1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using System.Text;
5 | using System.Xml.XPath;
6 | using HeuristicLab.Security.Contracts.BusinessObjects;
7 | using System.Diagnostics;
8 | using System.Xml;
9 | using System.IO;
10 | using System.Reflection;
11 |
12 | namespace HeuristicLab.Hive.Server.Core {
13 |
14 | public static class HivePermissions {
15 | private const string PERMISSIONFILE = @"HivePermissionSet.xml";
16 | private const string POLICIESFILE = @"HivePermissionPolicy.xml";
17 |
18 | public static class Jobmanagement {
19 | [Flags]
20 | public enum Assign {
21 | ToAnyResource = 0x02,
22 | ToProject = 0x04
23 | }
24 | [Flags]
25 | public enum Abort {
26 | /// <summary>Can abort any job.</summary>
27 | Any = 0x02,
28 | /// <summary>Can abort jobs from specific project only.</summary>
29 | ProjectOnly = 0x04,
30 | /// <summary>Can abort only owned jobs.</summary>
31 | OwnedOnly = 0x08
32 | }
33 | [Flags]
34 | public enum Create {
35 | /// <summary>Can create a job everywhere.</summary>
36 | Any = 0x02,
37 | /// <summary>Can create a job in project context only.</summary>
38 | ProjectOnly = 0x04,
39 | /// <summary>Can create a job for owned resources only.</summary>
40 | OwnedOnly = 0x08
41 | }
42 | [Flags]
43 | public enum Read {
44 | /// <summary>Can read any job.</summary>
45 | Any = 0x02,
46 | /// <summary>Can read a job in project context only.</summary>
47 | ProjectOnly = 0x04,
48 | /// <summary>Can read only owned job.</summary>
49 | OwnedOnly = 0x08
50 | }
51 | [Flags]
52 | public enum Delete {
53 | /// <summary>Can delete any job.</summary>
54 | Any = 0x02,
55 | /// <summary>Can delete a job in project context only.</summary>
56 | ProjectOnly = 0x04,
57 | /// <summary>Can delete only owned job.</summary>
58 | OwnedOnly = 0x08
59 | }
60 | }
61 |
62 | public static class Usermanagement {
63 | [Flags]
64 | public enum User {
65 | Create = 0x02,
66 | Read = 0x04,
67 | Update = 0x08,
68 | Delete = 0x16
69 | }
70 |
71 | [Flags]
72 | public enum UserGroup {
73 | Create = 0x02,
74 | Read = 0x04,
75 | Update = 0x08,
76 | Delete = 0x16
77 | }
78 |
79 | [Flags]
80 | public enum Client {
81 | Create = 0x02,
82 | Read = 0x04,
83 | Update = 0x08,
84 | Delete = 0x16
85 | }
86 |
87 | [Flags]
88 | public enum ClientGroup {
89 | Create = 0x02,
90 | Read = 0x04,
91 | Update = 0x08,
92 | Delete = 0x16
93 | }
94 | }
95 |
96 | public static class PermissionManagement {
97 | [Flags]
98 | public enum Permission {
99 | Grant = 0x02,
100 | Revoke = 0x04
101 | }
102 | }
103 |
104 | public static class ResourceManagement {
105 | [Flags]
106 | public enum Project {
107 | Create = 0x02,
108 | Read = 0x04,
109 | Update = 0x08,
110 | Delete = 0x16
111 | }
112 | }
113 |
114 | private static PermissionCollection pc;
115 |
116 | private static PolicyCollection pol;
117 |
118 | public static PermissionCollection GetPermissions() {
119 | if (pc == null) {
120 | pc = new PermissionCollection();
121 | LoadFromXml(pc.Permissions, PERMISSIONFILE);
122 | }
123 | return pc;
124 | }
125 |
126 | public static PolicyCollection GetPolicies() {
127 | if (pol == null) {
128 | pol = new PolicyCollection();
129 | LoadFromXml(pol.Policies, POLICIESFILE);
130 | }
131 | return pol;
132 | }
133 |
134 | public static string ConvertEnumType(object obj) {
135 | string retVal = string.Empty;
136 | Type t = obj.GetType();
137 | string value = obj.ToString();
138 | retVal = (t.FullName.Replace(t.Namespace + ".", "")).Replace("+", ".") + "." + value;
139 | return retVal;
140 | }
141 |
142 | /// <summary>
143 | /// Permission
144 | /// </summary>
145 | /// <param name="perm"></param>
146 | private static void LoadFromXml(IList<Permission> perm, string filename) {
147 | Permission p = null;
148 | XPathDocument doc;
