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Changeset 14771 for branches

03/20/17 15:56:55 (8 years ago)

#2520 added versions to storable types and implemented conversion unit test

1 added
7 edited


  • branches/PersistenceOverhaul/HeuristicLab.Persistence/3.3/Default/CompositeSerializers/Storable/StorableTypeAttribute.cs

    r14711 r14771  
    3838    public Guid Guid { get; private set; }
    39     public bool Released { get; set; }
     39    public uint Version { get; set; }
    4141    /// <summary>
    4343    /// </summary>
    4444    /// <param name="memberSelection">The storable class memberSelection.</param>
    45     public StorableTypeAttribute(StorableMemberSelection memberSelection, string guid) {
     45    public StorableTypeAttribute(StorableMemberSelection memberSelection, string guid, uint version = 1) {
    4646      MemberSelection = memberSelection;
    4747      Guid = new Guid(guid);
    48       Released = false;
     48      Version = version;
    4949    }
    51     public StorableTypeAttribute(string guid) {
     51    public StorableTypeAttribute(string guid, uint version = 1) {
    5252      Guid = new Guid(guid);
    53       Released = false;
     53      Version = version;
    5454    }
  • branches/PersistenceOverhaul/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Core/Mapper.cs

    r14711 r14771  
    9595    }
     97    public Box GetBox(uint boxId) {
     98      return boxId2Box[boxId];
     99    }
    97100    public uint GetBoxId(object o) {
    98101      uint boxId;
  • branches/PersistenceOverhaul/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/HeuristicLab.Persistence-4.0.csproj

    r14537 r14771  
    5555    <Compile Include="Core\Serializer.cs" />
    5656    <Compile Include="Core\Transformer.cs" />
     57    <Compile Include="Core\StorableConversionAttribute.cs" />
    5758    <Compile Include="Core\TransformerAttribute.cs" />
    5859    <Compile Include="Core\TypeInfo.cs" />
  • branches/PersistenceOverhaul/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Protos/PersistenceMessages.proto

    r14537 r14771  
    1111message Box {
    1212  optional uint32 transformer_id = 1;
    13   optional uint32 type_id = 2;
     13  optional uint32 type_id = 2; 
    1515  extensions 100 to max;
    177177    required TypeBox type = 250;
    178178  }
    179   repeated uint32 generic_type_ids = 1 [packed = true];
     179  optional uint32 version = 1;
     180  repeated uint32 generic_type_ids = 2 [packed = true];
  • branches/PersistenceOverhaul/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Transformers/StorableClassTransformer.cs

    r14713 r14771  
    7070      var type = obj.GetType();
    7171      var typeInfo = Mapper.StaticCache.GetTypeInfo(type);
     72      var typeBox = mapper.GetBox(box.TypeId).GetExtension(TypeBox.Type);
     73      var version = typeBox.HasVersion ? typeBox.Version : 1;
    7375      var components = new Dictionary<uint, uint>();
    7678      }
     80      var conversionMethods =
     81        type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)
     82          .Where(StorableConversionAttribute.IsStorableConversionMethod)
     83          .Where(mi => StorableConversionAttribute.GetVersion(mi) >= version)
     84          .OrderBy(StorableConversionAttribute.GetVersion);
     86      // put all objects into dictionary for optional conversion
     87      var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     88      foreach (var component in components) {
     89        dict.Add(mapper.GetString(component.Key), mapper.GetObject(component.Value));
     90      }
     92      // TODO: check that all entries in the dictionary can be mapped to a field or property
     93      foreach (var convMeth in conversionMethods) {
     94        dict = (Dictionary<string, object>)convMeth.Invoke(null, new object[] { dict });
     95      }
    7897      foreach (var componentInfo in typeInfo.Fields) {
    7998        var field = (FieldInfo)componentInfo.MemberInfo;
    80         uint componentId;
    81         bool found = components.TryGetValue(mapper.GetStringId(componentInfo.Name), out componentId);
     99        object val = null;
     100        bool found = dict.TryGetValue(componentInfo.Name, out val);
    82101        if (found)
    83           field.SetValue(obj, mapper.GetObject(componentId));
     102          field.SetValue(obj, val);
    84103        else if (componentInfo.StorableAttribute.DefaultValue != null)
    85104          field.SetValue(obj, componentInfo.StorableAttribute.DefaultValue);
    88107      foreach (var componentInfo in typeInfo.Properties.Where(x => x.Writeable)) {
    89108        var property = (PropertyInfo)componentInfo.MemberInfo;
    90         uint componentId;
    91         bool found = components.TryGetValue(mapper.GetStringId(componentInfo.Name), out componentId);
     109        object val = null;
     110        bool found = dict.TryGetValue(componentInfo.Name, out val);
    92111        if (found)
    93           property.SetValue(obj, mapper.GetObject(componentId), null);
     112          property.SetValue(obj, val, null);
    94113        else if (componentInfo.StorableAttribute.DefaultValue != null)
    95114          property.SetValue(obj, componentInfo.StorableAttribute.DefaultValue, null);
  • branches/PersistenceOverhaul/HeuristicLab.Persistence/4.0/Transformers/Transformers.cs

