Changeset 14711 for branches/PersistenceOverhaul/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding/3.3/Moves
- Timestamp:
- 03/03/17 11:41:43 (8 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/PersistenceOverhaul/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding/3.3/Moves
- Files:
- 42 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("Edge", "An edge between two integer nodes and a flag for the direction.")] 28 [Storable Class("D680CEE9-7AD1-4B9C-BCF1-6A164B419134")]28 [StorableType("D680CEE9-7AD1-4B9C-BCF1-6A164B419134")] 29 29 public class Edge : Item { 30 30 [Storable] -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("PermutationMoveAttribute", "Base class for specifying a move attribute")] 28 [Storable Class("C4A12864-0A1D-4F1F-9344-0799C5FBA743")]28 [StorableType("C4A12864-0A1D-4F1F-9344-0799C5FBA743")] 29 29 public class PermutationMoveAttribute : Item { 30 30 [Storable] -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("ScrambleMove", "Item that describes a scramble move.")] 28 [Storable Class("F476B122-D942-4E3D-AE60-232038E1B587")]28 [StorableType("F476B122-D942-4E3D-AE60-232038E1B587")] 29 29 public sealed class ScrambleMove : Item { 30 30 [Storable] -
r13368 r14711 29 29 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 30 30 [Item("ScrambleMoveGenerator", "Base class for all scramble move generators.")] 31 [Storable Class("52F3D879-3375-4623-91D7-CA2A515493BC")]31 [StorableType("52F3D879-3375-4623-91D7-CA2A515493BC")] 32 32 public abstract class ScrambleMoveGenerator : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationScrambleMoveOperator, IMoveGenerator { 33 33 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 30 30 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 31 31 [Item("ScrambleMoveMaker", "Peforms a scramble move on a given permutation and updates the quality.")] 32 [Storable Class("4EC7AAF2-33BE-4CB8-A9C1-FB913496EA3B")]32 [StorableType("4EC7AAF2-33BE-4CB8-A9C1-FB913496EA3B")] 33 33 public class ScrambleMoveMaker : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationScrambleMoveOperator, IMoveMaker, ISingleObjectiveOperator { 34 34 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 31 31 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 32 32 [Item("StochasticScrambleMultiMoveGenerator", "Randomly samples n from all possible scramble moves from a given permutation.")] 33 [Storable Class("3BB4C6C6-7984-4423-A6FE-58394E5C528B")]33 [StorableType("3BB4C6C6-7984-4423-A6FE-58394E5C528B")] 34 34 public class StochasticScrambleMultiMoveGenerator : ScrambleMoveGenerator, IMultiMoveGenerator, IStochasticOperator { 35 35 public ILookupParameter<IRandom> RandomParameter { -
r13368 r14711 29 29 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 30 30 [Item("ExhaustiveSwap2MoveGenerator", "Generates all possible swap-2 moves from a given permutation.")] 31 [Storable Class("BEE5F7B6-9DF3-4810-8E52-C7D4402EA5BB")]31 [StorableType("BEE5F7B6-9DF3-4810-8E52-C7D4402EA5BB")] 32 32 public class ExhaustiveSwap2MoveGenerator : Swap2MoveGenerator, IExhaustiveMoveGenerator { 33 33 [StorableConstructor] -
r13368 r14711 29 29 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 30 30 [Item("StochasticSwap2MultiMoveGenerator", "Randomly samples n from all possible swap-2 moves from a given permutation.")] 31 [Storable Class("E5D11F27-2647-44AD-BA8B-236C4D46AC69")]31 [StorableType("E5D11F27-2647-44AD-BA8B-236C4D46AC69")] 32 32 public class StochasticSwap2MultiMoveGenerator : Swap2MoveGenerator, IMultiMoveGenerator, IStochasticOperator { 33 33 public ILookupParameter<IRandom> RandomParameter { -
