1 | /*******************************************************************************
2 | * You may amend and distribute as you like, but don't remove this header!
3 | *
4 | * EPPlus provides server-side generation of Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheets.
5 | * See http://www.codeplex.com/EPPlus for details.
6 | *
7 | * Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Källman
8 | *
9 | * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11 | * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12 | * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 |
14 | * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 | *
19 | * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be viewed at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php
20 | * If you unfamiliar with this license or have questions about it, here is an http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html
21 | *
22 | * All code and executables are provided "as is" with no warranty either express or implied.
23 | * The author accepts no liability for any damage or loss of business that this product may cause.
24 | *
25 | * Code change notes:
26 | *
27 | * Author Change Date
28 | * ******************************************************************************
29 | * Jan Källman Initial Release 2010-01-28
30 | * Jan Källman License changed GPL-->LGPL 2011-12-27
31 | * Eyal Seagull Conditional Formatting 2012-04-03
32 | *******************************************************************************/
33 | using System;
34 | using System.Collections.Generic;
35 | using System.ComponentModel;
36 | using System.Text;
37 | using System.Data;
38 | using OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing;
39 | using OfficeOpenXml.Style;
40 | using System.Xml;
41 | using System.Drawing;
42 | using System.Globalization;
43 | using System.Collections;
44 | using OfficeOpenXml.Table;
45 | using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
46 | using System.IO;
47 | using System.Linq;
48 | using OfficeOpenXml.DataValidation;
49 | using OfficeOpenXml.DataValidation.Contracts;
50 | using System.Reflection;
51 | using OfficeOpenXml.Style.XmlAccess;
52 | using System.Security;
53 | using OfficeOpenXml.ConditionalFormatting;
54 | using OfficeOpenXml.ConditionalFormatting.Contracts;
55 | using OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing.LexicalAnalysis;
56 | namespace OfficeOpenXml
57 | {
58 | /// <summary>
59 | /// A range of cells
60 | /// </summary>
61 | public class ExcelRangeBase : ExcelAddress, IExcelCell, IDisposable, IEnumerable<ExcelRangeBase>, IEnumerator<ExcelRangeBase>
62 | {
63 | /// <summary>
64 | /// Reference to the worksheet
65 | /// </summary>
66 | protected ExcelWorksheet _worksheet;
67 | internal ExcelWorkbook _workbook = null;
68 | private delegate void _changeProp(_setValue method, object value);
69 | private delegate void _setValue(object value, int row, int col);
70 | private _changeProp _changePropMethod;
71 | private int _styleID;
72 | private class CopiedCell
73 | {
74 | internal int Row { get; set; }
75 | internal int Column { get; set; }
76 | internal object Value { get; set; }
77 | internal string Type { get; set; }
78 | internal object Formula { get; set; }
79 | internal int? StyleID { get; set; }
80 | internal Uri HyperLink { get; set; }
81 | internal ExcelComment Comment { get; set; }
82 | internal Byte Flag { get; set; }
83 | }
84 | //private class CopiedFlag
85 | //{
86 | // internal int Row { get; set; }
87 | // internal int Column { get; set; }
88 | // internal Byte Flag { get; set; }
89 | //}
90 | #region Constructors
91 | internal ExcelRangeBase(ExcelWorksheet xlWorksheet)
92 | {
93 | _worksheet = xlWorksheet;
94 | _ws = _worksheet.Name;
95 | _workbook = _worksheet.Workbook;
96 | this.AddressChange += new EventHandler(ExcelRangeBase_AddressChange);
97 | SetDelegate();
98 | }
99 |
100 | void ExcelRangeBase_AddressChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
101 | {
102 | if (Table != null)
103 | {
104 | SetRCFromTable(_workbook._package, null);
105 | }
106 | SetDelegate();
107 | }
108 | internal ExcelRangeBase(ExcelWorksheet xlWorksheet, string address) :
109 | base(xlWorksheet == null ? "" : xlWorksheet.Name, address)
110 | {
111 | _worksheet = xlWorksheet;
112 | _workbook = _worksheet.Workbook;
113 | base.SetRCFromTable(_worksheet._package, null);
114 | if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ws)) _ws = _worksheet == null ? "" : _worksheet.Name;
115 | this.AddressChange += new EventHandler(ExcelRangeBase_AddressChange);
116 | SetDelegate();
117 | }
118 | internal ExcelRangeBase(ExcelWorkbook wb, ExcelWorksheet xlWorksheet, string address, bool isName) :
119 | base(xlWorksheet == null ? "" : xlWorksheet.Name, address, isName)
120 | {
121 | SetRCFromTable(wb._package, null);
122 | _worksheet = xlWorksheet;
123 | _workbook = wb;
124 | if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ws)) _ws = (xlWorksheet == null ? null : xlWorksheet.Name);
125 | this.AddressChange += new EventHandler(ExcelRangeBase_AddressChange);
126 | SetDelegate();
127 | }
128 | ~ExcelRangeBase()
129 | {
130 | this.AddressChange -= new EventHandler(ExcelRangeBase_AddressChange);
131 | }
132 | #endregion
133 | #region Set Value Delegates
134 | private void SetDelegate()
135 | {
136 | if (_fromRow == -1)
137 | {
138 | _changePropMethod = SetUnknown;
139 | }
140 | //Single cell
141 | else if (_fromRow == _toRow && _fromCol == _toCol && Addresses == null)
142 | {
143 | _changePropMethod = SetSingle;
144 | }
145 | //Range (ex A1:A2)
146 | else if (Addresses == null)
147 | {
148 | _changePropMethod = SetRange;
149 | }
150 | //Multi Range (ex A1:A2,C1:C2)
151 | else
152 | {
153 | _changePropMethod = SetMultiRange;
154 | }
155 | }
156 | /// <summary>
157 | /// We dont know the address yet. Set the delegate first time a property is set.
158 | /// </summary>
159 | /// <param name="valueMethod"></param>
160 | /// <param name="value"></param>
161 | private void SetUnknown(_setValue valueMethod, object value)
162 | {
163 | //Address is not set use, selected range
164 | if (_fromRow == -1)
165 | {
166 | SetToSelectedRange();
167 | }
168 | SetDelegate();
169 | _changePropMethod(valueMethod, value);
170 | }
171 | /// <summary>
172 | /// Set a single cell
173 | /// </summary>
174 | /// <param name="valueMethod"></param>
175 | /// <param name="value"></param>
176 | private void SetSingle(_setValue valueMethod, object value)
177 | {
178 | valueMethod(value, _fromRow, _fromCol);
179 | }
180 | /// <summary>
181 | /// Set a range
182 | /// </summary>
183 | /// <param name="valueMethod"></param>
184 | /// <param name="value"></param>
185 | private void SetRange(_setValue valueMethod, object value)
186 | {
187 | SetValueAddress(this, valueMethod, value);
188 | }
189 | /// <summary>
190 | /// Set a multirange (A1:A2,C1:C2)
191 | /// </summary>
192 | /// <param name="valueMethod"></param>
193 | /// <param name="value"></param>
194 | private void SetMultiRange(_setValue valueMethod, object value)
195 | {
196 | SetValueAddress(this, valueMethod, value);
197 | foreach (var address in Addresses)
198 | {
199 | SetValueAddress(address, valueMethod, value);
200 | }
201 | }
202 | /// <summary>
203 | /// Set the property for an address
204 | /// </summary>
205 | /// <param name="address"></param>
206 | /// <param name="valueMethod"></param>
207 | /// <param name="value"></param>
208 | private void SetValueAddress(ExcelAddress address, _setValue valueMethod, object value)
209 | {
210 | IsRangeValid("");
211 | if (_fromRow == 1 && _fromCol == 1 && _toRow == ExcelPackage.MaxRows && _toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns) //Full sheet (ex ws.Cells.Value=0). Set value for A1 only to avoid hanging
212 | {
213 | throw (new ArgumentException("Can't reference all cells. Please use the indexer to set the range"));
214 | }
215 | else
216 | {
217 | for (int col = address.Start.Column; col <= address.End.Column; col++)
218 | {
219 | for (int row = address.Start.Row; row <= address.End.Row; row++)
220 | {
221 | valueMethod(value, row, col);
222 | }
223 | }
224 | }
225 | }
226 | #endregion
227 | #region Set property methods
228 | private void Set_StyleID(object value, int row, int col)
229 | {
230 | _worksheet._styles.SetValue(row, col, (int)value);
231 | }
232 | private void Set_StyleName(object value, int row, int col)
233 | {
234 | //_worksheet.Cell(row, col).SetNewStyleName(value.ToString(), _styleID);
235 | _worksheet._styles.SetValue(row, col, _styleID);
236 | }
237 | private void Set_Value(object value, int row, int col)
238 | {
239 | //ExcelCell c = _worksheet.Cell(row, col);
240 | var sfi = _worksheet._formulas.GetValue(row, col);
241 | if (sfi is int)
242 | {
243 | SplitFormulas(_worksheet.Cells[row, col]);
244 | }
245 | if (sfi != null) _worksheet._formulas.SetValue(row, col, string.Empty);
246 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col, value);
247 | }
248 | private void Set_Formula(object value, int row, int col)
249 | {
250 | //ExcelCell c = _worksheet.Cell(row, col);
251 | var f = _worksheet._formulas.GetValue(row, col);
252 | if (f is int && (int)f >= 0) SplitFormulas(_worksheet.Cells[row, col]);
253 |
254 | string formula = (value == null ? string.Empty : value.ToString());
255 | if (formula == string.Empty)
256 | {
257 | _worksheet._formulas.SetValue(row, col, string.Empty);
258 | }
259 | else
260 | {
261 | if (formula[0] == '=') value = formula.Substring(1, formula.Length - 1); // remove any starting equalsign.
262 | _worksheet._formulas.SetValue(row, col, formula);
263 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col, null);
264 | }
265 | }
266 | /// <summary>
267 | /// Handles shared formulas
268 | /// </summary>
269 | /// <param name="value">The formula</param>
270 | /// <param name="address">The address of the formula</param>
271 | /// <param name="IsArray">If the forumla is an array formula.</param>
272 | private void Set_SharedFormula(string value, ExcelAddress address, bool IsArray)
273 | {
274 | if (_fromRow == 1 && _fromCol == 1 && _toRow == ExcelPackage.MaxRows && _toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns) //Full sheet (ex ws.Cells.Value=0). Set value for A1 only to avoid hanging
275 | {
276 | throw (new InvalidOperationException("Can't set a formula for the entire worksheet"));
277 | }
278 | else if (address.Start.Row == address.End.Row && address.Start.Column == address.End.Column && !IsArray) //is it really a shared formula? Arrayformulas can be one cell only
279 | {
280 | //Nope, single cell. Set the formula
281 | Set_Formula(value, address.Start.Row, address.Start.Column);
282 | return;
283 | }
284 | //RemoveFormuls(address);
285 | CheckAndSplitSharedFormula(address);
286 | ExcelWorksheet.Formulas f = new ExcelWorksheet.Formulas(SourceCodeTokenizer.Default);
287 | f.Formula = value;
288 | f.Index = _worksheet.GetMaxShareFunctionIndex(IsArray);
289 | f.Address = address.FirstAddress;
290 | f.StartCol = address.Start.Column;
291 | f.StartRow = address.Start.Row;
292 | f.IsArray = IsArray;
293 |
294 | _worksheet._sharedFormulas.Add(f.Index, f);
295 | //_worksheet.Cell(address.Start.Row, address.Start.Column).SharedFormulaID = f.Index;
296 | //_worksheet.Cell(address.Start.Row, address.Start.Column).Formula = value;
297 |
298 | for (int col = address.Start.Column; col <= address.End.Column; col++)
299 | {
300 | for (int row = address.Start.Row; row <= address.End.Row; row++)
301 | {
302 | //_worksheet.Cell(row, col).SharedFormulaID = f.Index;
303 | _worksheet._formulas.SetValue(row, col, f.Index);
304 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col, null);
305 | }
306 | }
307 | }
308 | private void Set_HyperLink(object value, int row, int col)
309 | {
310 | //_worksheet.Cell(row, col).Hyperlink = value as Uri;
311 | if (value is Uri)
312 | {
313 | _worksheet._hyperLinks.SetValue(row, col, (Uri)value);
314 |
315 | if (value is ExcelHyperLink)
316 | {
317 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col, ((ExcelHyperLink)value).Display);
318 | }
319 | else
320 | {
321 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col, ((Uri)value).OriginalString);
322 | }
323 | }
324 | else
325 | {
326 | _worksheet._hyperLinks.SetValue(row, col, (Uri)null);
327 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col, (Uri)null);
328 | }
329 | }
330 | private void Set_IsRichText(object value, int row, int col)
331 | {
332 | //_worksheet.Cell(row, col).IsRichText = (bool)value;
333 | _worksheet._flags.SetFlagValue(row, col, (bool)value, CellFlags.RichText);
334 | }
335 | private void Exists_Comment(object value, int row, int col)
336 | {
337 | ulong cellID = GetCellID(_worksheet.SheetID, row, col);
338 | if (_worksheet.Comments._comments.ContainsKey(cellID))
339 | {
340 | throw (new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Cell {0} already contain a comment.", new ExcelCellAddress(row, col).Address)));
341 | }
342 |
343 | }
344 | private void Set_Comment(object value, int row, int col)
345 | {
346 | string[] v = (string[])value;
347 | Worksheet.Comments.Add(new ExcelRangeBase(_worksheet, GetAddress(_fromRow, _fromCol)), v[0], v[1]);
348 | // _worksheet.Cell(row, col).Comment = comment;
349 | }
350 | #endregion
351 | private void SetToSelectedRange()
352 | {
353 | if (_worksheet.View.SelectedRange == "")
354 | {
355 | Address = "A1";
356 | }
357 | else
358 | {
359 | Address = _worksheet.View.SelectedRange;
360 | }
361 | }
362 | private void IsRangeValid(string type)
363 | {
364 | if (_fromRow <= 0)
365 | {
366 | if (_address == "")
367 | {
368 | SetToSelectedRange();
369 | }
370 | else
371 | {
372 | if (type == "")
373 | {
374 | throw (new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Range is not valid for this operation: {0}", _address)));
375 | }
376 | else
377 | {
378 | throw (new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Range is not valid for {0} : {1}", type, _address)));
379 | }
380 | }
381 | }
382 | }
383 | #region Public Properties
384 | /// <summary>
385 | /// The styleobject for the range.
