1 | using System.Windows.Forms;
2 |
3 | using HeuristicLab.Core.Views;
4 | using HeuristicLab.MainForm;
5 |
6 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.ProgramSynthesis.Push.Views {
7 | using System;
8 | using System.Linq;
9 |
10 | using HeuristicLab.BenchmarkSuite;
11 | using HeuristicLab.BenchmarkSuite.Problems;
12 | using HeuristicLab.BenchmarkSuite.Views;
13 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.ProgramSynthesis.Push.Expressions;
14 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.ProgramSynthesis.Push.Interpreter;
15 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.ProgramSynthesis.Push.Problem;
16 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.ProgramSynthesis.Push.Stack;
17 | using HeuristicLab.Random;
18 |
19 | [View("Push Program Debugger")]
20 | [Content(typeof(PushSolution), true)]
21 | public partial class PushProgramDebuggerView : NamedItemView {
22 | private const string Separator = ", ";
23 | private const string EmptySign = "-";
24 | private PushProgram program;
25 |
26 | private ListViewItem[] execListCache; //array to cache items for the virtual list
27 | private int firstExecListItemIndex; //stores the index of the first item in the cache
28 |
29 | private const string exampleSplitter = " => ";
30 | private PushInterpreter interpreter;
31 |
32 | public PushProgramDebuggerView() {
33 | InitializeComponent();
34 |
35 | Name = "Push Program Debugger";
36 |
37 | InitEvents();
38 | InitExecList();
39 | }
40 |
41 | private void InitEvents() {
42 | exampleComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += SelectedExampleIndexChanged;
43 | runButton.Click += RunButtonClick;
44 | resetButton.Click += ResetButtonClick;
45 | stepButton.Click += StepButtonClick;
46 | simplifyButton.Click += SimplifyButtonClick;
47 | }
48 |
49 | private void SimplifyButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
50 |
51 | }
52 |
53 | private void InitExecList() {
54 | execList.RetrieveVirtualItem += ExecListRetrieveVirtualItem;
55 | execList.CacheVirtualItems += ExecListCacheVirtualItems;
56 |
57 | execList.View = View.Details;
58 | execList.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.None;
59 | execList.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.None);
60 | execList.Columns.Add(new ColumnHeader { Width = execList.Width - 40 });
61 | execList.VirtualMode = true;
62 | execList.VirtualListSize = 100;
63 | }
64 |
65 | private void ExecListCacheVirtualItems(object sender, CacheVirtualItemsEventArgs e) {
66 | //We've gotten a request to refresh the cache.
67 | //First check if it's really neccesary.
68 | if (execListCache != null &&
69 | e.StartIndex >= firstExecListItemIndex &&
70 | e.EndIndex <= firstExecListItemIndex + execListCache.Length) {
71 | //If the newly requested cache is a subset of the old cache,
72 | //no need to rebuild everything, so do nothing.
73 | return;
74 | }
75 |
76 | //Now we need to rebuild the cache.
77 | UpdateListCache(e.StartIndex, e.EndIndex);
78 | }
79 |
80 | private void ExecListRetrieveVirtualItem(object sender, RetrieveVirtualItemEventArgs e) {
81 | //check to see if the requested item is currently in the cache
82 | if (execListCache == null ||
83 | e.ItemIndex < firstExecListItemIndex ||
84 | e.ItemIndex >= firstExecListItemIndex + execListCache.Length) {
85 | UpdateListCache(e.ItemIndex, execList.VirtualListSize);
86 | }
87 |
88 | e.Item = e.ItemIndex >= firstExecListItemIndex && e.ItemIndex < firstExecListItemIndex + execListCache.Length
89 | ? execListCache[e.ItemIndex - firstExecListItemIndex]
90 | : e.Item = new ListViewItem();
91 | }
92 |
93 | private void UpdateListCache(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
94 | if (interpreter == null) {
95 | execListCache = new ListViewItem[0];
96 | return;
97 | }
98 |
99 | this.firstExecListItemIndex = startIndex;
100 | var length = Math.Min(endIndex - startIndex + 1, interpreter.ExecStack.Count); //indexes are inclusive
101 | this.execListCache = new ListViewItem[length];
102 |
103 | var expressions = this.interpreter.ExecStack.Peek(length);
104 |
105 | //Fill the cache with the appropriate ListViewItems.
