[8640] | 1 |
| 2 | using System;
| 3 | using System.Collections.Generic;
| 4 | using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.GraphRouting.Interfaces;
| 5 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.RoutePlanning.Interfaces;
| 6 | namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.GraphRouting {
| 7 | // simple implemntation of disjkstra's algorithm
| 8 | // based on: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra-Algorithmus
| 9 | // (doesn't use heaps ... )
| 10 | public class NaiveDijkstraAlgorithm : IRouter {
| 11 | private IGraph graph;
| 12 |
| 13 | private HashSet<long> visitedNodes;
| 14 | private HashSet<long> unvisitedNodes;
| 15 | private Dictionary<long, float> distances;
| 16 | private Dictionary<long, long> predecessors;
| 17 |
| 18 | public NaiveDijkstraAlgorithm(IGraph graph) {
| 19 | this.graph = graph;
| 20 | }
| 21 |
| 22 | #region IRouter Members
| 23 |
| 24 | public long[] Calculate(long sourceNodeId, long targetNodeId) {
| 25 | visitedNodes = new HashSet<long>(); // visited
| 26 | unvisitedNodes = new HashSet<long>(); // unvisited
| 27 | distances = new Dictionary<long, float>();
| 28 | predecessors = new Dictionary<long, long>();
| 29 |
| 30 | List<long> resultRoute = new List<long>();
| 31 | if (sourceNodeId == targetNodeId) {
| 32 | resultRoute.Add(sourceNodeId);
| 33 | return resultRoute.ToArray();
| 34 | }
| 35 |
| 36 | long currentNode = sourceNodeId;
| 37 | distances.Add(currentNode, 0);
| 38 | unvisitedNodes.Add(currentNode);
| 39 |
| 40 | while (unvisitedNodes.Count > 0) {
| 41 | currentNode = GetMinimumDistance(unvisitedNodes);
| 42 | visitedNodes.Add(currentNode);
| 43 | unvisitedNodes.Remove(currentNode);
| 44 | if (currentNode == targetNodeId) {
| 45 | break;
| 46 | }
| 47 | FindMinimalWeight(currentNode);
| 48 | }
| 49 |
| 50 | if (currentNode != targetNodeId) {
| 51 | // target was not found
| 52 | // maybe throw exception
| 53 | throw new Exception(string.Format("No route found from {0} to {1}", sourceNodeId, targetNodeId));
| 54 | }
| 55 | return GetRoute(targetNodeId).ToArray();
| 56 | }
| 57 |
| 58 | #endregion
| 59 |
| 60 | public long GetNodeIdWithRank(long sourceNodeId, int rank) {
| 61 | visitedNodes = new HashSet<long>(); // visited
| 62 | unvisitedNodes = new HashSet<long>(); // unvisited
| 63 | distances = new Dictionary<long, float>();
| 64 | predecessors = new Dictionary<long, long>();
| 65 | int currentRank = 0;
| 66 |
| 67 |
| 68 | long currentNode = sourceNodeId;
| 69 | distances.Add(currentNode, 0);
| 70 | unvisitedNodes.Add(currentNode);
| 71 |
| 72 | while (unvisitedNodes.Count > 0) {
| 73 | currentNode = GetMinimumDistance(unvisitedNodes);
| 74 | visitedNodes.Add(currentNode);
| 75 | unvisitedNodes.Remove(currentNode);
| 76 | currentRank++;
| 77 | if (currentRank == rank) {
| 78 | break;
| 79 | }
| 80 | FindMinimalWeight(currentNode);
| 81 | }
| 82 | return currentNode;
| 83 | }
| 84 |
| 85 | private long GetMinimumDistance(HashSet<long> nodeIds) {
| 86 | long minimum = -1;
| 87 | foreach (long id in nodeIds) {
| 88 | if (minimum == -1) minimum = id;
| 89 | else {
| 90 | if (GetDistance(id) < GetDistance(minimum)) {
| 91 | minimum = id;
| 92 | }
| 93 | }
| 94 | }
| 95 | return minimum;
| 96 | }
| 97 |
| 98 | private float GetDistance(long id) {
| 99 | float d;
| 100 | if (distances.TryGetValue(id, out d)) {
| 101 | return d;
| 102 | } else { return float.MaxValue; }
| 103 |
| 104 | }
| 105 |
| 106 | private void FindMinimalWeight(long nodeId) {
| 107 | Dictionary<long, float> currentNeighbors = graph.GetNeighborsWithWeight(nodeId);
| 108 | foreach (KeyValuePair<long, float> neighbor in currentNeighbors) {
| 109 | // update relax
| 110 | float totalWeight = GetDistance(nodeId) + neighbor.Value;
| 111 | if (GetDistance(neighbor.Key) > totalWeight) {
| 112 | distances[neighbor.Key] = totalWeight;
| 113 | predecessors[neighbor.Key] = nodeId;
| 114 | unvisitedNodes.Add(neighbor.Key);
| 115 | }
| 116 | }
| 117 | }
| 118 |
| 119 | private List<long> GetRoute(long nodeId) {
| 120 | List<long> route = new List<long>();
| 121 | long current = nodeId;
| 122 | long next;
| 123 |
| 124 | if (!predecessors.TryGetValue(current, out next)) {
| 125 | return null;
| 126 | }
| 127 | route.Add(current);
| 128 | while (predecessors.TryGetValue(current, out next)) {
| 129 | current = predecessors[current];
| 130 | route.Add(current);
| 131 | }
| 132 | route.Reverse();
| 133 | return route;
| 134 | }
| 135 | }
| 136 | }