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source: trunk/sources/HeuristicLab.Services.WebApp/3.3/WebApp/libs/angularjs/ocLazyLoad/ocLazyLoad.min.js @ 13656

Last change on this file since 13656 was 12428, checked in by ascheibe, 10 years ago

#2394 added web app and status page to trunk

File size: 16.6 KB
2 * oclazyload - Load modules on demand (lazy load) with angularJS
3 * @version v1.0.1
4 * @link
5 * @license MIT
6 * @author Olivier Combe <>
7 */
8!function (e, n) { "use strict"; var r = ["ng", "oc.lazyLoad"], o = {}, t = [], i = [], a = [], s = e.noop, u = {}, c = [], l = e.module("oc.lazyLoad", ["ng"]); l.provider("$ocLazyLoad", ["$controllerProvider", "$provide", "$compileProvider", "$filterProvider", "$injector", "$animateProvider", function (l, d, g, p, m, v) { function y(n, o, t) { if (o) { var i, a, l, d = []; for (i = o.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (a = o[i], e.isString(a) || (a = j(a)), a && -1 === c.indexOf(a)) { var f = -1 === r.indexOf(a); if (l = h(a), f && (r.push(a), y(n, l.requires, t)), l._runBlocks.length > 0) for (u[a] = []; l._runBlocks.length > 0;) u[a].push(l._runBlocks.shift()); e.isDefined(u[a]) && (f || t.rerun) && (d = d.concat(u[a])), $(n, l._invokeQueue, a, t.reconfig), $(n, l._configBlocks, a, t.reconfig), s(f ? "ocLazyLoad.moduleLoaded" : "ocLazyLoad.moduleReloaded", a), o.pop(), c.push(a) } var g = n.getInstanceInjector(); e.forEach(d, function (e) { g.invoke(e) }) } } function L(n, r) { function t(n) { return e.isArray(n) ? D(n.toString()) : e.isObject(n) ? D(z(n)) : e.isDefined(n) && null !== n ? D(n.toString()) : n } var i = n[2][0], a = n[1], u = !1; e.isUndefined(o[r]) && (o[r] = {}), e.isUndefined(o[r][a]) && (o[r][a] = {}); var c = function (e, n) { o[r][a].hasOwnProperty(e) || (o[r][a][e] = []), -1 === o[r][a][e].indexOf(n) && (u = !0, o[r][a][e].push(n), s("ocLazyLoad.componentLoaded", [r, a, e])) }; if (e.isString(i)) c(i, t(n[2][1])); else { if (!e.isObject(i)) return !1; e.forEach(i, function (n, r) { e.isString(n) ? c(n, t(i[1])) : c(r, t(n)) }) } return u } function $(n, r, o, i) { if (r) { var a, s, u, c; for (a = 0, s = r.length; s > a; a++) if (u = r[a], e.isArray(u)) { if (null !== n) { if (!n.hasOwnProperty(u[0])) throw new Error("unsupported provider " + u[0]); c = n[u[0]] } var l = L(u, o); if ("invoke" !== u[1]) l && e.isDefined(c) && c[u[1]].apply(c, u[2]); else { var d = function (n) { var r = t.indexOf("" + o + "-" + n); (-1 === r || i) && (-1 === r && t.push("" + o + "-" + n), e.isDefined(c) && c[u[1]].apply(c, u[2])) }; if (e.isFunction(u[2][0])) d(u[2][0]); else if (e.isArray(u[2][0])) for (var f = 0, h = u[2][0].length; h > f; f++) e.isFunction(u[2][0][f]) && d(u[2][0][f]) } } } } function j(n) { var r = null; return e.isString(n) ? r = n : e.isObject(n) && n.hasOwnProperty("name") && e.isString( && (r =, r } function E(n) { if (!e.isString(n)) return !1; try { return h(n) } catch (r) { if (/No module/.test(r) || r.message.indexOf("$injector:nomod") > -1) return !1 } } var _ = {}, w = { $controllerProvider: l, $compileProvider: g, $filterProvider: p, $provide: d, $injector: m, $animateProvider: v }, O = !1, b = !1, x = []; x.push = function (e) { -1 === this.indexOf(e) && Array.prototype.push.apply(this, arguments) }, this.config = function (n) { e.isDefined(n.modules) && (e.isArray(n.modules) ? e.forEach(n.modules, function (e) { _[] = e }) : _[] = n.modules), e.isDefined(n.debug) && (O = n.debug), e.isDefined( && (b = }, this._init = function (o) { if (0 === i.length) { var t = [o], s = ["ng:app", "ng-app", "x-ng-app", "data-ng-app"], u = /\sng[:\-]app(:\s*([\w\d_]+);?)