386 | /// </summary>
387 | public ExcelStyle Style
388 | {
389 | get
390 | {
391 | IsRangeValid("styling");
392 | int s=0;
393 | if(!_worksheet._styles.Exists(_fromRow,_fromCol, ref s)) //Cell exists
394 | {
395 | if(!_worksheet._styles.Exists(_fromRow,0, ref s)) //No, check Row style
396 | {
397 | var c = Worksheet.GetColumn(_fromCol);
398 | if (c == null)
399 | {
400 | s = 0;
401 | }
402 | else
403 | {
404 | s = c.StyleID;
405 | }
406 | }
407 | }
408 | return _worksheet.Workbook.Styles.GetStyleObject(s, _worksheet.PositionID, Address);
409 | }
410 | }
411 | /// <summary>
412 | /// The named style
413 | /// </summary>
414 | public string StyleName
415 | {
416 | get
417 | {
418 | IsRangeValid("styling");
419 | int xfId;
420 | if (_fromRow == 1 && _toRow == ExcelPackage.MaxRows)
421 | {
422 | xfId=GetColumnStyle(_fromCol);
423 | }
424 | else if (_fromCol == 1 && _toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
425 | {
426 | xfId = 0;
427 | if (!_worksheet._styles.Exists(_fromRow, 0, ref xfId))
428 | {
429 | xfId = GetColumnStyle(_fromCol);
430 | }
431 | }
432 | else
433 | {
434 | xfId = 0;
435 | if(!_worksheet._styles.Exists(_fromRow, _fromCol, ref xfId))
436 | {
437 | if (!_worksheet._styles.Exists(_fromRow, 0, ref xfId))
438 | {
439 | xfId = GetColumnStyle(_fromCol);
440 | }
441 | }
442 | }
443 | int nsID;
444 | if (xfId <= 0)
445 | {
446 | nsID=Style.Styles.CellXfs[0].XfId;
447 | }
448 | else
449 | {
450 | nsID=Style.Styles.CellXfs[xfId].XfId;
451 | }
452 | foreach (var ns in Style.Styles.NamedStyles)
453 | {
454 | if (ns.StyleXfId == nsID)
455 | {
456 | return ns.Name;
457 | }
458 | }
459 |
460 | return "";
461 | }
462 | set
463 | {
464 | _styleID = _worksheet.Workbook.Styles.GetStyleIdFromName(value);
465 | int col = _fromCol;
466 | if (_fromRow == 1 && _toRow == ExcelPackage.MaxRows) //Full column
467 | {
468 | ExcelColumn column;
469 | //Get the startcolumn
470 | //ulong colID = ExcelColumn.GetColumnID(_worksheet.SheetID, column);
471 | var c = _worksheet.GetValue(0, _fromCol);
472 | if (c==null)
473 | {
474 | column = _worksheet.Column(_fromCol);
475 | //if (_worksheet._values.PrevCell(ref row, ref col))
476 | //{
477 | // var prevCol = (ExcelColumn)_worksheet._values.GetValue(row, col);
478 | // column = prevCol.Clone(_worksheet, column);
479 | // prevCol.ColumnMax = column - 1;
480 | //}
481 | }
482 | else
483 | {
484 | column = (ExcelColumn)c;
485 | }
486 |
487 | column.StyleName = value;
488 | column.StyleID = _styleID;
489 |
490 | //var index = _worksheet._columns.IndexOf(colID);
491 | var cols = new CellsStoreEnumerator<object>(_worksheet._values, 0, _fromCol + 1, 0, _toCol);
492 | if (cols.Next())
493 | {
494 | col = _fromCol;
495 | while (column.ColumnMin <= _toCol)
496 | {
497 | if (column.ColumnMax > _toCol)
498 | {
499 | var newCol = _worksheet.CopyColumn(column, _toCol + 1, column.ColumnMax);
500 | column.ColumnMax = _toCol;
501 | }
502 |
503 | column._styleName = value;
504 | column.StyleID = _styleID;
505 |
506 | if (cols.Value == null)
507 | {
508 | break;
509 | }
510 | else
511 | {
512 | var nextCol = (ExcelColumn)cols.Value;
513 | if(column.ColumnMax < nextCol.ColumnMax-1)
514 | {
515 | column.ColumnMax = nextCol.ColumnMax - 1;
516 | }
517 | column = nextCol;
518 | cols.Next();
519 | }
520 | }
521 | }
522 | if (column.ColumnMax < _toCol)
523 | {
524 | column.ColumnMax = _toCol;
525 | }
526 | //if (column.ColumnMin == column)
527 | //{
528 | // column.ColumnMax = _toCol;
529 | //}
530 | //else if (column._columnMax < _toCol)
531 | //{
532 | // var newCol = _worksheet.Column(column._columnMax + 1) as ExcelColumn;
533 | // newCol._columnMax = _toCol;
534 |
535 | // newCol._styleID = _styleID;
536 | // newCol._styleName = value;
537 | //}
538 | if (_fromCol == 1 && _toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns) //FullRow
539 | {
540 | var rows = new CellsStoreEnumerator<object>(_worksheet._values, 1, 0, ExcelPackage.MaxRows, 0);
541 | rows.Next();
542 | while(rows.Value!=null)
543 | {
544 | _worksheet._styles.SetValue(rows.Row, 0, _styleID);
545 | if (!rows.Next())
546 | {
547 | break;
548 | }
549 | }
550 | }
551 | }
552 | else if (_fromCol == 1 && _toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns) //FullRow
553 | {
554 | for (int r = _fromRow; r <= _toRow; r++)
555 | {
556 | _worksheet.Row(r)._styleName = value;
557 | _worksheet.Row(r).StyleID = _styleID;
558 | }
559 | }
560 |
561 | if (!((_fromRow == 1 && _toRow == ExcelPackage.MaxRows) || (_fromCol == 1 && _toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns))) //Cell specific
562 | {
563 | for (int c = _fromCol; c <= _toCol; c++)
564 | {
565 | for (int r = _fromRow; r <= _toRow; r++)
566 | {
567 | _worksheet._styles.SetValue(r, c, _styleID);
568 | }
569 | }
570 | }
571 | else //Only set name on created cells. (uncreated cells is set on full row or full column).
572 | {
573 | var cells = new CellsStoreEnumerator<object>(_worksheet._values, _fromRow, _fromCol, _toRow, _toCol);
574 | while (cells.Next())
575 | {
576 | _worksheet._styles.SetValue(cells.Row, cells.Column, _styleID);
577 | }
578 | }
579 | //_changePropMethod(Set_StyleName, value);
580 | }
581 | }
582 |
583 | private int GetColumnStyle(int col)
584 | {
585 | object c=null;
586 | if (_worksheet._values.Exists(0, col, ref c))
587 | {
588 | return (c as ExcelColumn).StyleID;
589 | }
590 | else
591 | {
592 | int row = 0;
593 | if (_worksheet._values.PrevCell(ref row, ref col))
594 | {
595 | var column=_worksheet._values.GetValue(row,col) as ExcelColumn;
596 | if(column.ColumnMax>=col)
597 | {
598 | return _worksheet._styles.GetValue(row, col);
599 | }
600 | }
601 | }
602 | return 0;
603 | }
604 | /// <summary>
605 | /// The style ID.
606 | /// It is not recomended to use this one. Use Named styles as an alternative.
607 | /// If you do, make sure that you use the Style.UpdateXml() method to update any new styles added to the workbook.
608 | /// </summary>
609 | public int StyleID
610 | {
611 | get
612 | {
613 | int s=0;
614 | if(!_worksheet._styles.Exists(_fromRow, _fromCol, ref s))
615 | {
616 | if (!_worksheet._styles.Exists(_fromRow, 0, ref s))
617 | {
618 | s = _worksheet._styles.GetValue(0, _fromCol);
619 | }
620 | }
621 | return s;
622 | }
623 | set
624 | {
625 | _changePropMethod(Set_StyleID, value);
626 | }
627 | }
628 | /// <summary>
629 | /// Set the range to a specific value
630 | /// </summary>
631 | public object Value
632 | {
633 | get
634 | {
635 | if (IsName)
636 | {
637 | if (_worksheet == null)
638 | {
639 | return _workbook._names[_address].NameValue;
640 | }
641 | else
642 | {
643 | return _worksheet.Names[_address].NameValue;
644 | }
645 | }
646 | else
647 | {
648 | if (_fromRow == _toRow && _fromCol == _toCol)
649 | {
650 | return _worksheet.GetValue(_fromRow, _fromCol);
651 | }
652 | else
653 | {
654 | return GetValueArray();
655 | }
656 | }
657 | }
658 | set
659 | {
660 | if (IsName)
661 | {
662 | if (_worksheet == null)
663 | {
664 | _workbook._names[_address].NameValue = value;
665 | }
666 | else
667 | {
668 | _worksheet.Names[_address].NameValue = value;
669 | }
670 | }
671 | else
672 | {
673 | _changePropMethod(Set_Value, value);
674 | }
675 | }
676 | }
677 |
678 | private bool IsInfinityValue(object value)
679 | {
680 | double? valueAsDouble = value as double?;
681 |
682 | if(valueAsDouble.HasValue &&
683 | (double.IsNegativeInfinity(valueAsDouble.Value) || double.IsPositiveInfinity(valueAsDouble.Value)))
684 | {
685 | return true;
686 | }
687 |
688 | return false;
689 | }
690 |
691 | private object GetValueArray()
692 | {
693 | ExcelAddressBase addr;
694 | if (_fromRow == 1 && _fromCol == 1 && _toRow == ExcelPackage.MaxRows && _toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
695 | {
696 | addr = _worksheet.Dimension;
697 | if (addr == null) return null;
698 | }
699 | else
700 | {
701 | addr = this;
702 | }
703 | object[,] v = new object[addr._toRow - addr._fromRow + 1, addr._toCol - addr._fromCol + 1];
704 |
705 | for (int col = addr._fromCol; col <= addr._toCol; col++)
706 | {
707 | for (int row = addr._fromRow; row <= addr._toRow; row++)
708 | {
709 | if (_worksheet._values.Exists(row,col))
710 | {
711 | if (IsRichText)
712 | {
713 | v[row - addr._fromRow, col - addr._fromCol] = GetRichText(row, col).Text;
714 | }
715 | else
716 | {
717 | v[row - addr._fromRow, col - addr._fromCol] = _worksheet._values.GetValue(row, col);
718 | }
719 | }
720 | }
721 | }
722 | return v;
723 | }
724 | private ExcelAddressBase GetAddressDim(ExcelRangeBase addr)
725 | {
726 | int fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol;
727 | var d = _worksheet.Dimension;
728 | fromRow = addr._fromRow < d._fromRow ? d._fromRow : addr._fromRow;
729 | fromCol = addr._fromCol < d._fromCol ? d._fromCol : addr._fromCol;
730 |
731 | toRow = addr._toRow > d._toRow ? d._toRow : addr._toRow;
732 | toCol = addr._toCol > d._toCol ? d._toCol : addr._toCol;
733 |
734 | if (addr._fromCol == fromRow && addr._fromCol == addr._fromCol && addr._toRow == toRow && addr._toCol == _toCol)
735 | {
736 | return addr;
737 | }
738 | else
739 | {
740 | if (_fromRow > _toRow || _fromCol > _toCol)
741 | {
742 | return null;
743 | }
744 | else
745 | {
746 | return new ExcelAddressBase(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol);
747 | }
748 | }
749 | }
750 |
751 | private object GetSingleValue()
752 | {
753 | if (IsRichText)
754 | {
755 | return RichText.Text;
756 | }
757 | else
758 | {
759 | return _worksheet._values.GetValue(_fromRow, _fromCol);
760 | }
761 | }
762 | /// <summary>
763 | /// Returns the formatted value.
764 | /// </summary>
765 | public string Text
766 | {
767 | get
768 | {
769 | return GetFormattedText(false);
770 | }
771 | }
772 | /// <summary>
773 | /// Set the column width from the content of the range. The minimum width is the value of the ExcelWorksheet.defaultColumnWidth property.
774 | /// Note: Cells containing formulas are ignored since EPPlus don't have a calculation engine.
775 | /// Wrapped and merged cells are also ignored.
776 | /// </summary>
777 | public void AutoFitColumns()
778 | {
779 | AutoFitColumns(_worksheet.DefaultColWidth);
780 | }
781 |
782 | /// <summary>
783 | /// Set the column width from the content of the range.
784 | /// Note: Cells containing formulas are ignored if no calculation is made.
785 | /// Wrapped and merged cells are also ignored.
