1 | /*
2 | Copyright 2010 by Sean Luke and George Mason University
3 | Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
4 | See the file "LICENSE" for more information
5 | */
6 |
7 | package ec.vector.breed;
8 |
9 | import ec.BreedingPipeline;
10 | import ec.EvolutionState;
11 | import ec.Individual;
12 | import ec.SelectionMethod;
13 | import ec.util.Parameter;
14 | import ec.vector.*;
15 |
16 | /**
17 | * <p>GeneDuplicationPipeline is designed to duplicate a sequence of genes from the chromosome and append
18 | * them to the end of the chromosome. The sequence of genes copied are randomly determined. That is to
19 | * say a random begining index is selected and a random ending index is selected from the chromosome. Then
20 | * this area is then copied (begining inclusive, ending exclusive) and appended to the end of the chromosome.
21 | * Since randomness is a factor several checks are performed to make sure the begining and ending indicies are
22 | * valid. For example, since the ending index is exclusive, the ending index cannot equal the begining index (a
23 | * new ending index would be randomly seleceted in this case). Likewise the begining index cannot be larger than the
24 | * ending index (they would be swapped in this case).</p>
25 | *
26 | * <p><b>Default Base</b><br>
27 | * ec.vector.breed.GeneDuplicationPipeline
28 | *
29 | * @author Sean Luke, Joseph Zelibor III, and Eric Kangas
30 | * @version 1.0
31 | */
32 | public class GeneDuplicationPipeline extends BreedingPipeline
33 | {
34 | public static final String P_DUPLICATION = "duplicate";
35 | public static final int NUM_SOURCES = 1;
36 |
37 | public Parameter defaultBase()
38 | {
39 | return VectorDefaults.base().push(P_DUPLICATION);
40 | }
41 |
42 | public int numSources() { return NUM_SOURCES; }
43 |
44 | public int produce(int min,
45 | int max,
46 | int start,
47 | int subpopulation,
48 | Individual[] inds,
49 | EvolutionState state,
50 | int thread)
51 | {
52 |
53 | // grab individuals from our source and stick 'em right into inds.
54 | // we'll modify them from there
55 | int n = sources[0].produce(min,max,start,subpopulation,inds,state,thread);
56 |
57 |
58 | // should we bother?
59 | if (!state.random[thread].nextBoolean(likelihood))
60 | return reproduce(n, start, subpopulation, inds, state, thread, false); // DON'T produce children from source -- we already did
61 |
62 |
63 | // now let's mutate 'em
64 | for(int q=start; q < n+start; q++)
65 | {
66 | if (sources[0] instanceof SelectionMethod)
67 | inds[q] = (Individual)(inds[q].clone());
68 |
69 | //duplicate from the genome between a random begin and end point,
70 | //and put that at the end of the new genome.
71 | VectorIndividual ind = (VectorIndividual)(inds[q]);
72 |
73 | int len = ind.genomeLength();
74 |
75 | //zero length individual, just return
76 | if (len == 0)
77 | {
78 | return n;
79 | }
80 |
81 | int end = 0;
82 | int begin = state.random[thread].nextInt(len+1);
83 | do
84 | {
85 | end = state.random[thread].nextInt(len+1);
86 | }
87 | while (begin == end); //because the end is exclusive, start cannot be
88 | //equal to end.
89 |
90 |
91 | if (end < begin)
92 | {
93 | int temp = end; //swap if necessary
94 | end = begin;
95 | begin = temp;
96 | }
97 |
98 | // copy the original into a new array.
99 | Object[] original = new Object[2];
100 | ind.split(new int[] {0, len}, original);
101 |
102 | // copy the splice into a new array
103 | Object[] splice = new Object[3];
104 | ind.split(new int[] {begin, end}, splice);
105 |
106 | // clone the genes in splice[1] (which we'll concatenate back in) in case we're using GeneVectorIndividual
107 | ind.cloneGenes(splice[1]);
108 |
109 | // appends the pieces together with the splice at the end.
110 | ind.join(new Object[] {original[1], splice[1]});
111 | }
112 | return n; // number of individuals produced, 1 here.
113 | }
114 |
115 | }