1 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.ProgramSynthesis.Push.Interpreter {
2 | using System;
3 | using System.Collections.Generic;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
6 | using System.Threading;
7 | using System.Threading.Tasks;
8 | using Attributes;
9 | using Configuration;
10 | using Core;
11 | using Expressions;
12 | using Parser;
13 | using Random;
14 | using Stack;
15 |
16 |
17 | public class PushInterpreter : IInternalPushInterpreter, IDisposable {
18 | private Task currentTask;
19 | private Expression currentProgram;
20 |
21 | public PushInterpreter(IReadOnlyPushConfiguration config = null, IRandom random = null, InterpreterPoolContainer poolContainer = null) {
22 | Random = random ?? new MersenneTwister();
23 | Configuration = config ?? new PushConfiguration();
24 |
25 | // setting the capacity of the Stacks to max points ensures that there will be enough memory at runtime
26 | ExecStack = new PushStack<Expression>(Configuration.MaxPointsInProgram);
27 | CodeStack = new PushStack<Expression>();
28 | NameStack = new PushStack<string>();
29 | BooleanStack = new PushStack<bool>();
30 | IntegerStack = new PushStack<long>();
31 | FloatStack = new PushStack<double>();
32 | CharStack = new PushStack<char>();
33 | StringStack = new PushStack<string>();
34 | IntegerVectorStack = new PushStack<IReadOnlyList<long>>();
35 | FloatVectorStack = new PushStack<IReadOnlyList<double>>();
36 | BooleanVectorStack = new PushStack<IReadOnlyList<bool>>();
37 | StringVectorStack = new PushStack<IReadOnlyList<string>>();
38 | PrintStack = new PrintStack();
39 |
40 | Stacks = new Dictionary<StackTypes, IPushStack> {
41 | { StackTypes.Exec, ExecStack },
42 | { StackTypes.Code, CodeStack },
43 | { StackTypes.Integer, IntegerStack },
44 | { StackTypes.Float, FloatStack },
45 | { StackTypes.Boolean, BooleanStack },
46 | { StackTypes.Char, CharStack },
47 | { StackTypes.String, StringStack },
48 | { StackTypes.Name, NameStack },
49 | { StackTypes.Print, PrintStack },
50 | { StackTypes.IntegerVector, IntegerVectorStack },
51 | { StackTypes.FloatVector, FloatVectorStack },
52 | { StackTypes.BooleanVector, BooleanVectorStack },
53 | { StackTypes.StringVector, StringVectorStack },
54 | };
55 |
56 | supportedStackTypes = Stacks.Keys.ToArray();
57 |
58 | CustomExpressions = new Dictionary<string, Expression>();
59 | PoolContainer = poolContainer ?? new InterpreterPoolContainer();
60 |
61 | ConfigureStacks();
62 | }
63 |
64 | public PushInterpreter(int seed, IReadOnlyPushConfiguration config = null)
65 | : this(config, new FastRandom(seed)) {
66 | }
67 |
68 | private readonly StackTypes[] supportedStackTypes;
69 | public IReadOnlyDictionary<StackTypes, IPushStack> Stacks { get; private set; }
70 |
71 | public IRandom Random { get; set; }
72 |
73 | public long ExecCounter { get; private set; }
74 |
75 | public bool IsPaused { get; private set; }
76 |
77 | public bool IsAborted { get; private set; }
78 |
79 | public bool IsRunning
80 | {
81 | get
82 | {
83 | return !ExecStack.IsEmpty &&
84 | !IsPaused &&
85 | !IsAborted &&
86 | (ExecCounter < Configuration.EvalPushLimit);
87 | }
88 | }
89 |
90 | public bool IsCompleted
91 | {
92 | get
93 | {
94 | return ExecStack.IsEmpty || ExecCounter >= Configuration.EvalPushLimit;
95 | }
96 | }
97 |
98 | public bool CanStep
99 | {
100 | get
101 | {
