1 | using System;
2 | using System.Text;
3 | using System.Collections.Generic;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
6 | using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.ArtificialAnt;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Selection;
9 | using HeuristicLab.Data;
10 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
11 | using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.Xml;
12 | using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
13 | using System.Threading;
14 | using HeuristicLab.ParallelEngine;
15 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression;
16 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis;
17 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic;
18 | using System.IO;
19 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Classification;
20 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.TravelingSalesman;
21 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding;
22 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.VehicleRouting;
23 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.VehicleRouting.Encodings.Potvin;
24 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.VehicleRouting.Encodings;
25 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.VehicleRouting.Encodings.General;
26 |
27 | namespace HeuristicLab_33.Tests {
28 | [TestClass]
29 | public class GeneticAlgorithmSamplesTest {
30 | [TestMethod]
31 | public void CreateTSPSample() {
32 | GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm();
33 | #region problem configuration
34 | TravelingSalesmanProblem tspProblem = new TravelingSalesmanProblem();
35 | // import and configure TSP data
36 | string ch130FileName = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".tsp";// for silly parser constraints
37 | using (var writer = File.CreateText(ch130FileName)) {
38 | writer.Write(HeuristicLab_33.Tests.Properties.Resources.ch130);
39 | }
40 | string ch130OptTourFileName = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".opt.tour"; // for silly parser constraints
41 | using (var writer = File.CreateText(ch130OptTourFileName)) {
42 | writer.Write(HeuristicLab_33.Tests.Properties.Resources.ch130_opt);
43 | }
44 |
45 | tspProblem.ImportFromTSPLIB(ch130FileName, ch130OptTourFileName, 6110);
46 | tspProblem.Evaluator = new TSPRoundedEuclideanPathEvaluator();
47 | tspProblem.SolutionCreator = new RandomPermutationCreator();
48 | tspProblem.UseDistanceMatrix.Value = true;
49 | tspProblem.Name = "ch130 TSP (imported from TSPLIB)";
50 | tspProblem.Description = "130 city problem (Churritz)";
51 | #endregion
52 | #region algorithm configuration
53 | ga.Name = "Genetic Algorithm - TSP";
54 | ga.Description = "A genetic algorithm which solves the \"ch130\" traveling salesman problem (imported from TSPLIB)";
55 | ga.Problem = tspProblem;
56 | ConfigureGeneticAlgorithmParameters<ProportionalSelector, OrderCrossover2, InversionManipulator>(
57 | ga, 100, 1, 1000, 0.05);
58 |
59 | ga.Analyzer.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(ga.Analyzer.Operators
60 | .OfType<TSPAlleleFrequencyAnalyzer>()
61 | .Single(), false);
62 | ga.Analyzer.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(ga.Analyzer.Operators
63 | .OfType<TSPPopulationDiversityAnalyzer>()
64 | .Single(), false);
65 | #endregion
66 |
67 | XmlGenerator.Serialize(ga, "../../GA_TSP.hl");
68 |
69 | RunAlgorithm(ga);
70 | }
71 | [TestMethod]
72 | public void CreateVRPSample() {
73 | GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm();
74 | #region problem configuration
75 | VehicleRoutingProblem vrpProblem = new VehicleRoutingProblem();
76 | // import and configure VRP data
77 | string c101FileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
78 | using (var writer = File.CreateText(c101FileName)) {
79 | writer.Write(HeuristicLab_33.Tests.Properties.Resources.C101);
80 | }
81 | // import and configure VRP data
82 | string c101BestSolutionFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
83 | using (var writer = File.CreateText(c101BestSolutionFileName)) {
84 | writer.Write(HeuristicLab_33.Tests.Properties.Resources.C101_opt);
85 | }
86 |
87 | vrpProblem.ImportFromSolomon(c101FileName);
88 | vrpProblem.ImportSolution(c101BestSolutionFileName);
89 | vrpProblem.Name = "C101 VRP (imported from Solomon)";
90 | vrpProblem.Description = "Represents a Vehicle Routing Problem.";
91 | vrpProblem.DistanceFactorParameter.Value.Value = 1;
