[9062] | 1 | Title: jqPlot Options |
| 2 | |
| 3 | **This document is out of date. While the options described here should still be |
| 4 | relavent and valid, it has not been updated for many new options. Sorry for |
| 5 | this inconvenience.** |
| 6 | |
| 7 | This document describes the options available to jqPlot. These are set with the |
| 8 | third argument to the $.jqplot('target', data, options) function. Options are |
| 9 | using the following convention: |
| 10 | |
| 11 | {{{ |
| 12 | property: default, // notes |
| 13 | }}} |
| 14 | |
| 15 | This document is not complete! Not all options are shown! Also, Options marked |
| 16 | with ** in the notes are post 0.7.1 additions. They will be available in the next |
| 17 | release. Further information about the options can be found in the online API |
| 18 | documentation. For details on how the options relate to the API documentation, |
| 19 | see the <Options Tutorial> in the optionsTutorial.txt file. |
| 20 | |
| 21 | {{{ |
| 22 | options = |
| 23 | { |
| 24 | seriesColors: [ "#4bb2c5", "#c5b47f", "#EAA228", "#579575", "#839557", "#958c12", |
| 25 | "#953579", "#4b5de4", "#d8b83f", "#ff5800", "#0085cc"], // colors that will |
| 26 | // be assigned to the series. If there are more series than colors, colors |
| 27 | // will wrap around and start at the beginning again. |
| 28 | |
| 29 | stackSeries: false, // if true, will create a stack plot. |
| 30 | // Currently supported by line and bar graphs. |
| 31 | |
| 32 | title: '', // Title for the plot. Can also be specified as an object like: |
| 33 | |
| 34 | title: { |
| 35 | text: '', // title for the plot, |
| 36 | show: true, |
| 37 | }, |
| 38 | |
| 39 | axesDefaults: { |
| 40 | show: false, // wether or not to renderer the axis. Determined automatically. |
| 41 | min: null, // minimum numerical value of the axis. Determined automatically. |
| 42 | max: null, // maximum numverical value of the axis. Determined automatically. |
| 43 | pad: 1.2, // a factor multiplied by the data range on the axis to give the |
| 44 | // axis range so that data points don't fall on the edges of the axis. |
| 45 | ticks: [], // a 1D [val1, val2, ...], or 2D [[val, label], [val, label], ...] |
| 46 | // array of ticks to use. Computed automatically. |
| 47 | numberTicks: undefined, |
| 48 | renderer: $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer, // renderer to use to draw the axis, |
| 49 | rendererOptions: {}, // options to pass to the renderer. LinearAxisRenderer |
| 50 | // has no options, |
| 51 | tickOptions: { |
| 52 | mark: 'outside', // Where to put the tick mark on the axis |
| 53 | // 'outside', 'inside' or 'cross', |
| 54 | showMark: true, |
| 55 | showGridline: true, // wether to draw a gridline (across the whole grid) at this tick, |
| 56 | markSize: 4, // length the tick will extend beyond the grid in pixels. For |
| 57 | // 'cross', length will be added above and below the grid boundary, |
| 58 | show: true, // wether to show the tick (mark and label), |
| 59 | showLabel: true, // wether to show the text label at the tick, |
| 60 | formatString: '', // format string to use with the axis tick formatter |
| 61 | } |
| 62 | showTicks: true, // wether or not to show the tick labels, |
| 63 | showTickMarks: true, // wether or not to show the tick marks |
| 64 | }, |
| 65 | |
| 66 | axes: { |
| 67 | xaxis: { |
| 68 | // same options as axesDefaults |
| 69 | }, |
| 70 | yaxis: { |
| 71 | // same options as axesDefaults |
| 72 | }, |
| 73 | x2axis: { |
| 74 | // same options as axesDefaults |
| 75 | }, |
| 76 | y2axis: { |
