1 | #region License Information
2 | /* SimSharp - A .NET port of SimPy, discrete event simulation framework
3 | Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
4 |
5 | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 | (at your option) any later version.
9 |
10 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 | GNU General Public License for more details.
14 |
15 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 | along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.*/
17 | #endregion
18 |
19 | using System;
20 | using System.Collections.Generic;
21 | using System.IO;
22 |
23 | namespace SimSharp {
24 | /// <summary>
25 | /// Environments hold the event queues, schedule and process events.
26 | /// </summary>
27 | public class Environment {
28 | private const int InitialMaxEvents = 1024;
29 | private object locker = new object();
30 |
31 | /// <summary>
32 | /// Describes the number of seconds that a logical step of 1 in the *D-API takes.
33 | /// </summary>
34 | protected double DefaultTimeStepSeconds { get; private set; }
35 |
36 | /// <summary>
37 | /// Calculates the logical date of the simulation by the amount of default steps
38 | /// that have passed.
39 | /// </summary>
40 | public double NowD {
41 | get { return (Now - StartDate).TotalSeconds / DefaultTimeStepSeconds; }
42 | }
43 |
44 | /// <summary>
45 | /// The current simulation time as a calendar date.
46 | /// </summary>
47 | public DateTime Now { get; protected set; }
48 |
49 | /// <summary>
50 | /// The calendar date when the simulation started. This defaults to 1970-1-1 if
51 | /// no other date has been specified in the overloaded constructor.
52 | /// </summary>
53 | public DateTime StartDate { get; protected set; }
54 |
55 | /// <summary>
56 | /// The random number generator that is to be used in all events in
57 | /// order to produce reproducible results.
58 | /// </summary>
59 | protected IRandom Random { get; set; }
60 |
61 | protected EventQueue ScheduleQ;
62 | protected Queue<Event> Queue;
63 | public Process ActiveProcess { get; set; }
64 |
65 | public TextWriter Logger { get; set; }
66 | public int ProcessedEvents { get; protected set; }
67 |
68 | public Environment() : this(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)) { }
69 | public Environment(TimeSpan? defaultStep) : this(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1), defaultStep) { }
70 | public Environment(int randomSeed, TimeSpan? defaultStep = null) : this(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1), randomSeed, defaultStep) { }
71 | public Environment(DateTime initialDateTime, TimeSpan? defaultStep = null) {
72 | DefaultTimeStepSeconds = (defaultStep ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).Duration().TotalSeconds;
73 | StartDate = initialDateTime;
74 | Now = initialDateTime;
75 | Random = new SystemRandom();
76 | ScheduleQ = new EventQueue(InitialMaxEvents);
77 | Queue = new Queue<Event>();
78 | Logger = Console.Out;
79 | }
80 | public Environment(DateTime initialDateTime, int randomSeed, TimeSpan? defaultStep = null) {
81 | DefaultTimeStepSeconds = (defaultStep ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).Duration().TotalSeconds;
82 | StartDate = initialDateTime;
83 | Now = initialDateTime;
84 | Random = new SystemRandom(randomSeed);
85 | ScheduleQ = new EventQueue(InitialMaxEvents);
86 | Queue = new Queue<Event>();
87 | Logger = Console.Out;
88 | }
89 |
90 | public double ToDouble(TimeSpan span) {
91 | return span.TotalSeconds / DefaultTimeStepSeconds;
92 | }
93 |
94 | public TimeSpan ToTimeSpan(double span) {
95 | return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(DefaultTimeStepSeconds * span);
