1 | using System.Text;
2 | using System.Threading.Tasks;
3 | using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
4 | using HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure;
5 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
6 | using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.CompositeSerializers.Storable;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding;
9 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
10 | using HeuristicLab.Parameters;
11 | using HeuristicLab.Data;
12 | using HeuristicLab.Random;
13 | using System;
14 | using System.Linq;
15 |
16 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.PTSP {
17 | [Item("Estimated Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem", "Represents an estimated Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem.")]
18 | [Creatable("Problems")]
19 | [StorableClass]
20 | public sealed class EstimatedProbabilisticTravelingSalesmanProblem : ProbabilisticTravelingSalesmanProblem, IStorableContent,
21 | IProblemInstanceConsumer<PTSPData> {
22 |
23 |
24 | #region Parameter Properties
25 | public IValueParameter<ItemList<ItemList<IntValue>>> RealizationsParameter {
26 | get { return (IValueParameter<ItemList<ItemList<IntValue>>>)Parameters["Realizations"]; }
27 | }
28 | #endregion
29 |
30 | #region Properties
31 | public ItemList<ItemList<IntValue>> Realizations {
32 | get { return RealizationsParameter.Value; }
33 | set { RealizationsParameter.Value = value; }
34 | }
35 | #endregion
36 |
37 | [StorableConstructor]
38 | private EstimatedProbabilisticTravelingSalesmanProblem(bool deserializing) : base(deserializing) { }
39 | private EstimatedProbabilisticTravelingSalesmanProblem(EstimatedProbabilisticTravelingSalesmanProblem original, Cloner cloner)
40 | : base(original, cloner) {
41 | }
42 |
43 | public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) {
44 | return new EstimatedProbabilisticTravelingSalesmanProblem(this, cloner);
45 | }
46 |
47 | public override double Evaluate(Individual individual, IRandom random) {
48 | Permutation p = individual.Permutation();
49 | // Estimation-based evaluation
50 | MersenneTwister r = new MersenneTwister();
51 | double estimatedSum = 0;
52 | for (int i = 0; i < Realizations.Count; i++) {
53 | int singleRealization = -1, firstNode = -1;
54 | for (int j = 0; j < Realizations[i].Count; j++) {
55 | if (Realizations[i][p[j]].Value == 1) {
56 | if (singleRealization != -1) {
57 | estimatedSum += DistanceMatrix[singleRealization, p[j]];
58 | } else {
59 | firstNode = p[j];
60 | }
61 | singleRealization = p[j];
62 | }
63 | }
64 | if (singleRealization != -1) {
65 | estimatedSum += DistanceMatrix[singleRealization, firstNode];
66 | }
67 | }
68 | return estimatedSum / RealizationsSize.Value;
69 | }
70 |
71 | public double[] EvaluateWithParams(DistanceMatrix distances, DoubleArray probabilities, ItemList<ItemList<IntValue>> realizations, Permutation individual ) {
72 | // Estimation-based evaluation
73 | MersenneTwister r = new MersenneTwister();
74 | double estimatedSum = 0;
75 | double[] partialSums = new double[realizations.Count];
76 | for (int i = 0; i < realizations.Count; i++) {
77 | partialSums[i] = 0;
78 | int singleRealization = -1, firstNode = -1;
79 | for (int j = 0; j < realizations[i].Count; j++) {
80 | if (realizations[i][individual[j]].Value == 1) {
81 | if (singleRealization != -1) {
82 | partialSums[i] += distances[singleRealization, individual[j]];
83 | } else {
84 | firstNode = individual[j];
85 | }
86 | singleRealization = individual[j];
87 | }
88 | }
89 | if (singleRealization != -1) {
90 | partialSums[i] += distances[singleRealization, firstNode];
91 | }
92 | estimatedSum += partialSums[i];
93 | }
94 | double mean = estimatedSum / realizations.Count;
95 | double variance = 0;
96 | for (int i = 0; i < realizations.Count; i++) {
97 | variance += Math.Pow((partialSums[i] - mean), 2);