?\s/, c = function (e) { return e && t.push(e) }; e.forEach(s, function (n) { s[n] = !0, c(document.getElementById(n)), n = n.replace(":", "\\:"), o[0].querySelectorAll && (e.forEach(o[0].querySelectorAll("." + n), c), e.forEach(o[0].querySelectorAll("." + n + "\\:"), c), e.forEach(o[0].querySelectorAll("[" + n + "]"), c)) }), e.forEach(t, function (n) { if (0 === i.length) { var r = " " + o.className + " ", t = u.exec(r); t ? i.push((t[2] || "").replace(/\s+/g, ",")) : e.forEach(n.attributes, function (e) { 0 === i.length && s[] && i.push(e.value) }) } }) } 0 !== i.length || (n.jasmine || n.mocha) && e.isDefined(e.mock) || console.error("No module found during bootstrap, unable to init ocLazyLoad. You should always use the ng-app directive or angular.boostrap when you use ocLazyLoad."); var l = function d(n) { if (-1 === r.indexOf(n)) { r.push(n); var o = e.module(n); $(null, o._invokeQueue, n), $(null, o._configBlocks, n), e.forEach(o.requires, d) } }; e.forEach(i, function (e) { l(e) }), i = [], a.pop() }; var z = function (n) { var r = []; return JSON.stringify(n, function (n, o) { if (e.isObject(o) && null !== o) { if (-1 !== r.indexOf(o)) return; r.push(o) } return o }) }, D = function (e) { var n, r, o, t = 0; if (0 == e.length) return t; for (n = 0, o = e.length; o > n; n++) r = e.charCodeAt(n), t = (t << 5) - t + r, t |= 0; return t }; this.$get = ["$log", "$rootElement", "$rootScope", "$cacheFactory", "$q", function (n, o, t, u, l) { function d(e) { var r = l.defer(); return n.error(e.message), r.reject(e), r.promise } var g, p = u("ocLazyLoad"); return O || (n = {}, n.error = e.noop, n.warn = e.noop, = e.noop), w.getInstanceInjector = function () { return g ? g : g ="$injector") || e.injector() }, s = function (e, r) { b && t.$broadcast(e, r), O &&, r) }, { _broadcast: s, _$log: n, _getFilesCache: function () { return p }, toggleWatch: function (e) { e ? a.push(!0) : a.pop() }, getModuleConfig: function (n) { if (!e.isString(n)) throw new Error("You need to give the name of the module to get"); return _[n] ? e.copy(_[n]) : null }, setModuleConfig: function (n) { if (!e.isObject(n)) throw new Error("You need to give the module config object to set"); return _[] = n, n }, getModules: function () { return r }, isLoaded: function (n) { var o = function (e) { var n = r.indexOf(e) > -1; return n || (n = !!E(e)), n }; if (e.isString(n) && (n = [n]), e.isArray(n)) { var t, i; for (t = 0, i = n.length; i > t; t++) if (!o(n[t])) return !1; return !0 } throw new Error("You need to define the module(s) name(s)") }, _getModuleName: j, _getModule: function (e) { try { return h(e) } catch (n) { throw (/No module/.test(n) || n.message.indexOf("$injector:nomod") > -1) && (n.message = 'The module "' + z(e) + '" that you are trying to load does not exist. ' + n.message), n } }, moduleExists: E, _loadDependencies: function (n, r) { var o, t, i, a = [], s = this; if (n = s._getModuleName(n), null === n) return l.when(); try { o = s._getModule(n) } catch (u) { return d(u) } return t = s.getRequires(o), e.forEach(t, function (o) { if (e.isString(o)) { var t = s.getModuleConfig(o); if (null === t) return void x.push(o); o = t } if (s.moduleExists( return i = o.files.filter(function (e) { return s.getModuleConfig( < 0 }), 0 !