; 35 39 } 36 40 37 41 public StatisticsContent(StatisticsContent content, Cloner cloner) 38 42 : base(content, cloner) { 39 40 }41 42 public StatisticsLogic StatisticsLogic {43 get { return statisticsLogic; }44 }45 46 public static new Image StaticItemImage {47 get { return HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Object; }48 43 } 49 44 … … 53 48 54 49 public event DataPreprocessingChangedEventHandler Changed { 55 add { statisticsLogic.Changed += value; }56 remove { statisticsLogic.Changed -= value; }50 add { StatisticsLogic.Changed += value; } 51 remove { StatisticsLogic.Changed -= value; } 57 52 } 58 59 53 } 60 54 } -
branches/DataPreprocessing Enhancements/HeuristicLab.DataPreprocessing/3.4/Content/TransformationContent.cs
r14185 r14996 28 28 [Item("Transformation", "Represents the transformation grid.")] 29 29 public class TransformationContent : Item, IViewShortcut { 30 public static new Image StaticItemImage { 31 get { return HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Method; } 32 } 30 33 31 34 public IPreprocessingData Data { get; private set; } … … 33 36 34 37 public ICheckedItemList<ITransformation> CheckedTransformationList { get; private set; } 35 36 public static new Image StaticItemImage {37 get { return HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Method; }38 }39 38 40 39 public TransformationContent(IPreprocessingData data, FilterLogic filterLogic) {
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