Changeset 13246
- Timestamp:
- 11/18/15 13:01:38 (9 years ago)
- Location:
- stable
- Files:
- 3 deleted
- 41 edited
- 1 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
stable ¶
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/trunk/sources merged: 13227,13235-13236
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
stable/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding ¶
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding merged: 13227
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding/3.4/Creators/ProbabilisticTreeCreator.cs ¶
r12706 r13246 74 74 } 75 75 76 public static ISymbolicExpressionTree CreateExpressionTree(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionGrammar grammar, int targetLength, 77 int maxTreeDepth) { 78 SymbolicExpressionTree tree = new SymbolicExpressionTree(); 79 var rootNode = (SymbolicExpressionTreeTopLevelNode)grammar.ProgramRootSymbol.CreateTreeNode(); 80 if (rootNode.HasLocalParameters) rootNode.ResetLocalParameters(random); 81 rootNode.SetGrammar(grammar.CreateExpressionTreeGrammar()); 82 83 var startNode = (SymbolicExpressionTreeTopLevelNode)grammar.StartSymbol.CreateTreeNode(); 84 if (startNode.HasLocalParameters) startNode.ResetLocalParameters(random); 85 startNode.SetGrammar(grammar.CreateExpressionTreeGrammar()); 86 87 rootNode.AddSubtree(startNode); 88 bool success = TryCreateFullTreeFromSeed(random, startNode, targetLength - 2, maxTreeDepth - 1); 89 if (!success) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not create a tree with target length {0} and max depth {1}", targetLength, maxTreeDepth)); 90 91 tree.Root = rootNode; 92 return tree; 93 94 } 95 76 96 private class TreeExtensionPoint { 77 97 public ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode Parent { get; set; } … … 107 127 } else { 108 128 // clean seedNode 109 while (seedNode.Subtrees. Count() > 0) seedNode.RemoveSubtree(0);129 while (seedNode.Subtrees.Any()) seedNode.RemoveSubtree(0); 110 130 } 111 131 // try a different length MAX_TRIES times -
stable/HeuristicLab.Tests ¶
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Tests merged: 13227,13235-13236
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab-3.3/ContentViewTests.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 45 45 //check if view can handle null as content by calling OnContentChanged 46 46 IContentView view = (IContentView)Activator.CreateInstance(viewType); 47 ContentView_Accessor accessor = new ContentView_Accessor(new PrivateObject(view));47 var accessor = new PrivateObject(view); 48 48 try { 49 accessor. OnContentChanged();49 accessor.Invoke("OnContentChanged"); 50 50 } 51 51 catch (Exception ex) { -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.BinaryVectorEncoding-3.3/NPointCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Data; 24 23 using HeuristicLab.Tests; … … 32 31 [TestClass()] 33 32 public class NPointCrossoverTest { 34 /// <summary>35 ///A test for Cross36 ///</summary>37 [TestMethod]38 [TestCategory("Encodings.BinaryVector")]39 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]40 public void NPointCrossoverCrossTest() {41 NPointCrossover_Accessor target = new NPointCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(NPointCrossover)));42 ItemArray<BinaryVector> parents;43 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();44 bool exceptionFired;45 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are more than 2 parents46 random.Reset();47 parents = new ItemArray<BinaryVector>(new BinaryVector[] { new BinaryVector(5), new BinaryVector(6), new BinaryVector(4) });48 exceptionFired = false;49 try {50 BinaryVector actual;51 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);52 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {53 exceptionFired = true;54 }55 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);56 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are less than 2 parents57 random.Reset();58 parents = new ItemArray<BinaryVector>(new BinaryVector[] { new BinaryVector(4) });59 exceptionFired = false;60 try {61 BinaryVector actual;62 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);63 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {64 exceptionFired = true;65 }66 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);67 }68 69 33 /// <summary> 70 34 ///A test for Apply … … 116 80 try { 117 81 actual = NPointCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2, n); 118 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 82 } 83 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 119 84 exceptionFired = true; 120 85 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.BinaryVectorEncoding-3.3/UniformCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class UniformCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.BinaryVector")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void SinglePointCrossoverCrossTest() {40 UniformCrossover_Accessor target = new UniformCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(UniformCrossover)));41 ItemArray<BinaryVector> parents;42 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();43 bool exceptionFired;44 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are more than 2 parents45 random.Reset();46 parents = new ItemArray<BinaryVector>(new BinaryVector[] { new BinaryVector(5), new BinaryVector(6), new BinaryVector(4) });47 exceptionFired = false;48 try {49 BinaryVector actual;50 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);51 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {52 exceptionFired = true;53 }54 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);55 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are less than 2 parents56 random.Reset();57 parents = new ItemArray<BinaryVector>(new