== i.length && s._$log.warn('Module "', n, '" attempted to redefine configuration for dependency. "',, '"\n Additional Files Loaded:', i), e.isDefined(s.filesLoader) ? void a.push(s.filesLoader(o, r).then(function () { return s._loadDependencies(o) })) : d(new Error("Error: New dependencies need to be loaded from external files (" + o.files + "), but no loader has been defined.")); if (e.isArray(o) ? o = { files: o } : e.isObject(o) && o.hasOwnProperty("name") && && (s.setModuleConfig(o), x.push(, e.isDefined(o.files) && 0 !== o.files.length) { if (!e.isDefined(s.filesLoader)) return d(new Error('Error: the module "' + + '" is defined in external files (' + o.files + "), but no loader has been defined.")); a.push(s.filesLoader(o, r).then(function () { return s._loadDependencies(o) })) } }), l.all(a) }, inject: function (n) { var r = void 0 === arguments[1] ? {} : arguments[1], o = this, t = l.defer(); if (e.isDefined(n) && null !== n) { if (e.isArray(n)) { var a = []; return e.forEach(n, function (e) { a.push(o.inject(e)) }), l.all(a) } o._addToLoadList(o._getModuleName(n), !0) } if (i.length > 0) { var s = i.slice(), u = function d(e) { x.push(e), o._loadDependencies(e, r).then(function () { try { c = [], y(w, x, r) } catch (e) { return o._$log.error(e.message), void t.reject(e) } i.length > 0 ? d(i.shift()) : t.resolve(s) }, function (e) { t.reject(e) }) }; u(i.shift()) } else t.resolve(); return t.promise }, getRequires: function (n) { var o = []; return e.forEach(n.requires, function (e) { -1 === r.indexOf(e) && o.push(e) }), o }, _invokeQueue: $, _registerInvokeList: L, _register: y, _addToLoadList: f } }], this._init(e.element(n.document)) }]); var d = e.bootstrap; e.bootstrap = function (n, r, o) { return e.forEach(r.slice(), function (e) { f(e, !0) }), d(n, r, o) }; var f = function (n, r) { (a.length > 0 || r) && e.isString(n) && -1 === i.indexOf(n) && i.push(n) }, h = e.module; e.module = function (e, n, r) { return f(e), h(e, n, r) } }(angular, window), function (e) { "use strict"; e.module("oc.lazyLoad").directive("ocLazyLoad", ["$ocLazyLoad", "$compile", "$animate", "$parse", function (n, r, o, t) { return { restrict: "A", terminal: !0, priority: 1e3, compile: function (i) { var a = i[0].innerHTML; return i.html(""), function (s, u, c) { var l = t(c.ocLazyLoad); s.$watch(function () { return l(s) || c.ocLazyLoad }, function (t) { e.isDefined(t) && n.load(t).then(function () { o.enter(a, u); var n = i.contents(); e.forEach(n, function (e) { 3 !== e.nodeType && r(e)(s) }) }) }, !0) } } } }]) }(angular), function (e) { "use strict"; e.module("oc.lazyLoad").config(["$provide", function (n) { n.decorator("$ocLazyLoad", ["$delegate", "$q", "$window", "$interval", function (n, r, o, t) { var i = !1, a = !1, s = o.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || o.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; return n.buildElement = function (u, c, l) { var d, f, h = r.defer(), g = n._getFilesCache(), p = function (e) { var n = (new Date).getTime(); return e.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" === e.substring(0, e.length - 1) ? "" + e + "_dc=" + n : "" + e + "&_dc=" + n : "" + e + "?_dc=" + n }; switch (e.isUndefined(g.get(c)) && g.put(c, h.promise), u) { case "css": d = o.document.createElement("link"), d.type = "text/css", d.rel = "stylesheet", d.href = l.cache === !1 ? p(c) : c; break; case "js": d = o.document.createElement("script"), d.src = l.cache === !1 ? p(c) : c; break; default: g.remove(c), h.reject(new Error('Requested type "' + u + '" is not known. Could not inject "' + c + '"')) } d.onload = d.onreadystatechange = function () { d.readyState && !