1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using System.Text;
5 | using System.IO;
6 | using HeuristicLab.Hive.Client.Common;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Hive.Client.Communication;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Hive.Client.Core.ConfigurationManager;
9 | using HeuristicLab.Hive.Contracts;
10 |
11 | namespace HeuristicLab.Hive.Client.Core.JobStorrage {
12 | public class JobStorrageManager {
13 |
14 | private static List<JobStorrageInfo> storedJobsList = new List<JobStorrageInfo>();
15 | //Todo: execution path
16 | //Todo: Choose a better directory name
17 | private static String path = "C:\\Program Files\\HeuristicLab 3.0\\plugins\\jobStorrage\\";
18 |
19 | public static void PersistObjectToDisc(String serverIP, long serverPort, long jobId, byte[] job) {
20 | String filename = serverIP + "." + serverPort + "." + jobId.ToString();
21 |
22 | JobStorrageInfo info = new JobStorrageInfo { JobID = jobId, ServerIP = serverIP, ServerPort = serverPort, TimeFinished = DateTime.Now };
23 |
24 | //Todo: Filestream won't be closed if exception occurs
25 | try {
26 | Stream jobstream = File.Create(path + filename + ".dat");
27 | jobstream.Write(job, 0, job.Length);
28 | storedJobsList.Add(info);
29 | jobstream.Close();
30 | Logging.GetInstance().Info("JobStorrageManager", "Job " + info.JobID + " stored on the harddisc");
31 | }
32 | catch (Exception e) {
33 | //Todo: Change to logging.exception!
34 | Console.WriteLine(e);
35 | }
36 | }
37 |
38 | public static void CheckAndSubmitJobsFromDisc() {
39 | for(int index=storedJobsList.Count; index > 0; index--) {
40 | if (WcfService.Instance.ConnState == NetworkEnum.WcfConnState.Loggedin && (storedJobsList[index-1].ServerIP == WcfService.Instance.ServerIP && storedJobsList[index-1].ServerPort == WcfService.Instance.ServerPort)) {
41 | String filename = storedJobsList[index-1].ServerIP + "." + storedJobsList[index-1].ServerPort + "." + storedJobsList[index-1].JobID.ToString();
42 | Logging.GetInstance().Info("JobStorrageManager", "Sending stored job " + storedJobsList[index-1].JobID + " to the server");
43 | byte[] job = File.ReadAllBytes(path + filename + ".dat");
44 |
45 | //Todo: ask server first if he really wants the job...
46 | ResponseResultReceived res = WcfService.Instance.SendStoredJobResultsSync(ConfigManager.Instance.GetClientInfo().ClientId, storedJobsList[index-1].JobID, job, 1.00, null, true);
47 | //TODO: has to be fixed from server side
48 | //if (res.Success == true) {
49 | Logging.GetInstance().Info("JobStorrageManager", "Sending of job " + storedJobsList[index - 1].JobID + " done");
50 | storedJobsList.Remove(storedJobsList[index - 1]);
51 | File.Delete(path + filename + ".dat");
52 |
53 | // }
54 | }
55 | }
56 | }
57 | }
58 | }