96 | }
97 |
98 | public Process Process(IEnumerable<Event> generator) {
99 | return new Process(this, generator);
100 | }
101 |
102 | public Timeout TimeoutD(double delay) {
103 | return Timeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(DefaultTimeStepSeconds * delay));
104 | }
105 |
106 | public Timeout Timeout(TimeSpan delay) {
107 | return new Timeout(this, delay);
108 | }
109 |
110 | public virtual void Reset(int randomSeed) {
111 | ProcessedEvents = 0;
112 | Now = StartDate;
113 | Random = new SystemRandom(randomSeed);
114 | ScheduleQ = new EventQueue(InitialMaxEvents);
115 | Queue = new Queue<Event>();
116 | }
117 |
118 | public virtual void ScheduleD(double delay, Event @event) {
119 | Schedule(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(DefaultTimeStepSeconds * delay), @event);
120 | }
121 |
122 | public virtual void Schedule(Event @event) {
123 | lock (locker) {
124 | Queue.Enqueue(@event);
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | public virtual void Schedule(TimeSpan delay, Event @event) {
129 | if (delay < TimeSpan.Zero)
130 | throw new ArgumentException("Negative delays are not allowed in Schedule(TimeSpan, Event).");
131 | lock (locker) {
132 | if (delay == TimeSpan.Zero) {
133 | Queue.Enqueue(@event);
134 | return;
135 | }
136 | var eventTime = Now + delay;
137 | DoSchedule(eventTime, @event);
138 | }
139 | }
140 |
141 | protected virtual EventQueueNode DoSchedule(DateTime date, Event @event) {
142 | if (ScheduleQ.MaxSize == ScheduleQ.Count) {
143 | // the capacity has to be adjusted, there are more events in the queue than anticipated
144 | var oldSchedule = ScheduleQ;
145 | ScheduleQ = new EventQueue(ScheduleQ.MaxSize * 2);
146 | foreach (var e in oldSchedule) ScheduleQ.Enqueue(e.Priority, e.Event);
147 | }
148 | return ScheduleQ.Enqueue(date, @event);
149 | }
150 |
151 | public virtual object RunD(double? until = null) {
152 | if (!until.HasValue) return Run();
153 | return Run(Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(DefaultTimeStepSeconds * until.Value));
154 | }
155 |
156 | public virtual object Run(TimeSpan span) {
157 | return Run(Now + span);
158 | }
159 |
160 | public virtual object Run(DateTime until) {
161 | if (until <= Now) throw new InvalidOperationException("Simulation end date must lie in the future.");
162 | var stopEvent = new Event(this);
163 | var node = DoSchedule(until, stopEvent);
164 | // stop event is always the first to execute at the given time
165 | node.InsertionIndex = -1;
166 | ScheduleQ.OnNodeUpdated(node);
167 | return Run(stopEvent);
168 | }
169 |
170 | public virtual object Run(Event stopEvent = null) {
171 | if (stopEvent != null) {
172 | if (stopEvent.IsProcessed) return stopEvent.Value;
173 | stopEvent.AddCallback(StopSimulation);
174 | }
175 |
176 | try {
177 | var stop = Queue.Count == 0 && ScheduleQ.Count == 0;
178 | while (!stop) {
179 | Step();
180 | ProcessedEvents++;
181 | lock (locker) {
182 | stop = Queue.Count == 0 && ScheduleQ.Count == 0;
183 | }
184 | }
185 | } catch (StopSimulationException e) { return e.Value; }
186 | if (stopEvent == null) return null;
187 | if (!stopEvent.IsTriggered) throw new InvalidOperationException("No scheduled events left but \"until\" event was not triggered.");
188 | return stopEvent.Value;
189 | }
190 |
191 | public virtual void Step() {
192 | Event evt;
193 | lock (locker) {
194 | if (Queue.Count == 0) {
195 | var next = ScheduleQ.Dequeue();
196 | Now = next.Priority;
197 | evt = next.Event;
198 | } else evt = Queue.Dequeue();
199 | }
200 | evt.Process();
201 | }
202 |
203 | public virtual double PeekD() {
204 | lock (locker) {
