1 | using System;
2 | using System.IO;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.TravelingSalesman;
5 |
6 | namespace HeuristicLab.Networks.IntegratedOptimization.TravelingThief {
7 | public static class TtpUtils {
8 | public enum DistanceType {
9 | Unknown = int.MinValue,
10 | CEIL_2D = 0,
11 | EUC_2D = 1,
12 | }
13 |
14 | public static void Import(string filePath, out double[,] tspCoordinates,
15 | out DistanceType distanceType,
16 | out int kspCapacity,
17 | out int[] kspItemValues,
18 | out int[] kspItemWeights,
19 | out int[] ttpAvailability,
20 | out double ttpMinSpeed,
21 | out double ttpMaxSpeed,
22 | out double ttpRentingRatio) {
23 | int nrOfCities = 0, nrOfItems = 0; kspCapacity = 0;
24 | ttpMinSpeed = 0.0; ttpMaxSpeed = 0.0; ttpRentingRatio = 0.0;
25 | distanceType = DistanceType.Unknown;
26 |
27 | using (var fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
28 | using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs)) {
29 | string input;
30 | while ((input = sr.ReadLine()) != null && !input.Contains("NODE_COORD_SECTION")) {
31 | if (input.Contains("DIMENSION:")) int.TryParse(input.Replace("DIMENSION:", string.Empty), out nrOfCities);
32 | if (input.Contains("NUMBER OF ITEMS:")) int.TryParse(input.Replace("NUMBER OF ITEMS:", string.Empty), out nrOfItems);
33 | if (input.Contains("CAPACITY OF KNAPSACK:")) int.TryParse(input.Replace("CAPACITY OF KNAPSACK:", string.Empty), out kspCapacity);
34 | if (input.Contains("MIN SPEED:")) double.TryParse(input.Replace("MIN SPEED:", string.Empty), out ttpMinSpeed);
35 | if (input.Contains("MAX SPEED:")) double.TryParse(input.Replace("MAX SPEED:", string.Empty), out ttpMaxSpeed);
36 | if (input.Contains("RENTING RATIO:")) double.TryParse(input.Replace("RENTING RATIO:", string.Empty), out ttpRentingRatio);
37 | if (input.Contains("EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE:")) Enum.TryParse(input.Replace("EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE:", string.Empty), out distanceType);
38 | }
39 |
40 | tspCoordinates = new double[nrOfCities, 2];
41 | kspItemValues = new int[nrOfItems];
42 | kspItemWeights = new int[nrOfItems];
43 | ttpAvailability = new int[nrOfItems];
44 |
45 | // read cities
46 | while ((input = sr.ReadLine()) != null && !input.Contains("ITEMS SECTION")) {
47 | string[] data = input.Split('\t');
48 | int index; double x, y;
49 | int.TryParse(data[0], out index);
50 | double.TryParse(data[1], out x);
51 | double.TryParse(data[2], out y);
52 | tspCoordinates[index - 1, 0] = x;
53 | tspCoordinates[index - 1, 1] = y;
54 | }
55 | // read items
56 | while ((input = sr.ReadLine()) != null) {
57 | string[] data = input.Split('\t');
58 | int index, value, weight, city;
59 | int.TryParse(data[0], out index);
60 | int.TryParse(data[1], out value);
61 | int.TryParse(data[2], out weight);
62 | int.TryParse(data[3], out city);
63 | kspItemValues[index - 1] = value;
64 | kspItemWeights[index - 1] = weight;
65 | ttpAvailability[index - 1] = city - 1;
66 | }
67 | }
68 | }
69 |
70 | public static double Evaluate(TravelingSalesmanProblem tsp, int[] tour, BinaryKnapsackProblem ksp, bool[] loot, int[] availability, double rentingRatio, double minSpeed, double maxSpeed, DistanceType distanceType) {
71 | bool feasible;
72 | return Evaluate(tsp, tour, ksp, loot, availability, rentingRatio, minSpeed, maxSpeed, distanceType, out feasible);
73 | }
74 |
75 | public static double Evaluate(TravelingSalesmanProblem tsp, int[] tour, BinaryKnapsackProblem ksp, bool[] loot, int[] availability, double rentingRatio, double minSpeed, double maxSpeed, DistanceType distanceType, out bool feasible) {
76 | double collectedWeight = 0.0;
77 | double objectiveValue = 0.0;
78 | double infeasibleBaseLine = -1000000.0;
79 | double speedCoefficient = (maxSpeed - minSpeed) / ksp.KnapsackCapacity.Value;
80 |
81 | int hideoutIdx = 0;
82 | while (tour[hideoutIdx] != 0) hideoutIdx++;
83 | int cityIdx = (hideoutIdx + 1) % tour.Length;
84 | int lastCityIdx = hideoutIdx;
85 |
86 | while (cityIdx != hideoutIdx) {
87 | double oldCollectedWeight = collectedWeight;
88 | var availableItems = availability.Select((c, i) => new { CityIdx = c, ItemIdx = i }).Where(x => x.CityIdx == tour[cityIdx]);
89 |
90 | foreach (var item in availableItems) {
91 | if (!loot[item.ItemIdx]) continue;
92 | collectedWeight += ksp.Weights[item.ItemIdx];
93 | objectiveValue += ksp.Values[item.ItemIdx];
94 | }
95 |
96 | objectiveValue -= Distance(tsp.Coordinates.CloneAsMatrix(), tour[lastCityIdx], tour[cityIdx], distanceType) * rentingRatio /
97 | (maxSpeed - speedCoefficient * oldCollectedWeight);
98 | lastCityIdx = cityIdx;
99 | cityIdx = (cityIdx + 1) % tour.Length;
100 | }
101 |
102 | objectiveValue -= Distance(tsp.Coordinates.CloneAsMatrix(), tour[lastCityIdx], tour[hideoutIdx], distanceType) * rentingRatio /
103 | (maxSpeed - speedCoefficient * collectedWeight);
104 |
105 | feasible = collectedWeight <= ksp.KnapsackCapacity.Value;
106 | if (!feasible) objectiveValue = infeasibleBaseLine - collectedWeight;
107 |
108 | return objectiveValue;
109 | }
110 |
111 | private static double Distance(double[,] coords, int fromIdx, int toIdx, DistanceType distanceType) {
112 | double fromX = coords[fromIdx, 0], fromY = coords[fromIdx, 1],
113 | toX = coords[toIdx, 0], toY = coords[toIdx, 1];
114 | double distance = Math.Sqrt((toX - fromX) * (toX - fromX) + (toY - fromY) * (toY - fromY));
115 | switch (distanceType) {
116 | case DistanceType.CEIL_2D: return (int)Math.Ceiling(distance);
117 | case DistanceType.EUC_2D: return distance;
118 | default: return 0.0;
119 | }
120 | }
121 | }
122 | }