[2] | 1 | #region License Information
| 2 | /* HeuristicLab
| 3 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
| 4 | *
| 5 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
| 6 | *
| 7 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
| 8 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
| 9 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
| 10 | * (at your option) any later version.
| 11 | *
| 12 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| 13 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 15 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
| 16 | *
| 17 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
| 18 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
| 19 | */
| 20 | #endregion
| 21 |
| 22 | using System;
| 23 | using System.Collections.Generic;
| 24 | using System.Text;
| 25 | using System.Xml;
| 26 | using System.Threading;
| 27 |
| 28 | namespace HeuristicLab.Core {
| 29 | public abstract class EngineBase : ItemBase, IEngine {
| 30 | protected IOperatorGraph myOperatorGraph;
| 31 | public IOperatorGraph OperatorGraph {
| 32 | get { return myOperatorGraph; }
| 33 | }
| 34 | protected IScope myGlobalScope;
| 35 | public IScope GlobalScope {
| 36 | get { return myGlobalScope; }
| 37 | }
| 38 |
| 39 | private TimeSpan myExecutionTime;
| 40 | public TimeSpan ExecutionTime {
| 41 | get { return myExecutionTime; }
| 42 | protected set {
| 43 | myExecutionTime = value;
| 44 | OnExecutionTimeChanged();
| 45 | }
| 46 | }
| 47 |
| 48 | protected Stack<IOperation> myExecutionStack;
| 49 | public Stack<IOperation> ExecutionStack {
| 50 | get { return myExecutionStack; }
| 51 | }
| 52 | protected bool myRunning;
| 53 | public bool Running {
| 54 | get { return myRunning; }
| 55 | }
| 56 | protected bool myCanceled;
| 57 | public bool Canceled {
| 58 | get { return myCanceled; }
| 59 | }
| 60 | public virtual bool Terminated {
| 61 | get { return ExecutionStack.Count == 0; }
| 62 | }
| 63 |
| 64 | protected EngineBase() {
| 65 | myOperatorGraph = new OperatorGraph();
| 66 | myGlobalScope = new Scope("Global");
| 67 | myExecutionStack = new Stack<IOperation>();
| 68 | Reset();
| 69 | }
| 70 |
| 71 | public override object Clone(IDictionary<Guid, object> clonedObjects) {
| 72 | EngineBase clone = (EngineBase)base.Clone(clonedObjects);
| 73 | clone.myOperatorGraph = (IOperatorGraph)Auxiliary.Clone(OperatorGraph, clonedObjects);
| 74 | clone.myGlobalScope = (IScope)Auxiliary.Clone(GlobalScope, clonedObjects);
| 75 | clone.myExecutionTime = ExecutionTime;
| 76 | IOperation[] operations = new IOperation[ExecutionStack.Count];
| 77 | ExecutionStack.CopyTo(operations, 0);
| 78 | for (int i = operations.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
| 79 | clone.myExecutionStack.Push((IOperation)Auxiliary.Clone(operations[i], clonedObjects));
| 80 | clone.myRunning = Running;
| 81 | clone.myCanceled = Canceled;
| 82 | return clone;
| 83 |
| 84 | }
| 85 |
| 86 | public virtual void Execute() {
| 87 | myRunning = true;
| 88 | myCanceled = false;
| 89 | ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Run), null);
| 90 | }
| 91 | public virtual void ExecuteSteps(int steps) {
| 92 | myRunning = true;
| 93 | myCanceled = false;
| 94 | ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Run), steps);
| 95 | }
| 96 | public void ExecuteStep() {
| 97 | ExecuteSteps(1);
| 98 | }
| 99 | public virtual void Abort() {
| 100 | myCanceled = true;
| 101 | }
| 102 | public virtual void Reset() {
| 103 | myCanceled = false;
| 104 | myRunning = false;
| 105 | GlobalScope.Clear();
| 106 | ExecutionTime = new TimeSpan();
| 107 | myExecutionStack.Clear();
| 108 | if (OperatorGraph.InitialOperator != null)
| 109 | myExecutionStack.Push(new AtomicOperation(OperatorGraph.InitialOperator, GlobalScope));
| 110 | OnInitialized();
| 111 | }
| 112 |
| 113 | private void Run(object state) {
| 114 | if (state == null) Run();
| 115 | else RunSteps((int)state);
| 116 | myRunning = false;
| 117 | OnFinished();
| 118 | }
| 119 | private void Run() {
| 120 | DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
| 121 | DateTime end;
| 122 | while ((!Canceled) && (!Terminated)) {
