1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using System.Text;
5 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
6 | using HeuristicLab.ES;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Operators;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Data;
9 |
10 |
11 | namespace HeuristicLab.FixedOperators {
12 | class FixedESMain : FixedGAMainBase {
13 | protected ESRandomSelector childSelector;
14 | protected OperatorBase recombinator;
15 |
16 | public FixedESMain() {
17 | Name = this.GetType().Name;
18 | Init();
19 |
20 | } // FixedESMain
21 |
22 | private void Init() {
23 | childSelector = new ESRandomSelector();
24 | childSelector.GetVariableInfo("Lambda").ActualName = "ESlambda";
25 | childSelector.GetVariableInfo("Rho").ActualName = "ESrho";
26 |
27 | ls.GetVariableInfo("Selected").ActualName = "ESmu";
28 | //ci.GetVariableInfo("ParentsPerChild").ActualName = "ESrho";
29 |
30 |
31 | } // Init
32 |
33 | protected override void GetOperatorsFromScope(IScope scope) {
34 | mutator = new OperatorExtractor();
35 | mutator.GetVariableInfo("Operator").ActualName = "Mutator";
36 |
37 | evaluator = new OperatorExtractor();
38 | evaluator.GetVariableInfo("Operator").ActualName = "Evaluation (Rosenbrock)";
39 |
40 | recombinator = new OperatorExtractor();
41 | recombinator.GetVariableInfo("Operator").ActualName = "Recombinator";
42 |
43 | //mutator = (OperatorBase)GetVariableValue("Mutator", scope, true);
44 | //evaluator = GetVariableValue<OperatorBase>("Evaluator", scope, true);
45 | //recombinator = GetVariableValue<OperatorBase>("Recombinator", scope, true);
46 | }
47 |
48 | public override IOperation Apply(IScope scope) {
49 | base.Apply(scope);
50 | IScope s;
51 | IScope s2;
52 | bool loopSkipped = true;
53 |
54 | tempExePointer = new int[10];
55 | tempPersExePointer = new int[10];
56 | IntData esRho;
57 |
58 | try {
59 | for (; nrOfGenerations.Data < maxGenerations.Data; nrOfGenerations.Data++) {
60 |
61 | Execute(childSelector, scope);
62 | ////// Create Children //////
63 | s = scope.SubScopes[1];
64 | esRho = s.GetVariableValue<IntData>("ESrho", true);
65 |
66 | if (esRho.Data > 1) { // Use recombination?
67 | Execute(ci, s);
68 | SaveExecutionPointer(0);
69 | for (; subscopeNr.Data < s.SubScopes.Count; subscopeNr.Data++) {
70 | SetExecutionPointerToLastSaved(0);
71 | s2 = s.SubScopes[subscopeNr.Data];
72 | Execute(recombinator, s2);
73 | Execute(mutator, s2);
74 | Execute(evaluator, s2);
75 | Execute(counter, s2);
76 | Execute(sr, s2);
77 | loopSkipped = false;
78 | } // foreach
79 |
80 | if (loopSkipped)
81 | executionPointer += 5;
82 | } // if (esRho.Data > 1)
83 | else {
84 | SaveExecutionPointer(0);
85 | for (; subscopeNr.Data < s.SubScopes.Count; subscopeNr.Data++) {
86 | SetExecutionPointerToLastSaved(0);
87 | s2 = s.SubScopes[subscopeNr.Data];
88 | Execute(mutator, s2);
89 | Execute(evaluator, s2);
90 | Execute(counter, s2);
91 | loopSkipped = false;
92 | } // foreach
93 |
94 | if (loopSkipped)
95 | executionPointer += 3;
96 | } // else
97 |
98 | Execute(sorter, s);
99 |
100 |
101 | // if for loop skipped, we had to add skiped operations
102 | // to execution pointer.
103 | if (loopSkipped)
104 | executionPointer += 5;
105 |
106 | ////// END Create Children //////
107 |
108 |
109 | // Plus or Comma Replacement
110 | BoolData plusNotation = scope.GetVariableValue<BoolData>("PlusNotation", true);
111 | if (plusNotation.Data)
112 | Execute(mr, scope);
113 | else
114 | Execute(rr, scope);
115 |
116 | // TODO: Parents Selection
117 | Execute(sorter, scope);
118 | Execute(ls, scope);
119 | Execute(rr, scope);
120 |
121 | Execute(ql, scope);
122 | Execute(bawqc, scope);
123 | Execute(dc, scope);
124 | Execute(lci, scope);
125 | subscopeNr.Data = 0;
126 | ResetExecutionPointer();
127 | } // for Generations
128 | } // try
129 | catch (CancelException) {
130 | return new AtomicOperation(this, scope);
131 | }
132 |
133 | return null;
134 | } // Apply
135 | } // class FixedESMain
136 | } // namespace HeuristicLab.FixedOperators