BinaryVector[] { new BinaryVector(4) });58 exceptionFired = false;59 try {60 BinaryVector actual;61 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);62 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {63 exceptionFired = true;64 }65 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);66 }67 68 32 /// <summary> 69 33 ///A test for Apply … … 102 66 try { 103 67 actual = UniformCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2); 104 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 68 } 69 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 105 70 exceptionFired = true; 106 71 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.IntegerVectorEncoding-3.3/DiscreteCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 32 32 public class DiscreteCrossoverTest { 33 33 /// <summary> 34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.IntegerVector")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void DiscreteCrossoverCrossTest() {40 DiscreteCrossover_Accessor target = new DiscreteCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(DiscreteCrossover)));41 ItemArray<IntegerVector> parents;42 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();43 bool exceptionFired;44 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are less than 2 parents45 random.Reset();46 parents = new ItemArray<IntegerVector>(new IntegerVector[] { new IntegerVector(4) });47 exceptionFired = false;48 try {49 IntegerVector actual;50 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);51 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {52 exceptionFired = true;53 }54 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);55 }56 57 /// <summary>58 34 ///A test for Apply 59 35 ///</summary> … … 82 58 try { 83 59 actual = DiscreteCrossover.Apply(random, new ItemArray<IntegerVector>(new IntegerVector[] { parent1, parent2 })); 84 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 60 } 61 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 85 62 exceptionFired = true; 86 63 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.IntegerVectorEncoding-3.3/SinglePointCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 38 38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 39 39 public void SinglePointCrossoverCrossTest() { 40 SinglePointCrossover_Accessor target = new SinglePointCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(SinglePointCrossover)));40 var target = new PrivateObject(typeof(SinglePointCrossover)); 41 41 ItemArray<IntegerVector> parents; 42 42 TestRandom random = new TestRandom(); … … 48 48 try { 49 49 IntegerVector actual; 50 actual = target.Cross(random, parents); 51 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 50 actual = (IntegerVector)target.Invoke("Cross", random, parents); 51 } 52 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 52 53 exceptionFired = true; 53 54 } … … 59 60 try { 60 61 IntegerVector actual; 61 actual = target.Cross(random, parents); 62 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 62 actual = (IntegerVector)target.Invoke("Cross", random, parents); 63 } 64 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 63 65 exceptionFired = true; 64 66 } … … 92 94 try { 93 95 actual = SinglePointCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2); 94 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 96 } 97 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 95 98 exceptionFired = true; 96 99 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3/CosaCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class CosaCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.Permutation")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void CosaCrossoverCrossTest() {40 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();41 CosaCrossover_Accessor target =42 new CosaCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(CosaCrossover)));43 // perform a test with more than two parents44 random.Reset();45 bool exceptionFired = false;46 try {47 target.Cross(random, new ItemArray<Permutation>(new Permutation[] {48 new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4)}));49 } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) {50 exceptionFired = true;51 }52 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);53 }54 55 32 /// <summary> 56 33 ///A test for Apply … … 104 81 try { 105 82 CosaCrossover.Apply(random, new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 8), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 6)); 106 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 83 } 84 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 107 85 exceptionFired = true; 108 86 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3/CyclicCrossover2Test.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class CyclicCrossover2Test { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.Permutation")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void CyclicCrossover2CrossTest() {40 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();41 CyclicCrossover2_Accessor target = new CyclicCrossover2_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(CyclicCrossover2)));42 // perform a test with more than two parents43 random.Reset();44 bool exceptionFired = false;45 try {46 target.Cross(random, new ItemArray<Permutation>(new Permutation[] {47 new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4)}));48 } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) {49 exceptionFired = true;50 }51 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);52 }53 54 32 /// <summary> 55 33 ///A test for Apply … … 79 57 try { 80 58 CyclicCrossover.Apply(random, new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 8), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 6)); 81 