98 | }
99 | variance = variance / realizations.Count;
100 | return new double[] {mean,variance};
101 | }
102 |
103 | public EstimatedProbabilisticTravelingSalesmanProblem() {
104 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntValue>("RealizationsSize", "Size of the sample for the estimation-based evaluation"));
105 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<ItemList<ItemList<IntValue>>>("Realizations", "The concrete..."));
106 | Operators.Add(new PTSPEstimatedInversionMovePathEvaluator());
107 | Operators.Add(new PTSPEstimatedInsertionEvaluator());
108 | Operators.Add(new PTSPExhaustiveInversionLocalImprovement());
109 | Operators.Add(new PTSPExhaustiveInsertionLocalImprovement());
110 |
111 | Operators.Add(new Exhaustive25MoveGenerator());
112 | Operators.Add(new Stochastic25MultiMoveGenerator());
113 | Operators.Add(new Stochastic25SingleMoveGenerator());
114 | Operators.Add(new TwoPointFiveMoveMaker());
115 | Operators.Add(new PTSP25MoveEvaluator());
116 |
117 | Encoding.ConfigureOperators(Operators.OfType<IOperator>());
118 | foreach (var twopointfiveMoveOperator in Operators.OfType<I25MoveOperator>()) {
119 | twopointfiveMoveOperator.TwoPointFiveMoveParameter.ActualName = "Permutation.TwoPointFiveMove";
120 | }
121 | }
122 |
123 | private int Ttest(int ProblemSize) {
124 | MersenneTwister random = new MersenneTwister();
125 | Permutation p1 = new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, ProblemSize, random);
126 | Permutation p2 = new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, ProblemSize, random);
127 | ItemList<ItemList<IntValue>> realizations = new ItemList<ItemList<IntValue>>();
128 | int index = -1;
129 | while (true) {
130 | for (int i = index+1; i < index+5; i++) {
131 | realizations.Add(new ItemList<IntValue>());
132 | for (int j = 0; j < ProblemSize; j++) {
133 | if (ProbabilityMatrix[j] > random.NextDouble()) {
134 | realizations.ElementAt(i).Add(new IntValue(1));
135 | } else {
136 | realizations.ElementAt(i).Add(new IntValue(0));
137 | }
138 | }
139 | }
140 | index += 4;
141 | double[] eval1 = EvaluateWithParams(DistanceMatrix, ProbabilityMatrix, realizations, p1);
142 | double[] eval2 = EvaluateWithParams(DistanceMatrix, ProbabilityMatrix, realizations, p2);
143 | double sx1x2 = Math.Sqrt((eval1[1]+eval2[1])/2);
144 | int degrees = 2 * realizations.Count - 2;
145 | double t = (eval1[0]-eval2[0])/(sx1x2*Math.Sqrt(2.0/(double)realizations.Count));
146 | }
147 | }
148 |
149 | public override void Load(PTSPData data) {
150 | base.Load(data);
151 | // For now uses sample size of 20 but should use Student's t-test
152 | //Ttest(data.Dimension);
153 | RealizationsSize = new IntValue(100);
154 | MersenneTwister r = new MersenneTwister();
155 | int countOnes = 0;
156 | Realizations = new ItemList<ItemList<IntValue>>(RealizationsSize.Value);
157 | for (int i = 0; i < RealizationsSize.Value; i++) {
158 | ItemList<IntValue> newRealization = new ItemList<IntValue>();
159 | while (countOnes < 4) { //only generate realizations with at least 4 cities visited
160 | countOnes = 0;
161 | newRealization.Clear();
162 | for (int j = 0; j < data.Dimension; j++) {
163 | if (ProbabilityMatrix[j] > r.NextDouble()) {
164 | newRealization.Add(new IntValue(1));
165 | countOnes++;
166 | } else {
167 | newRealization.Add(new IntValue(0));
168 | }
169 | }
170 | }
171 | countOnes = 0;
172 | Realizations.Add(newRealization);
173 | }
174 |
175 | foreach (var op in Operators.OfType<PTSPPathMoveEvaluator>()) {
176 | op.RealizationsParameter.Value = Realizations;
177 | }
178 | foreach (var op in Operators.OfType<PTSPExhaustiveInversionLocalImprovement>()) {
179 | op.RealizationsParameter.Value = Realizations;
180 | }
181 | foreach (var op in Operators.OfType<PTSP25MoveEvaluator>()) {
182 | op.RealizationsParameter.Value = Realizations;
183 | }
184 |
185 | }
186 | }
187 | } |