92 | vrpProblem.FleetUsageFactorParameter.Value.Value = 100;
93 | vrpProblem.OverloadPenaltyParameter.Value.Value = 100;
94 | vrpProblem.TardinessPenaltyParameter.Value.Value = 100;
95 | vrpProblem.TimeFactorParameter.Value.Value = 0;
96 | vrpProblem.Evaluator = new VRPEvaluator();
97 | vrpProblem.MaximizationParameter.Value.Value = false;
98 | vrpProblem.SolutionCreator = new RandomCreator();
99 | vrpProblem.UseDistanceMatrix.Value = true;
100 | vrpProblem.Vehicles.Value = 25;
101 | #endregion
102 | #region algorithm configuration
103 | ga.Name = "Genetic Algorithm - VRP";
104 | ga.Description = "A genetic algorithm which solves the \"C101\" vehicle routing problem (imported from Solomon)";
105 | ga.Problem = vrpProblem;
106 | ConfigureGeneticAlgorithmParameters<TournamentSelector, MultiVRPSolutionCrossover, MultiVRPSolutionManipulator>(
107 | ga, 100, 1, 1000, 0.05, 3);
108 |
109 | var xOver = (MultiVRPSolutionCrossover)ga.Crossover;
110 | foreach (var op in xOver.Operators) {
111 | xOver.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(op, false);
112 | }
113 | xOver.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(xOver.Operators
114 | .OfType<PotvinRouteBasedCrossover>()
115 | .Single(), true);
116 | xOver.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(xOver.Operators
117 | .OfType<PotvinSequenceBasedCrossover>()
118 | .Single(), true);
119 |
120 | var manipulator = (MultiVRPSolutionManipulator)ga.Mutator;
121 | foreach (var op in manipulator.Operators) {
122 | manipulator.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(op, false);
123 | }
124 | manipulator.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(manipulator.Operators
125 | .OfType<PotvinOneLevelExchangeMainpulator>()
126 | .Single(), true);
127 | manipulator.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(manipulator.Operators
128 | .OfType<PotvinTwoLevelExchangeManipulator>()
129 | .Single(), true);
130 | #endregion
131 |
132 | XmlGenerator.Serialize(ga, "../../GA_VRP.hl");
133 |
134 | RunAlgorithm(ga);
135 | }
136 |
137 | [TestMethod]
138 | public void CreateArtificialAntSample() {
139 | GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm();
140 | #region problem configuration
141 | ArtificialAntProblem antProblem = new ArtificialAntProblem();
142 | antProblem.BestKnownQuality.Value = 89;
143 | antProblem.MaxExpressionDepth.Value = 10;
144 | antProblem.MaxExpressionLength.Value = 100;
145 | antProblem.MaxFunctionArguments.Value = 3;
146 | antProblem.MaxFunctionDefinitions.Value = 3;
147 | antProblem.MaxTimeSteps.Value = 600;
148 | #endregion
149 | #region algorithm configuration
150 | ga.Name = "Genetic Programming - Artificial Ant";
151 | ga.Description = "A standard genetic programming algorithm to solve the artificial ant problem (Santa-Fe trail)";
152 | ga.Problem = antProblem;
153 | ConfigureGeneticAlgorithmParameters<TournamentSelector, SubtreeCrossover, MultiSymbolicExpressionTreeArchitectureManipulator>(
154 | ga, 1000, 1, 100, 0.15, 5);
155 | var mutator = (MultiSymbolicExpressionTreeArchitectureManipulator)ga.Mutator;
156 | mutator.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(mutator.Operators
157 | .OfType<FullTreeShaker>()
158 | .Single(), false);
159 | mutator.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(mutator.Operators
160 | .OfType<OnePointShaker>()
161 | .Single(), false);
162 | mutator.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(mutator.Operators
163 | .OfType<ArgumentDeleter>()
164 | .Single(), false);
165 | mutator.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(mutator.Operators
166 | .OfType<SubroutineDeleter>()
167 | .Single(), false);
168 | #endregion
169 |
170 | XmlGenerator.Serialize(ga, "../../SGP_SantaFe.hl");
171 |
172 | RunAlgorithm(ga);
173 | }
174 |
175 | [TestMethod]
176 | public void CreateSymbolicRegressionSample() {
177 | GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm();
178 | #region problem configuration
179 | SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveProblem symbRegProblem = new SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveProblem();
180 | symbRegProblem.Name = "Tower Symbolic Regression Problem";
181 | symbRegProblem.Description = "Tower Dataset (downloaded from: http://vanillamodeling.com/realproblems.html)";
182 | // import and configure problem data
183 | string filename = Path.GetTempFileName();
184 | using (var writer = File.CreateText(filename)) {
185 | writer.Write(HeuristicLab_33.Tests.Properties.Resources.TowerData);
