1 | using Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc;
2 | using HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.WebJobManager.Services;
3 | using System;
4 | using System.Collections.Generic;
5 | using System.Linq;
6 | using System.Threading.Tasks;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.WebJobManager.ViewModels;
8 | using System.ServiceModel.Security;
9 | using Microsoft.AspNet.Http;
10 | using System.IO;
11 | using Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers;
12 | using Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting;
13 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
14 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
15 | using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
16 | using System.Threading;
17 |
18 | namespace HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.WebJobManager.Controllers
19 | {
20 | /// <summary>
21 | /// Controller for everything Job related (includes uploads and uploader)
22 | /// </summary>
23 | public class JobController : Controller
24 | {
25 | private WebLoginService weblog;
26 |
27 | private HiveServiceLocatorWeb serviceLocator;
28 | private HiveServiceClient serviceClient;
29 | private HiveClientWeb clientWeb;
30 | private Guid userId;
31 |
32 | private JobViewModel vm;
33 | private IHostingEnvironment _environment;
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 | public JobController(IHostingEnvironment env)
38 | {
39 | weblog = WebLoginService.Instance;
40 | vm = new JobViewModel();
41 | _environment = env;
42 | }
43 |
44 | /// <summary>
45 | /// initializes the connection for the right user. Not constructor because httpcontext is needed.
46 | /// </summary>
47 | private bool init()
48 | {
49 | var u = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserId");
50 | if (u == null || u == "" || Guid.Parse(u) == Guid.Empty)
51 | {
52 | return false;
53 | }
54 | else
55 | {
56 | userId = Guid.Parse(u);
57 | serviceLocator = weblog.getServiceLocator(userId);
58 | serviceClient = serviceLocator.getHiveServiceClient();
59 | clientWeb = weblog.getClientWeb(userId);
60 | return serviceLocator.CheckLogin();
61 | }
62 | }
63 |
64 | #region Jobs
65 | /// <summary>
66 | /// initial job page, shows all jobs
67 | /// </summary>
68 | /// <returns></returns>
69 | public IActionResult Index()
70 | {
71 | if (init())
72 | {
73 | clientWeb.Refresh();
74 | vm.userJobs = clientWeb.Jobs.ToList();
75 |
76 | ViewBag.SessionId = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserId");
77 | ViewBag.Title = "Jobs";
78 | return View(vm);
79 | }
80 | else
81 | {
82 | return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
83 | }
84 | }
85 | /// <summary>
86 | /// Initial page and a selected job
87 | /// </summary>
88 | /// <param name="id">Job id selected</param>
89 | /// <returns></returns>
90 | public IActionResult Selected(Guid id)
91 | {
92 | if (init())
93 | {
94 | clientWeb.Refresh();
95 |
96 | vm.userJobs = clientWeb.Jobs.ToList();
97 | foreach (var j in vm.userJobs)
98 | {
99 | if (j.Id == id)
100 | {
101 | vm.selectedJob = j;
102 | }
103 | }
104 | //vm.selectedJob.RefreshAutomatically = true;
105 | clientWeb.LoadJob(vm.selectedJob);
106 | weblog.getFileOpener(userId).NewModel();
107 | weblog.getFileOpener(userId).Job = vm.selectedJob;
108 | ViewBag.Title = vm.selectedJob.Job.Name + " - Jobs";
109 | ViewBag.SessionId = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserId");
110 | return View("Index", vm);
111 | }
112 | else
113 | {
114 | return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
115 | }
116 | }
117 | /// <summary>
118 | /// Deletes a job
119 | /// </summary>
120 | /// <param name="id">Job id</param>
121 | /// <returns></returns>
122 | public IActionResult Delete(Guid id)
123 | {
124 | if (init())
125 | {
126 |
127 | vm.message = serviceClient.GetJob(id).Name + " deleted";
128 | serviceClient.DeleteJob(id);
129 | clientWeb.Refresh();
130 |
131 | vm.userJobs = clientWeb.Jobs.ToList();
