1 | <#
2 | /***************************************************************************
3 | Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, All rights reserved.
4 | This code sample is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind,
5 | it is not recommended for use in a production environment.
6 | ***************************************************************************/
7 | #>
8 | <#@ Dsl processor="DslDirectiveProcessor" requires="fileName='..\..\Dsl\DslDefinition.dsl'" #>
9 | <#
10 | //DSL assembly name - used for toolbox item registration.
11 | //This value is initially set to the default AssemblyName of the Dsl.csproj
12 | //If you update the DSL Assembly name, please update the following string value to the new name.
13 | //Failure to do so may result in your Toolbox items not appearing correctly.
14 | string dslAssembly = "HeuristicLab.SimulationCore.Dsl.dll";
15 | #>
16 | <#@ include file="DslPackage\Package.tt" #>
17 | <#
18 | string directiveName = this.Dsl.Name;
19 | #>
20 | //
21 | // Package attributes which may need to change are placed on the partial class below, rather than in the main include file.
22 | //
23 | namespace <#= CodeGenerationUtilities.GetPackageNamespace(this.Dsl) #>
24 | {
25 | /// <summary>
26 | /// Double-derived class to allow easier code customization.
27 | /// </summary>
28 | [VSShell::ProvideMenuResource("1000.ctmenu", 1)]
29 | [VSShell::ProvideToolboxItems(1)]
30 | [global::Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.VSHost.ProvideDirectiveProcessor(typeof(global::<#= this.Dsl.Namespace #>.<#= directiveName #>DirectiveProcessor), global::<#= this.Dsl.Namespace #>.<#= directiveName #>DirectiveProcessor.<#= directiveName #>DirectiveProcessorName, "A directive processor that provides access to <#= directiveName #> files")]
31 | [global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.Guid(Constants.<#= dslName #>PackageId)]
32 | internal sealed partial class <#= dslName #>Package : <#= dslName #>PackageBase
33 | {
34 | }
35 | } |