/^c|loade/.test(d.readyState) || f || (d.onload = d.onreadystatechange = null, f = 1, n._broadcast("ocLazyLoad.fileLoaded", c), h.resolve()) }, d.onerror = function () { g.remove(c), h.reject(new Error("Unable to load " + c)) }, d.async = l.serie ? 0 : 1; var m = s.lastChild; if (l.insertBefore) { var v = e.element(e.isDefined(window.jQuery) ? l.insertBefore : document.querySelector(l.insertBefore)); v && v.length > 0 && (m = v[0]) } if (m.parentNode.insertBefore(d, m), "css" == u) { if (!i) { var y = o.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (/iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(o.navigator.platform)) { var L = o.navigator.appVersion.match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/), $ = parseFloat([parseInt(L[1], 10), parseInt(L[2], 10), parseInt(L[3] || 0, 10)].join(".")); a = 6 > $ } else if (y.indexOf("android") > -1) { var j = parseFloat(y.slice(y.indexOf("android") + 8)); a = 4.4 > j } else if (y.indexOf("safari") > -1) { var E = y.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i); a = E && E[1] && parseFloat(E[1]) < 6 } } if (a) var _ = 1e3, w = t(function () { try { d.sheet.cssRules, t.cancel(w), d.onload() } catch (e) { --_ <= 0 && d.onerror() } }, 20) } return h.promise }, n }]) }]) }(angular), function (e) { "use strict"; e.module("oc.lazyLoad").config(["$provide", function (n) { n.decorator("$ocLazyLoad", ["$delegate", "$q", function (n, r) { return n.filesLoader = function (o) { var t = void 0 === arguments[1] ? {} : arguments[1], i = [], a = [], s = [], u = [], c = null, l = n._getFilesCache(); n.toggleWatch(!0), e.extend(t, o); var d = function (r) { var o, d = null; if (e.isObject(r) && (d = r.type, r = r.path), c = l.get(r), e.isUndefined(c) || t.cache === !1) { if (null !== (o = /^(css|less|html|htm|js)?(?=!)/.exec(r)) && (d = o[1], r = r.substr(o[1].length + 1, r.length)), !d) if (null !== (o = /[.](css|less|html|htm|js)?((\?|#).*)?$/.exec(r))) d = o[1]; else { if (n.jsLoader.hasOwnProperty("ocLazyLoadLoader") || !n.jsLoader.hasOwnProperty("load")) return void n._$log.error("File type could not be determined. " + r); d = "js" } "css" !== d && "less" !== d || -1 !== i.indexOf(r) ? "html" !== d && "htm" !== d || -1 !== a.indexOf(r) ? "js" === d || -1 === s.indexOf(r) ? s.push(r) : n._$log.error("File type is not valid. " + r) : a.push(r) : i.push(r) } else c && u.push(c) }; if (t.serie ? d(t.files.shift()) : e.forEach(t.files, function (e) { d(e) }), i.length > 0) { var f = r.defer(); n.cssLoader(i, function (r) { e.isDefined(r) && n.cssLoader.hasOwnProperty("ocLazyLoadLoader") ? (n._$log.error(r), f.reject(r)) : f.resolve() }, t), u.push(f.promise) } if (a.length > 0) { var h = r.defer(); n.templatesLoader(a, function (r) { e.isDefined(r) && n.templatesLoader.hasOwnProperty("ocLazyLoadLoader") ? (n._$log.error(r), h.reject(r)) : h.resolve() }, t), u.push(h.promise) } if (s.length > 0) { var g = r.defer(); n.jsLoader(s, function (r) { e.isDefined(r) && n.jsLoader.hasOwnProperty("ocLazyLoadLoader") ? (n._$log.error(r), g.reject(r)) : g.resolve() }, t), u.push(g.promise) } if (0 === u.length) { var p = r.defer(), m = "Error: no file to load has been found, if you're trying to load an existing module you should use the 'inject' method instead