132 | ViewBag.Title = vm.message + " - Jobs";
133 | return View("Index", vm);
134 | }
135 | else
136 | {
137 | return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
138 | }
139 | }
140 | #endregion
141 |
142 | #region Uploads
143 | /// <summary>
144 | /// Shows the uploaded directories
145 | /// </summary>
146 | /// <returns></returns>
147 | public IActionResult Uploads()
148 | {
149 | if (init())
150 | {
151 | UploadedJobViewModel upper = new UploadedJobViewModel();
152 | fillUploadsPaths(upper, -1);
153 | ViewBag.Name = serviceClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName;
154 | ViewBag.Title = "Uploads";
155 | return View("Uploads", upper);
156 | }
157 | else
158 | {
159 | return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
160 | }
161 | }
162 | /// <summary>
163 | /// //Shows content of selected dir
164 | /// </summary>
165 | /// <param name="index">Array index selected directory</param>
166 | /// <returns></returns>
167 | public IActionResult UploadDir(int index)
168 | {
169 | if (init())
170 | {
171 | UploadedJobViewModel upper = new UploadedJobViewModel();
172 | fillUploadsPaths(upper, index);
173 | if (index != -1)
174 | ViewBag.Title = upper.DisplayDatePaths[index] + " - Uploads";
175 | else
176 | ViewBag.Title = "Add files - Uploads";
177 | return View("Uploads", upper);
178 | }
179 | else
180 | {
181 | return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
182 | }
183 | }
184 | /// <summary>
185 | /// Loads all the paths from the selected uploads folder
186 | /// </summary>
187 | /// <param name="vm">Viewmodel to save every directory path</param>
188 | /// <param name="index">Index selected directory</param>
189 | private void fillUploadsPaths(UploadedJobViewModel vm, int index)
190 | {
191 | var tempdex = index; //Fix when maps gets deleted
192 | var start = Path.Combine(_environment.WebRootPath, "uploads", serviceClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName);
193 | var dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(start);
194 | foreach (string dir in dirs)
195 | {
196 | if (Directory.GetFiles(dir).Length == 0 && Directory.GetDirectories(dir).Length == 0)
197 | {
198 | Directory.Delete(dir, false);
199 | tempdex = -1;
200 | }
201 | else
202 | {
203 | vm.FullDatePaths.Add(dir);
204 | var temp = dir.Split('\\');
205 | vm.DisplayDatePaths.Add(temp[temp.Length - 1]);
206 | }
207 | }
208 | if (tempdex != -1)
209 | {
210 | vm.SelectedIndex = tempdex;
211 | dirs = Directory.GetFiles(vm.FullDatePaths[tempdex]);
212 | foreach (string dir in dirs)
213 | {
214 | vm.FullFilesPaths.Add(dir);
215 | var temp = dir.Split('\\');
216 | vm.DisplayFilesPaths.Add(temp[temp.Length - 1]);
217 | }
218 | }
219 | }
220 | /// <summary>
221 | /// Deletes a file
222 | /// </summary>
223 | /// <param name="index">Index directory</param>
224 | /// <param name="filedex">Index file to delete</param>
225 | /// <returns></returns>
226 | public IActionResult DeleteFile(int index, int filedex)
227 | {
228 | if (init())
229 | {
230 | UploadedJobViewModel upper = new UploadedJobViewModel();
231 | fillUploadsPaths(upper, index);
232 | System.IO.File.Delete(upper.FullFilesPaths[filedex]);
233 | var message = upper.DisplayFilesPaths[filedex] + " has been deleted";
234 |
235 | upper = new UploadedJobViewModel();
236 | fillUploadsPaths(upper, index);
237 | upper.message = message;
238 | ViewBag.Title = "File deleted - Uploads";
239 |
240 | return View("Uploads", upper);
241 | }
242 | else
243 | {
244 | return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
245 | }
246 | }
247 | /// <summary>
248 | /// Opens a selected file
249 | /// </summary>
250 | /// <param name="index">Index directory</param>
251 | /// <param name="filedex">Index selected file</param>
252 | /// <returns></returns>
253 | public IActionResult OpenFile(int index, int filedex)
254 | {
255 | if (init())
256 | {
257 | UploadedJobViewModel upper = new UploadedJobViewModel();
258 | fillUploadsPaths(upper, index);
259 |
260 | var serve = weblog.getFileOpener(userId);