205 | if (Queue.Count == 0 && ScheduleQ.Count == 0) return double.MaxValue;
206 | return (Peek() - StartDate).TotalSeconds / DefaultTimeStepSeconds;
207 | }
208 | }
209 |
210 | public virtual DateTime Peek() {
211 | lock (locker) {
212 | return Queue.Count > 0 ? Now : (ScheduleQ.Count > 0 ? ScheduleQ.First.Priority : DateTime.MaxValue);
213 | }
214 | }
215 |
216 | protected virtual void StopSimulation(Event @event) {
217 | throw new StopSimulationException(@event.Value);
218 | }
219 |
220 | public virtual void Log(string message, params object[] args) {
221 | if (Logger != null)
222 | Logger.WriteLine(message, args);
223 | }
224 |
225 | #region Random number distributions
226 | protected static readonly double NormalMagicConst = 4 * Math.Exp(-0.5) / Math.Sqrt(2.0);
227 |
228 | public double RandUniform(double a, double b) {
229 | return a + (b - a) * Random.NextDouble();
230 | }
231 |
232 | public TimeSpan RandUniform(TimeSpan a, TimeSpan b) {
233 | return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RandUniform(a.TotalSeconds, b.TotalSeconds));
234 | }
235 |
236 | public double RandTriangular(double low, double high) {
237 | var u = Random.NextDouble();
238 | if (u > 0.5)
239 | return high + (low - high) * Math.Sqrt(((1.0 - u) / 2));
240 | return low + (high - low) * Math.Sqrt(u / 2);
241 | }
242 |
243 | public TimeSpan RandTriangular(TimeSpan low, TimeSpan high) {
244 | return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RandTriangular(low.TotalSeconds, high.TotalSeconds));
245 | }
246 |
247 | public double RandTriangular(double low, double high, double mode) {
248 | var u = Random.NextDouble();
249 | var c = (mode - low) / (high - low);
250 | if (u > c)
251 | return high + (low - high) * Math.Sqrt(((1.0 - u) * (1.0 - c)));
252 | return low + (high - low) * Math.Sqrt(u * c);
253 | }
254 |
255 | public TimeSpan RandTriangular(TimeSpan low, TimeSpan high, TimeSpan mode) {
256 | return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RandTriangular(low.TotalSeconds, high.TotalSeconds, mode.TotalSeconds));
257 | }
258 |
259 | /// <summary>
260 | /// Returns a number that is exponentially distributed given a certain mean.
261 | /// </summary>
262 | /// <remarks>
263 | /// Unlike in other APIs here the mean should be given and not the lambda parameter.
264 | /// </remarks>
265 | /// <param name="mean">The mean(!) of the distribution is 1 / lambda.</param>
266 | /// <returns>A number that is exponentially distributed</returns>
267 | public double RandExponential(double mean) {
268 | return -Math.Log(1 - Random.NextDouble()) * mean;
269 | }
270 |
271 | /// <summary>
272 | /// Returns a timespan that is exponentially distributed given a certain mean.
273 | /// </summary>
274 | /// <remarks>
275 | /// Unlike in other APIs here the mean should be given and not the lambda parameter.
276 | /// </remarks>
277 | /// <param name="mean">The mean(!) of the distribution is 1 / lambda.</param>
278 | /// <returns>A number that is exponentially distributed</returns>
279 | public TimeSpan RandExponential(TimeSpan mean) {
280 | return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RandExponential(mean.TotalSeconds));
281 | }
282 |
283 | public double RandNormal(double mu, double sigma) {
284 | double z, zz, u1, u2;
285 | do {
286 | u1 = Random.NextDouble();
287 | u2 = 1 - Random.NextDouble();
288 | z = NormalMagicConst * (u1 - 0.5) / u2;
289 | zz = z * z / 4.0;
290 | } while (zz > -Math.Log(u2));
291 | return mu + z * sigma;
292 | }
293 |
294 | public TimeSpan RandNormal(TimeSpan mu, TimeSpan sigma) {
295 | return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RandNormal(mu.TotalSeconds, sigma.TotalSeconds));