149 | string assemblyName = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(HivePermissions)).GetName().Name;
150 | doc = new XPathDocument(filename);
151 | XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
152 | nav.MoveToRoot();
153 | do {
154 | if (nav.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element && nav.Name == "Permission") {
155 | p = new Permission();
156 | p.Name = nav.GetAttribute("name", "");
157 | nav.MoveToFollowing(XPathNodeType.Element);
158 | if (nav.Name == "ID")
159 | p.Id = new Guid(nav.Value);
160 | nav.MoveToFollowing(XPathNodeType.Element);
161 | if (nav.Name == "Description")
162 | p.Description = nav.Value;
163 | nav.MoveToFollowing(XPathNodeType.Element);
164 | if (nav.Name == "Plugin")
165 | p.Plugin = nav.Value;
166 | perm.Add(p);
167 | }
168 | } while (nav.MoveToFollowing(XPathNodeType.Element));
169 | }
170 | /*
171 | public static XmlDocument GetEmbeddedXml(Type type, string fileName) {
172 | Stream str = GetEmbeddedFile(type, fileName);
173 | XmlTextReader tr = new XmlTextReader(str);
174 | XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
175 | xml.Load(tr);
176 | return xml;
177 | }
178 | */
179 |
180 | /// <summary>
181 | /// Extracts an embedded file out of a given assembly.
182 | /// </summary>
183 | /// <param name="assemblyName">The namespace of you assembly.</param>
184 | /// <param name="fileName">The name of the file to extract.</param>
185 | /// <returns>A stream containing the file data.</returns>
186 | public static Stream GetEmbeddedFile(string assemblyName, string fileName) {
187 | try {
188 | Assembly a = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
189 | Stream str = a.GetManifestResourceStream(assemblyName + "." + fileName);
190 |
191 | if (str == null)
192 | throw new Exception("Could not locate embedded resource '" + fileName + "' in assembly '" + assemblyName + "'");
193 | return str;
194 | }
195 | catch (Exception e) {
196 | throw new Exception(assemblyName + ": " + e.Message);
197 | }
198 | }
199 |
200 |
201 | /// <summary>
202 | /// Policy
203 | /// </summary>
204 | /// <param name="pol"></param>
205 | /// <param name="filename"></param>
206 | private static void LoadFromXml(IList<Policy> policyList, string filename) {
207 | PermissionCollection permissionCollection = GetPermissions();
208 | string assemblyName = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(HivePermissions)).GetName().Name;
209 | XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(filename);
210 | XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
211 | nav.MoveToRoot();
212 | //receive all policies -> Element <Policy name="xxx">...</Policy>
213 | do {
214 | if (nav.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element && nav.Name == "Policy") {
215 | string policyName = nav.GetAttribute("name", "");
216 | Policy policy = new Policy(policyName);
217 | nav.MoveToFollowing(XPathNodeType.Element);
218 | //receive all permissions -> Element <Permission.../>
219 | do {
220 | if (nav.Name == "Permission" && nav.HasAttributes) {
221 | PermissionContext ctx = new PermissionContext();
222 | int prior = 0;
223 | int.TryParse(nav.GetAttribute("priority", ""), out prior);
224 | ctx.Priority = prior;
225 | ctx.Elevation = nav.GetAttribute("context", "");
226 | string permissionName = nav.GetAttribute("name", "");
227 | if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(permissionName)) {
228 | Permission permission = permissionCollection[permissionName];
229 | Debug.WriteLineIf(permission == null, "Permission '" + permissionName + "' not found in PermissionCollection!");
230 | if (permission != null)
231 | policy.AddPermission(permission, ctx);
232 | }
233 | }
234 | } while (nav.MoveToNext());
235 | policyList.Add(policy);
236 | }
237 | } while (nav.MoveToFollowing(XPathNodeType.Element));
238 | }
239 | }
240 |
241 | }