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 59 } 60 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 82 61 exceptionFired = true; 83 62 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3/CyclicCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class CyclicCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.Permutation")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void CyclicCrossoverCrossTest() {40 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();41 CyclicCrossover_Accessor target =42 new CyclicCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(CyclicCrossover)));43 // perform a test with more than two parents44 random.Reset();45 bool exceptionFired = false;46 try {47 target.Cross(random, new ItemArray<Permutation>(new Permutation[] {48 new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4)}));49 } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) {50 exceptionFired = true;51 }52 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);53 }54 55 32 /// <summary> 56 33 ///A test for Apply … … 80 57 try { 81 58 CyclicCrossover.Apply(random, new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 8), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 6)); 82 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 59 } 60 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 83 61 exceptionFired = true; 84 62 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3/EdgeRecombinationCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class EdgeRecombinationCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.Permutation")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void EdgeRecombinationCrossoverCrossoverCrossTest() {40 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();41 EdgeRecombinationCrossover_Accessor target =42 new EdgeRecombinationCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(EdgeRecombinationCrossover)));43 // perform a test with more than two parents44 random.Reset();45 bool exceptionFired = false;46 try {47 target.Cross(random, new ItemArray<Permutation>(new Permutation[] {48 new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4)}));49 } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) {50 exceptionFired = true;51 }52 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);53 }54 55 32 /// <summary> 56 33 ///A test for Apply … … 81 58 try { 82 59 EdgeRecombinationCrossover.Apply(random, new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 8), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 6)); 83 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 60 } 61 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 84 62 exceptionFired = true; 85 63 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3/MaximalPreservativeCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class MaximalPreservativeCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.Permutation")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void MaximalPreservativeCrossoverCrossTest() {40 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();41 MaximalPreservativeCrossover_Accessor target =42 new MaximalPreservativeCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(MaximalPreservativeCrossover)));43 // perform a test with more than two parents44 random.Reset();45 bool exceptionFired = false;46 try {47 target.Cross(random, new ItemArray<Permutation>(new Permutation[] {48 new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4)}));49 } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) {50 exceptionFired = true;51 }52 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);53 }54 55 32 /// <summary> 56 33 ///A test for Apply … … 80 57 try { 81 58 MaximalPreservativeCrossover.Apply(random, new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 8), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 6)); 82 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 59 } 60 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 83 61 exceptionFired = true; 84 62 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3/OrderBasedCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class OrderBasedCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.Permutation")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void OrderBasedCrossoverCrossTest() {40 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();41 OrderBasedCrossover_Accessor target =42 new OrderBasedCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(OrderBasedCrossover)));43 // perform a test with more than two parents44 random.Reset();45 bool exceptionFired = false;46 try {47 target.Cross(random, new ItemArray<Permutation>(new Permutation[] {48 new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4)}));49 } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) {50 exceptionFired = true;51 }52 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);53 }54 55 32 /// <summary> 56 33 ///A test for Apply … … 78 55 try { 79 56 OrderBasedCrossover.Apply(random, new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 8), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 6)); 80 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 57 } 58 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 81 59 exceptionFired = true; 82 60 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3/OrderCrossover2Test.