106 | for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
107 | this.execListCache[i] = new ListViewItem(expressions[length - 1 - i].ToString());
108 |
109 | execList.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.None);
110 | execList.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent);
111 | }
112 |
113 | //protected override void OnEnabledChanged(EventArgs e) {
114 | // SetReadonlyFields();
115 | //}
116 |
117 | //protected override void OnReadOnlyChanged() {
118 | // base.OnReadOnlyChanged();
119 |
120 | // SetReadonlyFields();
121 | //}
122 |
123 | //protected override void SetEnabledStateOfControls()
124 | //{
125 | // SetReadonlyFields();
126 | //}
127 |
128 | private void SetReadonlyFields() {
129 | var enabled = !ReadOnly;
130 |
131 | exampleComboBox.Enabled = enabled;
132 | execList.Enabled = enabled;
133 | codeList.Enabled = enabled;
134 | nameList.Enabled = enabled;
135 | integerList.Enabled = enabled;
136 | floatList.Enabled = enabled;
137 | booleanList.Enabled = enabled;
138 | stringList.Enabled = enabled;
139 | charList.Enabled = enabled;
140 | stepButton.Enabled = enabled;
141 | runButton.Enabled = enabled;
142 | resetButton.Enabled = enabled;
143 | skipNoopsCheckBox.Enabled = enabled;
144 | stepWidthBox.Enabled = enabled;
145 | }
146 |
147 | private void RunButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
148 | if (interpreter == null)
149 | return;
150 |
151 | interpreter.Resume();
152 |
153 | UpdateExecList();
154 | UpdateValueLists();
155 | CheckIfButtonsCanBeEnabled();
156 | }
157 |
158 | private void SyncExecList() {
159 | UpdateExecList();
160 |
161 | this.execGroupBox.Text = string.Format("Exec [{0}]", this.interpreter.ExecStack.Count);
162 | }
163 |
164 | private void StepButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
165 | if (interpreter == null || stepWidthBox.Value <= 0)
166 | return;
167 |
168 | var count = Math.Min(stepWidthBox.Value, interpreter.ExecStack.Count);
169 |
170 | for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
171 | if (skipNoopsCheckBox.Checked) {
172 | bool noop;
173 |
174 | do {
175 | noop = !interpreter.Step();
176 | }
177 | while (interpreter.CanStep && noop);
178 | } else interpreter.Step();
179 | }
180 |
181 | stepWidthBox.Maximum = interpreter.ExecStack.Count;
182 |
183 | SyncExecList();
184 | UpdateValueLists();
185 | CheckIfButtonsCanBeEnabled();
186 | }
187 |
188 | private void CheckIfButtonsCanBeEnabled() {
189 | if (interpreter == null)
190 | return;
191 |
192 | runButton.Enabled = interpreter.CanStep;
193 | stepButton.Enabled = interpreter.CanStep;
194 | stepWidthBox.Enabled = interpreter.CanStep;
195 | }
196 |
197 | private void ResetButtonClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
198 | Reset();
199 | }
200 |
201 | private void SelectedExampleIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
202 | Reset();
203 | }
204 |
205 | public new PushSolution Content
206 | {
207 | get { return (PushSolution)base.Content; }
208 | set
209 | {
210 | base.Content = value;
211 | }
212 | }
213 |
214 | private void Reset() {
215 | if (Content == null ||
216 | interpreter == null ||
217 | this.exampleComboBox.SelectedIndex < 0)
218 | return;
219 |
220 | interpreter.Clear();
221 |
222 | var example = Content.Data.Examples[this.exampleComboBox.SelectedIndex];
223 |
224 | interpreter.BooleanStack.Push(example.InputBoolean);
225 | interpreter.IntegerStack.Push(example.InputInt);
226 | interpreter.FloatStack.Push(example.InputFloat);
227 |
228 | interpreter.Run(program, true);
229 | stepWidthBox.Maximum = interpreter.ExecStack.Count;
230 |
231 | UpdateValueLists();
232 | UpdateExecList();
233 | CheckIfButtonsCanBeEnabled();
234 | }
235 |
236 | protected override void OnContentChanged() {
237 | if (Content == null) return;
238 |
