1 | <#@ Dsl processor="DslDirectiveProcessor" requires="fileName='..\Dsl\DslDefinition.dsl'" #>
2 | <#@ template inherits="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.VSHost.ModelingTextTransformation" #>
3 | <#@ output extension=".vsixmanifest" #>
4 | <#
5 | /***************************************************************************
6 | Rather than following the normal DSL practice of including most of the
7 | template from a common include file, this template is deliberately inlined
8 | in the DslPackage project to make it easier to customise.
9 |
10 | If you wish to edit the vsix manifest with its designer, then simply copy
11 | the current content of the generated manifest, delete this template from
12 | the project, and add back the copied source.extension.vsixmanifest. Note
13 | that if you do this you will lose automatic tracking of certain properties
14 | of the DSL such as the name, description and version, and will have to
15 | edit these in your custom manifest as well should you wish to change them.
16 | ***************************************************************************/
17 |
18 | // The name of the Dsl Project - Must be updated if the project is renamed.
19 | string dslProjectName = "Dsl";
20 |
21 | string language = "en-US";
22 | #>
23 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
24 | <PackageManifest Version="2.0.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/vsx-schema/2011" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/vsx-schema-design/2011">
25 | <Metadata>
26 | <Identity Id="<#= this.Dsl.PackageGuid #>" Version="<#= this.Dsl.MajorVersion #>.<#= this.Dsl.MinorVersion #>.<#= this.Dsl.Build #>.<#= this.Dsl.Revision #>" Language="<#= language #>" Publisher="<#= string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Dsl.CompanyName) ? "Anon" : this.Dsl.CompanyName #>" />
27 | <DisplayName><#= this.Dsl.DisplayName #></DisplayName>
28 | <Description><#= this.Dsl.Description #></Description>
29 | </Metadata>
30 | <Installation InstalledByMsi="false">
31 | <InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro" Version="12.0" />
32 | </Installation>
33 | <Dependencies>
34 | <Dependency Id="Microsoft.Framework.NDP" DisplayName="Microsoft .NET Framework" d:Source="Manual" Version="4.5" />
35 | <Dependency Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF.11.0" DisplayName="Visual Studio MPF 11.0" d:Source="Installed" Version="11.0" />
36 | </Dependencies>
37 | <Assets>
38 | <Asset Type="Microsoft.VisualStudio.VsPackage" d:Source="Project" d:ProjectName="%CurrentProject%" Path="|%CurrentProject%;PkgdefProjectOutputGroup|" />
39 | <Asset Type="Microsoft.VisualStudio.MefComponent" d:Source="Project" d:ProjectName="%CurrentProject%" Path="|%CurrentProject%|" />
40 | <Asset Type="Microsoft.VisualStudio.MefComponent" d:Source="Project" d:ProjectName="<#= dslProjectName #>" Path="|<#= dslProjectName #>|" />
41 | <Asset Type="Microsoft.VisualStudio.ItemTemplate" d:Source="Project" d:ProjectName="%CurrentProject%" d:TargetPath="|%CurrentProject%;TemplateProjectOutputGroup|" Path="ItemTemplates" d:VsixSubPath="ItemTemplates" />
42 | </Assets>
43 | </PackageManifest>