786 | /// </summary>
787 | /// <remarks>This method will not work if you run in an environment that does not support GDI</remarks>
788 | /// <param name="MinimumWidth">Minimum column width</param>
789 | public void AutoFitColumns(double MinimumWidth)
790 | {
791 | AutoFitColumns(MinimumWidth, double.MaxValue);
792 | }
793 |
794 | /// <summary>
795 | /// Set the column width from the content of the range.
796 | /// Note: Cells containing formulas are ignored if no calculation is made.
797 | /// Wrapped and merged cells are also ignored.
798 | /// </summary>
799 | /// <param name="MinimumWidth">Minimum column width</param>
800 | /// <param name="MaximumWidth">Maximum column width</param>
801 | public void AutoFitColumns(double MinimumWidth, double MaximumWidth)
802 | {
803 | if (_worksheet.Dimension == null)
804 | {
805 | return;
806 | }
807 | if (_fromCol < 1 || _fromRow < 1)
808 | {
809 | SetToSelectedRange();
810 | }
811 | var fontCache = new Dictionary<int, Font>();
812 |
813 | bool doAdjust = _worksheet._package.DoAdjustDrawings;
814 | _worksheet._package.DoAdjustDrawings = false;
815 | var drawWidths = _worksheet.Drawings.GetDrawingWidths();
816 |
817 | var fromCol = _fromCol > _worksheet.Dimension._fromCol ? _fromCol : _worksheet.Dimension._fromCol;
818 | var toCol = _toCol < _worksheet.Dimension._toCol ? _toCol : _worksheet.Dimension._toCol;
819 | if (Addresses == null)
820 | {
821 | SetMinWidth(MinimumWidth, fromCol, toCol);
822 | }
823 | else
824 | {
825 | foreach (var addr in Addresses)
826 | {
827 | fromCol = addr._fromCol > _worksheet.Dimension._fromCol ? addr._fromCol : _worksheet.Dimension._fromCol;
828 | toCol = addr._toCol < _worksheet.Dimension._toCol ? addr._toCol : _worksheet.Dimension._toCol;
829 | SetMinWidth(MinimumWidth, fromCol, toCol);
830 | }
831 | }
832 |
833 | //Get any autofilter to widen these columns
834 | var afAddr = new List<ExcelAddressBase>();
835 | if (_worksheet.AutoFilterAddress != null)
836 | {
837 | afAddr.Add(new ExcelAddressBase( _worksheet.AutoFilterAddress._fromRow,
838 | _worksheet.AutoFilterAddress._fromCol,
839 | _worksheet.AutoFilterAddress._fromRow,
840 | _worksheet.AutoFilterAddress._toCol));
841 | afAddr[afAddr.Count - 1]._ws = WorkSheet;
842 | }
843 | foreach (var tbl in _worksheet.Tables)
844 | {
845 | if (tbl.AutoFilterAddress != null)
846 | {
847 | afAddr.Add(new ExcelAddressBase(tbl.AutoFilterAddress._fromRow,
848 | tbl.AutoFilterAddress._fromCol,
849 | tbl.AutoFilterAddress._fromRow,
850 | tbl.AutoFilterAddress._toCol));
851 | afAddr[afAddr.Count - 1]._ws = WorkSheet;
852 | }
853 | }
854 |
855 | var styles = _worksheet.Workbook.Styles;
856 | var nf = styles.Fonts[styles.CellXfs[0].FontId];
857 | var fs = FontStyle.Regular;
858 | if (nf.Bold) fs |= FontStyle.Bold;
859 | if (nf.UnderLine) fs |= FontStyle.Underline;
860 | if (nf.Italic) fs |= FontStyle.Italic;
861 | if (nf.Strike) fs |= FontStyle.Strikeout;
862 | var nfont = new Font(nf.Name, nf.Size, fs);
863 |
864 | using (var b = new Bitmap(1, 1))
865 | {
866 | using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
867 | {
868 | var normalSize = (float)Math.Truncate(g.MeasureString("00", nfont).Width - g.MeasureString("0", nfont).Width);
869 | g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
870 | foreach (var cell in this)
871 | {
872 | if (cell.Merge == true || cell.Style.WrapText) continue;
873 | var fntID = styles.CellXfs[cell.StyleID].FontId;
874 | Font f;
875 | if (fontCache.ContainsKey(fntID))
876 | {
877 | f = fontCache[fntID];
878 | }
879 | else
880 | {
881 | var fnt = styles.Fonts[fntID];
882 | fs = FontStyle.Regular;
883 | if (fnt.Bold) fs |= FontStyle.Bold;
884 | if (fnt.UnderLine) fs |= FontStyle.Underline;
885 | if (fnt.Italic) fs |= FontStyle.Italic;
886 | if (fnt.Strike) fs |= FontStyle.Strikeout;
887 | f = new Font(fnt.Name, fnt.Size, fs);
888 | fontCache.Add(fntID, f);
889 | }
890 |
891 | //Truncate(({pixels}-5)/{Maximum Digit Width} * 100+0.5)/100
892 |
893 | var size = g.MeasureString(cell.TextForWidth, f);
894 | double width;
895 | double r = styles.CellXfs[cell.StyleID].TextRotation;
896 | if (r <= 0 )
897 | {
898 | width = (size.Width + 5) / normalSize;
899 | }
900 | else
901 | {
902 | r = (r <= 90 ? r : r - 90);
903 | width = (((size.Width - size.Height) * Math.Abs(System.Math.Cos(System.Math.PI * r / 180.0)) + size.Height) + 5) / normalSize;
904 | }
905 |
906 | foreach (var a in afAddr)
907 | {
908 | if (a.Collide(cell) != eAddressCollition.No)
909 | {
910 | width += 2.25;
911 | break;
912 | }
913 | }
914 |
915 | if (width > _worksheet.Column(cell._fromCol).Width)
916 | {
917 | _worksheet.Column(cell._fromCol).Width = width > MaximumWidth ? MaximumWidth : width;
918 | }
919 | }
920 | }
921 | }
922 | _worksheet.Drawings.AdjustWidth(drawWidths);
923 | _worksheet._package.DoAdjustDrawings = doAdjust;
924 | }
925 |
926 | private void SetMinWidth(double minimumWidth, int fromCol, int toCol)
927 | {
928 | var iterator = new CellsStoreEnumerator<object>(_worksheet._values, 0, fromCol, 0, toCol);
929 | var prevCol = fromCol;
930 | foreach (ExcelColumn col in iterator)
931 | {
932 | col.Width = minimumWidth;
933 | if (_worksheet.DefaultColWidth > minimumWidth && col.ColumnMin > prevCol)
934 | {
935 | var newCol = _worksheet.Column(prevCol);
936 | newCol.ColumnMax = col.ColumnMin - 1;
937 | newCol.Width = minimumWidth;
938 | }
939 | prevCol = col.ColumnMax + 1;
940 | }
941 | if (_worksheet.DefaultColWidth > minimumWidth && prevCol<toCol)
942 | {
943 | var newCol = _worksheet.Column(prevCol);
944 | newCol.ColumnMax = toCol;
945 | newCol.Width = minimumWidth;
946 | }
947 | }
948 |
949 | internal string TextForWidth
950 | {
951 | get
952 | {
953 | return GetFormattedText(true);
954 | }
955 | }
956 | private string GetFormattedText(bool forWidthCalc)
957 | {
958 | object v = Value;
959 | if (v == null) return "";
960 | var styles = Worksheet.Workbook.Styles;
961 | var nfID = styles.CellXfs[StyleID].NumberFormatId;
962 | ExcelNumberFormatXml.ExcelFormatTranslator nf = null;
963 | for (int i = 0; i < styles.NumberFormats.Count; i++)
964 | {
965 | if (nfID == styles.NumberFormats[i].NumFmtId)
966 | {
967 | nf = styles.NumberFormats[i].FormatTranslator;
968 | break;
969 | }
970 | }
971 |
972 | string format, textFormat;
973 | if (forWidthCalc)
974 | {
975 | format = nf.NetFormatForWidth;
976 | textFormat = nf.NetTextFormatForWidth;
977 | }
978 | else
979 | {
980 | format = nf.NetFormat;
981 | textFormat = nf.NetTextFormat;
982 | }
983 |
984 | return FormatValue(v, nf, format, textFormat);
985 | }
986 |
987 | internal static string FormatValue(object v, ExcelNumberFormatXml.ExcelFormatTranslator nf, string format, string textFormat)
988 | {
989 | if (v is decimal || v.GetType().IsPrimitive)
990 | {
991 | double d;
992 | try
993 | {
994 | d = Convert.ToDouble(v);
995 | }
996 | catch
997 | {
998 | return "";
999 | }
1000 |
1001 | if (nf.DataType == ExcelNumberFormatXml.eFormatType.Number)
1002 | {
1003 | if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nf.FractionFormat))
1004 | {
1005 | return d.ToString(format, nf.Culture);
1006 | }
1007 | else
1008 | {
1009 | return nf.FormatFraction(d);
1010 | }
1011 | }
1012 | else if (nf.DataType == ExcelNumberFormatXml.eFormatType.DateTime)
1013 | {
1014 | var date = DateTime.FromOADate(d);
1015 | return date.ToString(format, nf.Culture);
1016 | }
1017 | }
1018 | else if (v is DateTime)
1019 | {
1020 | if (nf.DataType == ExcelNumberFormatXml.eFormatType.DateTime)
1021 | {
1022 | return ((DateTime)v).ToString(format, nf.Culture);
1023 | }
1024 | else
1025 | {
1026 | double d = ((DateTime)v).ToOADate();
1027 | if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nf.FractionFormat))
1028 | {
1029 | return d.ToString(format, nf.Culture);
1030 | }
1031 | else
1032 | {
1033 | return nf.FormatFraction(d);
1034 | }
1035 | }
1036 | }
1037 | else if (v is TimeSpan)
1038 | {
1039 | if (nf.DataType == ExcelNumberFormatXml.eFormatType.DateTime)
1040 | {
1041 | return new DateTime(((TimeSpan)v).Ticks).ToString(format, nf.Culture);
1042 | }
1043 | else
1044 | {
1045 | double d = (new DateTime(((TimeSpan)v).Ticks)).ToOADate();
1046 | if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nf.FractionFormat))
1047 | {
1048 | return d.ToString(format, nf.Culture);
1049 | }
1050 | else
1051 | {
1052 | return nf.FormatFraction(d);
1053 | }
1054 | }
1055 | }
1056 | else
1057 | {
1058 | if (textFormat == "")
1059 | {
1060 | return v.ToString();
1061 | }
1062 | else
1063 | {
1064 | return string.Format(textFormat, v);
1065 | }
1066 | }
1067 | return v.ToString();
1068 | }
1069 | /// <summary>
1070 | /// Gets or sets a formula for a range.
1071 | /// </summary>
1072 | public string Formula
1073 | {
1074 | get
1075 | {
1076 | if (IsName)
1077 | {
1078 | if (_worksheet == null)
1079 | {
1080 | return _workbook._names[_address].NameFormula;
1081 | }
1082 | else
1083 | {
1084 | return _worksheet.Names[_address].NameFormula;
1085 | }
1086 | }
1087 | else
1088 | {
1089 | return _worksheet.GetFormula(_fromRow, _fromCol);
1090 | }
1091 | }
1092 | set
1093 | {
1094 | if (IsName)
1095 | {
1096 | if (_worksheet == null)
1097 | {
1098 | _workbook._names[_address].NameFormula = value;
1099 | }
1100 | else
1101 | {
1102 | _worksheet.Names[_address].NameFormula = value;
1103 | }
1104 | }
1105 | else
1106 | {
1107 | if(value==null || value.Trim()=="")
1108 | {
1109 | //Set the cells to null
1110 | Value = null;
1111 | }
1112 | else if (_fromRow == _toRow && _fromCol == _toCol)
1113 | {
1114 | Set_Formula(value, _fromRow, _fromCol);
1115 | }
1116 | else
1117 | {
1118 | Set_SharedFormula(value, this, false);
1119 | if (Addresses != null)
1120 | {
1121 | foreach (var address in Addresses)
1122 | {
1123 | Set_SharedFormula(value, address, false);
1124 | }
1125 | }
1126 | }
1127 | }
1128 | }
1129 | }
1130 | /// <summary>
1131 | /// Gets or Set a formula in R1C1 format.
1132 | /// </summary>
1133 | public string FormulaR1C1
1134 | {
1135 | get
1136 | {
1137 | IsRangeValid("FormulaR1C1");
1138 | return _worksheet.GetFormulaR1C1(_fromRow, _fromCol);
1139 | }
1140 | set
1141 | {
1142 | IsRangeValid("FormulaR1C1");
1143 | if (value.Length > 0 && value[0] == '=') value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 1); // remove any starting equalsign.
1144 |
1145 | if (value == null || value.Trim() == "")
1146 | {
1147 | //Set the cells to null
1148 | _worksheet.Cells[ExcelCellBase.TranslateFromR1C1(value, _fromRow, _fromCol)].Value = null;
1149 | }
1150 | else if (Addresses == null)
1151 | {
1152 | Set_SharedFormula(ExcelCellBase.TranslateFromR1C1(value, _fromRow, _fromCol), this, false);
1153 | }
1154 | else
1155 | {
1156 | Set_SharedFormula(ExcelCellBase.TranslateFromR1C1(value, _fromRow, _fromCol), new ExcelAddress(WorkSheet, FirstAddress), false);
1157 | foreach (var address in Addresses)
1158 | {
1159 | Set_SharedFormula(ExcelCellBase.TranslateFromR1C1(value, address.Start.Row, address.Start.Column), address, false);
1160 | }
1161 | }
1162 | }
1163 | }
1164 | /// <summary>
1165 | /// Set the hyperlink property for a range of cells
1166 | /// </summary>
1167 | public Uri Hyperlink
1168 | {
1169 | get
1170 | {
1171 | IsRangeValid("formulaR1C1");
1172 | return _worksheet._hyperLinks.GetValue(_fromRow, _fromCol);
1173 | }
1174 | set
1175 | {
1176 | _changePropMethod(Set_HyperLink, value);
1177 | }
1178 | }
1179 | /// <summary>
1180 | /// If the cells in the range are merged.
