1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Drawing;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using System.Windows.Forms;
6 |
7 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.ProgramSynthesis.Push.Views {
8 | using Configuration;
9 | using Core.Views;
10 | using Expressions;
11 | using Interpreter;
12 | using MainForm;
13 | using Problem;
14 | using Stack;
15 |
16 | public partial class PushDebuggerView : ItemView {
17 | private readonly IDictionary<StackTypes, ListBox> debugControlDict = new Dictionary<StackTypes, ListBox>();
18 |
19 | private PooledPushInterpreter interpreter;
20 | private PooledPushInterpreter interpreter2; // used to determine noops
21 | private PushInterpreterPool pool;
22 |
23 | private const string GroupBoxTextStringFormat = "{0}[{1}]";
24 |
25 | public event EventHandler<IPushInterpreter> OnReset;
26 |
27 | public PushDebuggerView() {
28 | InitializeComponent();
29 | InitEvents();
30 | }
31 |
32 | ~PushDebuggerView() {
33 | interpreter.Dispose();
34 | interpreter2.Dispose();
35 | }
36 |
37 | public new PushSolution Content
38 | {
39 | get { return (PushSolution)base.Content; }
40 | set
41 | {
42 | base.Content = value;
43 | }
44 | }
45 |
46 | protected override void OnContentChanged() {
47 | if (Content == null) return;
48 |
49 | Name = "Push Debugger";
50 | pool = new PushInterpreterPool(Content.Config);
51 |
52 | if (interpreter != null) {
53 | interpreter.Dispose();
54 | interpreter2.Dispose();
55 | }
56 |
57 | interpreter = pool.Create(Content.Random);
58 | interpreter2 = pool.Create(Content.Random);
59 |
60 |
61 | InitDebugLists(Content.Config);
62 | ClearDebugLists();
63 | UpdateExecList();
64 | UpdateDebugLists();
65 | ResetDebugging();
66 | }
67 |
68 | private void InitEvents() {
69 | runButton.Click += RunButtonClick;
70 | resetButton.Click += ResetButtonClick;
71 | stepButton.Click += StepButtonClick;
72 | simplifyButton.Click += SimplifyButtonClick;
73 | }
74 |
75 | private void RunButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
76 | if (interpreter == null)
77 | return;
78 |
79 | interpreter.Resume();
80 |
81 | ResetDebugging();
82 | UpdateExecList();
83 | UpdateDebugLists();
84 | CheckIfButtonsCanBeEnabled();
85 | }
86 |
87 | private void StepButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
88 | if (interpreter == null || stepWidthBox.Value <= 0)
89 | return;
90 |
91 | var count = Math.Min(stepWidthBox.Value, interpreter.ExecStack.Count);
92 |
93 | if (!interpreter.CanStep)
94 | return;
95 |
96 | // skip leading noops
97 | if (interpreter2.ExecCounter == (Content.Program.IsProgram ? 1 : 0) &&
98 | skipNoopsCheckBox.Checked &&
99 | SkipNoops()) {
100 | count = 0; // no entries left, cause all were noops
101 | }
102 |
103 | for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
104 | if (skipNoopsCheckBox.Checked) {
105 | interpreter.Step();
106 |
107 | if (SkipNoops())
108 | break;
109 | } else {
110 | interpreter.Step();
111 | interpreter2.Step();
112 | }
113 | }
114 |
115 | stepWidthBox.Maximum = Math.Max(1, interpreter.ExecStack.Count);
116 |
117 | UpdateExecList();
118 | UpdateDebugLists();
119 | CheckIfButtonsCanBeEnabled();
120 | }
121 |
122 | private bool SkipNoops() {
123 | var skipCount = 0;
124 | bool isNoop;
125 |
126 | do {
127 | skipCount++;
128 | isNoop = !interpreter2.Step();
129 | } while (interpreter2.CanStep && isNoop);
130 |
131 | if (isNoop) {
132 | interpreter.Step(skipCount);
133 | } else if (skipCount > 1) {
134 | interpreter.Step(skipCount - 1);
135 | }
136 |
137 | return isNoop;
138 | }
139 |
140 | private void CheckIfButtonsCanBeEnabled() {
141 | runButton.Enabled = interpreter != null && interpreter.CanStep;
142 | stepButton.Enabled = interpreter != null && interpreter.CanStep;
143 | stepWidthBox.Enabled = interpreter != null && interpreter.CanStep;
144 | }
145 |
146 | private void ResetButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
147 | ResetDebugging();
148 | }
149 |
150 | private void SimplifyButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
151 | var newContent = Content.Simplify();