r13368 r14711 29 29 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 30 30 [Item("StochasticSwap2SingleMoveGenerator", "Randomly samples a single from all possible swap-2 moves from a given permutation.")] 31 [Storable Class("9555AE64-D4A1-4744-8B30-BD4C265A84C9")]31 [StorableType("9555AE64-D4A1-4744-8B30-BD4C265A84C9")] 32 32 public class StochasticSwap2SingleMoveGenerator : Swap2MoveGenerator, IStochasticOperator, ISingleMoveGenerator { 33 33 public ILookupParameter<IRandom> RandomParameter { -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("Swap2Move", "Item that describes a swap-2 move.")] 28 [Storable Class("26CB204D-F3ED-4C88-B5A4-6369278E4540")]28 [StorableType("26CB204D-F3ED-4C88-B5A4-6369278E4540")] 29 29 public class Swap2Move : TwoIndexMove { 30 30 [StorableConstructor] -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("Swap2MoveAbsoluteAttribute", "Specifies the tabu attributes for a swap-2 move on an absolute position permutation.")] 28 [Storable Class("80138207-6AEA-41BD-A112-4EBCAF748E02")]28 [StorableType("80138207-6AEA-41BD-A112-4EBCAF748E02")] 29 29 public class Swap2MoveAbsoluteAttribute : PermutationMoveAttribute { 30 30 [Storable] -
r13368 r14711 29 29 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 30 30 [Item("Swap2MoveGenerator", "Base class for all swap-2 move generators.")] 31 [Storable Class("8DD2743F-2966-4CF0-8501-68208A761289")]31 [StorableType("8DD2743F-2966-4CF0-8501-68208A761289")] 32 32 public abstract class Swap2MoveGenerator : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationSwap2MoveOperator, IMoveGenerator { 33 33 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 34 34 35 35 If the aspiration condition is activated, a move will not be considered tabu against a move in the tabu list if it leads to a better solution than the quality recorded with the move in the tabu list.")] 36 [Storable Class("EC305EDD-A668-4308-9E57-656AAA591694")]36 [StorableType("EC305EDD-A668-4308-9E57-656AAA591694")] 37 37 public class Swap2MoveHardTabuCriterion : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationSwap2MoveOperator, ITabuChecker { 38 38 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 30 30 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 31 31 [Item("Swap2MoveMaker", "Peforms a swap-2 move on a given permutation and updates the quality.")] 32 [Storable Class("2853359E-C0DF-43C9-A6DC-B8680CC66288")]32 [StorableType("2853359E-C0DF-43C9-A6DC-B8680CC66288")] 33 33 public class Swap2MoveMaker : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationSwap2MoveOperator, IMoveMaker, ISingleObjectiveOperator { 34 34 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("Swap2MoveRelativeAttribute", "Specifies the tabu attributes for a swap-2 move on a relative position permutation.")] 28 [Storable Class("1502BB1B-FD53-42D8-81D7-332544BE0E89")]28 [StorableType("1502BB1B-FD53-42D8-81D7-332544BE0E89")] 29 29 public class Swap2MoveRelativeAttribute : PermutationMoveAttribute { 30 30 [Storable] -
r13368 r14711 34 34 35 35 If the aspiration condition is activated, a move will not be considered tabu against a move in the tabu list if it leads to a better solution than the quality recorded with the move in the tabu list.")] 36 [Storable Class("ADB87CD5-C157-4659-8A32-51524C2650D7")]36 [StorableType("ADB87CD5-C157-4659-8A32-51524C2650D7")] 37 37 public class Swap2MoveSoftTabuCriterion : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationSwap2MoveOperator, ITabuChecker { 38 38 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 28 28 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 29 29 [Item("Swap2MoveTabuMaker", "Declares a given swap-2 move as tabu, by adding its attributes to the tabu list and also store the solution quality or the move quality (whichever is better).")] 30 [Storable Class("A5A03F1E-5037-4B26-84CE-8C8825666B3A")]30 [StorableType("A5A03F1E-5037-4B26-84CE-8C8825666B3A")] 31 31 public class Swap2MoveTabuMaker : TabuMaker, IPermutationSwap2MoveOperator { 32 32 public ILookupParameter<Permutation> PermutationParameter { -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("ThreeIndexMove", "A move on a permutation that is specified by 3 indices.")] 28 [Storable Class("D0C144E4-A935-41E2-865C-9C64E5E94483")]28 [StorableType("D0C144E4-A935-41E2-865C-9C64E5E94483")] 29 29 public class ThreeIndexMove : Item { 30 30 [Storable] -