1181 | /// </summary>
1182 | public bool Merge
1183 | {
1184 | get
1185 | {
1186 | IsRangeValid("merging");
1187 | for (int col = _fromCol; col <= _toCol; col++)
1188 | {
1189 | for (int row = _fromRow; row <= _toRow; row++)
1190 | {
1191 | if(_worksheet.MergedCells[row, col]==null)
1192 | {
1193 | return false;
1194 | }
1195 | //if (!_worksheet._flags.GetFlagValue(row, col, CellFlags.Merged))
1196 | //{
1197 | // return false;
1198 | //}
1199 | }
1200 | }
1201 | return true;
1202 | }
1203 | set
1204 | {
1205 | IsRangeValid("merging");
1206 | //SetMerge(value, FirstAddress);
1207 | if (value)
1208 | {
1209 | _worksheet.MergedCells.Add(new ExcelAddressBase(FirstAddress), true);
1210 | if (Addresses != null)
1211 | {
1212 | foreach (var address in Addresses)
1213 | {
1214 | _worksheet.MergedCells.Add(address, true);
1215 | //SetMerge(value, address._address);
1216 | }
1217 | }
1218 | }
1219 | else
1220 | {
1221 | _worksheet.MergedCells.Delete(this);
1222 | if (Addresses != null)
1223 | {
1224 | foreach (var address in Addresses)
1225 | {
1226 | _worksheet.MergedCells.Delete(address); ;
1227 | }
1228 | }
1229 |
1230 | }
1231 | }
1232 | }
1233 |
1234 | //private void SetMerge(bool value, string address)
1235 | //{
1236 | // if (!value)
1237 | // {
1238 | // if (_worksheet.MergedCells.List.Contains(address))
1239 | // {
1240 | // SetCellMerge(false, address);
1241 | // _worksheet.MergedCells.List.Remove(address);
1242 | // }
1243 | // else if (!CheckMergeDiff(false, address))
1244 | // {
1245 | // throw (new Exception("Range is not fully merged.Specify the exact range"));
1246 | // }
1247 | // }
1248 | // else
1249 | // {
1250 | // if (CheckMergeDiff(false, address))
1251 | // {
1252 | // SetCellMerge(true, address);
1253 | // _worksheet.MergedCells.List.Add(address);
1254 | // }
1255 | // else
1256 | // {
1257 | // if (!_worksheet.MergedCells.List.Contains(address))
1258 | // {
1259 | // throw (new Exception("Cells are already merged"));
1260 | // }
1261 | // }
1262 | // }
1263 | //}
1264 | /// <summary>
1265 | /// Set an autofilter for the range
1266 | /// </summary>
1267 | public bool AutoFilter
1268 | {
1269 | get
1270 | {
1271 | IsRangeValid("autofilter");
1272 | ExcelAddressBase address = _worksheet.AutoFilterAddress;
1273 | if (address == null) return false;
1274 | if (_fromRow >= address.Start.Row
1275 | &&
1276 | _toRow <= address.End.Row
1277 | &&
1278 | _fromCol >= address.Start.Column
1279 | &&
1280 | _toCol <= address.End.Column)
1281 | {
1282 | return true;
1283 | }
1284 | return false;
1285 | }
1286 | set
1287 | {
1288 | IsRangeValid("autofilter");
1289 | _worksheet.AutoFilterAddress = this;
1290 | if (_worksheet.Names.ContainsKey("_xlnm._FilterDatabase"))
1291 | {
1292 | _worksheet.Names.Remove("_xlnm._FilterDatabase");
1293 | }
1294 | var result = _worksheet.Names.Add("_xlnm._FilterDatabase", this);
1295 | result.IsNameHidden = true;
1296 | }
1297 | }
1298 | /// <summary>
1299 | /// If the value is in richtext format.
1300 | /// </summary>
1301 | public bool IsRichText
1302 | {
1303 | get
1304 | {
1305 | IsRangeValid("richtext");
1306 | return _worksheet._flags.GetFlagValue(_fromRow, _fromCol,CellFlags.RichText);
1307 | }
1308 | set
1309 | {
1310 | _changePropMethod(Set_IsRichText, value);
1311 | }
1312 | }
1313 | /// <summary>
1314 | /// Is the range a part of an Arrayformula
1315 | /// </summary>
1316 | public bool IsArrayFormula
1317 | {
1318 | get
1319 | {
1320 | IsRangeValid("arrayformulas");
1321 | return _worksheet._flags.GetFlagValue(_fromRow, _fromCol, CellFlags.ArrayFormula);
1322 | }
1323 | }
1324 | ExcelRichTextCollection _rtc = null;
1325 | /// <summary>
1326 | /// Cell value is richtext formated.
1327 | /// </summary>
1328 | public ExcelRichTextCollection RichText
1329 | {
1330 | get
1331 | {
1332 | IsRangeValid("richtext");
1333 | if (_rtc == null)
1334 | {
1335 | _rtc = GetRichText(_fromRow, _fromCol);
1336 | }
1337 | return _rtc;
1338 | }
1339 | }
1340 |
1341 | private ExcelRichTextCollection GetRichText(int row, int col)
1342 | {
1343 | XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
1344 | var v = _worksheet._values.GetValue(row, col);
1345 | var isRt = _worksheet._flags.GetFlagValue(row, col, CellFlags.RichText);
1346 | if (v != null)
1347 | {
1348 | if (isRt)
1349 | {
1350 | XmlHelper.LoadXmlSafe(xml, "<d:si xmlns:d=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main\" >" + v.ToString() + "</d:si>", Encoding.UTF8);
1351 | }
1352 | else
1353 | {
1354 | xml.LoadXml("<d:si xmlns:d=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main\" ><d:r><d:t>" + SecurityElement.Escape(v.ToString()) + "</d:t></d:r></d:si>");
1355 | }
1356 | }
1357 | else
1358 | {
1359 | xml.LoadXml("<d:si xmlns:d=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main\" />");
1360 | }
1361 | var rtc = new ExcelRichTextCollection(_worksheet.NameSpaceManager, xml.SelectSingleNode("d:si", _worksheet.NameSpaceManager), this);
1362 | if (rtc.Count == 1 && isRt == false)
1363 | {
1364 | IsRichText = true;
1365 | var s = _worksheet._styles.GetValue(row, col);
1366 | //var fnt = cell.Style.Font;
1367 | var fnt = _worksheet.Workbook.Styles.GetStyleObject(s, _worksheet.PositionID, ExcelAddressBase.GetAddress(row, col)).Font;
1368 | rtc[0].PreserveSpace = true;
1369 | rtc[0].Bold = fnt.Bold;
1370 | rtc[0].FontName = fnt.Name;
1371 | rtc[0].Italic = fnt.Italic;
1372 | rtc[0].Size = fnt.Size;
1373 | rtc[0].UnderLine = fnt.UnderLine;
1374 |
1375 | int hex;
1376 | if (fnt.Color.Rgb != "" && int.TryParse(fnt.Color.Rgb, NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out hex))
1377 | {
1378 | rtc[0].Color = Color.FromArgb(hex);
1379 | }
1380 |
1381 | }
1382 | return rtc;
1383 | }
1384 | /// <summary>
1385 | /// returns the comment object of the first cell in the range
1386 | /// </summary>
1387 | public ExcelComment Comment
1388 | {
1389 | get
1390 | {
1391 | IsRangeValid("comments");
1392 | ulong cellID = GetCellID(_worksheet.SheetID, _fromRow, _fromCol);
1393 | if (_worksheet.Comments._comments.ContainsKey(cellID))
1394 | {
1395 | return _worksheet._comments._comments[cellID] as ExcelComment;
1396 | }
1397 | return null;
1398 | }
1399 | }
1400 | /// <summary>
1401 | /// WorkSheet object
1402 | /// </summary>
1403 | public ExcelWorksheet Worksheet
1404 | {
1405 | get
1406 | {
1407 | return _worksheet;
1408 | }
1409 | }
1410 | /// <summary>
1411 | /// Address including sheetname
1412 | /// </summary>
1413 | public string FullAddress
1414 | {
1415 | get
1416 | {
1417 | string fullAddress = GetFullAddress(_worksheet.Name, _address);
1418 | if (Addresses != null)
1419 | {
1420 | foreach (var a in Addresses)
1421 | {
1422 | fullAddress += "," + GetFullAddress(_worksheet.Name, a.Address); ;
1423 | }
1424 | }
1425 | return fullAddress;
1426 | }
1427 | }
1428 | /// <summary>
1429 | /// Address including sheetname
1430 | /// </summary>
1431 | public string FullAddressAbsolute
1432 | {
1433 | get
1434 | {
1435 | string wbwsRef = string.IsNullOrEmpty(base._wb) ? base._ws : "[" + base._wb.Replace("'", "''") + "]" + _ws;
1436 | string fullAddress = GetFullAddress(wbwsRef, GetAddress(_fromRow, _fromCol, _toRow, _toCol, true));
1437 | if (Addresses != null)
1438 | {
1439 | foreach (var a in Addresses)
1440 | {
1441 | fullAddress += "," + GetFullAddress(wbwsRef, GetAddress(a.Start.Row, a.Start.Column, a.End.Row, a.End.Column, true)); ;
1442 | }
1443 | }
1444 | return fullAddress;
1445 | }
1446 | }
1447 | /// <summary>
1448 | /// Address including sheetname
1449 | /// </summary>
1450 | internal string FullAddressAbsoluteNoFullRowCol
1451 | {
1452 | get
1453 | {
1454 | string wbwsRef = string.IsNullOrEmpty(base._wb) ? base._ws : "[" + base._wb.Replace("'", "''") + "]" + _ws;
1455 | string fullAddress = GetFullAddress(wbwsRef, GetAddress(_fromRow, _fromCol, _toRow, _toCol, true), false);
1456 | if (Addresses != null)
1457 | {
1458 | foreach (var a in Addresses)
1459 | {
1460 | fullAddress += "," + GetFullAddress(wbwsRef, GetAddress(a.Start.Row, a.Start.Column, a.End.Row, a.End.Column, true),false); ;
1461 | }
1462 | }
1463 | return fullAddress;
1464 | }
1465 | }
1466 | #endregion
1467 | #region Private Methods
1468 | ///// <summary>
1469 | ///// Check if the range is partly merged
1470 | ///// </summary>
1471 | ///// <param name="startValue">the starting value</param>
1472 | ///// <param name="address">the address</param>
1473 | ///// <returns></returns>
1474 | //private bool CheckMergeDiff(bool startValue, string address)
1475 | //{
1476 | // ExcelAddress a = new ExcelAddress(address);
1477 | // for (int col = a.column; col <= a._toCol; col++)
1478 | // {
1479 | // for (int row = a._fromRow; row <= a._toRow; row++)
1480 | // {
1481 | // if (_worksheet._flags.GetFlagValue(row, col, CellFlags.Merged) != startValue)
1482 | // {
1483 | // return false;
1484 | // }
1485 | // }
1486 | // }
1487 | // return true;
1488 | //}
1489 | ///// <summary>
1490 | ///// Set the merge flag for the range
1491 | ///// </summary>
1492 | ///// <param name="value"></param>
1493 | ///// <param name="address"></param>
1494 | //internal void SetCellMerge(bool value, string address)
1495 | //{
1496 | // ExcelAddress a = new ExcelAddress(address);
1497 | // for (int col = a.column; col <= a._toCol; col++)
1498 | // {
1499 | // for (int row = a._fromRow; row <= a._toRow; row++)
1500 | // {
1501 | // _worksheet._flags.SetFlagValue(row, col,value,CellFlags.Merged);
1502 | // }
1503 | // }
1504 | //}
1505 | /// <summary>
1506 | /// Set the value without altering the richtext property
1507 | /// </summary>
1508 | /// <param name="value">the value</param>
1509 | internal void SetValueRichText(object value)
1510 | {
1511 | if (_fromRow == 1 && _fromCol == 1 && _toRow == ExcelPackage.MaxRows && _toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns) //Full sheet (ex ws.Cells.Value=0). Set value for A1 only to avoid hanging
1512 | {
1513 | //_worksheet.Cell(1, 1).SetValueRichText(value);
1514 | SetValue(value, 1, 1);
1515 | }
1516 | else
1517 | {
1518 | for (int col = _fromCol; col <= _toCol; col++)
1519 | {
1520 | for (int row = _fromRow; row <= _toRow; row++)
1521 | {
1522 | //_worksheet.Cell(row, col).SetValueRichText(value);
1523 | SetValue(value, row,col);
1524 | }
1525 | }
1526 | }
1527 | }
1528 |
1529 | private void SetValue(object value, int row, int col)
1530 | {
1531 | _worksheet.SetValue(row, col, value);
1532 | // if (value is string) _worksheet._types.SetValue(row, col, "S"); else _worksheet._types.SetValue(row, col, "");
1533 | _worksheet._formulas.SetValue(row, col, "");
1534 | }
1535 | /// <summary>
1536 | /// Removes a shared formula
1537 | /// </summary>
1538 | //private void RemoveFormuls(ExcelAddress address)
1539 | //{
1540 | // List<int> removed = new List<int>();
1541 | // int fFromRow, fFromCol, fToRow, fToCol;
1542 | // foreach (int index in _worksheet._sharedFormulas.Keys)
1543 | // {
1544 | // ExcelWorksheet.Formulas f = _worksheet._sharedFormulas[index];
1545 | // ExcelCellBase.GetRowColFromAddress(f.Address, out fFromRow, out fFromCol, out fToRow, out fToCol);
