1 | using OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing.LexicalAnalysis;
2 | using System;
3 | using System.Collections.Generic;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using System.Text;
6 |
7 | namespace OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing
8 | {
9 | /// <summary>
10 | /// This class should be implemented to be able to deliver excel data
11 | /// to the formula parser.
12 | /// </summary>
13 | public abstract class ExcelDataProvider : IDisposable
14 | {
15 | public interface ICellInfo : IEnumerator<ICellInfo>, IEnumerable<ICellInfo>
16 | {
17 | string Address { get; }
18 | int Row { get; }
19 | int Column { get; }
20 | string Formula { get; }
21 | object Value { get; }
22 | double ValueDouble { get; }
23 | double ValueDoubleLogical { get; }
24 | bool IsHiddenRow { get; }
25 | bool IsEmpty { get; }
26 | bool IsMulti { get; }
27 | bool NextCell();
28 | IList<Token> Tokens { get; }
29 | int GetNCells();
30 | }
31 | public interface INameInfo
32 | {
33 | ulong Id { get; set; }
34 | string Name { get; set; }
35 | string Formula { get; set; }
36 | IList<Token> Tokens { get; }
37 | object Value { get; set; }
38 | }
39 | /// <summary>
40 | /// Returns the names of all worksheet names
41 | /// </summary>
42 | /// <returns></returns>
43 | public abstract ExcelNamedRangeCollection GetWorksheetNames();
44 | /// <summary>
45 | /// Returns all defined names in a workbook
46 | /// </summary>
47 | /// <returns></returns>
48 | public abstract ExcelNamedRangeCollection GetWorkbookNameValues();
49 | /// <summary>
50 | /// Returns values from the required range.
51 | /// </summary>
52 | /// <param name="address">An Excel address</param>
53 | /// <returns>values from the required cells</returns>
54 | public abstract ICellInfo GetRange(string worksheetName, int row, int column, string address);
55 | public abstract INameInfo GetName(string worksheet, string name);
56 |
57 | public abstract IEnumerable<object> GetRangeValues(string address);
58 |
59 | public abstract string GetRangeFormula(string worksheetName, int row, int column);
60 | public abstract List<Token> GetRangeFormulaTokens(string worksheetName, int row, int column);
61 | public abstract bool IsRowHidden(string worksheetName, int row);
62 | ///// <summary>
63 | ///// Returns a single cell value
64 | ///// </summary>
65 | ///// <param name="address"></param>
66 | ///// <returns></returns>
67 | //public abstract object GetCellValue(int sheetID, string address);
68 |
69 | /// <summary>
70 | /// Returns a single cell value
71 | /// </summary>
72 | /// <param name="row"></param>
73 | /// <param name="col"></param>
74 | /// <returns></returns>
75 | public abstract object GetCellValue(string sheetName, int row, int col);
76 |
77 | ///// <summary>
78 | ///// Sets the value on the cell
79 | ///// </summary>
80 | ///// <param name="address"></param>
81 | ///// <param name="value"></param>
82 | //public abstract void SetCellValue(string address, object value);
83 |
84 | /// <summary>
85 | /// Use this method to free unmanaged resources.
86 | /// </summary>
87 | public abstract void Dispose();
88 |
89 | /// <summary>
90 | /// Max number of columns in a worksheet that the Excel data provider can handle.
91 | /// </summary>
92 | public abstract int ExcelMaxColumns { get; }
93 |
94 | /// <summary>
95 | /// Max number of rows in a worksheet that the Excel data provider can handle
96 | /// </summary>
97 | public abstract int ExcelMaxRows { get; }
98 |
99 | public abstract object GetRangeValue(string worksheetName, int row, int column);
100 | }
101 | }