r13368 r14711 30 30 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 31 31 [Item("ExhaustiveInsertionMoveGenerator", "Generates all possible insertion moves (3-opt) from a given permutation.")] 32 [Storable Class("8F845DE6-046D-4B30-A194-9EF7F2C96027")]32 [StorableType("8F845DE6-046D-4B30-A194-9EF7F2C96027")] 33 33 public class ExhaustiveInsertionMoveGenerator : TranslocationMoveGenerator, IExhaustiveMoveGenerator { 34 34 [StorableConstructor] -
r13368 r14711 31 31 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 32 32 [Item("StochasticInsertionMultiMoveGenerator", "Generates all possible insertion moves (3-opt) from a few numbers in a given permutation.")] 33 [Storable Class("7CB7A65B-497E-4FF7-8F78-267AB504DC03")]33 [StorableType("7CB7A65B-497E-4FF7-8F78-267AB504DC03")] 34 34 public class StochasticInsertionMultiMoveGenerator : TranslocationMoveGenerator, IMultiMoveGenerator, IStochasticOperator { 35 35 public ILookupParameter<IRandom> RandomParameter { -
r13368 r14711 29 29 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 30 30 [Item("StochasticTranslocationMultiMoveGenerator", "Randomly samples n from all possible translocation and insertion moves (3-opt) from a given permutation.")] 31 [Storable Class("2D0D551A-0A53-4F80-A9EC-E20ED6CF7460")]31 [StorableType("2D0D551A-0A53-4F80-A9EC-E20ED6CF7460")] 32 32 public class StochasticTranslocationMultiMoveGenerator : TranslocationMoveGenerator, IStochasticOperator, IMultiMoveGenerator { 33 33 public ILookupParameter<IRandom> RandomParameter { -
r13368 r14711 29 29 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 30 30 [Item("StochasticTranslocationSingleMoveGenerator", "Randomly samples one from all possible translocation and insertion moves (3-opt) from a given permutation.")] 31 [Storable Class("0359ABB3-2621-494E-9E6C-C640D909BF02")]31 [StorableType("0359ABB3-2621-494E-9E6C-C640D909BF02")] 32 32 public class StochasticTranslocationSingleMoveGenerator : TranslocationMoveGenerator, IStochasticOperator, ISingleMoveGenerator { 33 33 public ILookupParameter<IRandom> RandomParameter { -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("TranslocationMove", "A move that changes three edges by performing a translocation.")] 28 [Storable Class("E34918C6-C489-455F-A250-6C65E1B47627")]28 [StorableType("E34918C6-C489-455F-A250-6C65E1B47627")] 29 29 public class TranslocationMove : ThreeIndexMove { 30 30 [StorableConstructor] -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("TranslocationMoveAbsoluteAttribute", "Specifies the tabu attributes for a translocation and insertion move (3-opt) on absolute permutation encodings.")] 28 [Storable Class("66B20FD4-F837-44E4-BC2A-CB197626CE1D")]28 [StorableType("66B20FD4-F837-44E4-BC2A-CB197626CE1D")] 29 29 public class TranslocationMoveAbsoluteAttribute : PermutationMoveAttribute { 30 30 [Storable] -
r13368 r14711 29 29 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 30 30 [Item("TranslocationMoveGenerator", "Base class for move generators that produce translocation moves (3-opt).")] 31 [Storable Class("ACC633A0-17E2-4887-9681-293AFB19E65B")]31 [StorableType("ACC633A0-17E2-4887-9681-293AFB19E65B")] 32 32 public abstract class TranslocationMoveGenerator : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationTranslocationMoveOperator, IMoveGenerator { 33 33 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 33 33 34 34 If the aspiration condition is activated, a move will not be considered tabu against a move in the tabu list if it leads to a better solution than the quality recorded with the move in the tabu list.")] 35 [Storable Class("3C63BA6F-9104-48C0-AA1D-AF2E07C9D876")]35 [StorableType("3C63BA6F-9104-48C0-AA1D-AF2E07C9D876")] 36 36 public class TranslocationMoveHardTabuCriterion : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationTranslocationMoveOperator, ITabuChecker { 37 37 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 30 30 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 31 31 [Item("TranslocationMoveMaker", "Peforms a translocation or insertion move (3-opt) on a given permutation and updates the quality.")] 