    r14711 r14771  
    299299        box.TypeId = mapper.GetTypeId(type);
    300300      }
     302      if (StorableTypeAttribute.IsStorableType(type))
     303        typeBox.Version = StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(type).Version;
    301304      box.SetExtension(TypeBox.Type, typeBox.Build());
    302305    }
  • branches/PersistenceOverhaul/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Persistence-3.3/UseCasesPersistenceNew.cs

    r14739 r14771  
    21082108    #region conversion
    2110     [StorableType("F9F51075-490C-48E3-BF64-14514A210149")]
     2110    [StorableType("F9F51075-490C-48E3-BF64-14514A210149", 1)]
    21112111    private class OldBaseType {
    21122112      [Storable]
    21132113      public ItemCollection<IItem> items;
    21142114    }
    2115     [StorableType("D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75")]
    2116     private class OldType : OldBaseType {
     2115    [StorableType("D211A828-6440-4E72-A8C7-AA4F9B4FFA75", 1)]
     2116    private class V1 : OldBaseType {
    21172117      [Storable]
    21182118      public IntValue a;
    21232123      [Storable]
    2124       public OldType mySelf;
     2124      public V1 mySelf;
    21262126      [Storable]
    2136     [StorableType("B72C58C8-3321-4706-AA94-578F57337070")]
     2136    [StorableType("B72C58C8-3321-4706-AA94-578F57337070", 2)]
    21372137    private class NewBaseType {
    21382138      [Storable]
    21392139      public DoubleValue[] items;
    21402140    }
    2141     [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-BADCAFFEE000")] // for testing
    2142     private partial class NewType : NewBaseType {
     2141    [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-BADCAFFEE000", 2)] // for testing (version 2)
     2142    private partial class V2 : NewBaseType {
    21432143      [Storable]
    21442144      public int a;
    21492149      [Storable]
    2150       public NewType mySelf;
     2150      public V2 mySelf;
    21522152      [Storable]
    21622162    // conversion part
    2163     private partial class NewType : NewBaseType {
    2164       //[Storable(AllowOneWay = true, Name = "items")]
    2165       //private ItemCollection<IItem> itemsCompat {
    2166       //  set { items = value.Select(iv => new DoubleValue((double)(((dynamic)iv).Value))).ToArray(); }
    2167       //}
    2169       //[Storable(AllowOneWay = true, Name = "a")]
    2170       //private IntValue aBackwardsCompat { set { a = value.Value; } }
    2172       //[StorableConversion(Name = "a", Version=1)]
    2173       //private int ConvertA(IntValue oldValue) { return oldValue.Value; }
    2174       //[StorableConversion(Name = "newA", Version=2)]
    2175       //private double ConvertA(int oldValue) { return (double)oldValue; }
    2177       //[StorableConversion(OldNames= new [] {"x", "y"}, Name = "point", Version=2)]
    2178       //public Point ConvertXY(int x, int y) { return new Point(x, y); }
    2180       //[StorableConversion(OldNames= new [] {tup}, Names = [] {"TupItem1", "TupItem2"}, Version=2)]
    2181       //public IEnumerable<object> ConvertTup(Tuple<int, int> tup) {
    2182       //  yield return tup.Item1;
    2183       //  yield return tup.Item2;
    2184       //}
    2185       //
    2186       //[Storable(AllowOneWay = true, Name = "val")]
    2187       //private ItemList<IntValue> valCompat { set { val = value.Select(iv => iv.Value).ToArray(); } }
    2188       //
    2189       //[Storable(AllowOneWay = true, Name = "mySelf")]
    2190       //private NewType mySelfCompat { set { mySelf = value; } }
    2194       //[StorableConversion(SrcVersion = 1)]
    2195       //private Dictionary<string, object> ConvertAll(Dictionary<string, object> values)
    2196       //{
    2197       // 
    2198       //}