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class OrderCrossover2Test { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.Permutation")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void OrderCrossover2CrossTest() {40 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();41 OrderCrossover2_Accessor target = new OrderCrossover2_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(OrderCrossover2)));42 random.Reset();43 bool exceptionFired = false;44 try {45 target.Cross(random, new ItemArray<Permutation>(new Permutation[] {46 new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4)}));47 } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) {48 exceptionFired = true;49 }50 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);51 }52 53 32 /// <summary> 54 33 ///A test for Apply … … 78 57 try { 79 58 OrderCrossover.Apply(random, new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 8), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 6)); 80 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 59 } 60 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 81 61 exceptionFired = true; 82 62 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3/OrderCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class OrderCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.Permutation")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void OrderCrossoverCrossTest() {40 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();41 OrderCrossover_Accessor target =42 new OrderCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(OrderCrossover)));43 // perform a test with more than two parents44 random.Reset();45 bool exceptionFired = false;46 try {47 target.Cross(random, new ItemArray<Permutation>(new Permutation[] {48 new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4)}));49 } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) {50 exceptionFired = true;51 }52 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);53 }54 55 32 /// <summary> 56 33 ///A test for Apply … … 131 108 try { 132 109 OrderCrossover.Apply(random, new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 8), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 6)); 133 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 110 } 111 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 134 112 exceptionFired = true; 135 113 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3/PartiallyMatchedCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class PartiallyMatchedCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.Permutation")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void PartiallyMatchedCrossTest() {40 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();41 PartiallyMatchedCrossover_Accessor target =42 new PartiallyMatchedCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(PartiallyMatchedCrossover)));43 // perform a test with more than two parents44 random.Reset();45 bool exceptionFired = false;46 try {47 target.Cross(random, new ItemArray<Permutation>(new Permutation[] {48 new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4)}));49 } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) {50 exceptionFired = true;51 }52 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);53 }54 55 32 /// <summary> 56 33 ///A test for Apply … … 92 69 try { 93 70 PartiallyMatchedCrossover.Apply(random, new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 8), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 6)); 94 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 71 } 72 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 95 73 exceptionFired = true; 96 74 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3/PositionBasedCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class PositionBasedCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.Permutation")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void PositionBasedCrossoverCrossTest() {40 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();41 PositionBasedCrossover_Accessor target = new PositionBasedCrossover_Accessor(42 new PrivateObject(typeof(PositionBasedCrossover)));43 44 // perform a test with more than two parents45 random.Reset();46 bool exceptionFired = false;47 try {48 target.Cross(random, new ItemArray<Permutation>(new Permutation[] {49 new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4) }));50 } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) {51 exceptionFired = true;52 }53 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);54 }55 56 32 /// <summary> 57 33 ///A test for Apply … … 83 59 try { 84 60 PositionBasedCrossover.Apply(random, new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 8), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 6)); 85 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 61 } 62 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 86 63 exceptionFired = true; 87 64 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3/UniformLikeCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 54 54 Assert.IsTrue(Auxiliary.PermutationIsEqualByPosition(expected, actual)); 55 55 } 56 57 /// <summary>58 ///A test for Cross59 ///</summary>60 [TestMethod]61 [TestCategory("Encodings.Permutation")]62 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]63 public void UniformLikeCrossoverCrossTest() {64 UniformLikeCrossover_Accessor target = new UniformLikeCrossover_Accessor();65 IRandom random = new TestRandom(new int[] { }, new double[] { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 });66 random.Reset();67 bool exceptionFired = false;68 try {69 target.Cross(random, new ItemArray<Permutation>(new Permutation[] {70 new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4), new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, 4)}));71 } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) {72 exceptionFired = true;73 }74 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);75 }76 56 } 77 57 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.RealVectorEncoding-3.3/BlendAlphaBetaCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Data; 24 23 using HeuristicLab.Tests; … … 32 31 [TestClass()] 33 32 public class BlendAlphaBetaCrossoverTest { 34 /// <summary>35 ///A test for Cross36 ///</summary>37 [TestMethod()]38 [TestCategory("Encodings.RealVector")]39 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]40 public void BlendAlphaBetaCrossoverCrossTest() {41 BlendAlphaBetaCrossover_Accessor target = new BlendAlphaBetaCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(BlendAlphaBetaCrossover)));42 ItemArray<RealVector> parents;43 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();44 bool exceptionFired;45 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are more than 2 parents46 random.Reset();47 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(5), new RealVector(6), new RealVector(4) });48 exceptionFired = false;49 try {50 RealVector actual;51 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);52 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {53 exceptionFired = true;54 }55 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);56 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are less than 2 parents57 random.Reset();58 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(4) });59 exceptionFired = false;60 try {61 RealVector actual;62 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);63 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {64 exceptionFired = true;65 }66 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);67 }68 69 33 /// <summary> 70 34 ///A test for Apply … … 98 62 try { 99 63 actual = BlendAlphaBetaCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2, alpha, beta); 100 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 64 } 65 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 101 66 exceptionFired = true; 102 67 } … … 111 76 try { 112 77 actual = BlendAlphaBetaCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2, alpha, beta); 113 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 78 } 79 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 114 80 exceptionFired = true; 115 81 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.RealVectorEncoding-3.3/BlendAlphaCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Data; 24 23 using HeuristicLab.Tests; … … 32 31 [TestClass()] 33 32 public class BlendAlphaCrossoverTest { 34 /// <summary>35 ///A test for Cross36 ///</summary>37 [TestMethod()]38 [TestCategory("Encodings.RealVector")]39 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]40 public void BlendAlphaCrossoverCrossTest() {41 BlendAlphaCrossover_Accessor target = new BlendAlphaCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(BlendAlphaCrossover)));42 ItemArray<RealVector> parents;43 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();44 bool exceptionFired;45 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are more than 2 parents46 random.Reset();47 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(5), new RealVector(6), new RealVector(4) });48 exceptionFired = false;49 try {50 RealVector actual;51 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);52 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {53 exceptionFired = true;54 }55 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);56 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are less than 2 parents57 random.Reset();58 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(4) });59 exceptionFired = false;60 try {61 RealVector actual;62 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);63 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {64 exceptionFired = true;65 }66 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);67 }68 69 33 /// <summary> 70 34 ///A test for Apply … … 106 70 try { 107 71 actual = BlendAlphaCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2, alpha); 108 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 72 } 73 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 109 74 exceptionFired = true; 110 75 } … … 120 85 try { 121 86 actual = BlendAlphaCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2, alpha); 122 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 87 } 88 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 123 89 exceptionFired = true; 124 90 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.RealVectorEncoding-3.3/DiscreteCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 32 32 public class DiscreteCrossoverTest { 33 33 /// <summary> 34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod()]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.RealVector")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void DiscreteCrossoverCrossTest() {40 DiscreteCrossover_Accessor target = new DiscreteCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(DiscreteCrossover)));41 ItemArray<RealVector> parents;42 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();43 bool exceptionFired;44 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are less than 2 parents45 random.Reset();46 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(4) });47 exceptionFired = false;48 try {49 RealVector actual;50 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);51 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {52 exceptionFired = true;53 }54 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);55 }56 57 /// <summary>58 34 ///A test for Apply 59 35 ///</summary> … … 84 60 try { 85 61 actual = DiscreteCrossover.Apply(random, parents); 86 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 62 } 63 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 87 64 exceptionFired = true; 88 65 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.RealVectorEncoding-3.3/HeuristicCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class HeuristicCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod()]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.RealVector")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void