| 77 | // same options as axesDefaults |
| 78 | } |
| 79 | }, |
| 80 | |
| 81 | seriesDefaults: { |
| 82 | show: true, // wether to render the series. |
| 83 | xaxis: 'xaxis', // either 'xaxis' or 'x2axis'. |
| 84 | yaxis: 'yaxis', // either 'yaxis' or 'y2axis'. |
| 85 | label: '', // label to use in the legend for this line. |
| 86 | color: '', // CSS color spec to use for the line. Determined automatically. |
| 87 | lineWidth: 2.5, // Width of the line in pixels. |
| 88 | shadow: true, // show shadow or not. |
| 89 | shadowAngle: 45, // angle (degrees) of the shadow, clockwise from x axis. |
| 90 | shadowOffset: 1.25, // offset from the line of the shadow. |
| 91 | shadowDepth: 3, // Number of strokes to make when drawing shadow. Each |
| 92 | // stroke offset by shadowOffset from the last. |
| 93 | shadowAlpha: 0.1, // Opacity of the shadow. |
| 94 | showLine: true, // whether to render the line segments or not. |
| 95 | showMarker: true, // render the data point markers or not. |
| 96 | fill: false, // fill under the line, |
| 97 | fillAndStroke: false, // **stroke a line at top of fill area. |
| 98 | fillColor: undefined, // **custom fill color for filled lines (default is line color). |
| 99 | fillAlpha: undefined, // **custom alpha to apply to fillColor. |
| 100 | renderer: $.jqplot.LineRenderer], // renderer used to draw the series. |
| 101 | rendererOptions: {}, // options passed to the renderer. LineRenderer has no options. |
| 102 | markerRenderer: $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer, // renderer to use to draw the data |
| 103 | // point markers. |
| 104 | markerOptions: { |
| 105 | show: true, // wether to show data point markers. |
| 106 | style: 'filledCircle', // circle, diamond, square, filledCircle. |
| 107 | // filledDiamond or filledSquare. |
| 108 | lineWidth: 2, // width of the stroke drawing the marker. |
| 109 | size: 9, // size (diameter, edge length, etc.) of the marker. |
| 110 | color: '#666666' // color of marker, set to color of line by default. |
| 111 | shadow: true, // wether to draw shadow on marker or not. |
| 112 | shadowAngle: 45, // angle of the shadow. Clockwise from x axis. |
| 113 | shadowOffset: 1, // offset from the line of the shadow, |
| 114 | shadowDepth: 3, // Number of strokes to make when drawing shadow. Each stroke |
| 115 | // offset by shadowOffset from the last. |
| 116 | shadowAlpha: 0.07 // Opacity of the shadow |
| 117 | } |
| 118 | }, |
| 119 | |
| 120 | series:[ |
| 121 | {Each series has same options as seriesDefaults}, |
| 122 | {You can override each series individually here} |
| 123 | ], |
| 124 | |
| 125 | legend: { |
| 126 | show: false, |
| 127 | location: 'ne', // compass direction, nw, n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w. |
| 128 | xoffset: 12, // pixel offset of the legend box from the x (or x2) axis. |
| 129 | yoffset: 12, // pixel offset of the legend box from the y (or y2) axis. |
| 130 | }, |
| 131 | |
| 132 | grid: { |
| 133 | drawGridLines: true, // wether to draw lines across the grid or not. |
| 134 | gridLineColor: '#cccccc' // **Color of the grid lines. |
| 135 | background: '#fffdf6', // CSS color spec for background color of grid. |
| 136 | borderColor: '#999999', // CSS color spec for border around grid. |
| 137 | borderWidth: 2.0, // pixel width of border around grid. |
| 138 | shadow: true, // draw a shadow for grid. |
| 139 | shadowAngle: 45, // angle of the shadow. Clockwise from x axis. |
| 140 | shadowOffset: 1.5, // offset from the line of the shadow. |
| 141 | shadowWidth: 3, // width of the stroke for the shadow. |