1546 | // if (((fFromCol >= address.Start.Column && fFromCol <= address.End.Column) ||
1547 | // (fToCol >= address.Start.Column && fToCol <= address.End.Column)) &&
1548 | // ((fFromRow >= address.Start.Row && fFromRow <= address.End.Row) ||
1549 | // (fToRow >= address.Start.Row && fToRow <= address.End.Row)))
1550 | // {
1551 | // for (int col = fFromCol; col <= fToCol; col++)
1552 | // {
1553 | // for (int row = fFromRow; row <= fToRow; row++)
1554 | // {
1555 | // _worksheet._formulas.SetValue(row, col, int.MinValue);
1556 | // }
1557 | // }
1558 | // removed.Add(index);
1559 | // }
1560 | // }
1561 | // foreach (int index in removed)
1562 | // {
1563 | // _worksheet._sharedFormulas.Remove(index);
1564 | // }
1565 | //}
1566 | internal void SetSharedFormulaID(int id)
1567 | {
1568 | for (int col = _fromCol; col <= _toCol; col++)
1569 | {
1570 | for (int row = _fromRow; row <= _toRow; row++)
1571 | {
1572 | _worksheet._formulas.SetValue(row, col, id);
1573 | }
1574 | }
1575 | }
1576 | private void CheckAndSplitSharedFormula(ExcelAddressBase address)
1577 | {
1578 | for (int col = address._fromCol; col <= address._toCol; col++)
1579 | {
1580 | for (int row = address._fromRow; row <= address._toRow; row++)
1581 | {
1582 | var f = _worksheet._formulas.GetValue(row, col);
1583 | if (f is int && (int)f >= 0)
1584 | {
1585 | SplitFormulas(address);
1586 | return;
1587 | }
1588 | }
1589 | }
1590 | }
1591 |
1592 | private void SplitFormulas(ExcelAddressBase address)
1593 | {
1594 | List<int> formulas = new List<int>();
1595 | for (int col = address._fromCol; col <= address._toCol; col++)
1596 | {
1597 | for (int row = address._fromRow; row <= address._toRow; row++)
1598 | {
1599 | var f = _worksheet._formulas.GetValue(row, col);
1600 | if (f is int)
1601 | {
1602 | int id = (int)f;
1603 | if (id >= 0 && !formulas.Contains(id))
1604 | {
1605 | if (_worksheet._sharedFormulas[id].IsArray &&
1606 | Collide(_worksheet.Cells[_worksheet._sharedFormulas[id].Address]) == eAddressCollition.Partly) // If the formula is an array formula and its on the inside the overwriting range throw an exception
1607 | {
1608 | throw (new InvalidOperationException("Can not overwrite a part of an array-formula"));
1609 | }
1610 | formulas.Add(id);
1611 | }
1612 | }
1613 | }
1614 | }
1615 |
1616 | foreach (int ix in formulas)
1617 | {
1618 | SplitFormula(address, ix);
1619 | }
1620 |
1621 | ////Delete any formula references inside the refered range
1622 | //_worksheet._formulas.Delete(address._fromRow, address._toRow, address._toRow - address._fromRow + 1, address._toCol - address.column + 1);
1623 | }
1624 |
1625 | private void SplitFormula(ExcelAddressBase address, int ix)
1626 | {
1627 | var f = _worksheet._sharedFormulas[ix];
1628 | var fRange = _worksheet.Cells[f.Address];
1629 | var collide = address.Collide(fRange);
1630 |
1631 | //The formula is inside the currenct range, remove it
1632 | if (collide == eAddressCollition.Equal || collide == eAddressCollition.Inside)
1633 | {
1634 | _worksheet._sharedFormulas.Remove(ix);
1635 | return;
1636 | //fRange.SetSharedFormulaID(int.MinValue);
1637 | }
1638 | var firstCellCollide = address.Collide(new ExcelAddressBase(fRange._fromRow, fRange._fromCol, fRange._fromRow, fRange._fromCol));
1639 | if (collide == eAddressCollition.Partly && (firstCellCollide == eAddressCollition.Inside || firstCellCollide == eAddressCollition.Equal)) //Do we need to split? Only if the functions first row is inside the new range.
1640 | {
1641 | //The formula partly collides with the current range
1642 | bool fIsSet = false;
1643 | string formulaR1C1 = fRange.FormulaR1C1;
1644 | //Top Range
1645 | if (fRange._fromRow < _fromRow)
1646 | {
1647 | f.Address = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(fRange._fromRow, fRange._fromCol, _fromRow - 1, fRange._toCol);
1648 | fIsSet = true;
1649 | }
1650 | //Left Range
1651 | if (fRange._fromCol < address._fromCol)
1652 | {
1653 | if (fIsSet)
1654 | {
1655 | f = new ExcelWorksheet.Formulas(SourceCodeTokenizer.Default);
1656 | f.Index = _worksheet.GetMaxShareFunctionIndex(false);
1657 | f.StartCol = fRange._fromCol;
1658 | f.IsArray = false;
1659 | _worksheet._sharedFormulas.Add(f.Index, f);
1660 | }
1661 | else
1662 | {
1663 | fIsSet = true;
1664 | }
1665 | if (fRange._fromRow < address._fromRow)
1666 | f.StartRow = address._fromRow;
1667 | else
1668 | {
1669 | f.StartRow = fRange._fromRow;
1670 | }
1671 | if (fRange._toRow < address._toRow)
1672 | {
1673 | f.Address = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(f.StartRow, f.StartCol,
1674 | fRange._toRow, address._fromCol - 1);
1675 | }
1676 | else
1677 | {
1678 | f.Address = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(f.StartRow, f.StartCol,
1679 | address._toRow, address._fromCol - 1);
1680 | }
1681 | f.Formula = TranslateFromR1C1(formulaR1C1, f.StartRow, f.StartCol);
1682 | _worksheet.Cells[f.Address].SetSharedFormulaID(f.Index);
1683 | }
1684 | //Right Range
1685 | if (fRange._toCol > address._toCol)
1686 | {
1687 | if (fIsSet)
1688 | {
1689 | f = new ExcelWorksheet.Formulas(SourceCodeTokenizer.Default);
1690 | f.Index = _worksheet.GetMaxShareFunctionIndex(false);
1691 | f.IsArray = false;
1692 | _worksheet._sharedFormulas.Add(f.Index, f);
1693 | }
1694 | else
1695 | {
1696 | fIsSet = true;
1697 | }
1698 | f.StartCol = address._toCol + 1;
1699 | if (address._fromRow < fRange._fromRow)
1700 | f.StartRow = fRange._fromRow;
1701 | else
1702 | {
1703 | f.StartRow = address._fromRow;
1704 | }
1705 |
1706 | if (fRange._toRow < address._toRow)
1707 | {
1708 | f.Address = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(f.StartRow, f.StartCol,
1709 | fRange._toRow, fRange._toCol);
1710 | }
1711 | else
1712 | {
1713 | f.Address = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(f.StartRow, f.StartCol,
1714 | address._toRow, fRange._toCol);
1715 | }
1716 | f.Formula = TranslateFromR1C1(formulaR1C1, f.StartRow, f.StartCol);
1717 | _worksheet.Cells[f.Address].SetSharedFormulaID(f.Index);
1718 | }
1719 | //Bottom Range
1720 | if (fRange._toRow > address._toRow)
1721 | {
1722 | if (fIsSet)
1723 | {
1724 | f = new ExcelWorksheet.Formulas(SourceCodeTokenizer.Default);
1725 | f.Index = _worksheet.GetMaxShareFunctionIndex(false);
1726 | f.IsArray = false;
1727 | _worksheet._sharedFormulas.Add(f.Index, f);
1728 | }
1729 |
1730 | f.StartCol = fRange._fromCol;
1731 | f.StartRow = _toRow + 1;
1732 |
1733 | f.Formula = TranslateFromR1C1(formulaR1C1, f.StartRow, f.StartCol);
1734 |
1735 | f.Address = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(f.StartRow, f.StartCol,
1736 | fRange._toRow, fRange._toCol);
1737 | _worksheet.Cells[f.Address].SetSharedFormulaID(f.Index);
1738 |
1739 | }
1740 | }
1741 | }
1742 | private object ConvertData(ExcelTextFormat Format, string v, int col, bool isText)
1743 | {
1744 | if (isText && (Format.DataTypes == null || Format.DataTypes.Length < col)) return v;
1745 |
1746 | double d;
1747 | DateTime dt;
1748 | if (Format.DataTypes == null || Format.DataTypes.Length <= col || Format.DataTypes[col] == eDataTypes.Unknown)
1749 | {
1750 | string v2 = v.EndsWith("%") ? v.Substring(0, v.Length - 1) : v;
1751 | if (double.TryParse(v2, NumberStyles.Any, Format.Culture, out d))
1752 | {
1753 | if (v2 == v)
1754 | {
1755 | return d;
1756 | }
1757 | else
1758 | {
1759 | return d / 100;
1760 | }
1761 | }
1762 | if (DateTime.TryParse(v, Format.Culture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt))
1763 | {
1764 | return dt;
1765 | }
1766 | else
1767 | {
1768 | return v;
1769 | }
1770 | }
1771 | else
1772 | {
1773 | switch (Format.DataTypes[col])
1774 | {
1775 | case eDataTypes.Number:
1776 | if (double.TryParse(v, NumberStyles.Any, Format.Culture, out d))
1777 | {
1778 | return d;
1779 | }
1780 | else
1781 | {
1782 | return v;
1783 | }
1784 | case eDataTypes.DateTime:
1785 | if (DateTime.TryParse(v, Format.Culture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt))
1786 | {
1787 | return dt;
1788 | }
1789 | else
1790 | {
1791 | return v;
1792 | }
1793 | case eDataTypes.Percent:
1794 | string v2 = v.EndsWith("%") ? v.Substring(0, v.Length - 1) : v;
1795 | if (double.TryParse(v2, NumberStyles.Any, Format.Culture, out d))
1796 | {
1797 | return d / 100;
1798 | }
1799 | else
1800 | {
1801 | return v;
1802 | }
1803 |
1804 | default:
1805 | return v;
1806 |
1807 | }
1808 | }
1809 | }
1810 | #endregion
1811 | #region Public Methods
1812 | #region ConditionalFormatting
1813 | /// <summary>
1814 | /// Conditional Formatting for this range.
1815 | /// </summary>
1816 | public IRangeConditionalFormatting ConditionalFormatting
1817 | {
1818 | get
1819 | {
1820 | return new RangeConditionalFormatting(_worksheet, new ExcelAddress(Address));
1821 | }
1822 | }
1823 | #endregion
1824 | #region DataValidation
1825 | /// <summary>
1826 | /// Data validation for this range.
1827 | /// </summary>
1828 | public IRangeDataValidation DataValidation
1829 | {
1830 | get
1831 | {
1832 | return new RangeDataValidation(_worksheet, Address);
1833 | }
1834 | }
1835 | #endregion
1836 | #region LoadFromDataReader
1837 | /// <summary>
1838 | /// Load the data from the datareader starting from the top left cell of the range
1839 | /// </summary>
1840 | /// <param name="Reader">The datareader to loadfrom</param>
1841 | /// <param name="PrintHeaders">Print the column caption property (if set) or the columnname property if not, on first row</param>
1842 | /// <param name="TableName">The name of the table</param>
1843 | /// <param name="TableStyle">The table style to apply to the data</param>
1844 | /// <returns>The filled range</returns>
1845 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromDataReader(IDataReader Reader, bool PrintHeaders, string TableName, TableStyles TableStyle = TableStyles.None)
1846 | {
1847 | var r = LoadFromDataReader(Reader, PrintHeaders);
1848 |
1849 | int rows = r.Rows - 1;
1850 | if (rows >= 0 && r.Columns > 0)
1851 | {
1852 | var tbl = _worksheet.Tables.Add(new ExcelAddressBase(_fromRow, _fromCol, _fromRow + (rows <= 0 ? 1 : rows), _fromCol + r.Columns - 1), TableName);
1853 | tbl.ShowHeader = PrintHeaders;
1854 | tbl.TableStyle = TableStyle;
1855 | }
1856 | return r;
1857 | }
1858 |
1859 | /// <summary>
1860 | /// Load the data from the datareader starting from the top left cell of the range
1861 | /// </summary>
1862 | /// <param name="Reader">The datareader to load from</param>
1863 | /// <param name="PrintHeaders">Print the caption property (if set) or the columnname property if not, on first row</param>
1864 | /// <returns>The filled range</returns>
1865 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromDataReader(IDataReader Reader, bool PrintHeaders)
1866 | {
1867 | if (Reader == null)
1868 | {
1869 | throw (new ArgumentNullException("Reader", "Reader can't be null"));
1870 | }
1871 | int fieldCount = Reader.FieldCount;
1872 |
1873 | int col = _fromCol, row = _fromRow;
1874 | if (PrintHeaders)
1875 | {
1876 | for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
1877 | {
1878 | // If no caption is set, the ColumnName property is called implicitly.