186 | }
187 | var towerProblemData = RegressionProblemData.ImportFromFile(filename);
188 | towerProblemData.TargetVariableParameter.Value = towerProblemData.TargetVariableParameter.ValidValues
189 | .First(v => v.Value == "towerResponse");
190 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
191 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "x1"), true);
192 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
193 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "x7"), false);
194 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
195 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "x11"), false);
196 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
197 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "x16"), false);
198 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
199 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "x21"), false);
200 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
201 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "x25"), false);
202 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
203 | towerProblemData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "towerResponse"), false);
204 | towerProblemData.TrainingPartition.Start = 0;
205 | towerProblemData.TrainingPartition.End = 4000;
206 | towerProblemData.TestPartition.Start = 4000;
207 | towerProblemData.TestPartition.End = 4999;
208 | towerProblemData.Name = "Data imported from towerData.txt";
209 | towerProblemData.Description = "Chemical concentration at top of distillation tower, dataset downloaded from: http://vanillamodeling.com/realproblems.html, best R² achieved with nu-SVR = 0.97";
210 | symbRegProblem.ProblemData = towerProblemData;
211 |
212 | // configure grammar
213 | var grammar = new TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar();
214 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Sine>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
215 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Cosine>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
216 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Tangent>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
217 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<IfThenElse>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
218 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<GreaterThan>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
219 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<LessThan>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
220 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<And>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
221 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Or>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
222 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Not>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
223 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<TimeLag>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
224 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Integral>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
225 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Derivative>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
226 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<LaggedVariable>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
227 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<VariableCondition>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
228 | var varSymbol = grammar.Symbols.OfType<Variable>().Where(x => !(x is LaggedVariable)).Single();
229 | varSymbol.WeightMu = 1.0;
230 | varSymbol.WeightSigma = 1.0;
231 | varSymbol.WeightManipulatorMu = 0.0;
232 | varSymbol.WeightManipulatorSigma = 0.05;
233 | varSymbol.MultiplicativeWeightManipulatorSigma = 0.03;
234 | var constSymbol = grammar.Symbols.OfType<Constant>().Single();
235 | constSymbol.MaxValue = 20;
236 | constSymbol.MinValue = -20;
237 | constSymbol.ManipulatorMu = 0.0;
238 | constSymbol.ManipulatorSigma = 1;
239 | constSymbol.MultiplicativeManipulatorSigma = 0.03;
240 | symbRegProblem.SymbolicExpressionTreeGrammar = grammar;
241 |
242 | // configure remaining problem parameters
243 | symbRegProblem.BestKnownQuality.Value = 0.97;
244 | symbRegProblem.FitnessCalculationPartition.Start = 0;
245 | symbRegProblem.FitnessCalculationPartition.End = 2800;
246 | symbRegProblem.ValidationPartition.Start = 2800;
247 | symbRegProblem.ValidationPartition.End = 4000;