152 |
153 | MainFormManager.MainForm.ShowContent(newContent, GetType());
154 | }
155 |
156 | public void ResetDebugging() {
157 | if (Content == null ||
158 | pool == null ||
159 | Content.Program == null)
160 | return;
161 |
162 | if (interpreter != null) {
163 | interpreter.Reset();
164 | interpreter2.Reset();
165 | }
166 |
167 | if (OnReset != null) {
168 | OnReset(this, interpreter);
169 | OnReset(this, interpreter2);
170 | }
171 |
172 | interpreter.Run(Content.Program, true);
173 | interpreter2.Run(Content.Program, true);
174 |
175 | stepWidthBox.Maximum = interpreter.ExecStack.Count;
176 |
177 | UpdateDebugLists();
178 | UpdateExecList();
179 | CheckIfButtonsCanBeEnabled();
180 | }
181 |
182 | private void ClearDebugLists() {
183 | foreach (var list in debugControlDict.Values) {
184 | list.Items.Clear();
185 | }
186 | }
187 |
188 | private void UpdateExecList() {
189 | execList.Items.Clear();
190 | var expressions = interpreter.ExecStack.AsEnumerable()
191 | .Reverse()
192 | .Select(e => e.StringRepresentation)
193 | .ToArray();
194 |
195 | execList.Items.AddRange(expressions);
196 | execGroupBox.Text = string.Format(GroupBoxTextStringFormat, Enum.GetName(typeof(StackTypes), StackTypes.Exec), interpreter.ExecStack.Count);
197 | }
198 |
199 | private void InitDebugLists(IReadOnlyPushConfiguration config) {
200 | debugControlDict.Clear();
201 |
202 | // 2 = ExecList + EmptyColumn which is required to fill empty space
203 | while (debugTableLayout.ColumnCount > 2) {
204 | debugTableLayout.Controls.RemoveAt(1);
205 | debugTableLayout.ColumnCount--;
206 | }
207 |
208 | foreach (StackTypes stackType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(StackTypes))) {
209 | if (stackType != StackTypes.Exec &&
210 | ExpressionTable.GetExpressionsByStackTypes(stackType).Intersect(config.EnabledExpressions).Any()) {
211 | var list = CreateDebugList(stackType);
212 | debugControlDict.Add(stackType, list);
213 | }
214 | }
215 | }
216 |
217 | private ListBox CreateDebugList(StackTypes type) {
218 | var groupBox = new GroupBox {
219 | Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top,
220 | AutoSize = true,
221 | AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink,
222 | Text = Enum.GetName(typeof(StackTypes), type)
223 | };
224 |
225 | var list = new ListBox {
226 | Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
227 | DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed
228 | };
229 |
230 | var stackEntryType = type.GetStackEntryType();
231 | if (stackEntryType == typeof(double) ||
232 | stackEntryType == typeof(long)) {
233 | list.DrawItem += (sender, e) => {
234 | if (e.Index <= -1) return;
235 | var item = list.Items[e.Index];
236 |
237 | e.DrawBackground();
238 | e.DrawFocusRectangle();
239 |
240 | var brush = new SolidBrush(e.ForeColor);
241 | var size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(item.ToString(), e.Font);
242 |
243 | e.Graphics.DrawString(
244 | item.ToString(),
245 | e.Font,
246 | brush,
247 | e.Bounds.Right - size.Width,
248 | e.Bounds.Top + (e.Bounds.Height / 2 - size.Height / 2));
249 | };
250 | }
251 |
252 | groupBox.Controls.Add(list);
253 |
254 | var columnWidth = stackEntryType == typeof(Expression) ? 250 : 150;
255 |
256 | debugTableLayout.ColumnCount++;
257 | debugTableLayout.ColumnStyles.Insert(1, new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, columnWidth));
258 | debugTableLayout.Controls.Add(groupBox);
259 | debugTableLayout.Controls.SetChildIndex(groupBox, 1);
260 |
261 | return list;
262 | }
263 |
264 |
265 | private void UpdateDebugLists() {
266 | ClearDebugLists();
267 |
268 | if (Content == null || interpreter == null)
269 | return;
270 |
271 | foreach (var pair in debugControlDict) {
272 | var stack = interpreter.GetStackEntriesByType<object>(pair.Key);
273 | var name = Enum.GetName(typeof(StackTypes), pair.Key);
274 |
275 | pair.Value.Items.AddRange(stack.Reverse().ToArray());
276 | ((GroupBox)pair.Value.Parent).Text = string.Format(GroupBoxTextStringFormat, name, pair.Value.Items.Count);
277 | }
278 | }
279 |
280 | }
281 | }