102 | return !IsCompleted && !IsAborted && IsPaused;
103 | }
104 | }
105 |
106 | public InterpreterPoolContainer PoolContainer { get; private set; }
107 |
108 | public IReadOnlyPushConfiguration Configuration { get; protected set; }
109 | [PushStack(StackTypes.Code)]
110 | public IPushStack<Expression> CodeStack { get; private set; }
111 | [PushStack(StackTypes.Exec)]
112 | public IPushStack<Expression> ExecStack { get; private set; }
113 | [PushStack(StackTypes.Name)]
114 | public IPushStack<string> NameStack { get; private set; }
115 | [PushStack(StackTypes.Boolean)]
116 | public IPushStack<bool> BooleanStack { get; private set; }
117 | [PushStack(StackTypes.Integer)]
118 | public IPushStack<long> IntegerStack { get; private set; }
119 | [PushStack(StackTypes.Float)]
120 | public IPushStack<double> FloatStack { get; private set; }
121 | [PushStack(StackTypes.Char)]
122 | public IPushStack<char> CharStack { get; private set; }
123 | [PushStack(StackTypes.String)]
124 | public IPushStack<string> StringStack { get; private set; }
125 | [PushStack(StackTypes.IntegerVector)]
126 | public IPushStack<IReadOnlyList<long>> IntegerVectorStack { get; private set; }
127 | [PushStack(StackTypes.FloatVector)]
128 | public IPushStack<IReadOnlyList<double>> FloatVectorStack { get; private set; }
129 | [PushStack(StackTypes.BooleanVector)]
130 | public IPushStack<IReadOnlyList<bool>> BooleanVectorStack { get; private set; }
131 | [PushStack(StackTypes.StringVector)]
132 | public IPushStack<IReadOnlyList<string>> StringVectorStack { get; private set; }
133 | [PushStack(StackTypes.Print)]
134 | public IPrintStack PrintStack { get; private set; }
135 |
136 | public IDictionary<string, Expression> CustomExpressions { get; private set; }
137 |
138 | public bool IsNameQuoteFlagSet { get; set; }
139 |
140 | private readonly List<Expression> inputExpressions = new List<Expression>();
141 | IReadOnlyList<Expression> IInternalPushInterpreter.InputExpressions { get { return inputExpressions; } }
142 |
143 | public void SetInput(
144 | IReadOnlyList<long> integers = null,
145 | IReadOnlyList<double> floats = null,
146 | IReadOnlyList<bool> booleans = null,
147 | IReadOnlyList<char> chars = null,
148 | IReadOnlyList<string> strings = null,
149 | IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<long>> integerVectors = null,
150 | IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<double>> floatVectors = null,
151 | IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<string>> stringVectors = null) {
152 |
153 | // Integer
154 | if (integers != null && integers.Count > 0) {
155 | var integerPushExpressionPool = PoolContainer.GetStatefulExpressionPool<IntegerPushExpression>();
156 |
157 | for (var i = 0; i < integers.Count; i++) {
158 | var expression = IntegerPushExpression.Create(integerPushExpressionPool, integers[i]);
159 | inputExpressions.Add(expression);
160 | }
161 | }
162 |
163 | // Float
164 | if (floats != null && floats.Count > 0) {
165 | var floatPushExpressionPool = PoolContainer.GetStatefulExpressionPool<FloatPushExpression>();
166 |
167 | for (var i = 0; i < floats.Count; i++) {
168 | var expression = FloatPushExpression.Create(floatPushExpressionPool, floats[i]);
169 | inputExpressions.Add(expression);
170 | }
171 | }
172 |
173 | // Booleans
174 | if (booleans != null && booleans.Count > 0) {