296 | }
297 |
298 | public double RandNormalPositive(double mu, double sigma) {
299 | double val;
300 | do {
301 | val = RandNormal(mu, sigma);
302 | } while (val <= 0);
303 | return val;
304 | }
305 |
306 | public TimeSpan RandNormalPositive(TimeSpan mu, TimeSpan sigma) {
307 | return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RandNormalPositive(mu.TotalSeconds, sigma.TotalSeconds));
308 | }
309 |
310 | public double RandNormalNegative(double mu, double sigma) {
311 | double val;
312 | do {
313 | val = RandNormal(mu, sigma);
314 | } while (val >= 0);
315 | return val;
316 | }
317 |
318 | public TimeSpan RandNormalNegative(TimeSpan mu, TimeSpan sigma) {
319 | return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RandNormalNegative(mu.TotalSeconds, sigma.TotalSeconds));
320 | }
321 |
322 | public double RandLogNormal(double mu, double sigma) {
323 | return Math.Exp(RandNormal(mu, sigma));
324 | }
325 |
326 | public TimeSpan RandLogNormal(TimeSpan mu, TimeSpan sigma) {
327 | return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RandLogNormal(mu.TotalSeconds, sigma.TotalSeconds));
328 | }
329 |
330 | public double RandCauchy(double x0, double gamma) {
331 | return x0 + gamma * Math.Tan(Math.PI * (Random.NextDouble() - 0.5));
332 | }
333 |
334 | public TimeSpan RandCauchy(TimeSpan x0, TimeSpan gamma) {
335 | return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RandCauchy(x0.TotalSeconds, gamma.TotalSeconds));
336 | }
337 |
338 | public double RandWeibull(double alpha, double beta) {
339 | return alpha * Math.Pow(-Math.Log(1 - Random.NextDouble()), 1 / beta);
340 | }
341 |
342 | public TimeSpan RandWeibull(TimeSpan mu, TimeSpan sigma) {
343 | return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RandWeibull(mu.TotalSeconds, sigma.TotalSeconds));
344 | }
345 | #endregion
346 |
347 | #region Random timeouts
348 | public Timeout TimeoutUniformD(double a, double b) {
349 | return new Timeout(this, ToTimeSpan(RandUniform(a, b)));
350 | }
351 |
352 | public Timeout TimeoutUniform(TimeSpan a, TimeSpan b) {
353 | return new Timeout(this, RandUniform(a, b));
354 | }
355 |
356 | public Timeout TimeoutTriangularD(double low, double high) {
357 | return new Timeout(this, ToTimeSpan(RandTriangular(low, high)));
358 | }
359 |
360 | public Timeout TimeoutTriangular(TimeSpan low, TimeSpan high) {
361 | return new Timeout(this, RandTriangular(low, high));
362 | }
363 |
364 | public Timeout TimeoutTriangularD(double low, double high, double mode) {
365 | return new Timeout(this, ToTimeSpan(RandTriangular(low, high, mode)));
366 | }
367 |
368 | public Timeout TimeoutTriangular(TimeSpan low, TimeSpan high, TimeSpan mode) {
369 | return new Timeout(this, RandTriangular(low, high, mode));
370 | }
371 |
372 | public Timeout TimeoutExponentialD(double mean) {
373 | return new Timeout(this, ToTimeSpan(RandExponential(mean)));
374 | }
375 |
376 | public Timeout TimeoutExponential(TimeSpan mean) {
377 | return new Timeout(this, RandExponential(mean));
378 | }
379 |
380 | public Timeout TimeoutNormalPositiveD(double mu, double sigma) {
381 | return new Timeout(this, ToTimeSpan(RandNormalPositive(mu, sigma)));
382 | }
383 |
384 | public Timeout TimeoutNormalPositive(TimeSpan mu, TimeSpan sigma) {
385 | return new Timeout(this, RandNormalPositive(mu, sigma));
386 | }
387 |
388 | public Timeout TimeoutLogNormalD(double mu, double sigma) {
389 | return new Timeout(this, ToTimeSpan(RandLogNormal(mu, sigma)));
390 | }
391 |
392 | public Timeout TimeoutLogNormal(TimeSpan mu, TimeSpan sigma) {
393 | return new Timeout(this, RandLogNormal(mu, sigma));
394 | }
395 | #endregion
396 | }
397 | }