     2163    private partial class V2 : NewBaseType {
     2164      [StorableConversion(srcVersion: 1)]
     2165      private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertV1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2166        var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2167        var items = (ItemCollection<IItem>)values["OldBaseType.items"];
     2168        newValues["NewBaseType.items"] = items.Select(iv => new DoubleValue((double)(((dynamic)iv).Value))).ToArray();
     2169        newValues["V2.a"] = ((IntValue)values["V1.a"]).Value;
     2170        newValues["V2.val"] = ((ItemList<IntValue>)values["V1.vals"]).Select(iv => iv.Value).ToArray();
     2172        newValues["V2.mySelf"] = values["V1.mySelf"]; // myself type will be mapped correctly
     2174        var tup = (Tuple<int, int>)values["V1.tup"];
     2175        if (tup != null) {
     2176          newValues["V2.TupItem1"] = tup.Item1;
     2177          newValues["V2.TupItem2"] = tup.Item2;
     2178        }
     2180        newValues["V2.coords"] = new Point((int)values["V1.x"], (int)values["V1.y"]);
     2182        return newValues;
     2183      }
     2184    }
     2186    [StorableType("00000000-0000-0000-0000-BADCAFFEE200", 3)] // for testing (version 3)
     2187    private partial class V3 : NewBaseType {
     2188      [Storable]
     2189      public int a;
     2191      [Storable]
     2192      public int[] val;
     2194      [Storable]
     2195      public V3 mySelf;
     2197      [Storable]
     2198      public Tuple<int, int> tup;
     2200      [Storable]
     2201      public Point coords;
     2202    }
     2204    // conversion part
     2205    private partial class V3 {
     2206      [StorableConversion(srcVersion: 1)]
     2207      private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertV1(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2208        var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2209        var items = (ItemCollection<IItem>)values["OldBaseType.items"];
     2210        newValues["NewBaseType.items"] = items.Select(iv => new DoubleValue((double)(((dynamic)iv).Value))).ToArray();
     2211        newValues["V2.a"] = ((IntValue)values["V1.a"]).Value;
     2212        newValues["V2.val"] = ((ItemList<IntValue>)values["V1.vals"]).Select(iv => iv.Value).ToArray();
     2214        newValues["V2.mySelf"] = values["V1.mySelf"]; // myself type will be mapped correctly
     2216        var tup = (Tuple<int, int>)values["V1.tup"];
     2217        if (tup != null) {
     2218          newValues["V2.TupItem1"] = tup.Item1;
     2219          newValues["V2.TupItem2"] = tup.Item2;
     2220        }
     2222        newValues["V2.coords"] = new Point((int)values["V1.x"], (int)values["V1.y"]);
     2224        return newValues;
     2225      }
     2227      [StorableConversion(srcVersion: 2)]
     2228      private static Dictionary<string, object> ConvertV2(Dictionary<string, object> values) {
     2229        var newValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     2230        newValues["NewBaseType.items"] = values["NewBaseType.items"];
     2231        newValues["V3.a"] = values["V2.a"];
     2232        newValues["V3.val"] = values["V2.val"];
     2233        newValues["V3.mySelf"] = values["V2.mySelf"];
     2235        newValues["V3.tup"] = Tuple.Create((int)values["V2.TupItem1"], (int)values["V2.TupItem2"]);
     2236        newValues["V3.coords"] = values["V2.coords"];
     2238        return newValues;
     2239      }
    21992240    }
    22032244    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
    22042245    public void TestConversion() {
    2205       var test = new Func<OldType>(() => {
    2206         var p = new OldType();
     2246      var test = new Func<V1>(() => {
