[15261] | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[6976] | 2 | <configuration>
| 3 | <configSections>
[11920] | 4 | <sectionGroup name="applicationSettings" type="System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089">
| 5 | <section name="HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false"/>
[6976] | 6 | </sectionGroup>
| 7 | </configSections>
[15261] | 8 |
[6976] | 9 | <applicationSettings>
| 10 | <HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Settings>
| 11 | <setting name="MaxParallelUploads" serializeAs="String">
[9700] | 12 | <value>2</value>
[6976] | 13 | </setting>
| 14 | <setting name="HLBinaryName" serializeAs="String">
| 15 | <value>HeuristicLab 3.3.exe</value>
| 16 | </setting>
[7020] | 17 | <setting name="ResultPollingInterval" serializeAs="String">
[7125] | 18 | <value>00:00:20</value>
[7020] | 19 | </setting>
| 20 | <setting name="MaxParallelDownloads" serializeAs="String">
[7132] | 21 | <value>2</value>
[7020] | 22 | </setting>
[7125] | 23 | <setting name="MaxRepeatServiceCalls" serializeAs="String">
| 24 | <value>5</value>
| 25 | </setting>
[7249] | 26 | <setting name="AnonymousUserName" serializeAs="String">
| 27 | <value>anonymous</value>
| 28 | </setting>
[15261] | 29 | <setting name="MaxEndpointRetries" serializeAs="String">
| 30 | <value>3</value>
| 31 | </setting>
[9700] | 32 | <setting name="EndpointConfigurationPriorities" serializeAs="Xml">
| 33 | <value>
[15261] | 34 | <ArrayOfString xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
| 35 | xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
| 36 | <string>NetBinding_IHiveService</string>
| 37 | <string>WSHttpBinding_IHiveService</string>
[9700] | 38 | </ArrayOfString>
| 39 | </value>
| 40 | </setting>
[6976] | 41 | </HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Settings>
| 42 | </applicationSettings>
[15261] | 43 |
| 44 | <!--
| 46 | If you want to update the configuration with the GenerateServiceClients.cmd, make sure to remove all child nodes of system.serviceModel first.
| 47 | -->
[6976] | 48 | <system.serviceModel>
| 49 | <bindings>
[9700] | 50 | <netTcpBinding>
[15261] | 51 | <binding name="NetBinding_IHiveService" receiveTimeout="00:20:00"
| 52 | sendTimeout="00:20:00" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" maxBufferSize="2147483647"
| 53 | maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
| 54 | <readerQuotas maxDepth="2147483647" maxStringContentLength="2147483647"
| 55 | maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxBytesPerRead="2147483647" maxNameTableCharCount="2147483647" />
[9700] | 56 | <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential">
[15261] | 57 | <message clientCredentialType="UserName" />
[9700] | 58 | </security>
| 59 | </binding>
| 60 | </netTcpBinding>
[15261] | 61 | <wsHttpBinding>
| 62 | <binding name="WSHttpBinding_IHiveService" receiveTimeout="00:20:00"
| 63 | sendTimeout="00:20:00" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
| 64 | <readerQuotas maxDepth="2147483647" maxStringContentLength="2147483647"
| 65 | maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxBytesPerRead="2147483647" maxNameTableCharCount="2147483647" />
| 66 | <security>
| 67 | <message clientCredentialType="UserName" />
| 68 | </security>
| 69 | </binding>
| 70 | </wsHttpBinding>
[6976] | 71 | </bindings>
| 72 | <client>
[15261] | 73 | <endpoint address="http://services.heuristiclab.com/Hive-3.3/HiveService.svc"
| 74 | binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_IHiveService"
| 75 | contract="HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.IHiveService" name="WSHttpBinding_IHiveService">
[6976] | 76 | <identity>
[15261] | 77 | <certificate encodedValue="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" />
[6976] | 78 | </identity>
| 79 | </endpoint>
[15261] | 80 | <endpoint address="net.tcp://services.heuristiclab.com/Hive-3.3/HiveService.svc"
| 81 | binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="NetBinding_IHiveService"
| 82 | contract="HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.IHiveService" name="NetBinding_IHiveService">
[9700] | 83 | <identity>
[15261] | 84 | <dns value="services.heuristiclab.com" />
[9700] | 85 | </identity>
| 86 | </endpoint>
[6976] | 87 | </client>
| 88 | </system.serviceModel>
[15261] | 89 |
[6976] | 90 | <startup>
[11920] | 91 | <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5"/>
[6976] | 92 | </startup>
| 93 | </configuration>