248 | symbRegProblem.RelativeNumberOfEvaluatedSamples.Value = 0.3;
249 | symbRegProblem.MaximumSymbolicExpressionTreeLength.Value = 150;
250 | symbRegProblem.MaximumSymbolicExpressionTreeDepth.Value = 12;
251 | symbRegProblem.MaximumFunctionDefinitions.Value = 0;
252 | symbRegProblem.MaximumFunctionArguments.Value = 0;
253 |
254 | symbRegProblem.EvaluatorParameter.Value = new SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectivePearsonRSquaredEvaluator();
255 | #endregion
256 | #region algorithm configuration
257 | ga.Problem = symbRegProblem;
258 | ga.Name = "Genetic Programming - Symbolic Regression";
259 | ga.Description = "A standard genetic programming algorithm to solve a symbolic regression problem (tower dataset)";
260 | ConfigureGeneticAlgorithmParameters<TournamentSelector, SubtreeCrossover, MultiSymbolicExpressionTreeManipulator>(
261 | ga, 1000, 1, 100, 0.15, 5);
262 | var mutator = (MultiSymbolicExpressionTreeManipulator)ga.Mutator;
263 | mutator.Operators.OfType<FullTreeShaker>().Single().ShakingFactor = 0.1;
264 | mutator.Operators.OfType<OnePointShaker>().Single().ShakingFactor = 1.0;
265 |
266 | ga.Analyzer.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(
267 | ga.Analyzer.Operators
268 | .OfType<SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveOverfittingAnalyzer>()
269 | .Single(), false);
270 | #endregion
271 |
272 | XmlGenerator.Serialize(ga, "../../SGP_SymbReg.hl");
273 |
274 | RunAlgorithm(ga);
275 | }
276 |
277 | [TestMethod]
278 | public void CreateSymbolicClassificationSample() {
279 | GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm();
280 | #region problem configuration
281 | SymbolicClassificationSingleObjectiveProblem symbClassProblem = new SymbolicClassificationSingleObjectiveProblem();
282 | symbClassProblem.Name = "Mammography Classification Problem";
283 | symbClassProblem.Description = "Mammography dataset imported from the UCI machine learning repository (http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Mammographic+Mass)";
284 | // import and configure problem data
285 | string filename = Path.GetTempFileName();
286 | using (var writer = File.CreateText(filename)) {
287 | writer.Write(HeuristicLab_33.Tests.Properties.Resources.MammographicMasses);
288 | }
289 | var mammoData = ClassificationProblemData.ImportFromFile(filename);
290 | mammoData.TargetVariableParameter.Value = mammoData.TargetVariableParameter.ValidValues
291 | .First(v => v.Value == "Severity");
292 | mammoData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
293 | mammoData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "BI-RADS"), false);
294 | mammoData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
295 | mammoData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "Age"), true);
296 | mammoData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
297 | mammoData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "Shape"), true);
298 | mammoData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
299 | mammoData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "Margin"), true);
300 | mammoData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
301 | mammoData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "Density"), true);
302 | mammoData.InputVariables.SetItemCheckedState(
303 | mammoData.InputVariables.Single(x => x.Value == "Severity"), false);
304 | mammoData.TrainingPartition.Start = 0;
305 | mammoData.TrainingPartition.End = 800;
306 | mammoData.TestPartition.Start = 800;
307 | mammoData.TestPartition.End = 961;
308 | mammoData.Name = "Data imported from mammographic_masses.csv";
309 | mammoData.Description = "Original dataset: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Mammographic+Mass, missing values have been replaced with median values.";
310 | symbClassProblem.ProblemData = mammoData;
311 |
312 | // configure grammar
313 | var grammar = new TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar();
314 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Sine>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
315 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Cosine>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
316 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Tangent>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
317 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Power>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
