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09/21/16 09:49:22 (9 years ago)

#2661: implemented fixes for several problems in the TableFileParser. We now also store the original string representation of all tokens and use those when we detect that a column cannot be read as DateTime / double.

1 edited


  • trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis/3.3/TableFileParser.cs

    r14285 r14296  
    198198    /// <param name="columnNamesInFirstLine"></param>
    199199    public void Parse(Stream stream, NumberFormatInfo numberFormat, DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo, char separator, bool columnNamesInFirstLine, int lineLimit = -1) {
    200       using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding)) {
     200      if (lineLimit > 0) estimatedNumberOfLines = lineLimit;
     202      using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
    201203        tokenizer = new Tokenizer(reader, numberFormat, dateTimeFormatInfo, separator);
     204        var strValues = new List<List<string>>();
    202205        values = new List<IList>();
    203         if (lineLimit > 0) estimatedNumberOfLines = lineLimit;
    205         if (columnNamesInFirstLine) {
    206           ParseVariableNames();
    207           if (!tokenizer.HasNext())
    208             Error(
    209               "Couldn't parse data values. Probably because of incorrect number format (the parser expects english number format with a '.' as decimal separator).",
    210               "", tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber);
    211         }
    214         // read values... start in first row
     206        Prepare(columnNamesInFirstLine, strValues);
    215208        int nLinesParsed = 0;
    216209        int colIdx = 0;
    217         int numValuesInFirstRow = columnNamesInFirstLine ? variableNames.Count : -1; // number of variables or inizialize based on first row of values (-1)
    218210        while (tokenizer.HasNext() && (lineLimit < 0 || nLinesParsed < lineLimit)) {
    219211          if (tokenizer.PeekType() == TokenTypeEnum.NewLine) {
    222214            // all rows have to have the same number of values
    223             // the first row defines how many samples are needed
    224             if (numValuesInFirstRow < 0) numValuesInFirstRow = values.Count; // set to number of colums in the first row
    225             else if (colIdx > 0 && numValuesInFirstRow != colIdx) { // read at least one value in the row (support for skipping empty lines)
    226               Error("The first row of the dataset has " + numValuesInFirstRow + " columns." + Environment.NewLine +
     215            // the first row defines how many elements are needed
     216            if (colIdx > 0 && values.Count != colIdx) {
     217              // read at least one value in the row (support for skipping empty lines)
     218              Error("The first row of the dataset has " + values.Count + " columns." + Environment.NewLine +
    227219                    "Line " + tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber + " has " + colIdx + " columns.", "",
    228                     tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber);
     220                tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber);
    229221            }
    230222            OnReport(tokenizer.BytesRead);
    234226          } else {
    235227            // read one value
    236             TokenTypeEnum type; string strVal; double dblVal; DateTime dateTimeVal;
     228            TokenTypeEnum type;
     229            string strVal;
     230            double dblVal;
     231            DateTime dateTimeVal;
    237232            tokenizer.Next(out type, out strVal, out dblVal, out dateTimeVal);
    239             // initialize columns on the first row (fixing data types as presented in the first row...)
    240             if (nLinesParsed == 0) {
    241               values.Add(CreateList(type, estimatedNumberOfLines));
    242             } else if (colIdx == values.Count) {
    243               Error("The first row of the dataset has " + numValuesInFirstRow + " columns." + Environment.NewLine +
     234            if (colIdx == values.Count) {
     235              Error("The first row of the dataset has " + values.Count + " columns." + Environment.NewLine +
    244236                    "Line " + tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber + " has more columns.", "",
    245237                tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber);
    246238            }
    247239            if (!IsColumnTypeCompatible(values[colIdx], type)) {
    248               values[colIdx] = ConvertToStringColumn(values[colIdx]);
     240              values[colIdx] = strValues[colIdx];
    249241            }
    250243            // add the value to the column
    251             AddValue(type, values[colIdx++], strVal, dblVal, dateTimeVal);
     244            AddValue(type, values[colIdx], strVal, dblVal, dateTimeVal);
     245            if (!(values[colIdx] is List<string>)) { // optimization: don't store the string values in another list if the column is list<string>
     246              strValues[colIdx].Add(strVal);
     247            }
     248            colIdx++;
    252249          }
    253250        }
    255         if (!values.Any() || values.First().Count == 0)
    256           Error("Couldn't parse data values. Probably because of incorrect number format " +
    257                 "(the parser expects english number format with a '.' as decimal separator).", "", tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber);
    258       }
     251      }
     253      if (!values.Any() || values.First().Count == 0)
     254        Error("Couldn't parse data values. Probably because of incorrect number format " +
     255              "(the parser expects english number format with a '.' as decimal separator).", "", tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber);
    260257      this.rows = values.First().Count;
    277274      // for large files we created a lot of memory pressure, cannot hurt to run GC.Collect here (TableFileParser is called seldomly on user interaction)
    278275      GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced);
     276    }
     278    private void Prepare(bool columnNamesInFirstLine, List<List<string>> strValues) {
     279      if (columnNamesInFirstLine) {
     280        ParseVariableNames();
     281        if (!tokenizer.HasNext())
     282          Error(
     283            "Couldn't parse data values. Probably because of incorrect number format (the parser expects english number format with a '.' as decimal separator).",
     284            "", tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber);
     285      }
     286      // read first line to determine types and allocate specific lists
     287      // read values... start in first row
     288      int colIdx = 0;
     289      while (tokenizer.PeekType() != TokenTypeEnum.NewLine) {
     290        // read one value
     291        TokenTypeEnum type; string strVal; double dblVal; DateTime dateTimeVal;
     292        tokenizer.Next(out type, out strVal, out dblVal, out dateTimeVal);
     294        // initialize column
     295        values.Add(CreateList(type, estimatedNumberOfLines));
     296        if (type == TokenTypeEnum.String)
     297          strValues.Add(new List<string>(0)); // optimization: don't store the string values in another list if the column is list<string>
     298        else
     299          strValues.Add(new List<string>(estimatedNumberOfLines));
     301        AddValue(type, values[colIdx], strVal, dblVal, dateTimeVal);
     302        if (type != TokenTypeEnum.String)
     303          strValues[colIdx].Add(strVal);
     304        colIdx++;
     305      }
     306      tokenizer.Skip(); // skip newline
    279307    }
    530558                type = TokenTypeEnum.Double;
    531559                doubleVals[i] = doubleVal;
    532               } else if (DateTime.TryParse(tok, dateTimeFormatInfo, DateTimeStyles.None, out dateTimeValue)) {
     560              } else if (DateTime.TryParse(tok, dateTimeFormatInfo, DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault, out dateTimeValue)
     561                && dateTimeValue.Year > 1 && dateTimeValue.Month > 1 && dateTimeValue.Day > 1 // if no date is given it is returned as 1.1.0001 -> don't allow this
     562                ) {
    533563                type = TokenTypeEnum.DateTime;
    534564                dateTimeVals[i] = dateTimeValue;
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