HeuristicCrossoverCrossTest() {40 HeuristicCrossover_Accessor target = new HeuristicCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(HeuristicCrossover)));41 ItemArray<RealVector> parents;42 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();43 bool exceptionFired;44 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are more than 2 parents45 random.Reset();46 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(5), new RealVector(6), new RealVector(4) });47 exceptionFired = false;48 try {49 RealVector actual;50 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);51 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {52 exceptionFired = true;53 }54 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);55 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are less than 2 parents56 random.Reset();57 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(4) });58 exceptionFired = false;59 try {60 RealVector actual;61 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);62 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {63 exceptionFired = true;64 }65 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);66 }67 68 32 /// <summary> 69 33 ///A test for Apply … … 92 56 try { 93 57 actual = HeuristicCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2); 94 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 58 } 59 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 95 60 exceptionFired = true; 96 61 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.RealVectorEncoding-3.3/LocalCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class LocalCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod()]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.RealVector")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void LocalCrossoverCrossTest() {40 LocalCrossover_Accessor target = new LocalCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(LocalCrossover)));41 ItemArray<RealVector> parents;42 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();43 bool exceptionFired;44 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are more than 2 parents45 random.Reset();46 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(5), new RealVector(6), new RealVector(4) });47 exceptionFired = false;48 try {49 RealVector actual;50 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);51 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {52 exceptionFired = true;53 }54 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);55 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are less than 2 parents56 random.Reset();57 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(4) });58 exceptionFired = false;59 try {60 RealVector actual;61 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);62 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {63 exceptionFired = true;64 }65 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);66 }67 68 32 /// <summary> 69 33 ///A test for Apply … … 92 56 try { 93 57 actual = LocalCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2); 94 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 58 } 59 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 95 60 exceptionFired = true; 96 61 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.RealVectorEncoding-3.3/RandomConvexCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class RandomConvexCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod()]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.RealVector")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void RandomConvexCrossoverCrossTest() {40 RandomConvexCrossover_Accessor target = new RandomConvexCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(RandomConvexCrossover)));41 ItemArray<RealVector> parents;42 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();43 bool exceptionFired;44 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are more than 2 parents45 random.Reset();46 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(5), new RealVector(6), new RealVector(4) });47 exceptionFired = false;48 try {49 RealVector actual;50 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);51 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {52 exceptionFired = true;53 }54 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);55 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are less than 2 parents56 random.Reset();57 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(4) });58 exceptionFired = false;59 try {60 RealVector actual;61 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);62 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {63 exceptionFired = true;64 }65 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);66 }67 68 32 /// <summary> 69 33 ///A test for Apply … … 92 56 try { 93 57 actual = RandomConvexCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2); 94 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 58 } 59 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 95 60 exceptionFired = true; 96 61 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.RealVectorEncoding-3.3/SimulatedBinaryCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Data; 24 23 using HeuristicLab.Tests; … … 32 31 [TestClass()] 33 32 public class SimulatedBinaryCrossoverTest { 34 /// <summary>35 ///A test for Cross36 ///</summary>37 [TestMethod()]38 [TestCategory("Encodings.RealVector")]39 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]40 public void SimulatedBinaryCrossoverCrossTest() {41 SimulatedBinaryCrossover_Accessor target = new SimulatedBinaryCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(SimulatedBinaryCrossover)));42 ItemArray<RealVector> parents;43 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();44 