1 | using System;
2 | using System.Drawing;
3 | using System.Windows.Forms;
4 | namespace Netron.Diagramming.Core
5 | {
6 | /// <summary>
7 | /// Abstract base class for a connection
8 | /// </summary>
9 | public abstract partial class ConnectionBase : DiagramEntityBase, IConnection
10 | {
11 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------
12 | /// <summary>
13 | /// Specifies the minimum length a connection can be. This is used
14 | /// by the ConnectionTool to determine if the connection start and
15 | /// stop points are far enough apart to create a connection.
16 | /// </summary>
17 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------
18 | public const int MinLength = 5;
19 |
20 | #region Fields
21 |
22 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------
23 | /// <summary>
24 | /// Implementation of IVersion - the current version of
25 | /// ConnectionBase.
26 | /// </summary>
27 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------
28 | protected const double connectionBaseVersion = 1.0;
29 |
30 | /// <summary>
31 | /// the start connector
32 | /// </summary>
33 | private IConnector mFrom;
34 | /// <summary>
35 | /// the end connector
36 | /// </summary>
37 | private IConnector mTo;
38 |
39 | #endregion
40 |
41 | #region Properties
42 |
43 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------
44 | /// <summary>
45 | /// Gets the current version.
46 | /// </summary>
47 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------
48 | public override double Version
49 | {
50 | get
51 | {
52 | return connectionBaseVersion;
53 | }
54 | }
55 |
56 | /// <summary>
57 | /// The initial or start connector
58 | /// </summary>
59 | public IConnector From
60 | {
61 | get{return mFrom;}
62 | set{mFrom = value;}
63 | }
64 | /// <summary>
65 | /// The final or end connector
66 | /// </summary>
67 | /// <example>
68 | /// <code>
69 | /// Connection connection
70 | /// </code>
71 | /// </example>
72 | public IConnector To
73 | {
74 | get{return mTo;}
75 | set{mTo = value;}
76 | }
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 | #endregion
82 |
83 | #region Constructor
84 | /// <summary>
85 | /// Default constructor
86 | /// </summary>
87 | /// <param name="site"></param>
88 | protected ConnectionBase(IModel site) : base(site)
89 | {
90 | PenStyle = ArtPalette.GetDefaultPenStyle();
91 |
92 | }
93 |
94 | /// <summary>
95 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:ConnectionBase"/> class.
96 | /// </summary>
97 | /// <param name="from">From.</param>
98 | /// <param name="to">To.</param>
99 | protected ConnectionBase(Point from, Point to) : base()
100 | {
101 | this.mFrom = new Connector(from);
102 | this.mFrom.Parent = this;
103 | this.mTo = new Connector(to);
104 | this.mTo.Parent = this;
105 | PenStyle = ArtPalette.GetDefaultPenStyle();
106 | }
107 |
108 | public ConnectionBase() : base() { }
109 |
110 | #endregion
111 |
112 | #region Methods
113 | /// <summary>
114 | /// Paints the entity on the control
115 | /// </summary>
116 | /// <param name="g"></param>
117 | public override void Paint(Graphics g)
118 | {
119 | if (g == null)
120 | throw new ArgumentNullException("The Graphics object is 'null'");
121 | From.Paint(g);
122 | To.Paint(g);
123 | }
124 | /// <summary>
125 | /// The custom menu to be added to the base menu of this entity
126 | /// </summary>
127 | /// <returns>ToolStripItem[]</returns>
128 | public override ToolStripItem[] Menu()
129 | {
130 | return null;
131 | }
132 | /// <summary>
133 | /// Invalidates the entity
134 | /// </summary>
135 | public override void Invalidate()
136 | {
137 |
138 |
139 | Rectangle r = Rectangle;
140 | r.Offset(-10, -10);
141 | r.Inflate(40, 40);
142 | if (Model != null)
143 | Model.RaiseOnInvalidateRectangle(r);
144 | }
145 |
146 | #endregion
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 | }
152 | }