1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.ComponentModel;
4 | using System.Drawing;
5 | using Netron.Diagramming.Core.Analysis;
6 |
7 | namespace Netron.Diagramming.Core {
8 | /// <summary>
9 | /// <para>TreeLayout instance that computes a radial layout, laying out subsequent
10 | /// depth levels of a tree on circles of progressively increasing radius.
11 | /// </para>
12 | ///
13 | /// <para>The algorithm used is that of Ka-Ping Yee, Danyel Fisher, Rachna Dhamija,
14 | /// and Marti Hearst in their research paper
15 | /// <a href="http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/448292.html">Animated Exploration of
16 | /// Dynamic Graphs with Radial Layout</a>, InfoVis 2001. This algorithm computes
17 | /// a radial layout which factors in possible variation in sizes, and maintains
18 | /// both orientation and ordering constraints to facilitate smooth and
19 | /// understandable transitions between layout configurations.
20 | /// </para>
21 | /// </summary>
22 | class RadialTreeLayout : TreeLayoutBase {
23 | #region Fields
24 | public static int DEFAULT_RADIUS = 550;
25 | private static int MARGIN = 30;
26 |
27 | protected int m_maxDepth = 0;
28 | protected double m_radiusInc;
29 | protected double m_theta1, m_theta2;
30 | protected bool m_setTheta = false;
31 | protected bool m_autoScale = true;
32 |
33 | protected PointF m_origin;
34 | protected INode m_prevRoot;
35 | private Dictionary<string, Params> Pars;
36 | BackgroundWorker worker;
37 | #endregion
38 |
39 | #region Properties
40 |
41 |
42 | /// <summary>
43 | /// Gets or sets the RadiusIncrement
44 | /// </summary>
45 | public double RadiusIncrement {
46 | get { return m_radiusInc; }
47 | set { m_radiusInc = value; }
48 | }
49 |
50 | public bool AutoScale {
51 | get { return m_autoScale; }
52 | set { m_autoScale = value; }
53 | }
54 |
55 | #endregion
56 |
57 | #region Constructor
58 | ///<summary>
59 | ///Default constructor
60 | ///</summary>
61 | public RadialTreeLayout(IController controller)
62 | : base("Radial TreeLayout", controller) {
63 | }
64 | private bool Init() {
65 | m_radiusInc = DEFAULT_RADIUS;
66 | m_prevRoot = null;
67 | m_theta1 = 0;
68 | m_theta2 = m_theta1 + Math.PI * 2;
69 |
70 | this.Graph = this.Model as IGraph;
71 |
72 | if (Graph == null)
73 | throw new InconsistencyException("The model has not been set and the Graph property is hence 'null'");
74 |
75 | this.LayoutRoot = this.Controller.Model.LayoutRoot;//could be null if not set in the GUI
76 | Graph.ClearSpanningTree();
77 | Graph.MakeSpanningTree(LayoutRoot as INode);
78 |
79 | Pars = new Dictionary<string, Params>();
80 | if (Graph.Nodes.Count == 0)
81 | return false;
82 | if (Graph.Edges.Count == 0) //this layout is base on embedded springs in the connections
83 | return false;
84 |
85 |
86 | Params par;
87 |
88 | foreach (INode node in Graph.Nodes) {
89 | par = new Params();
90 | Pars.Add(node.Uid.ToString(), par);
91 | }
92 | return true;
93 | }
94 | #endregion
95 |
96 | #region Methods
97 | public void setAngularBounds(double theta, double width) {
98 | m_theta1 = theta;
99 | m_theta2 = theta + width;
100 | m_setTheta = true;
101 | }
102 |
103 | private void Layout() {
104 |
105 |
106 | INode n = LayoutRoot as INode;
107 | Params np = Pars[n.Uid.ToString()];
108 | // calc relative widths and maximum tree depth
109 | // performs one pass over the tree
110 | m_maxDepth = 0;
111 | calcAngularWidth(n, 0);
112 |
113 | if (m_autoScale) setScale(Bounds);
114 | if (!m_setTheta) calcAngularBounds(n);
115 |
116 | // perform the layout
117 | if (m_maxDepth > 0)
118 | layout(n, m_radiusInc, m_theta1, m_theta2);
119 |
120 | // update properties of the root node
121 | setX(n, null, m_origin.X);
122 | setY(n, null, m_origin.Y);
123 | np.angle = m_theta2 - m_theta1;
124 | }
125 |
126 | protected void setScale(RectangleF bounds) {
127 | double r = Math.Min(Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height) / 2.0D;
128 | if (m_maxDepth > 0)
129 | m_radiusInc = 3 * (r - MARGIN) / m_maxDepth;
130 | }
131 | private void calcAngularBounds(INode r) {
132 | if (m_prevRoot == null || r == m_prevRoot) //|| !m_prevRoot.isValid()
133 | {
134 | m_prevRoot = r;
135 | return;
136 | }
137 |
138 | // try to find previous parent of root
139 | INode p = m_prevRoot;
140 | while (true) {
141 | INode pp = (INode)p.ParentNode;
142 | if (pp == r) {
143 | break;
144 | } else if (pp == null) {
145 | m_prevRoot = r;
146 | return;
147 | }
148 | p = pp;
149 | }
150 |
151 | // compute offset due to children's angular width
152 | double dt = 0;
153 | CollectionBase<INode> iter = sortedChildren(r);
154 | foreach (INode n in iter) {