318 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Root>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
319 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<TimeLag>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
320 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Integral>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
321 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<Derivative>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
322 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<LaggedVariable>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
323 | grammar.Symbols.OfType<VariableCondition>().Single().InitialFrequency = 0.0;
324 | var varSymbol = grammar.Symbols.OfType<Variable>().Where(x => !(x is LaggedVariable)).Single();
325 | varSymbol.WeightMu = 1.0;
326 | varSymbol.WeightSigma = 1.0;
327 | varSymbol.WeightManipulatorMu = 0.0;
328 | varSymbol.WeightManipulatorSigma = 0.05;
329 | varSymbol.MultiplicativeWeightManipulatorSigma = 0.03;
330 | var constSymbol = grammar.Symbols.OfType<Constant>().Single();
331 | constSymbol.MaxValue = 20;
332 | constSymbol.MinValue = -20;
333 | constSymbol.ManipulatorMu = 0.0;
334 | constSymbol.ManipulatorSigma = 1;
335 | constSymbol.MultiplicativeManipulatorSigma = 0.03;
336 | symbClassProblem.SymbolicExpressionTreeGrammar = grammar;
337 |
338 | // configure remaining problem parameters
339 | symbClassProblem.BestKnownQuality.Value = 0.0;
340 | symbClassProblem.FitnessCalculationPartition.Start = 0;
341 | symbClassProblem.FitnessCalculationPartition.End = 400;
342 | symbClassProblem.ValidationPartition.Start = 400;
343 | symbClassProblem.ValidationPartition.End = 800;
344 | symbClassProblem.RelativeNumberOfEvaluatedSamples.Value = 1;
345 | symbClassProblem.MaximumSymbolicExpressionTreeLength.Value = 100;
346 | symbClassProblem.MaximumSymbolicExpressionTreeDepth.Value = 10;
347 | symbClassProblem.MaximumFunctionDefinitions.Value = 0;
348 | symbClassProblem.MaximumFunctionArguments.Value = 0;
349 | symbClassProblem.EvaluatorParameter.Value = new SymbolicClassificationSingleObjectiveMeanSquaredErrorEvaluator();
350 | #endregion
351 | #region algorithm configuration
352 | ga.Problem = symbClassProblem;
353 | ga.Name = "Genetic Programming - Symbolic Classification";
354 | ga.Description = "A standard genetic programming algorithm to solve a classification problem (Mammographic+Mass dataset)";
355 | ConfigureGeneticAlgorithmParameters<TournamentSelector, SubtreeCrossover, MultiSymbolicExpressionTreeManipulator>(
356 | ga, 1000, 1, 100, 0.15, 5
357 | );
358 |
359 | var mutator = (MultiSymbolicExpressionTreeManipulator)ga.Mutator;
360 | mutator.Operators.OfType<FullTreeShaker>().Single().ShakingFactor = 0.1;
361 | mutator.Operators.OfType<OnePointShaker>().Single().ShakingFactor = 1.0;
362 |
363 | ga.Analyzer.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(
364 | ga.Analyzer.Operators
365 | .OfType<SymbolicClassificationSingleObjectiveOverfittingAnalyzer>()
366 | .Single(), false);
367 | #endregion
368 |
369 | XmlGenerator.Serialize(ga, "../../SGP_SymbClass.hl");
370 |
371 | RunAlgorithm(ga);
372 | }
373 |
374 | private void ConfigureGeneticAlgorithmParameters<S, C, M>(GeneticAlgorithm ga, int popSize, int elites, int maxGens, double mutationRate, int tournGroupSize = 0)
375 | where S : ISelector
376 | where C : ICrossover
377 | where M : IManipulator {
378 | ga.Elites.Value = elites;
379 | ga.MaximumGenerations.Value = maxGens;
380 | ga.MutationProbability.Value = mutationRate;
381 | ga.PopulationSize.Value = popSize;
382 | ga.Seed.Value = 0;
383 | ga.SetSeedRandomly.Value = true;
384 | ga.Selector = ga.SelectorParameter.ValidValues
385 | .OfType<S>()
386 | .Single();
387 |
388 | ga.Crossover = ga.CrossoverParameter.ValidValues
389 | .OfType<C>()
390 | .Single();
391 |
392 | ga.Mutator = ga.MutatorParameter.ValidValues
393 | .OfType<M>()
394 | .Single();
395 |
396 | var tSelector = ga.Selector as TournamentSelector;
397 | if (tSelector != null) {
398 | tSelector.GroupSizeParameter.Value.Value = 5;
399 | }
400 | ga.Engine = new ParallelEngine();
401 | }
402 |
403 |
404 | private void RunAlgorithm(IAlgorithm a) {
405 | var trigger = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
406 | Exception ex = null;
407 | a.Stopped += (src, e) => { trigger.Set(); };
408 | a.ExceptionOccurred += (src, e) => { ex = e.Value; };
409 | a.Prepare();
410 | a.Start();
411 | trigger.WaitOne();
412 |
413 | Assert.AreEqual(ex, null);
414 | }
415 | }
416 | }