1 | Getting started with Protocol Buffers on Mono
2 | ---------------------------------------------
3 |
4 | Prerequisites:
5 |
6 | o Mono 2.4 or higher. Earlier versions of Mono had too
7 | many issues with the weird and wonderful generic type
8 | relationships in Protocol Buffers. (Even Mono 2.4 *did*
9 | have a few compile-time problems, but I've worked round them.)
10 |
11 | o Some sort of Linux/Unix system
12 | You can try running with Bash on Windows via MINGW32 or
13 | something similar, but you're on your own :) It's easier
14 | to build and test everything with .NET if you're on
15 | Windows.
16 |
17 | o The native Protocol Buffers build for your system.
18 | Get it from http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
19 | After building it, copy the executable protoc
20 | file into this directory.
21 |
22 | o The NUnit binaries from http://nunit.org
23 | I generally just download the latest version, which
24 | may not be the one which goes with nunit.framework.dll
25 | in ../lib, but I've never found this to be a problem.
26 |
27 | Building the code with current sources
28 | --------------------------------------
29 |
30 | 1) Edit buildall.sh to tell it where to find nunit-console.exe
31 | (and possibly change other options)
32 |
33 | 2) Run buildall.sh from this directory. It should build the
34 | main library code + tests and ProtoGen code + tests, running
35 | each set of tests after building it.
36 |
37 | Note that currently one test is ignored in ServiceTest.cs. This
38 | made the Mono VM blow up - I suspect it's some interaction with
39 | Rhino which doesn't quite work on Mono 2.4. If you want to see a
40 | truly nasty stack trace, just comment out the Ignore attribute in
41 | ServiceTest.cs and rerun.
42 |
43 | The binaries will be produced in a bin directory under this one. The
44 | build currently starts from scratch each time, cleaning out the bin
45 | directory first. Once I've decided on a full NAnt or xbuild
46 | strategy, I'll do something a little cleaner.
47 |
48 | Rebuilding sources for generated code
49 | -------------------------------------
50 |
51 | 1) Build the current code first. The bootstrapping issue is why
52 | the generated source code is in the source repository :) See
53 | the steps above.
54 |
55 | 2) Run generatesource.sh from this directory. This will create a
56 | temporary directory, compile the .proto files into a binary
57 | format, then run ProtoGen to generate .cs files from the binary
58 | format. It will copy these files to the right places in the tree,
59 | and finally delete the temporary directory.
60 |
61 | 3) Rebuild to test that your newly generated sources work. (Optionally
62 | regenerate as well, and hash the generated files to check that
63 | the new build generates the same code as the old build :)
64 |
65 | Running the code
66 | ----------------
67 |
68 | Once you've built the binaries, you should be able to use them just
69 | as if you'd built them with .NET. (And indeed, you should be able to
70 | use binaries built with .NET as if you'd built them with Mono :)
71 |
72 | See the getting started guide for more information:
73 | http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-csharp-port/wiki/GettingStarted
74 |
75 | FAQ (Frequently Anticipated Questions)
76 | --------------------------------------
77 |
78 | Q) This build process sucks! Why aren't you doing X, Y, Z?
79 | A) My Mono skills are limited. My NAnt skills are limited. My
80 | MSBuild/xbuild skils are limited. My shell script skills are
81 | limited. Any help is *very* welcome!
82 |
83 | Q) Why doesn't it build ProtoBench etc?
84 | A) This is a first initial "release" I'll add more bits to
85 | the build script. I'll be interested to see the results
86 | of benchmarking it on Mono :)
87 |
88 | Any further questions or suggestions? Please email skeet@pobox.com
89 | or leave a request at
90 | http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-csharp-port/issues/list
91 |