1879 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col++, Reader.GetName(i));
1880 | }
1881 | row++;
1882 | col = _fromCol;
1883 | }
1884 | while(Reader.Read())
1885 | {
1886 | for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
1887 | {
1888 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col++, Reader.GetValue(i));
1889 | }
1890 | row++;
1891 | col = _fromCol;
1892 | }
1893 | return _worksheet.Cells[_fromRow, _fromCol, row - 1, _fromCol + fieldCount - 1];
1894 | }
1895 | #endregion
1896 | #region LoadFromDataTable
1897 | /// <summary>
1898 | /// Load the data from the datatable starting from the top left cell of the range
1899 | /// </summary>
1900 | /// <param name="Table">The datatable to load</param>
1901 | /// <param name="PrintHeaders">Print the column caption property (if set) or the columnname property if not, on first row</param>
1902 | /// <param name="TableStyle">The table style to apply to the data</param>
1903 | /// <returns>The filled range</returns>
1904 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromDataTable(DataTable Table, bool PrintHeaders, TableStyles TableStyle)
1905 | {
1906 | var r = LoadFromDataTable(Table, PrintHeaders);
1907 |
1908 | int rows = (Table.Rows.Count == 0 ? 1 : Table.Rows.Count) + (PrintHeaders ? 1 : 0);
1909 | if (rows >= 0 && Table.Columns.Count>0)
1910 | {
1911 | var tbl = _worksheet.Tables.Add(new ExcelAddressBase(_fromRow, _fromCol, _fromRow + rows - 1, _fromCol + Table.Columns.Count-1), Table.TableName);
1912 | tbl.ShowHeader = PrintHeaders;
1913 | tbl.TableStyle = TableStyle;
1914 | }
1915 | return r;
1916 | }
1917 | /// <summary>
1918 | /// Load the data from the datatable starting from the top left cell of the range
1919 | /// </summary>
1920 | /// <param name="Table">The datatable to load</param>
1921 | /// <param name="PrintHeaders">Print the caption property (if set) or the columnname property if not, on first row</param>
1922 | /// <returns>The filled range</returns>
1923 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromDataTable(DataTable Table, bool PrintHeaders)
1924 | {
1925 | if (Table == null)
1926 | {
1927 | throw (new ArgumentNullException("Table can't be null"));
1928 | }
1929 |
1930 | int col = _fromCol, row = _fromRow;
1931 | if (PrintHeaders)
1932 | {
1933 | foreach (DataColumn dc in Table.Columns)
1934 | {
1935 | // If no caption is set, the ColumnName property is called implicitly.
1936 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col++, dc.Caption);
1937 | }
1938 | row++;
1939 | col = _fromCol;
1940 | }
1941 | foreach (DataRow dr in Table.Rows)
1942 | {
1943 | foreach (object value in dr.ItemArray)
1944 | {
1945 | if (value != null && value != DBNull.Value && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString()))
1946 | {
1947 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col++, value);
1948 | }
1949 | else
1950 | {
1951 | col++;
1952 | }
1953 | }
1954 | row++;
1955 | col = _fromCol;
1956 | }
1957 | return _worksheet.Cells[_fromRow, _fromCol, (row == _fromRow ? _fromRow : row - 1), _fromCol + Table.Columns.Count - 1];
1958 | }
1959 | #endregion
1960 | #region LoadFromArrays
1961 | /// <summary>
1962 | /// Loads data from the collection of arrays of objects into the range, starting from
1963 | /// the top-left cell.
1964 | /// </summary>
1965 | /// <param name="Data">The data.</param>
1966 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromArrays(IEnumerable<object[]> Data)
1967 | {
1968 | //thanx to Abdullin for the code contribution
1969 | if (Data == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
1970 |
1971 | int column = _fromCol, row = _fromRow;
1972 |
1973 | foreach (var rowData in Data)
1974 | {
1975 | column = _fromCol;
1976 | foreach (var cellData in rowData)
1977 | {
1978 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, column, cellData);
1979 | column += 1;
1980 | }
1981 | row += 1;
1982 | }
1983 | return _worksheet.Cells[_fromRow, _fromCol, row - 1, column - 1];
1984 | }
1985 | #endregion
1986 | #region LoadFromCollection
1987 | /// <summary>
1988 | /// Load a collection into a the worksheet starting from the top left row of the range.
1989 | /// </summary>
1990 | /// <typeparam name="T">The datatype in the collection</typeparam>
1991 | /// <param name="Collection">The collection to load</param>
1992 | /// <returns>The filled range</returns>
1993 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromCollection<T>(IEnumerable<T> Collection)
1994 | {
1995 | return LoadFromCollection<T>(Collection, false, TableStyles.None, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null);
1996 | }
1997 | /// <summary>
1998 | /// Load a collection of T into the worksheet starting from the top left row of the range.
1999 | /// Default option will load all public instance properties of T
2000 | /// </summary>
2001 | /// <typeparam name="T">The datatype in the collection</typeparam>
2002 | /// <param name="Collection">The collection to load</param>
2003 | /// <param name="PrintHeaders">Print the property names on the first row. If the property is decorated with a <see cref="DisplayNameAttribute"/> or a <see cref="DescriptionAttribute"/> that attribute will be used instead of the reflected member name.</param>
2004 | /// <returns>The filled range</returns>
2005 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromCollection<T>(IEnumerable<T> Collection, bool PrintHeaders)
2006 | {
2007 | return LoadFromCollection<T>(Collection, PrintHeaders, TableStyles.None, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null);
2008 | }
2009 | /// <summary>
2010 | /// Load a collection of T into the worksheet starting from the top left row of the range.
2011 | /// Default option will load all public instance properties of T
2012 | /// </summary>
2013 | /// <typeparam name="T">The datatype in the collection</typeparam>
2014 | /// <param name="Collection">The collection to load</param>
2015 | /// <param name="PrintHeaders">Print the property names on the first row. If the property is decorated with a <see cref="DisplayNameAttribute"/> or a <see cref="DescriptionAttribute"/> that attribute will be used instead of the reflected member name.</param>
2016 | /// <param name="TableStyle">Will create a table with this style. If set to TableStyles.None no table will be created</param>
2017 | /// <returns>The filled range</returns>
2018 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromCollection<T>(IEnumerable<T> Collection, bool PrintHeaders, TableStyles TableStyle)
2019 | {
2020 | return LoadFromCollection<T>(Collection, PrintHeaders, TableStyle, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null);
2021 | }
2022 | /// <summary>
2023 | /// Load a collection into the worksheet starting from the top left row of the range.
2024 | /// </summary>
2025 | /// <typeparam name="T">The datatype in the collection</typeparam>
2026 | /// <param name="Collection">The collection to load</param>
2027 | /// <param name="PrintHeaders">Print the property names on the first row. Any underscore in the property name will be converted to a space. If the property is decorated with a <see cref="DisplayNameAttribute"/> or a <see cref="DescriptionAttribute"/> that attribute will be used instead of the reflected member name.</param>
2028 | /// <param name="TableStyle">Will create a table with this style. If set to TableStyles.None no table will be created</param>
2029 | /// <param name="memberFlags">Property flags to use</param>
2030 | /// <param name="Members">The properties to output. Must be of type T</param>
2031 | /// <returns>The filled range</returns>
2032 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromCollection<T>(IEnumerable<T> Collection, bool PrintHeaders, TableStyles TableStyle, BindingFlags memberFlags, MemberInfo[] Members)
2033 | {
2034 | var type = typeof(T);
2035 | if (Members == null)
2036 | {
2037 | Members = type.GetProperties(memberFlags);
2038 | }
2039 | else
2040 | {
2041 | foreach (var t in Members)
2042 | {
2043 | if (t.DeclaringType!=null && t.DeclaringType != type && !t.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(type))
2044 | {
2045 | throw new InvalidCastException("Supplied properties in parameter Properties must be of the same type as T (or an assignable type from T");
2046 | }
2047 | }
2048 | }
2049 |
2050 | int col = _fromCol, row = _fromRow;
2051 | if (Members.Length > 0 && PrintHeaders)
2052 | {
2053 | foreach (var t in Members)
2054 | {
2055 | var descriptionAttribute = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as DescriptionAttribute;
2056 | var header = string.Empty;
2057 | if (descriptionAttribute != null)
2058 | {
2059 | header = descriptionAttribute.Description;
2060 | }
2061 | else
2062 | {
2063 | var displayNameAttribute =
2064 | t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DisplayNameAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as
2065 | DisplayNameAttribute;
2066 | if (displayNameAttribute != null)
2067 | {
2068 | header = displayNameAttribute.DisplayName;
2069 | }
2070 | else
2071 | {
2072 | header = t.Name.Replace('_', ' ');
2073 | }
2074 | }
2075 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col++, header);
2076 | }
2077 | row++;
2078 | }
2079 |
2080 | if (Members.Length == 0)
2081 | {
2082 | foreach (var item in Collection)
2083 | {
2084 | _worksheet.Cells[row++, col].Value = item;
2085 | }
2086 | }
2087 | else
2088 | {
2089 | foreach (var item in Collection)
2090 | {
2091 | col = _fromCol;
2092 | if (item is string || item is decimal || item is DateTime || item.GetType().IsPrimitive)
2093 | {
2094 | _worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = item;
2095 | }
2096 | else
2097 | {
2098 | foreach (var t in Members)
2099 | {
2100 | if (t is PropertyInfo)
2101 | {
2102 | _worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = ((PropertyInfo)t).GetValue(item, null);
2103 | }
2104 | else if (t is FieldInfo)
2105 | {
2106 | _worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = ((FieldInfo)t).GetValue(item);
2107 | }
2108 | else if (t is MethodInfo)
2109 | {
2110 | _worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = ((MethodInfo)t).Invoke(item, null);
2111 | }
2112 | }
2113 | }
2114 | row++;
2115 | }
2116 | }
2117 |
2118 | if (_fromRow == row-1 && PrintHeaders)
2119 | {
2120 | row++;
2121 | }
2122 |
2123 | var r = _worksheet.Cells[_fromRow, _fromCol, row - 1, Members.Length==0 ? col : col - 1];
2124 |
2125 | if (TableStyle != TableStyles.None)
2126 | {
2127 | var tbl = _worksheet.Tables.Add(r, "");
2128 | tbl.ShowHeader = PrintHeaders;
2129 | tbl.TableStyle = TableStyle;
2130 | }
2131 | return r;
2132 | }
2133 | #endregion
2134 | #region LoadFromText
2135 | /// <summary>
2136 | /// Loads a CSV text into a range starting from the top left cell.
2137 | /// Default settings is Comma separation
2138 | /// </summary>
2139 | /// <param name="Text">The Text</param>
2140 | /// <returns>The range containing the data</returns>
2141 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromText(string Text)
2142 | {
2143 | return LoadFromText(Text, new ExcelTextFormat());
2144 | }
2145 | /// <summary>
2146 | /// Loads a CSV text into a range starting from the top left cell.
2147 | /// </summary>
2148 | /// <param name="Text">The Text</param>
2149 | /// <param name="Format">Information how to load the text</param>
2150 | /// <returns>The range containing the data</returns>
2151 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromText(string Text, ExcelTextFormat Format)
2152 | {
2153 | if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))
2154 | {
2155 | var r = _worksheet.Cells[_fromRow, _fromCol];
2156 | r.Value = "";
2157 | return r;
2158 | }
2159 |
2160 | if (Format == null) Format = new ExcelTextFormat();
2161 |
2162 | string[] lines = Regex.Split(Text, Format.EOL);
2163 | int row = _fromRow;
2164 | int col = _fromCol;
2165 | int maxCol = col;
2166 | int lineNo = 1;
2167 | foreach (string line in lines)
2168 | {
2169 | if (lineNo > Format.SkipLinesBeginning && lineNo <= lines.Length - Format.SkipLinesEnd)
2170 | {
2171 | col = _fromCol;
2172 | string v = "";
2173 | bool isText = false, isQualifier = false;
2174 | int QCount = 0;
2175 | foreach (char c in line)
2176 | {
2177 | if (Format.TextQualifier != 0 && c == Format.TextQualifier)
2178 | {
2179 | if (!isText && v != "")
2180 | {
2181 | throw (new Exception(string.Format("Invalid Text Qualifier in line : {0}", line)));
2182 | }
2183 | isQualifier = !isQualifier;
2184 | QCount += 1;
2185 | isText = true;
2186 | }
2187 | else
2188 | {
2189 | if (QCount > 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
2190 | {
2191 | v += new string(Format.TextQualifier, QCount / 2);
2192 | }
2193 | else if(QCount>2 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
2194 | {
2195 | v += new string(Format.TextQualifier, (QCount-1) / 2);
2196 | }
2197 |
2198 | if (isQualifier)
2199 | {
2200 | v += c;
2201 | }
2202 | else
2203 | {
2204 | if (c == Format.Delimiter)
2205 | {
2206 | _worksheet.SetValue(row, col, ConvertData(Format, v, col - _fromCol, isText));
2207 | v = "";
2208 | isText = false;
2209 | col++;
2210 | }
2211 | else
2212 | {
2213 | if (QCount % 2 == 1)
2214 | {
2215 | throw (new Exception(string.Format("Text delimiter is not closed in line : {0}", line)));
2216 | }
2217 | v += c;
2218 | }
2219 | }
2220 | QCount = 0;
2221 | }
2222 | }
2223 | if (QCount > 1)
2224 | {
2225 | v += new string(Format.TextQualifier, QCount / 2);
2226 | }
2227 |
2228 | _worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col, ConvertData(Format, v, col - _fromCol, isText));
2229 | if (col > maxCol) maxCol = col;
2230 | row++;
2231 | }
2232 | lineNo++;
2233 | }
2234 | return _worksheet.Cells[_fromRow, _fromCol, row - 1, maxCol];
2235 | }
2236 | /// <summary>
2237 | /// Loads a CSV text into a range starting from the top left cell.