175 | var booleanPushExpressionPool = PoolContainer.GetStatefulExpressionPool<BooleanPushExpression>();
176 |
177 | for (var i = 0; i < booleans.Count; i++) {
178 | var expression = BooleanPushExpression.Create(booleanPushExpressionPool, booleans[i]);
179 | inputExpressions.Add(expression);
180 | }
181 | }
182 |
183 | // Char
184 | if (chars != null && chars.Count > 0) {
185 | var charPushExpressionPool = PoolContainer.GetStatefulExpressionPool<CharPushExpression>();
186 |
187 | for (var i = 0; i < chars.Count; i++) {
188 | var expression = CharPushExpression.Create(charPushExpressionPool, chars[i]);
189 | inputExpressions.Add(expression);
190 | }
191 | }
192 |
193 | // String
194 | if (strings != null && strings.Count > 0) {
195 | var stringPushExpressionPool = PoolContainer.GetStatefulExpressionPool<StringPushExpression>();
196 |
197 | for (var i = 0; i < strings.Count; i++) {
198 | var expression = StringPushExpression.Create(stringPushExpressionPool, strings[i]);
199 | inputExpressions.Add(expression);
200 | }
201 | }
202 |
203 | // IntegerVector
204 | if (integerVectors != null && integerVectors.Count > 0) {
205 | var integerVectorPushExpressionPool = PoolContainer.GetStatefulExpressionPool<IntegerVectorPushExpression>();
206 |
207 | for (var i = 0; i < integerVectors.Count; i++) {
208 | var expression = IntegerVectorPushExpression.Create(integerVectorPushExpressionPool, integerVectors[i]);
209 | inputExpressions.Add(expression);
210 | }
211 | }
212 |
213 | // FloatVector
214 | if (floatVectors != null && floatVectors.Count > 0) {
215 | var floatVectorPushExpressionPool = PoolContainer.GetStatefulExpressionPool<FloatVectorPushExpression>();
216 |
217 | for (var i = 0; i < floatVectors.Count; i++) {
218 | var expression = FloatVectorPushExpression.Create(floatVectorPushExpressionPool, floatVectors[i]);
219 | inputExpressions.Add(expression);
220 | }
221 | }
222 |
223 | // StringVector
224 | if (stringVectors != null && stringVectors.Count > 0) {
225 | var stringVectorPushExpressionPool = PoolContainer.GetStatefulExpressionPool<StringVectorPushExpression>();
226 |
227 | for (var i = 0; i < stringVectors.Count; i++) {
228 | var expression = StringVectorPushExpression.Create(stringVectorPushExpressionPool, stringVectors[i]);
229 | inputExpressions.Add(expression);
230 | }
231 | }
232 | }
233 |
234 |
235 | public Task RunAsync(string code, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) {
236 | var program = PushParser.Parse(code);
237 | currentTask = RunAsync(program, token);
238 | return currentTask;
239 | }
240 | public async Task RunAsync(Expression expression, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) {
241 | await Task.Run(() => Run(expression), token);
242 | }
243 |
244 | public void Run(string code, bool stepwise = false) {
245 | var program = PushParser.Parse(code);
246 | Run(program, stepwise);
247 | }
248 |
249 | public void Run(bool stepwise) {
250 | Run(PushProgram.Empty, stepwise);
251 | }
252 |
253 | public void Run(Expression expression, bool stepwise = false) {
254 | IsPaused = stepwise;
255 | currentProgram = expression;
256 |
257 | /* Push top expression so the loop is able to enter
258 | * If the top expression is a single statement it gets evaluated in Run.
259 | * Otherwise the push program will be evaluated and the expressions of the program are pushed onto the EXEC stack.