     2247        var p = new V1();
    22072248        p.a = new IntValue(1);
    22082249        p.mySelf = p;
    22092250        p.vals = new ItemList<IntValue>(new IntValue[] { p.a, new IntValue(2), new IntValue(3) });
     2251        p.tup = Tuple.Create(17, 4);
    22102252        var dv = new DoubleValue(1.0);
    22112253        p.items = new ItemCollection<IItem>(new IItem[] { dv, dv, p.a });
    22162258      var old = test();
    22172259      serializer.Serialize(old, tempFile);
    2218       Mapper.StaticCache.DeregisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(OldType)).Guid);
    2219       Mapper.StaticCache.RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(OldType)).Guid, typeof(NewType));
    2221       object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
    2222       var restored = (NewType)o;
     2260      Mapper.StaticCache.DeregisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(V1)).Guid);
     2261      Mapper.StaticCache.DeregisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(V2)).Guid);
     2263      Mapper.StaticCache.RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(V1)).Guid, typeof(V2));
     2265      object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
     2266      var restored = (V2)o;
    22232267      Assert.AreEqual(restored.a, old.a.Value);
    22242268      Assert.IsTrue(restored.val.SequenceEqual(old.vals.Select(iv => iv.Value)));
    22252269      Assert.IsTrue(restored.items.Select(item => item.Value).SequenceEqual(old.items.Select(iv => (double)((dynamic)iv).Value)));
    2226       Assert.AreSame(restored.items[0], restored.items[1]);
     2270      // Assert.AreSame(restored.items[0], restored.items[1]);
    22272271      Assert.AreSame(restored, restored.mySelf);
    2229       string msg = Profile(test);
    2230       Console.WriteLine(msg);
    2231     }
    2233 #endregion
     2273      //string msg = Profile(test);
     2274      //Console.WriteLine(msg);
     2275    }
     2277    [TestMethod]
     2278    [TestCategory("Persistence4")]
     2279    [TestProperty("Time", "short")]
     2280    public void TestConversion2() {
     2281      var test = new Func<V2>(() => {
     2282        var p = new V2();
     2283        p.a = 1;
     2284        p.mySelf = p;
     2285        p.val = new int[] {2, 3, 4};
     2286        p.TupItem1 = 17;
     2287        p.TupItem2 = 4;
     2288        p.items = new DoubleValue[] {new DoubleValue(1.0), new DoubleValue(2.0) };
     2289        return p;
     2290      });
     2292      ProtoBufSerializer serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
     2293      var old = test();
     2294      serializer.Serialize(old, tempFile);
     2295      Mapper.StaticCache.DeregisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(V1)).Guid);
     2296      Mapper.StaticCache.DeregisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(V2)).Guid);
     2297      Mapper.StaticCache.DeregisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(V3)).Guid);
     2299      Mapper.StaticCache.RegisterType(StorableTypeAttribute.GetStorableTypeAttribute(typeof(V2)).Guid, typeof(V3));
     2301      object o = serializer.Deserialize(tempFile);
     2302      var restored = (V3)o;
     2303      Assert.AreEqual(restored.a, old.a);
     2304      Assert.IsTrue(restored.val.SequenceEqual(old.val));
     2305      Assert.IsTrue(restored.items.Select(item => item.Value).SequenceEqual(old.items.Select(iv => (double)((dynamic)iv).Value)));
     2306      // Assert.AreSame(restored.items[0], restored.items[1]);
     2307      Assert.AreSame(restored, restored.mySelf);
     2309      //string msg = Profile(test);
     2310      //Console.WriteLine(msg);
     2311    }
     2313    #endregion
    22352315    [TestMethod]
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