| 123 | ProcessNextOperation();
| 124 | end = DateTime.Now;
| 125 | ExecutionTime += end - start;
| 126 | start = end;
| 127 | }
| 128 | ExecutionTime += DateTime.Now - start;
| 129 | }
| 130 | private void RunSteps(int steps) {
| 131 | DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
| 132 | DateTime end;
| 133 | int step = 0;
| 134 | while ((!Canceled) && (!Terminated) && (step < steps)) {
| 135 | ProcessNextOperation();
| 136 | step++;
| 137 | end = DateTime.Now;
| 138 | ExecutionTime += end - start;
| 139 | start = end;
| 140 | }
| 141 | ExecutionTime += DateTime.Now - start;
| 142 | }
| 143 |
| 144 | protected abstract void ProcessNextOperation();
| 145 |
| 146 | public event EventHandler Initialized;
| 147 | protected virtual void OnInitialized() {
| 148 | if (Initialized != null)
| 149 | Initialized(this, new EventArgs());
| 150 | }
| 151 | public event EventHandler<OperationEventArgs> OperationExecuted;
| 152 | protected virtual void OnOperationExecuted(IOperation operation) {
| 153 | if (OperationExecuted != null)
| 154 | OperationExecuted(this, new OperationEventArgs(operation));
| 155 | }
| 156 | public event EventHandler<ExceptionEventArgs> ExceptionOccurred;
| 157 | protected virtual void OnExceptionOccurred(Exception exception) {
| 158 | Abort();
| 159 | if (ExceptionOccurred != null)
| 160 | ExceptionOccurred(this, new ExceptionEventArgs(exception));
| 161 | }
| 162 | public event EventHandler ExecutionTimeChanged;
| 163 | protected virtual void OnExecutionTimeChanged() {
| 164 | if (ExecutionTimeChanged != null)
| 165 | ExecutionTimeChanged(this, new EventArgs());
| 166 | }
| 167 | public event EventHandler Finished;
| 168 | protected virtual void OnFinished() {
| 169 | if (Finished != null)
| 170 | Finished(this, new EventArgs());
| 171 | }
| 172 |
| 173 | #region Persistence Methods
| 174 | public override XmlNode GetXmlNode(string name, XmlDocument document, IDictionary<Guid,IStorable> persistedObjects) {
| 175 | XmlNode node = base.GetXmlNode(name, document, persistedObjects);
| 176 |
| 177 | node.AppendChild(PersistenceManager.Persist("OperatorGraph", OperatorGraph, document, persistedObjects));
| 178 | node.AppendChild(PersistenceManager.Persist("GlobalScope", GlobalScope, document, persistedObjects));
| 179 |
| 180 | XmlNode stackNode = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ExecutionStack", null);
| 181 | IOperation[] operations = new IOperation[ExecutionStack.Count];
| 182 | ExecutionStack.CopyTo(operations, 0);
| 183 | for (int i = 0; i < operations.Length; i++)
| 184 | stackNode.AppendChild(PersistenceManager.Persist(operations[i], document, persistedObjects));
| 185 | node.AppendChild(stackNode);
| 186 |
| 187 | XmlNode timeNode = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ExecutionTime", null);
| 188 | timeNode.InnerText = ExecutionTime.ToString();
| 189 | node.AppendChild(timeNode);
| 190 | return node;
| 191 | }
[121] | 192 | public override void Populate(XmlReader reader, IDictionary<Guid,IStorable> restoredObjects) {
| 193 | base.Populate(reader, restoredObjects);
[122] | 194 | reader.Read();
[121] | 195 | myOperatorGraph = (IOperatorGraph)PersistenceManager.Restore(reader, "OperatorGraph", restoredObjects);
[122] | 196 | reader.Skip();
[121] | 197 | myGlobalScope = (IScope)PersistenceManager.Restore(reader, "GlobalScope", restoredObjects);
[122] | 198 | reader.Skip();
| 199 | if(reader.Name!="ExecutionStack") throw new XmlException("Expected \"ExecutionStack\", found: \""+reader.Name+"\"");
[121] | 200 | List<IOperation> operationList = new List<IOperation>();
[122] | 201 | if(!reader.IsEmptyElement) {
| 202 | reader.Read();
| 203 | while(reader.IsStartElement()) {
| 204 | operationList.Insert(0, (IOperation)PersistenceManager.Restore(reader, restoredObjects));
| 205 | reader.Skip();
| 206 | }
| 207 | reader.ReadEndElement();
| 208 | } else {
| 209 | reader.Read();
[121] | 210 | }
| 211 | foreach(IOperation op in operationList)
| 212 | myExecutionStack.Push(op);
[122] | 213 | myExecutionTime = TimeSpan.Parse(reader.ReadElementString("ExecutionTime"));
[2] | 214 | }
| 215 | #endregion
| 216 | }
| 217 | }