2238 | /// </summary>
2239 | /// <param name="Text">The Text</param>
2240 | /// <param name="Format">Information how to load the text</param>
2241 | /// <param name="TableStyle">Create a table with this style</param>
2242 | /// <param name="FirstRowIsHeader">Use the first row as header</param>
2243 | /// <returns></returns>
2244 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromText(string Text, ExcelTextFormat Format, TableStyles TableStyle, bool FirstRowIsHeader)
2245 | {
2246 | var r = LoadFromText(Text, Format);
2247 |
2248 | var tbl = _worksheet.Tables.Add(r, "");
2249 | tbl.ShowHeader = FirstRowIsHeader;
2250 | tbl.TableStyle = TableStyle;
2251 |
2252 | return r;
2253 | }
2254 | /// <summary>
2255 | /// Loads a CSV file into a range starting from the top left cell.
2256 | /// </summary>
2257 | /// <param name="TextFile">The Textfile</param>
2258 | /// <returns></returns>
2259 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromText(FileInfo TextFile)
2260 | {
2261 | return LoadFromText(File.ReadAllText(TextFile.FullName, Encoding.ASCII));
2262 | }
2263 | /// <summary>
2264 | /// Loads a CSV file into a range starting from the top left cell.
2265 | /// </summary>
2266 | /// <param name="TextFile">The Textfile</param>
2267 | /// <param name="Format">Information how to load the text</param>
2268 | /// <returns></returns>
2269 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromText(FileInfo TextFile, ExcelTextFormat Format)
2270 | {
2271 | return LoadFromText(File.ReadAllText(TextFile.FullName, Format.Encoding), Format);
2272 | }
2273 | /// <summary>
2274 | /// Loads a CSV file into a range starting from the top left cell.
2275 | /// </summary>
2276 | /// <param name="TextFile">The Textfile</param>
2277 | /// <param name="Format">Information how to load the text</param>
2278 | /// <param name="TableStyle">Create a table with this style</param>
2279 | /// <param name="FirstRowIsHeader">Use the first row as header</param>
2280 | /// <returns></returns>
2281 | public ExcelRangeBase LoadFromText(FileInfo TextFile, ExcelTextFormat Format, TableStyles TableStyle, bool FirstRowIsHeader)
2282 | {
2283 | return LoadFromText(File.ReadAllText(TextFile.FullName, Format.Encoding), Format, TableStyle, FirstRowIsHeader);
2284 | }
2285 | #endregion
2286 | #region GetValue
2287 | /// <summary>
2288 | /// Get the strongly typed value of the cell.
2289 | /// </summary>
2290 | /// <typeparam name="T">The type</typeparam>
2291 | /// <returns>The value. If the value can't be converted to the specified type, the default value will be returned</returns>
2292 | public T GetValue<T>()
2293 | {
2294 | return _worksheet.GetTypedValue<T>(Value);
2295 | }
2296 | #endregion
2297 | /// <summary>
2298 | /// Get a range with an offset from the top left cell.
2299 | /// The new range has the same dimensions as the current range
2300 | /// </summary>
2301 | /// <param name="RowOffset">Row Offset</param>
2302 | /// <param name="ColumnOffset">Column Offset</param>
2303 | /// <returns></returns>
2304 | public ExcelRangeBase Offset(int RowOffset, int ColumnOffset)
2305 | {
2306 | if (_fromRow + RowOffset < 1 || _fromCol + ColumnOffset < 1 || _fromRow + RowOffset > ExcelPackage.MaxRows || _fromCol + ColumnOffset > ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
2307 | {
2308 | throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Offset value out of range"));
2309 | }
2310 | string address = GetAddress(_fromRow + RowOffset, _fromCol + ColumnOffset, _toRow + RowOffset, _toCol + ColumnOffset);
2311 | return new ExcelRangeBase(_worksheet, address);
2312 | }
2313 | /// <summary>
2314 | /// Get a range with an offset from the top left cell.
2315 | /// </summary>
2316 | /// <param name="RowOffset">Row Offset</param>
2317 | /// <param name="ColumnOffset">Column Offset</param>
2318 | /// <param name="NumberOfRows">Number of rows. Minimum 1</param>
2319 | /// <param name="NumberOfColumns">Number of colums. Minimum 1</param>
2320 | /// <returns></returns>
2321 | public ExcelRangeBase Offset(int RowOffset, int ColumnOffset, int NumberOfRows, int NumberOfColumns)
2322 | {
2323 | if (NumberOfRows < 1 || NumberOfColumns < 1)
2324 | {
2325 | throw (new Exception("Number of rows/columns must be greater than 0"));
2326 | }
2327 | NumberOfRows--;
2328 | NumberOfColumns--;
2329 | if (_fromRow + RowOffset < 1 || _fromCol + ColumnOffset < 1 || _fromRow + RowOffset > ExcelPackage.MaxRows || _fromCol + ColumnOffset > ExcelPackage.MaxColumns ||
2330 | _fromRow + RowOffset + NumberOfRows < 1 || _fromCol + ColumnOffset + NumberOfColumns < 1 || _fromRow + RowOffset + NumberOfRows > ExcelPackage.MaxRows || _fromCol + ColumnOffset + NumberOfColumns > ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
2331 | {
2332 | throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Offset value out of range"));
2333 | }
2334 | string address = GetAddress(_fromRow + RowOffset, _fromCol + ColumnOffset, _fromRow + RowOffset + NumberOfRows, _fromCol + ColumnOffset + NumberOfColumns);
2335 | return new ExcelRangeBase(_worksheet, address);
2336 | }
2337 | /// <summary>
2338 | /// Adds a new comment for the range.
2339 | /// If this range contains more than one cell, the top left comment is returned by the method.
2340 | /// </summary>
2341 | /// <param name="Text"></param>
2342 | /// <param name="Author"></param>
2343 | /// <returns>A reference comment of the top left cell</returns>
2344 | public ExcelComment AddComment(string Text, string Author)
2345 | {
2346 | //Check if any comments exists in the range and throw an exception
2347 | _changePropMethod(Exists_Comment, null);
2348 | //Create the comments
2349 | _changePropMethod(Set_Comment, new string[] { Text, Author });
2350 |
2351 | return _worksheet.Comments[new ExcelCellAddress(_fromRow, _fromCol)];
2352 | }
2353 |
2354 | ///// <summary>
2355 | ///// Copies the range of cells to an other range
2356 | ///// </summary>
2357 | ///// <param name="Destination">The start cell where the range will be copied.</param>
2358 | public void Copy(ExcelRangeBase Destination)
2359 | {
2360 | bool sameWorkbook = Destination._worksheet.Workbook == _worksheet.Workbook;
2361 | ExcelStyles sourceStyles = _worksheet.Workbook.Styles,
2362 | styles = Destination._worksheet.Workbook.Styles;
2363 | Dictionary<int, int> styleCashe = new Dictionary<int, int>();
2364 |
2365 | //Delete all existing cells;
2366 | int toRow = _toRow - _fromRow + 1,
2367 | toCol = _toCol - _fromCol + 1;
2368 |
2369 | string s = "";
2370 | int i=0;
2371 | object o = null;
2372 | byte flag=0;
2373 | Uri hl = null;
2374 | ExcelComment comment=null;
2375 |
2376 | var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator<object>(_worksheet._values, _fromRow, _fromCol, _toRow, _toCol);
2377 | var copiedValue = new List<CopiedCell>();
2378 | while (cse.Next())
2379 | {
2380 | var row=cse.Row;
2381 | var col = cse.Column; //Issue 15070
2382 | var cell = new CopiedCell
2383 | {
2384 | Row = Destination._fromRow + (row - _fromRow),
2385 | Column = Destination._fromCol + (col - _fromCol),
2386 | Value=cse.Value
2387 | };
2388 |
2389 | //Destination._worksheet._values.SetValue(row, col, cse.Value);
2390 |
2391 | if (_worksheet._types.Exists(row, col, ref s))
2392 | {
2393 | //Destination._worksheet._types.SetValue(row, col,s);
2394 | cell.Type=s;
2395 | }
2396 |
2397 | if (_worksheet._formulas.Exists(row, col, ref o))
2398 | {
2399 | if (o is int)
2400 | {
2401 | // Destination._worksheet._formulas.SetValue(row, col, _worksheet.GetFormula(cse.Row, cse.Column)); //Shared formulas, set the formula per cell to simplify
2402 | cell.Formula=_worksheet.GetFormula(cse.Row, cse.Column);
2403 | }
2404 | else
2405 | {
2406 | //Destination._worksheet._formulas.SetValue(row, col, o);
2407 | cell.Formula=o;
2408 | }
2409 | }
2410 | if(_worksheet._styles.Exists(row, col, ref i))
2411 | {
2412 | if (sameWorkbook)
2413 | {
2414 | //Destination._worksheet._styles.SetValue(row, col, i);
2415 | cell.StyleID=i;
2416 | }
2417 | else
2418 | {
2419 | if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(i))
2420 | {
2421 | i = styleCashe[i];
2422 | }
2423 | else
2424 | {
2425 | var oldStyleID = i;
2426 | i = styles.CloneStyle(sourceStyles, i);
2427 | styleCashe.Add(oldStyleID, i);
2428 | }
2429 | //Destination._worksheet._styles.SetValue(row, col, i);
2430 | cell.StyleID=i;
2431 | }
2432 | }
2433 |
2434 | if (_worksheet._hyperLinks.Exists(row, col, ref hl))
2435 | {
2436 | //Destination._worksheet._hyperLinks.SetValue(row, col, hl);
2437 | cell.HyperLink=hl;
2438 | }
2439 |
2440 | if(_worksheet._commentsStore.Exists(row, col, ref comment))
2441 | {
2442 | cell.Comment=comment;
2443 | }
2444 |
2445 | if (_worksheet._flags.Exists(row, col, ref flag))
2446 | {
2447 | cell.Flag = flag;
2448 | }
2449 | copiedValue.Add(cell);
2450 | }
2451 |
2452 | //Copy styles with no cell value
2453 | var cses = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(_worksheet._styles, _fromRow, _fromCol, _toRow, _toCol);
2454 | while (cses.Next())
2455 | {
2456 | if (!_worksheet._values.Exists(cses.Row, cses.Column))
2457 | {
2458 | var row = Destination._fromRow + (cses.Row - _fromRow);
2459 | var col = Destination._fromCol + (cses.Column - _fromCol);
2460 | var cell = new CopiedCell
2461 | {
2462 | Row = row,
2463 | Column = col,
2464 | Value = null
2465 | };
2466 |
2467 | i = cses.Value;
2468 | if (sameWorkbook)
2469 | {
2470 | cell.StyleID = i;
2471 | }
2472 | else
2473 | {
2474 | if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(i))
2475 | {
2476 | i = styleCashe[i];
2477 | }
2478 | else
2479 | {
2480 | var oldStyleID = i;
2481 | i = styles.CloneStyle(sourceStyles, i);
2482 | styleCashe.Add(oldStyleID, i);
2483 | }
2484 | //Destination._worksheet._styles.SetValue(row, col, i);
2485 | cell.StyleID = i;
2486 | }
2487 | copiedValue.Add(cell);
2488 | }
2489 | }
2490 | var copiedMergedCells = new Dictionary<int, ExcelAddress>();
2491 | //Merged cells
2492 | var csem = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(_worksheet.MergedCells._cells, _fromRow, _fromCol, _toRow, _toCol);
2493 | while (csem.Next())
2494 | {
2495 | if(!copiedMergedCells.ContainsKey(csem.Value))
2496 | {
2497 | var adr = new ExcelAddress(_worksheet.Name, _worksheet.MergedCells.List[csem.Value]);
2498 | if(this.Collide(adr)==eAddressCollition.Inside)
2499 | {
2500 | copiedMergedCells.Add(csem.Value, new ExcelAddress(
2501 | Destination._fromRow + (adr.Start.Row - _fromRow),
2502 | Destination._fromCol + (adr.Start.Column - _fromCol),
2503 | Destination._toRow + (adr.End.Row - _fromRow),
2504 | Destination._toCol + (adr.End.Column - _fromCol)));
2505 | }
2506 | else
2507 | {
2508 | //Partial merge of the address ignore.