bool exceptionFired;45 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are more than 2 parents46 random.Reset();47 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(5), new RealVector(6), new RealVector(4) });48 exceptionFired = false;49 try {50 RealVector actual;51 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);52 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {53 exceptionFired = true;54 }55 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);56 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are less than 2 parents57 random.Reset();58 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(4) });59 exceptionFired = false;60 try {61 RealVector actual;62 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);63 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {64 exceptionFired = true;65 }66 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);67 }68 69 33 /// <summary> 70 34 ///A test for Apply … … 96 60 try { 97 61 actual = SimulatedBinaryCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2, contiguity); 98 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 62 } 63 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 99 64 exceptionFired = true; 100 65 } … … 109 74 try { 110 75 actual = SimulatedBinaryCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2, contiguity); 111 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 76 } 77 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 112 78 exceptionFired = true; 113 79 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Encodings.RealVectorEncoding-3.3/SinglePointCrossoverTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 20 20 #endregion 21 21 22 using HeuristicLab.Core;23 22 using HeuristicLab.Tests; 24 23 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; … … 31 30 [TestClass()] 32 31 public class SinglePointCrossoverTest { 33 /// <summary>34 ///A test for Cross35 ///</summary>36 [TestMethod()]37 [TestCategory("Encodings.RealVector")]38 [TestProperty("Time", "short")]39 public void SinglePointCrossoverCrossTest() {40 SinglePointCrossover_Accessor target = new SinglePointCrossover_Accessor(new PrivateObject(typeof(SinglePointCrossover)));41 ItemArray<RealVector> parents;42 TestRandom random = new TestRandom();43 bool exceptionFired;44 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are more than 2 parents45 random.Reset();46 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(5), new RealVector(6), new RealVector(4) });47 exceptionFired = false;48 try {49 RealVector actual;50 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);51 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {52 exceptionFired = true;53 }54 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);55 // The following test checks if there is an exception when there are less than 2 parents56 random.Reset();57 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(4) });58 exceptionFired = false;59 try {60 RealVector actual;61 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);62 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {63 exceptionFired = true;64 }65 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);66 // The following test checks if there is an exception when the vector has just one dimension67 random.Reset();68 parents = new ItemArray<RealVector>(new RealVector[] { new RealVector(1) });69 exceptionFired = false;70 try {71 RealVector actual;72 actual = target.Cross(random, parents);73 } catch (System.ArgumentException) {74 exceptionFired = true;75 }76 Assert.IsTrue(exceptionFired);77 }78 79 32 /// <summary> 80 33 ///A test for Apply … … 103 56 try { 104 57 actual = SinglePointCrossover.Apply(random, parent1, parent2); 105 } catch (System.ArgumentException) { 58 } 59 catch (System.ArgumentException) { 106 60 exceptionFired = true; 107 61 } -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis-3.4/OnlineCalculatorPerformanceTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 79 79 [TestProperty("Time", "medium")] 80 80 public void OnlinePearsonsRSquaredCalculatorPerformanceTest() { 81 TestCalculatorPerfomance(OnlinePearsonsR SquaredCalculator.Calculate);81 TestCalculatorPerfomance(OnlinePearsonsRCalculator.Calculate); 82 82 } 83 83 -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3/AckleyEvaluatorTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 37 37 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 38 38 public void AckleyEvaluateFunctionTest() { 39 AckleyEvaluator _Accessor target = new AckleyEvaluator_Accessor();39 AckleyEvaluator target = new AckleyEvaluator(); 40 40 RealVector point = null; 41 41 double expected = target.BestKnownQuality; -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3/BealeEvaluatorTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 37 37 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 38 38 public void BealeEvaluateFunctionTest() { 39 BealeEvaluator _Accessor target = new BealeEvaluator_Accessor();39 BealeEvaluator target = new BealeEvaluator(); 40 40 RealVector point = null; 41 41 double expected = target.BestKnownQuality; -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3/BoothEvaluatorTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 37 37 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 38 38 public void BoothEvaluateFunctionTest() { 39 BoothEvaluator _Accessor target = new BoothEvaluator_Accessor();39 BoothEvaluator target = new BoothEvaluator(); 40 40 RealVector point = null; 41 41 double expected = target.BestKnownQuality; -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3/GriewankEvaluatorTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 37 37 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 38 38 public void GriewankEvaluateFunctionTest() { 39 GriewankEvaluator _Accessor target = new GriewankEvaluator_Accessor();39 GriewankEvaluator target = new GriewankEvaluator(); 40 40 RealVector point = null; 41 41 double expected = target.BestKnownQuality; -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3/LevyEvaluatorTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 37 37 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 38 38 public void LevyEvaluateFunctionTest() { 39 LevyEvaluator _Accessor target = new LevyEvaluator_Accessor();39 LevyEvaluator target = new LevyEvaluator(); 40 40 RealVector point = null; 41 41 double expected = target.BestKnownQuality; -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3/MatyasEvaluatorTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 37 37 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 38 38 public void MatyasEvaluateFunctionTest() { 39 MatyasEvaluator _Accessor target = new MatyasEvaluator_Accessor();39 MatyasEvaluator target = new MatyasEvaluator(); 40 40 RealVector point = null; 41 41 double expected = target.BestKnownQuality; -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3/RastriginEvaluatorTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 37 37 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 38 38 public void RastriginEvaluateFunctionTest() { 39 RastriginEvaluator _Accessor target = new RastriginEvaluator_Accessor();39 RastriginEvaluator target = new RastriginEvaluator(); 40 40 RealVector point = null; 41 41 double expected = target.BestKnownQuality; -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3/RosenbrockEvaluatorTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 37 37 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 38 38 public void RosenbrockEvaluateFunctionTest() { 39 RosenbrockEvaluator _Accessor target = new RosenbrockEvaluator_Accessor();39 RosenbrockEvaluator target = new RosenbrockEvaluator(); 40 40 RealVector point = null; 41 41 double expected = target.BestKnownQuality; -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3/SphereEvaluatorTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 37 37 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 38 38 public void SphereEvaluateFunctionTest() { 39 SphereEvaluator _Accessor target = new SphereEvaluator_Accessor();39 SphereEvaluator target = new SphereEvaluator(); 40 40 RealVector point = null; 41 41 double expected = target.BestKnownQuality; -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3/SumSquaresEvaluatorTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 37 37 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 38 38 public void SumSquaresEvaluateFunctionTest() { 39 SumSquaresEvaluator _Accessor target = new SumSquaresEvaluator_Accessor();39 SumSquaresEvaluator target = new SumSquaresEvaluator(); 40 40 RealVector point = null; 41 41 double expected = target.BestKnownQuality; -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3/ZakharovEvaluatorTest.cs ¶
r12009 r13246 37 37 [TestProperty("Time", "short")] 38 38 public void ZakharovEvaluateFunctionTest() { 39 ZakharovEvaluator _Accessor target = new ZakharovEvaluator_Accessor();39 ZakharovEvaluator target = new ZakharovEvaluator(); 40 40 RealVector point = null; 41 41 double expected = target.BestKnownQuality; -
TabularUnified stable/HeuristicLab.Tests/HeuristicLab.Tests.csproj ¶
r13148 r13246 471 471 <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Encodings.BinaryVectorEncoding-3.3\Auxiliary.cs" /> 472 472 <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Encodings.BinaryVectorEncoding-3.3\NPointCrossoverTest.cs" /> 473 <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Encodings.BinaryVectorEncoding-3.3\SinglePointCrossoverTest.cs" />474 473 <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Encodings.BinaryVectorEncoding-3.3\SinglePositionBitflipManipulatorTest.cs" /> 475 474 <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Encodings.BinaryVectorEncoding-3.3\SomePositionsBitflipManipulatorTest.cs" /> … … 528 527 <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding-3.4\Grammars.cs" /> 529 528 <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding-3.4\GrowTreeCreatorTest.cs" /> 530 <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding-3.4\ProbabilisticTreeCreat erTest.cs" />529 <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding-3.4\ProbabilisticTreeCreatorTest.cs" /> 531 530 <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding-3.4\ReplaceBranchManipulationTest.cs" /> 532 531 <Compile Include="HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding-3.4\SubroutineCreaterTest.cs" /> … … 617 616 </None> 618 617 <None Include="HeuristicLab.snk" /> 619 <None Include="Test References\HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure-3.3.accessor" />620 618 <None Include="Test Resources\GA_SymbReg.hl"> 621 619 <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory> … … 630 628 <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory> 631 629 </None> 632 <Shadow Include="Test References\HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding-3.4.accessor" />633 <Shadow Include="Test References\HeuristicLab.MainForm.WindowsForms-3.3.accessor" />634 <Shadow Include="Test References\HeuristicLab.Encodings.IntegerVectorEncoding-3.3.accessor" />635 <Shadow Include="Test References\HeuristicLab.Encodings.RealVectorEncoding-3.3.accessor" />636 <Shadow Include="Test References\HeuristicLab.Encodings.BinaryVectorEncoding-3.3.accessor" />637 <Shadow Include="Test References\HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding-3.3.accessor" />638 <Shadow Include="Test References\HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions-3.3.accessor" />639 630 </ItemGroup> 640 631 <ItemGroup>
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