32 [Storable Class("682F4178-91C4-405D-AE6F-1F581EFD47C0")]32 [StorableType("682F4178-91C4-405D-AE6F-1F581EFD47C0")] 33 33 public class TranslocationMoveMaker : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationTranslocationMoveOperator, IMoveMaker, ISingleObjectiveOperator { 34 34 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("TranslocationMoveRelativeAttribute", "Specifies the tabu attributes for a translocation and insertion move (3-opt) on relative permutation encodings.")] 28 [Storable Class("1CBBC1F2-1AB8-4E18-8C72-200DAC93C4C6")]28 [StorableType("1CBBC1F2-1AB8-4E18-8C72-200DAC93C4C6")] 29 29 public class TranslocationMoveRelativeAttribute : PermutationMoveAttribute { 30 30 [Storable] -
r13368 r14711 33 33 34 34 If the aspiration condition is activated, a move will not be considered tabu against a move in the tabu list if it leads to a better solution than the quality recorded with the move in the tabu list.")] 35 [Storable Class("193ADBC5-07A4-43B0-9EBA-07BE1A4A365C")]35 [StorableType("193ADBC5-07A4-43B0-9EBA-07BE1A4A365C")] 36 36 public class TranslocationMoveSoftTabuCriterion : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationTranslocationMoveOperator, ITabuChecker { 37 37 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 28 28 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 29 29 [Item("TranslocationMoveTabuMaker", "Declares a given translocation or insertion move (3-opt) as tabu, by adding its attributes to the tabu list.")] 30 [Storable Class("94BDC663-D2D0-4114-9D56-3B632F3C655A")]30 [StorableType("94BDC663-D2D0-4114-9D56-3B632F3C655A")] 31 31 public class TranslocationMoveTabuMaker : TabuMaker, IPermutationTranslocationMoveOperator { 32 32 public ILookupParameter<Permutation> PermutationParameter { -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("TwoIndexMove", "A move on a permutation that is specified by 2 indices.")] 28 [Storable Class("54380E43-E827-4A8E-9C6D-9CE92AB9F15B")]28 [StorableType("54380E43-E827-4A8E-9C6D-9CE92AB9F15B")] 29 29 public class TwoIndexMove : Item { 30 30 [Storable] -
r13368 r14711 30 30 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 31 31 [Item("ExhaustiveInversionMoveGenerator", "Generates all possible inversion moves (2-opt) from a given permutation.")] 32 [Storable Class("478207CB-6282-4FB6-8A76-F2D0FBCB0CE9")]32 [StorableType("478207CB-6282-4FB6-8A76-F2D0FBCB0CE9")] 33 33 public class ExhaustiveInversionMoveGenerator : InversionMoveGenerator, IExhaustiveMoveGenerator { 34 34 [StorableConstructor] -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("InversionMove", "Item that describes an inversion move (2-opt).")] 28 [Storable Class("E414DB9B-5CA1-410E-84C8-C44FA792F2A7")]28 [StorableType("E414DB9B-5CA1-410E-84C8-C44FA792F2A7")] 29 29 public class InversionMove : TwoIndexMove { 30 30 [StorableConstructor] -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("InversionMoveAbsoluteAttribute", "Specifies the tabu attributes for an inversion move (2-opt) on an absolute position permutation.")] 28 [Storable Class("79A62352-C17B-45E1-B334-E841B0EBCEC2")]28 [StorableType("79A62352-C17B-45E1-B334-E841B0EBCEC2")] 29 29 public class InversionMoveAbsoluteAttribute : PermutationMoveAttribute { 30 30 [Storable] -