260 | * Expanding the initial program is not counted in ExecCount */
261 | InitRun(expression);
262 |
263 | if (Configuration.TopLevelPushCode && CodeStack.IsEnabled)
264 | CodeStack.Push(expression);
265 |
266 | Run();
267 | }
268 |
269 | public bool CanRun(int count) {
270 | return ExecStack.Count >= count &&
271 | !IsPaused &&
272 | !IsAborted &&
273 | ExecCounter + count < Configuration.EvalPushLimit;
274 | }
275 |
276 | public async Task AbortAsync() {
277 | if (IsAborted || IsCompleted) return;
278 |
279 | IsAborted = true;
280 |
281 | PoolContainer.DisposePools();
282 |
283 | if (currentTask != null) await currentTask;
284 | }
285 |
286 | public async Task AbortAndResetAsync() {
287 | await AbortAsync();
288 | Reset();
289 | }
290 |
291 | public async Task PauseAsync() {
292 | if (IsPaused || IsCompleted) return;
293 |
294 | IsPaused = true;
295 |
296 | if (currentTask != null) await currentTask;
297 | }
298 |
299 | public async Task ResumeAsync() {
300 | if (IsPaused || !IsAborted) {
301 | IsPaused = false;
302 | await InterpretAsync();
303 | } else await currentTask;
304 | }
305 |
306 | public void Resume() {
307 | if (!IsPaused && IsAborted)
308 | return;
309 |
310 | IsPaused = false;
311 | Run();
312 | }
313 |
314 | [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
315 | public bool Step() {
316 | if (!CanStep) return false;
317 |
318 | var successful = DoStep();
319 |
320 | if (IsCompleted)
321 | Finally();
322 |
323 | return successful;
324 | }
325 |
326 | [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
327 | public void Step(int count) {
328 | for (var i = 0u; i < count; i++) Step();
329 | }
330 |
331 | /// <summary>
332 | /// Reset while interpreter
333 | /// </summary>
334 | public void Reset() {
335 | ExecCounter = 0;
336 | IsAborted = false;
337 | IsPaused = false;
338 | currentTask = null;
339 | currentProgram = null;
340 |
341 | inputExpressions.Clear();
342 | Clear();
343 | ConfigureStacks();
344 | }
345 |
346 | private void ConfigureStacks() {
347 | for (var i = 0u; i < supportedStackTypes.Length; i++) {
348 | var key = supportedStackTypes[i];
349 | Stacks[key].IsEnabled = Configuration.IsStackEnabled(key);
350 | }
351 |
352 | // exec stack must always be enabled
353 | this.ExecStack.IsEnabled = true;
354 | }
355 |
356 | /// <summary>
357 | /// Clears Stacks and custom expressions
358 | /// </summary>
359 | public void Clear() {
360 | for (var i = 0u; i < supportedStackTypes.Length; i++) {
361 | var key = supportedStackTypes[i];
362 | Stacks[key].Clear();
363 | }
364 |
365 | CustomExpressions.Clear();
366 | }
367 |
368 | [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
369 | private void Run() {
370 | // if no stack which is modifies the exec stack is enabled, unroll loop due to performance reasons
371 | if (!Configuration.IsStackEnabled(StackTypes.Exec)) {
372 | while (CanRun(10))
373 | DoTenSteps();
374 | }
375 |
376 | while (IsRunning)
377 | DoStep();
378 |
379 | if (IsCompleted)
380 | Finally();
381 | }
382 |
383 | [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
384 | private void Finally() {
385 | if (Configuration.TopLevelPopCode && !CodeStack.IsEmpty && CodeStack.IsEnabled)
386 | CodeStack.Pop();
387 |
388 | PoolContainer.DisposePools();
389 | }
390 |
391 | private void InitRun(Expression expression) {
392 | ExecStack.Push(expression);
393 |
394 | if (!expression.IsProgram)
395 | return;
396 |
397 | DoStep();
398 | ExecCounter--; // unpacking the initial program is not counted
399 | }
400 |
401 | [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
402 | private bool DoStep() {
403 | ExecCounter++;
404 | return ExecStack.Pop().TryEval(this);
405 | }
406 |
407 | [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
408 | private void DoTenSteps() {
409 | ExecStack[0].TryEval(this);
410 | ExecStack[1].TryEval(this);
411 | ExecStack[2].TryEval(this);
412 | ExecStack[3].TryEval(this);
413 | ExecStack[4].TryEval(this);
414 | ExecStack[5].TryEval(this);
415 | ExecStack[6].TryEval(this);
416 | ExecStack[7].TryEval(this);
417 | ExecStack[8].TryEval(this);
418 | ExecStack[9].TryEval(this);
419 |
420 | ExecStack.Remove(10);
421 | ExecCounter += 10;
422 | }
423 |
424 | private Task InterpretAsync() {
425 | currentTask = Task.Run(() => Run());
426 |
427 | return currentTask;
428 | }
429 |
430 | public virtual void Dispose() {
431 | PoolContainer.DisposePools();
432 | }
433 | }
434 | } |