239 | this.nameTextBox.Text = "Push Solution";
240 |
241 | var random = Content.Random ?? new FastRandom();
242 | interpreter = new PushInterpreter(Content.Config, random);
243 | program = Content.IntegerVector.MapToPushProgram(Content.Config.EnabledExpressions);
244 |
245 | UpdateExamples(Content.Data);
246 | InitResultGrid();
247 |
248 | if (this.exampleComboBox.SelectedIndex < 0) {
249 | this.exampleComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; // Triggers Reset via event
250 | } else {
251 | Reset();
252 | }
253 | }
254 |
255 | private void InitResultGrid() {
256 | var cellTemplate = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();
257 |
258 | for (var i = 0; i < Content.Data.InputArgumentTypes.Length; i++) {
259 | var headerTypeName = ViewHelper.GetHeaderTypeName(Content.Data.InputArgumentTypes[i]);
260 | var column = new DataGridViewColumn {
261 | HeaderText = string.Format("Input {0} : {1}", i + 1, headerTypeName),
262 | AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill,
263 | CellTemplate = cellTemplate
264 | };
265 |
266 | resultsDataGrid.Columns.Add(column);
267 | }
268 |
269 | for (var i = 0; i < Content.Data.OutputArgumentTypes.Length; i++) {
270 | var headerTypeName = ViewHelper.GetHeaderTypeName(Content.Data.OutputArgumentTypes[i]);
271 |
272 | var estimatedOutputColumn = new DataGridViewColumn {
273 | HeaderText = string.Format("Estimated Output {0} : {1}", i + 1, headerTypeName),
274 | AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill,
275 | CellTemplate = cellTemplate
276 | };
277 |
278 | var outputColumn = new DataGridViewColumn {
279 | HeaderText = string.Format("Output {0} : {1}", i + 1, headerTypeName),
280 | AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill,
281 | CellTemplate = cellTemplate
282 | };
283 |
284 | resultsDataGrid.Columns.Add(estimatedOutputColumn);
285 | resultsDataGrid.Columns.Add(outputColumn);
286 | }
287 |
288 | resultsDataGrid.Columns.Add(
289 | new DataGridViewColumn {
290 | HeaderText = "Absolute Diff.",
291 | AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.ColumnHeader,
292 | CellTemplate = cellTemplate
293 | });
294 |
295 | resultsDataGrid.Columns.Add(
296 | new DataGridViewColumn {
297 | HeaderText = "Relative Diff.",
298 | AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.ColumnHeader,
299 | CellTemplate = cellTemplate,
300 | });
301 |
302 | var pool = new PushInterpreterPool(Content.Config);
303 | var program = Content.IntegerVector.MapToPushProgram(Content.Config.EnabledExpressions);
304 |
305 | using (var pushInterpreter = pool.Create(Content.Random)) {
306 | foreach (var example in Content.Data.Examples) {
307 | var row = new DataGridViewRow();
308 | var absoluteDiff = PushEvaluator.Evaluate(pushInterpreter, program, example, Content.Data.WorstResult);
309 | var relativeDiff = absoluteDiff / Math.Abs(Content.Data.BestResult - Content.Data.WorstResult) * 100d;
310 |
311 | row.HeaderCell.Value = row.Index + 1;
312 | row.CreateCells(resultsDataGrid);
313 |
314 | for (var i = 0; i < Content.Data.InputArgumentTypes.Length; i++) {
315 | row.Cells[i].Value = ViewHelper.StringifyInput(Content.Data.InputArgumentTypes[i], example, Separator);
316 | }
317 |
318 | for (var i = 0; i < Content.Data.OutputArgumentTypes.Length; i++) {
319 | row.Cells[Content.Data.InputArgumentTypes.Length + i * 2].Value = ViewHelper.StringifyOutput(Content.Data.OutputArgumentTypes[i], example, Separator);
320 | row.Cells[Content.Data.InputArgumentTypes.Length + i * 2 + 1].Value = StringifyResult(Content.Data.OutputArgumentTypes[i], pushInterpreter, example, Separator);
321 | }
322 |
323 | row.Cells[Content.Data.TotalArgumentCount + 1].Value = absoluteDiff;
324 | row.Cells[Content.Data.TotalArgumentCount + 2].Value = relativeDiff + "%";
325 |
326 | this.resultsDataGrid.Rows.Add(row);