| 142 | shadowDepth: 3, // Number of strokes to make when drawing shadow. |
| 143 | // Each stroke offset by shadowOffset from the last. |
| 144 | shadowAlpha: 0.07 // Opacity of the shadow |
| 145 | renderer: $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer, // renderer to use to draw the grid. |
| 146 | rendererOptions: {} // options to pass to the renderer. Note, the default |
| 147 | // CanvasGridRenderer takes no additional options. |
| 148 | }, |
| 149 | |
| 150 | // Plugin and renderer options. |
| 151 | |
| 152 | // BarRenderer. |
| 153 | // With BarRenderer, you can specify additional options in the rendererOptions object |
| 154 | // on the series or on the seriesDefaults object. Note, some options are respecified |
| 155 | // (like shadowDepth) to override lineRenderer defaults from which BarRenderer inherits. |
| 156 | |
| 157 | seriesDefaults: { |
| 158 | rendererOptions: { |
| 159 | barPadding: 8, // number of pixels between adjacent bars in the same |
| 160 | // group (same category or bin). |
| 161 | barMargin: 10, // number of pixels between adjacent groups of bars. |
| 162 | barDirection: 'vertical', // vertical or horizontal. |
| 163 | barWidth: null, // width of the bars. null to calculate automatically. |
| 164 | shadowOffset: 2, // offset from the bar edge to stroke the shadow. |
| 165 | shadowDepth: 5, // nuber of strokes to make for the shadow. |
| 166 | shadowAlpha: 0.8, // transparency of the shadow. |
| 167 | } |
| 168 | }, |
| 169 | |
| 170 | // Cursor |
| 171 | // Options are passed to the cursor plugin through the "cursor" object at the top |
| 172 | // level of the options object. |
| 173 | |
| 174 | cursor: { |
| 175 | style: 'crosshair', // A CSS spec for the cursor type to change the |
| 176 | // cursor to when over plot. |
| 177 | show: true, |
| 178 | showTooltip: true, // show a tooltip showing cursor position. |
| 179 | followMouse: false, // wether tooltip should follow the mouse or be stationary. |
| 180 | tooltipLocation: 'se', // location of the tooltip either relative to the mouse |
| 181 | // (followMouse=true) or relative to the plot. One of |
| 182 | // the compass directions, n, ne, e, se, etc. |
| 183 | tooltipOffset: 6, // pixel offset of the tooltip from the mouse or the axes. |
| 184 | showTooltipGridPosition: false, // show the grid pixel coordinates of the mouse |
| 185 | // in the tooltip. |
| 186 | showTooltipUnitPosition: true, // show the coordinates in data units of the mouse |
| 187 | // in the tooltip. |
| 188 | tooltipFormatString: '%.4P', // sprintf style format string for tooltip values. |
| 189 | useAxesFormatters: true, // wether to use the same formatter and formatStrings |
| 190 | // as used by the axes, or to use the formatString |
| 191 | // specified on the cursor with sprintf. |
| 192 | tooltipAxesGroups: [], // show only specified axes groups in tooltip. Would specify like: |
| 193 | // [['xaxis', 'yaxis'], ['xaxis', 'y2axis']]. By default, all axes |
| 194 | // combinations with for the series in the plot are shown. |
| 195 | |
| 196 | }, |
| 197 | |
| 198 | // Dragable |
| 199 | // Dragable options are specified with the "dragable" object at the top level |
| 200 | // of the options object. |
| 201 | |
| 202 | dragable: { |
| 203 | color: undefined, // custom color to use for the dragged point and dragged line |
| 204 | // section. default will use a transparent variant of the line color. |
| 205 | constrainTo: 'none', // Constrain dragging motion to an axis: 'x', 'y', or 'none'. |
| 206 | }, |
| 207 | |
| 208 | // Highlighter |