of 'load'."; return n._$log.error(m), p.reject(m), p.promise } return t.serie && t.files.length > 0 ? r.all(u).then(function () { return n.filesLoader(o, t) }) : r.all(u)["finally"](function (e) { return n.toggleWatch(!1), e }) }, n.load = function (o) { var t, i = void 0 === arguments[1] ? {} : arguments[1], a = this, s = null, u = [], c = r.defer(), l = e.copy(o), d = e.copy(i); if (e.isArray(l)) return e.forEach(l, function (e) { u.push(a.load(e, d)) }), r.all(u).then(function (e) { c.resolve(e) }, function (e) { c.reject(e) }), c.promise; if (e.isString(l) ? (s = a.getModuleConfig(l), s || (s = { files: [l] })) : e.isObject(l) && (s = e.isDefined(l.path) && e.isDefined(l.type) ? { files: [l] } : a.setModuleConfig(l)), null === s) { var f = a._getModuleName(l); return t = 'Module "' + (f || "unknown") + '" is not configured, cannot load.', n._$log.error(t), c.reject(new Error(t)), c.promise } e.isDefined(s.template) && (e.isUndefined(s.files) && (s.files = []), e.isString(s.template) ? s.files.push(s.template) : e.isArray(s.template) && s.files.concat(s.template)); var h = e.extend({}, d, s); return e.isUndefined(s.files) && e.isDefined( && n.moduleExists( ? n.inject(, h) : (n.filesLoader(s, h).then(function () { n.inject(null, h).then(function (e) { c.resolve(e) }, function (e) { c.reject(e) }) }, function (e) { c.reject(e) }), c.promise) }, n }]) }]) }(angular), function (e) { "use strict"; e.module("oc.lazyLoad").config(["$provide", function (n) { n.decorator("$ocLazyLoad", ["$delegate", "$q", function (n, r) { return n.cssLoader = function (o, t, i) { var a = []; e.forEach(o, function (e) { a.push(n.buildElement("css", e, i)) }), r.all(a).then(function () { t() }, function (e) { t(e) }) }, n.cssLoader.ocLazyLoadLoader = !0, n }]) }]) }(angular), function (e) { "use strict"; e.module("oc.lazyLoad").config(["$provide", function (n) { n.decorator("$ocLazyLoad", ["$delegate", "$q", function (n, r) { return n.jsLoader = function (o, t, i) { var a = []; e.forEach(o, function (e) { a.push(n.buildElement("js", e, i)) }), r.all(a).then(function () { t() }, function (e) { t(e) }) }, n.jsLoader.ocLazyLoadLoader = !0, n }]) }]) }(angular), function (e) { "use strict"; e.module("oc.lazyLoad").config(["$provide", function (n) { n.decorator("$ocLazyLoad", ["$delegate", "$templateCache", "$q", "$http", function (n, r, o, t) { return n.templatesLoader = function (i, a, s) { var u = [], c = n._getFilesCache(); return e.forEach(i, function (n) { var i = o.defer(); u.push(i.promise), t.get(n, s).success(function (o) { e.isString(o) && o.length > 0 && e.forEach(e.element(o), function (e) { "SCRIPT" === e.nodeName && "text/ng-template" === e.type && r.put(, e.innerHTML) }), e.isUndefined(c.get(n)) && c.put(n, !0), i.resolve() }).error(function (e) { i.reject(new Error('Unable to load template file "' + n + '": ' + e)) }) }), o.all(u).then(function () { a() }, function (e) { a(e) }) }, n.templatesLoader.ocLazyLoadLoader = !0, n }]) }]) }(angular), Array.prototype.indexOf || (Array.prototype.indexOf = function (e, n) { var r; if (null == this) throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); var o = Object(this), t = o.length >>> 0; if (0 === t) return -1; var i = +n || 0; if (1 / 0 === Math.abs(i) && (i = 0), i >= t) return -1; for (r = Math.max(i >= 0 ? i : t - Math.abs(i), 0) ; t > r;) { if (r in o && o[r] === e) return r; r++ } return -1 });
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