2509 | copiedMergedCells.Add(csem.Value, null);
2510 | }
2511 | }
2512 | }
2513 |
2514 | Destination._worksheet.MergedCells.Delete(new ExcelAddressBase(Destination._fromRow, Destination._fromCol, Destination._fromRow+toRow, Destination._fromCol+toCol));
2515 |
2516 | Destination._worksheet._values.Clear(Destination._fromRow, Destination._fromCol, toRow, toCol);
2517 | Destination._worksheet._formulas.Clear(Destination._fromRow, Destination._fromCol, toRow, toCol);
2518 | Destination._worksheet._styles.Clear(Destination._fromRow, Destination._fromCol, toRow, toCol);
2519 | Destination._worksheet._types.Clear(Destination._fromRow, Destination._fromCol, toRow, toCol);
2520 | Destination._worksheet._hyperLinks.Clear(Destination._fromRow, Destination._fromCol, toRow, toCol);
2521 | Destination._worksheet._flags.Clear(Destination._fromRow, Destination._fromCol, toRow, toCol);
2522 | Destination._worksheet._commentsStore.Clear(Destination._fromRow, Destination._fromCol, toRow, toCol);
2523 |
2524 | foreach(var cell in copiedValue)
2525 | {
2526 | Destination._worksheet._values.SetValue(cell.Row, cell.Column, cell.Value);
2527 |
2528 | if(cell.Type!=null)
2529 | {
2530 | Destination._worksheet._types.SetValue(cell.Row, cell.Column, cell.Type);
2531 | }
2532 |
2533 | if(cell.StyleID!=null)
2534 | {
2535 | Destination._worksheet._styles.SetValue(cell.Row, cell.Column, cell.StyleID.Value);
2536 | }
2537 |
2538 | if(cell.Formula!=null)
2539 | {
2540 | cell.Formula = UpdateFormulaReferences(cell.Formula.ToString(), Destination._fromRow - _fromRow, Destination._fromCol - _fromCol, 0, 0, true);
2541 | Destination._worksheet._formulas.SetValue(cell.Row, cell.Column, cell.Formula);
2542 | }
2543 | if(cell.HyperLink!=null)
2544 | {
2545 | Destination._worksheet._hyperLinks.SetValue(cell.Row, cell.Column, cell.HyperLink);
2546 | }
2547 |
2548 | if (cell.Comment != null)
2549 | {
2550 | //Destination._worksheet._commentsStore.SetValue(cell.Row, cell.Column, cell.Comment);
2551 | }
2552 | }
2553 |
2554 | //Add merged cells
2555 | foreach(var m in copiedMergedCells.Values)
2556 | {
2557 | if(m!=null)
2558 | {
2559 | Destination._worksheet.MergedCells.Add(m, true);
2560 | }
2561 | }
2562 |
2563 |
2564 | //Clone the cell
2565 | //var copiedCell = (_worksheet._cells[GetCellID(_worksheet.SheetID, cell._fromRow, cell.column)] as ExcelCell);
2566 |
2567 | //var newCell = copiedCell.Clone(Destination._worksheet,
2568 | // Destination._fromRow + (copiedCell.Row - _fromRow),
2569 | // Destination.column + (copiedCell.Column - column));
2570 |
2571 | // newCell.MergeId = _worksheet.GetMergeCellId(copiedCell.Row, copiedCell.Column);
2572 |
2573 |
2574 | // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCell.Formula))
2575 | // {
2576 | // newCell.Formula = ExcelCell.UpdateFormulaReferences(newCell.Formula, newCell.Row - copiedCell.Row, (newCell.Column - copiedCell.Column), 1, 1);
2577 | // }
2578 |
2579 | // //If its not the same workbook we must copy the styles to the new workbook.
2580 | // if (!sameWorkbook)
2581 | // {
2582 | // if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cell.StyleID))
2583 | // {
2584 | // newCell.StyleID = styleCashe[cell.StyleID];
2585 | // }
2586 | // else
2587 | // {
2588 | // newCell.StyleID = styles.CloneStyle(sourceStyles, cell.StyleID);
2589 | // styleCashe.Add(cell.StyleID, newCell.StyleID);
2590 | // }
2591 | // }
2592 | // newCells.Add(newCell);
2593 | // if (newCell.Merge) mergedCells.Add(newCell.CellID, newCell);
2594 | // }
2595 |
2596 | // //Now clear the destination.
2597 | // Destination.Offset(0, 0, (_toRow - _fromRow) + 1, (_toCol - column) + 1).Clear();
2598 |
2599 | // //And last add the new cells to the worksheet
2600 | // foreach (var cell in newCells)
2601 | // {
2602 | // Destination.Worksheet._cells.Add(cell);
2603 | // }
2604 | // //Add merged cells
2605 | // if (mergedCells.Count > 0)
2606 | // {
2607 | // List<ExcelAddressBase> mergedAddresses = new List<ExcelAddressBase>();
2608 | // foreach (var cell in mergedCells.Values)
2609 | // {
2610 | // if (!IsAdded(cell, mergedAddresses))
2611 | // {
2612 | // int startRow = cell.Row, startCol = cell.Column, endRow = cell.Row, endCol = cell.Column + 1;
2613 | // while (mergedCells.ContainsKey(ExcelCell.GetCellID(Destination.Worksheet.SheetID, endRow, endCol)))
2614 | // {
2615 | // ExcelCell next = mergedCells[ExcelCell.GetCellID(Destination.Worksheet.SheetID, endRow, endCol)];
2616 | // if (cell.MergeId != next.MergeId)
2617 | // {
2618 | // break;
2619 | // }
2620 | // endCol++;
2621 | // }
2622 |
2623 | // while (IsMerged(mergedCells, Destination.Worksheet, endRow, startCol, endCol - 1, cell))
2624 | // {
2625 | // endRow++;
2626 | // }
2627 |
2628 | // mergedAddresses.Add(new ExcelAddressBase(startRow, startCol, endRow - 1, endCol - 1));
2629 | // }
2630 | // }
2631 | // Destination.Worksheet.MergedCells.List.AddRange((from r in mergedAddresses select r.Address));
2632 | // }
2633 | //}
2634 |
2635 | //private bool IsAdded(ExcelCell cell, List<ExcelAddressBase> mergedAddresses)
2636 | //{
2637 | // foreach (var address in mergedAddresses)
2638 | // {
2639 | // if (address.Collide(new ExcelAddressBase(cell.CellAddress)) == eAddressCollition.Inside)
2640 | // {
2641 | // return true;
2642 | // }
2643 | // }
2644 | // return false;
2645 | //}
2646 |
2647 | //private bool IsMerged(Dictionary<ulong, ExcelCell> mergedCells, ExcelWorksheet worksheet, int row, int startCol, int endCol, ExcelCell cell)
2648 | //{
2649 | // for (int col = startCol; col <= endCol; col++)
2650 | // {
2651 | // if (!mergedCells.ContainsKey(ExcelCell.GetCellID(worksheet.SheetID, row, col)))
2652 | // {
2653 | // return false;
2654 | // }
2655 | // else
2656 | // {
2657 | // ExcelCell next = mergedCells[ExcelCell.GetCellID(worksheet.SheetID, row, col)];
2658 | // if (cell.MergeId != next.MergeId)
2659 | // {
2660 | // return false;
2661 | // }
2662 | // }
2663 | // }
2664 | // return true;
2665 | }
2666 |
2667 | /// <summary>
2668 | /// Clear all cells
2669 | /// </summary>
2670 | public void Clear()
2671 | {
2672 | Delete(this, false);
2673 | }
2674 | /// <summary>
2675 | /// Creates an array-formula.
2676 | /// </summary>
2677 | /// <param name="ArrayFormula">The formula</param>
2678 | public void CreateArrayFormula(string ArrayFormula)
2679 | {
2680 | if (Addresses != null)
2681 | {
2682 | throw (new Exception("An Arrayformula can not have more than one address"));
2683 | }
2684 | Set_SharedFormula(ArrayFormula, this, true);
2685 | }
2686 | //private void Delete(ExcelAddressBase Range)
2687 | //{
2688 | // Delete(Range, true);
2689 | //}
2690 | internal void Delete(ExcelAddressBase Range, bool shift)
2691 | {
2692 | //DeleteCheckMergedCells(Range);
2693 | _worksheet.MergedCells.Delete(Range);
2694 | //First find the start cell
2695 | var rows=Range._toRow-Range._fromRow+1;
2696 | var cols=Range._toCol - Range._fromCol+1;
2697 |
2698 | _worksheet._values.Delete(Range._fromRow, Range._fromCol, rows, cols, shift);
2699 | _worksheet._types.Delete(Range._fromRow, Range._fromCol, rows, cols, shift);
2700 | _worksheet._styles.Delete(Range._fromRow, Range._fromCol, rows, cols, shift);
2701 | _worksheet._formulas.Delete(Range._fromRow, Range._fromCol, rows, cols, shift);
2702 | _worksheet._hyperLinks.Delete(Range._fromRow, Range._fromCol, rows, cols, shift);
2703 | _worksheet._flags.Delete(Range._fromRow, Range._fromCol, rows, cols, shift);
2704 | _worksheet._commentsStore.Delete(Range._fromRow, Range._fromCol, rows, cols, shift);
2705 |
2706 | //if(shift)
2707 | //{
2708 | // _worksheet.AdjustFormulasRow(Range._fromRow, rows);
2709 | //}
2710 |
2711 | //Delete multi addresses as well
2712 | if (Addresses != null)
2713 | {
2714 | foreach (var sub in Addresses)
2715 | {
2716 | Delete(sub, shift);
2717 | }
2718 | }
2719 | }
2720 |
2721 | private void DeleteCheckMergedCells(ExcelAddressBase Range)
2722 | {
2723 | var removeItems = new List<string>();
2724 | foreach (var addr in Worksheet.MergedCells)
2725 | {
2726 | var addrCol = Range.Collide(new ExcelAddress(Range.WorkSheet, addr));
2727 | if (addrCol != eAddressCollition.No)
2728 | {
2729 | if (addrCol == eAddressCollition.Inside)
2730 | {
2731 | removeItems.Add(addr);
2732 | }
2733 | else
2734 | {
2735 | throw (new InvalidOperationException("Can't remove/overwrite a part of cells that are merged"));
2736 | }
2737 | }
2738 | }
2739 | foreach (var item in removeItems)
2740 | {
2741 | Worksheet.MergedCells.Remove(item);
2742 | }
2743 | }
2744 | #endregion
2745 | #region IDisposable Members
2746 |
2747 | public void Dispose()
2748 | {
2749 | //_worksheet = null;
2750 | }
2751 |
2752 | #endregion
2753 | #region "Enumerator"
2754 | //int _index;
2755 | //ulong _toCellId;
2756 | //int _enumAddressIx;
2757 | CellsStoreEnumerator<object> cellEnum;
2758 | public IEnumerator<ExcelRangeBase> GetEnumerator()
2759 | {
2760 | Reset();
2761 | return this;
2762 | }
2763 |
2764 | IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
2765 | {
2766 | Reset();
2767 | return this;
2768 | }
2769 |
2770 | /// <summary>
2771 | /// The current range when enumerating
2772 | /// </summary>
2773 | public ExcelRangeBase Current
2774 | {
2775 | get
2776 | {
2777 | return new ExcelRangeBase(_worksheet, ExcelAddressBase.GetAddress(cellEnum.Row, cellEnum.Column));
2778 | }
2779 | }
2780 |
2781 | /// <summary>
2782 | /// The current range when enumerating
2783 | /// </summary>
2784 | object IEnumerator.Current
2785 | {
2786 | get
2787 | {
2788 | return ((object)(new ExcelRangeBase(_worksheet, ExcelAddressBase.GetAddress(cellEnum.Row, cellEnum.Column))));
2789 | }
2790 | }
2791 |
2792 | int _enumAddressIx = -1;
2793 | public bool MoveNext()
2794 | {
2795 | if (cellEnum.Next())
2796 | {
2797 | return true;
2798 | }
2799 | else if (_addresses!=null)
2800 | {
2801 | _enumAddressIx++;
2802 | if (_enumAddressIx < _addresses.Count)
2803 | {
2804 | cellEnum = new CellsStoreEnumerator<object>(_worksheet._values,
2805 | _addresses[_enumAddressIx]._fromRow,
2806 | _addresses[_enumAddressIx]._fromCol,
2807 | _addresses[_enumAddressIx]._toRow,
2808 | _addresses[_enumAddressIx]._toCol);
2809 | return MoveNext();
2810 | }
2811 | else
2812 | {
2813 | return false;
2814 | }
2815 | }
2816 | return false;
2817 | }
2818 |
2819 | public void Reset()
2820 | {
2821 | _enumAddressIx = -1;
2822 | cellEnum = new CellsStoreEnumerator<object>(_worksheet._values, _fromRow, _fromCol, _toRow, _toCol);
2823 | }
2824 |
2825 | //private void GetNextIndexEnum(int fromRow, int fromCol, int toRow, int toCol)
2826 | //{
2827 | // if (_index >= _worksheet._cells.Count) return;
2828 | // ExcelCell cell = _worksheet._cells[_index] as ExcelCell;
2829 | // while (cell.Column > toCol || cell.Column < fromCol)
2830 | // {
2831 | // if (cell.Column < fromCol)
2832 | // {
2833 | // _index = _worksheet._cells.IndexOf(ExcelAddress.GetCellID(_worksheet.SheetID, cell.Row, fromCol));
2834 | // }
2835 | // else
2836 | // {
2837 | // _index = _worksheet._cells.IndexOf(ExcelAddress.GetCellID(_worksheet.SheetID, cell.Row + 1, fromCol));
2838 | // }
2839 |
2840 | // if (_index < 0)
2841 | // {
2842 | // _index = ~_index;
2843 | // }
2844 | // if (_index >= _worksheet._cells.Count || _worksheet._cells[_index].RangeID > _toCellId)
2845 | // {
2846 | // break;
2847 | // }
2848 | // cell = _worksheet._cells[_index] as ExcelCell;
2849 | // }
2850 | //}
2851 |
2852 | //private void GetStartIndexEnum(int fromRow, int fromCol, int toRow, int toCol)
2853 | //{
2854 | // _index = _worksheet._cells.IndexOf(ExcelCellBase.GetCellID(_worksheet.SheetID, fromRow, fromCol));
2855 | // _toCellId = ExcelCellBase.GetCellID(_worksheet.SheetID, toRow, toCol);
2856 | // if (_index < 0)
2857 | // {
2858 | // _index = ~_index;
2859 | // }
2860 | // _index--;
2861 | //}
2862 | #endregion
2863 | }
2864 | }