327 | pushInterpreter.Clear();
328 | }
329 | }
330 | }
331 |
332 | private string StringifyResult(ExampleArgumentType type, IPushInterpreter interpreter, Example example, string valueSeparator) {
333 | switch (type) {
334 | case ExampleArgumentType.Integer:
335 | case ExampleArgumentType.IntegerCollection: return interpreter.IntegerStack.IsEmpty ? EmptySign : string.Join(valueSeparator, interpreter.IntegerStack.Peek(GetCount(interpreter.IntegerStack, example.OutputInt)));
336 |
337 | case ExampleArgumentType.Float:
338 | case ExampleArgumentType.FloatCollection: return interpreter.FloatStack.IsEmpty ? EmptySign : string.Join(valueSeparator, interpreter.FloatStack.Peek(GetCount(interpreter.FloatStack, example.OutputFloat)));
339 |
340 | case ExampleArgumentType.Bool: return interpreter.BooleanStack.IsEmpty ? EmptySign : interpreter.BooleanStack.Top.ToString();
341 | case ExampleArgumentType.Char: return interpreter.CharStack.IsEmpty ? EmptySign : interpreter.CharStack.Top.ToString();
342 |
343 | case ExampleArgumentType.String:
344 | case ExampleArgumentType.StringCollection: return interpreter.StringStack.IsEmpty ? EmptySign : string.Join(valueSeparator, interpreter.StringStack.Peek(GetCount(interpreter.StringStack, example.OutputString)));
345 | default: return string.Empty;
346 | }
347 | }
348 |
349 | private int GetCount<T>(IStack<T> stack, T[] data) {
350 | return Math.Max(0, Math.Min(data.Length, stack.Count));
351 | }
352 |
353 | private void ClearLists() {
354 | codeList.Items.Clear();
355 | nameList.Items.Clear();
356 | booleanList.Items.Clear();
357 | integerList.Items.Clear();
358 | floatList.Items.Clear();
359 | }
360 |
361 | private void UpdateExecList() {
362 | UpdateListCache(0, execList.VirtualListSize);
363 | execList.Update();
364 |
365 | this.execGroupBox.Text = string.Format("Exec [{0}]", this.execList.Items.Count);
366 | }
367 |
368 | private void UpdateValueLists() {
369 | ClearLists();
370 |
371 | if (Content == null || interpreter == null)
372 | return;
373 |
374 | ManageStackType(interpreter.Configuration.IsCodeStackEnabled, codeList, codeGroupBox, interpreter.CodeStack, "Code");
375 | ManageStackType(interpreter.Configuration.IsIntegerStackEnabled, integerList, integerGroupBox, interpreter.IntegerStack, "Integer");
376 | ManageStackType(interpreter.Configuration.IsFloatStackEnabled, floatList, floatGroupBox, interpreter.FloatStack, "Float");
377 | ManageStackType(interpreter.Configuration.IsBooleanStackEnabled, booleanList, booleanGroupBox, interpreter.BooleanStack, "Boolean");
378 | ManageStackType(interpreter.Configuration.IsNameStackEnabled, nameList, nameGroupBox, interpreter.NameStack, "Name");
379 | ManageStackType(interpreter.Configuration.IsStringStackEnabled, stringList, stringGroupBox, interpreter.StringStack, "String");
380 | ManageStackType(interpreter.Configuration.IsCharStackEnabled, charList, charGroupBox, interpreter.CharStack, "Char");
381 | }
382 |
383 | private void ManageStackType<T>(bool enabled, ListBox listbox, GroupBox groupBox, IStack<T> stack, string name) {
384 | if (enabled) {
385 | listbox.Enabled = true;
386 |
387 | foreach (var item in stack.Reverse())
388 | listbox.Items.Add(item);
389 |
390 | groupBox.Text = string.Format("{0} [{1}]", name, listbox.Items.Count);
391 | } else {
392 | listbox.Enabled = false;
393 | groupBox.Text = string.Format("{0} - DISABLED", name);
394 | }
395 | }
396 |
397 | private void UpdateExamples(Data data) {
398 | if (data == null) return;
399 |
400 | var stringRepresentations = data.Examples.Select(e =>
401 | string.Join(Separator, e.InputArgs) +
402 | exampleSplitter +
403 | string.Join(Separator, e.OutputArgs));
404 |
405 | exampleComboBox.Items.Clear();
406 | foreach (var str in stringRepresentations) {
407 | exampleComboBox.Items.Add(str);
408 | }
409 | }
410 | }
411 | }