261 | serve.NewModel();
262 | serve.env = _environment;
263 |
264 | var ioptimizer = ContentManager.Load(upper.FullFilesPaths[filedex]);
265 |
266 | serve.vm.SelectedTask = new OptimizerHiveTask((IOptimizer)ioptimizer);
267 | if (serve.vm.SelectedTask.ItemTask.Item is IAlgorithm)
268 | {
269 | serve.vm.SelectedAlgorithm = (IAlgorithm)serve.vm.SelectedTask.ItemTask.Item;
270 | }
271 | else if (serve.vm.SelectedTask.ItemTask.Item is BatchRun)
272 | {
273 | serve.vm.SelectedBatchRun = (BatchRun)serve.vm.SelectedTask.ItemTask.Item;
274 | }
275 | else if (serve.vm.SelectedTask.ItemTask.Item is Experiment)
276 | {
277 | serve.vm.SelectedExperiment = (Experiment)serve.vm.SelectedTask.ItemTask.Item;
278 | }
279 | serve.setTasks();
280 | ViewBag.JobsCount = serve.Job.Job.JobCount;
281 | ViewBag.Title = serve.vm.SelectedTask.ItemTask.Name + " - Uploads";
282 | ViewBag.SessionId = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserId");
283 | return View("OpenFile", serve.vm);
284 | }
285 | else
286 | {
287 | return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
288 | }
289 | }
290 | /// <summary>
291 | /// Adds current opened file to hive, uses FileOpeningService singleton
292 | /// </summary>
293 | /// <returns></returns>
294 | public IActionResult AddToHive()
295 | {
296 | if (init())
297 | {
298 | var job = weblog.getFileOpener(userId).AddCurrentModelToHive();
299 | while (job.Progress.ProgressValue != 1)
300 | { }
301 |
302 | Thread.Sleep(1000);
303 | job.Progress.Status = "Upload finished";
304 | Thread.Sleep(2000);
305 | return RedirectToAction("Index", "Job");
306 | }
307 | else
308 | {
309 | return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
310 | }
311 | }
312 | [HttpPost]
313 | public IActionResult saveToFile(string fname)
314 | {
315 | if (init())
316 | {
317 | weblog.getFileOpener(userId).SaveToFile(fname);
318 | return RedirectToAction("Uploads", "Job");
319 | }
320 | else
321 | {
322 | return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
323 | }
324 | }
325 |
326 | public FileResult DownloadFile(int index, int filedex)
327 | {
328 | if (init())
329 | {
330 | UploadedJobViewModel upper = new UploadedJobViewModel();
331 | fillUploadsPaths(upper, index);
332 |
333 | System.IO.FileInfo Dfile = new System.IO.FileInfo(upper.FullFilesPaths[filedex]);
334 | var fileName = Dfile.Name;
335 | byte[] fileBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(upper.FullFilesPaths[filedex]);
336 | return File(fileBytes, "application/x-msdownload", fileName);
337 | }
338 | else
339 | {
340 | return null;
341 | }
342 | }
343 |
344 | #endregion
345 |
346 | #region Uploader
347 |
348 | /// <summary>
349 | /// Uploads file onto server directory
350 | /// </summary>
351 | /// <param name="files">Files</param>
352 | /// <param name="directory">Directory path for server</param>
353 | /// <returns></returns>
354 | [HttpPost]
355 | public async Task<IActionResult> Uploader(ICollection<IFormFile> files, string directory)
356 | {
357 | if (init())
358 | {
359 | UploadedJobViewModel upper = new UploadedJobViewModel();
360 | var uploads = Path.Combine(_environment.WebRootPath, "uploads", serviceClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName,
361 | directory);
362 | Directory.CreateDirectory(uploads);
363 | foreach (var file in files)
364 | {
365 | if (file.Length > 0)
366 | {
367 | var fileName = ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(file.ContentDisposition).FileName.Trim('"');
368 | await file.SaveAsAsync(Path.Combine(uploads, fileName));
369 | // var ioptimizer = ContentManager.Load(Path.Combine(uploads, fileName));
370 | //OptimizerHiveTask task = new OptimizerHiveTask((IOptimizer)ioptimizer);
371 | //upper.Tasks.Add(task);
372 | }
373 | }
374 | ViewBag.Title = "Upload complete - Uploads";
375 | return RedirectToAction("Uploads", "Job");
376 | }
377 | else
378 | {
379 | return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
380 | }
381 | }
382 | #endregion
383 | }
384 | }