| 209 | // Highlighter options are specified with the "highlighter" object at the top level |
| 210 | // of the options object. |
| 211 | |
| 212 | highlighter: { |
| 213 | lineWidthAdjust: 2.5, // pixels to add to the size line stroking the data point marker |
| 214 | // when showing highlight. Only affects non filled data point markers. |
| 215 | sizeAdjust: 5, // pixels to add to the size of filled markers when drawing highlight. |
| 216 | showTooltip: true, // show a tooltip with data point values. |
| 217 | tooltipLocation: 'nw', // location of tooltip: n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw. |
| 218 | fadeTooltip: true, // use fade effect to show/hide tooltip. |
| 219 | tooltipFadeSpeed: "fast"// slow, def, fast, or a number of milliseconds. |
| 220 | tooltipOffset: 2, // pixel offset of tooltip from the highlight. |
| 221 | tooltipAxes: 'both', // which axis values to display in the tooltip, x, y or both. |
| 222 | tooltipSeparator: ', ' // separator between values in the tooltip. |
| 223 | useAxesFormatters: true // use the same format string and formatters as used in the axes to |
| 224 | // display values in the tooltip. |
| 225 | tooltipFormatString: '%.5P' // sprintf format string for the tooltip. only used if |
| 226 | // useAxesFormatters is false. Will use sprintf formatter with |
| 227 | // this string, not the axes formatters. |
| 228 | }, |
| 229 | |
| 230 | // LogAxisRenderer |
| 231 | // LogAxisRenderer add 2 options to the axes object. These options are specified directly on |
| 232 | // the axes or axesDefaults object. |
| 233 | |
| 234 | axesDefaults: { |
| 235 | base: 10, // the logarithmic base. |
| 236 | tickDistribution: 'even', // 'even' or 'power'. 'even' will produce with even visiual (pixel) |
| 237 | // spacing on the axis. 'power' will produce ticks spaced by |
| 238 | // increasing powers of the log base. |
| 239 | }, |
| 240 | |
| 241 | // PieRenderer |
| 242 | // PieRenderer accepts options from the rendererOptions object of the series or seriesDefaults object. |
| 243 | |
| 244 | seriesDefaults: { |
| 245 | rendererOptions: { |
| 246 | diameter: undefined, // diameter of pie, auto computed by default. |
| 247 | padding: 20, // padding between pie and neighboring legend or plot margin. |
| 248 | sliceMargin: 0, // gap between slices. |
| 249 | fill: true, // render solid (filled) slices. |
| 250 | shadowOffset: 2, // offset of the shadow from the chart. |
| 251 | shadowDepth: 5, // Number of strokes to make when drawing shadow. Each stroke |
| 252 | // offset by shadowOffset from the last. |
| 253 | shadowAlpha: 0.07 // Opacity of the shadow |
| 254 | } |
| 255 | }, |
| 256 | |
| 257 | // Trendline |
| 258 | // Trendline takes options on the trendline object of the series or seriesDefaults object. |
| 259 | |
| 260 | seriesDefaults: { |
| 261 | trendline: { |
| 262 | show: true, // show the trend line |
| 263 | color: '#666666', // CSS color spec for the trend line. |
| 264 | label: '', // label for the trend line. |
| 265 | type: 'linear', // 'linear', 'exponential' or 'exp' |
| 266 | shadow: true, // show the trend line shadow. |
| 267 | lineWidth: 1.5, // width of the trend line. |
| 268 | shadowAngle: 45, // angle of the shadow. Clockwise from x axis. |
| 269 | shadowOffset: 1.5, // offset from the line of the shadow. |
| 270 | shadowDepth: 3, // Number of strokes to make when drawing shadow. |
| 271 | // Each stroke offset by shadowOffset from the last. |
| 272 | shadowAlpha: 0.07 // Opacity of the shadow |
| 273 | } |
| 274 | } |
| 275 | } |
| 276 | }}} |