155 | if (n == p) break;
156 | dt += Pars[n.Uid.ToString()].width;
157 | }
158 | double rw = Pars[r.Uid.ToString()].width;
159 | double pw = Pars[p.Uid.ToString()].width;
160 | dt = -Math.PI * 2 * (dt + pw / 2) / rw;
161 |
162 | // set angular bounds
163 | m_theta1 = dt + Math.Atan2(p.Y - r.Y, p.X - r.X);
164 | m_theta2 = m_theta1 + Math.PI * 2;
165 | m_prevRoot = r;
166 | }
167 | private double calcAngularWidth(INode n, int d) {
168 | if (d > m_maxDepth) m_maxDepth = d;
169 | double aw = 0;
170 |
171 | RectangleF bounds = n.Rectangle;
172 | double w = Bounds.Width, h = Bounds.Height;
173 | double diameter = d == 0 ? 0 : Math.Sqrt(w * w + h * h) / d;
174 |
175 | if (n.IsExpanded && n.ChildCount > 0) {
176 |
177 | foreach (INode c in n.Children) {
178 | aw += calcAngularWidth(c, d + 1);
179 | }
180 | aw = Math.Max(diameter, aw);
181 | } else {
182 | aw = diameter;
183 | }
184 | Pars[n.Uid.ToString()].width = aw;
185 | return aw;
186 | }
187 |
188 | private static double normalize(double angle) {
189 | while (angle > Math.PI * 2) {
190 | angle -= Math.PI * 2;
191 | }
192 | while (angle < 0) {
193 | angle += Math.PI * 2;
194 | }
195 | return angle;
196 | }
197 |
198 | private CollectionBase<INode> sortedChildren(INode n) {
199 | double basevalue = 0;
200 | // update basevalue angle for node ordering
201 | INode p = n.ParentNode;
202 | if (p != null) {
203 | basevalue = normalize(Math.Atan2(p.Y - n.Y, p.X - n.X));
204 | }
205 | int cc = n.ChildCount;
206 | if (cc == 0) return null;
207 |
208 | INode c = (INode)n.FirstChild;
209 |
210 | // TODO: this is hacky and will break when filtering
211 | // how to know that a branch is newly expanded?
212 | // is there an alternative property we should check?
213 | //if ( !c.isStartVisible() )
214 | //{
215 | // // use natural ordering for previously invisible nodes
216 | // return n.Children;
217 | //}
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 | double[] angle = new double[cc];
222 | int[] idx = new int[cc];
223 | for (int i = 0; i < cc; ++i, c = c.NextSibling) {
224 | idx[i] = i;
225 | angle[i] = normalize(-basevalue + Math.Atan2(c.Y - n.Y, c.X - n.X));
226 | }
227 |
228 | Array.Sort(angle, idx);//or is it the other way around
229 | CollectionBase<INode> col = new CollectionBase<INode>();
230 | CollectionBase<INode> children = n.Children;
231 | for (int i = 0; i < cc; ++i) {
232 | col.Add(children[idx[i]]);
233 | }
234 | return col;
235 |
236 | // return iterator over sorted children
237 | //return new Iterator() {
238 | // int cur = 0;
239 | // public Object next() {
240 | // return n.getChild(idx[cur++]);
241 | // }
242 | // public bool hasNext() {
243 | // return cur < idx.Length;
244 | // }
245 | // public void remove() {
246 | // throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
247 | // }
248 | //};
249 | }
250 | protected void layout(INode n, double r, double theta1, double theta2) {
251 | double dtheta = (theta2 - theta1);
252 | double dtheta2 = dtheta / 2.0;
253 | double width = Pars[n.Uid.ToString()].width;
254 | double cfrac, nfrac = 0.0;
255 | foreach (INode c in sortedChildren(n)) {
256 | Params cp = Pars[c.Uid.ToString()];
257 | cfrac = cp.width / width;
258 | if (c.IsExpanded && c.ChildCount > 0) {
259 | layout(c, r + m_radiusInc, theta1 + nfrac * dtheta, theta1 + (nfrac + cfrac) * dtheta);
260 | }
261 | setPolarLocation(c, n, r, theta1 + nfrac * dtheta + cfrac * dtheta2);
262 | cp.angle = cfrac * dtheta;
263 | nfrac += cfrac;
264 | }
265 |
266 | }
267 | protected void setPolarLocation(INode n, INode p, double r, double t) {
268 | setX(n, p, m_origin.X + r * Math.Cos(t));
269 | setY(n, p, m_origin.Y + r * Math.Sin(t));
270 | }
271 | public override void Run() {
272 | Run(2000);
273 | }
274 | public override void Run(int time) {
275 | worker = new BackgroundWorker();
276 | worker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(worker_DoWork);
277 | worker.RunWorkerAsync(time);
278 | }
279 |
280 | public override void Stop() {
281 | if (worker != null && worker.IsBusy)
282 | worker.CancelAsync();
283 | }
284 |
285 | private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {
286 | this.Controller.View.Suspend();
287 | Init();
288 | Layout();
289 | this.Controller.View.Resume();
290 | }
291 |
292 |
293 | #endregion
294 |
295 | /// <summary>
296 | /// Paramter blob to temporarily keep working data of one node.
297 | /// </summary>
298 | class Params {
299 | public double width = 0;
300 | public double angle = 0;
301 | public Object clone() {
302 | Params p = new Params();
303 | p.width = this.width;
304 | p.angle = this.angle;
305 | return p;
306 | }
307 | }
308 |
309 | }
310 |
311 | }