r13368 r14711 29 29 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 30 30 [Item("InversionMoveGenerator", "Base class for all inversion (2-opt) move generators.")] 31 [Storable Class("17C1A6A7-9F09-40F6-8CF2-F14202C40D2C")]31 [StorableType("17C1A6A7-9F09-40F6-8CF2-F14202C40D2C")] 32 32 public abstract class InversionMoveGenerator : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationInversionMoveOperator, IMoveGenerator { 33 33 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 34 34 35 35 If the aspiration condition is activated, a move will not be considered tabu against a move in the tabu list if it leads to a better solution than the quality recorded with the move in the tabu list.")] 36 [Storable Class("56EEE556-6AF2-4A96-82DB-92862B0C591E")]36 [StorableType("56EEE556-6AF2-4A96-82DB-92862B0C591E")] 37 37 public class InversionMoveHardTabuCriterion : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationInversionMoveOperator, ITabuChecker { 38 38 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 30 30 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 31 31 [Item("InversionMoveMaker", "Peforms an inversion move (2-opt) on a given permutation and updates the quality.")] 32 [Storable Class("53F8C88F-CBBE-47E0-82CB-7BE79A548ECF")]32 [StorableType("53F8C88F-CBBE-47E0-82CB-7BE79A548ECF")] 33 33 public class InversionMoveMaker : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationInversionMoveOperator, IMoveMaker, ISingleObjectiveOperator { 34 34 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 26 26 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 27 27 [Item("InversionMoveRelativeAttribute", "Specifies the tabu attributes for an inversion move (2-opt) on a relative position permutation.")] 28 [Storable Class("46C13821-2887-486D-9C81-7F32BE0917DC")]28 [StorableType("46C13821-2887-486D-9C81-7F32BE0917DC")] 29 29 public class InversionMoveRelativeAttribute : PermutationMoveAttribute { 30 30 [Storable] -
r13368 r14711 34 34 35 35 If the aspiration condition is activated, a move will not be considered tabu against a move in the tabu list if it leads to a better solution than the quality recorded with the move in the tabu list.")] 36 [Storable Class("C73FADD7-3A8D-4C4C-B46A-B00F62A3C63F")]36 [StorableType("C73FADD7-3A8D-4C4C-B46A-B00F62A3C63F")] 37 37 public class InversionMoveSoftTabuCriterion : SingleSuccessorOperator, IPermutationInversionMoveOperator, ITabuChecker { 38 38 public override bool CanChangeName { -
r13368 r14711 28 28 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 29 29 [Item("InversionMoveTabuMaker", "Declares a given inversion move (2-opt) as tabu, by adding its attributes to the tabu list and also store the solution quality or the move quality (whichever is better).")] 30 [Storable Class("350D23FD-8A33-4B1C-87CC-A89A64957241")]30 [StorableType("350D23FD-8A33-4B1C-87CC-A89A64957241")] 31 31 public class InversionMoveTabuMaker : TabuMaker, IPermutationInversionMoveOperator { 32 32 public ILookupParameter<Permutation> PermutationParameter { -
r13368 r14711 29 29 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 30 30 [Item("StochasticInversionMultiMoveGenerator", "Randomly samples n from all possible inversion moves (2-opt) from a given permutation.")] 31 [Storable Class("19A5F55E-A99B-4583-8A37-BC3AA0C6F76B")]31 [StorableType("19A5F55E-A99B-4583-8A37-BC3AA0C6F76B")] 32 32 public class StochasticInversionMultiMoveGenerator : InversionMoveGenerator, IMultiMoveGenerator, IStochasticOperator { 33 33 public ILookupParameter<IRandom> RandomParameter { -
r13368 r14711 29 29 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding { 30 30 [Item("StochasticInversionSingleMoveGenerator", "Randomly samples a single from all possible inversion moves (2-opt) from a given permutation.")] 31 [Storable Class("A2CC5598-A797-4F1C-9DCA-4B914FB21722")]31 [StorableType("A2CC5598-A797-4F1C-9DCA-4B914FB21722")] 32 32 public class StochasticInversionSingleMoveGenerator : InversionMoveGenerator, IStochasticOperator, ISingleMoveGenerator { 33 33 public ILookupParameter<IRandom> RandomParameter {
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