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source: branches/OKBJavaConnector/ECJClient/src/ec/gp/ge/ @ 12147

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2  Copyright 20010 by Sean Luke and George Mason University
3  Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
4  See the file "LICENSE" for more information
13import java.util.ArrayList;
14import java.util.HashMap;
15import java.util.List;
18import ec.*;
19import ec.vector.*;
20import ec.util.*;
22import java.util.Arrays;
23import java.util.regex.Matcher;
24import java.util.regex.Pattern;
27 *
28 *
29 * Created: Sun Dec  5 11:33:43 EST 2010
30 * By: Eric Kangas, Joseph Zelibor III, Houston Mooers, and Sean Luke
31 *
32 */
35 * <p>GESpecies generates GPIndividuals from GEIndividuals through the application of a grammar parse graph
36 * computed by the GrammarParser.
37 *
38 * <p>GESpecies uses a <b>GrammarParser</b> to do its dirty work.  This parser's job is to take a grammar (in the form of a BufferedReader)
39 * and convert it to a tree of GrammarNodes which define the parse graph of the grammar. The GESpecies then interprets his parse graph
40 * according to the values in the GEIndividual to produce the equivalent GPIndividual, which is then evaluated.
41 *
42 * <p>To do this, GESpecies relies on a subsidiary GPSpecies which defines the GPIndividual and various GPFunctionSets from which to
43 * build the parser.  This is a grand hack -- the GPSpecies does not know it's being used this way, and so we must provide various dummy
44 * parameters to keep the GPSpecies happy even though they'll never be used.
45 *
46 * <p>If you are daring, you can replace the GrammarParser with one of your own to customize the parse structure and grammar.
47 *
48 * <p><b>ECJ's Default GE Grammar</b>  GE traditionally can use any grammar, and builds parse graphs from that.  For simplicity, and in order to
49 * remain as compatable as possible with ECJ's existing GP facilities (and GP tradition), ECJ only uses a single Lisp-like grammar which
50 * generates standard ECJ trees.  This doesn't lose much in generality as the grammar is quite genral.
51 *
52 * <p>The grammar assumes that expansion points are enclosed in &lt;> and functions are enclosed in ().  For example:
53 *
54 * <p><tt>
55 * # This is a comment
56 * &lt;prog> ::= &lt;op><br>
57 * &lt;op> ::= (if-food-ahead &lt;op> &lt;op>)<br>
58 * &lt;op> ::=  (progn2 &lt;op> &lt;op>)<br>
59 * &lt;op> ::= (progn3 &lt;op> &lt;op> &lt;op>)<br>
60 * &lt;op> ::= (left) | (right) | (move)<br>
61 * </tt>
62 *
63 * <p>alternatively the grammar could also be writen in the following format:
64 *
65 * <p><tt>
66 * &lt;prog> ::= &lt;op><br>
67 * &lt;op> ::= (if-food-ahead &lt;op> &lt;op>) | (progn2 &lt;op> &lt;op>) | (progn3 &lt;op> &lt;op> &lt;op>) | (left) | (right) | (move)<br>
68 * </tt>
69 *
70 * <p>Note that you can use several lines to define the same grammar rule: for example, <tt>&lt;op></tt> was defined by several lines when
71 * it could have consisted of several elements separated by vertical pipes ( <tt>|</tt> ).  Either way is fine, or a combination of both.
72 *
73 * <p>GPNodes are included in the grammar by using their name.  This includes ERCs, ADFs, ADMs, and ADFArguments, which should all work just fine.
74 * For example, since most ERC GPNodes are simply named "ERC", if you have only one ERC GPNode in your function set, you can just use <tt>(ERC)</tt>
75 * in your grammar.
76 *
77 * <p>Once the gammar file has been created and setup has been run trees can the be created using the genome (chromosome) of a GEIndividual.
78 * A genome of an individual is an array of random integers each of which are one byte long.  These numbers are used when a decision point
79 * (a rule having more that one choice) is reached within the grammar.  Once a particular gene (index) in the genome has been used it will
80 * not be used again (this may change) when creating the tree.
81 *
82 * <p>For example:<br>
83 * number of chromosomes used = 0<br>
84 * genome = {23, 654, 86}<br>
85 * the current rule we are considering is &lt;op>.<br>
86 * %lt;op> can map into one of the following: (if-food-ahead &lt;op> &lt;op>) | (progn2 &lt;op> &lt;op>) | (progn3 &lt;op> &lt;op> &lt;op>)
87 * | (left) | (right) | (move)<br>
88 * Since the rule &lt;op> has more than one choice that it can map to, we must consult the genome to decide which choice to take.  In this case
89 * the number of chromosomes used is 0 so genome[0] is used and number of chromosomes used is incremented.  Since values in the genome can
90 * be negitive values they are offset by 128 (max negitive of a byte) giving us a value from 0-255.  A modulus is performed on this resulting
91 * number by the number of choices present for the given rule.  In the above example since we are using genome[0] the resulting operation would
92 * look like: 23+128=151, number of choices for &lt;op> = 6, 151%6=1 so we use choices[1] which is: (progn2 &lt;op> &lt;op>).  If all the genes
93 * in a genome are used and the tree is still incompete an invalid tree error is returned.
94 *
95 * <p>Each node in the tree is a GPNode and trees are constructed depth first.
96 *
97 *
98 * <p><b>Parameters</b><br>
99 * <table>
100 * <tr><td valign=top><i>base.</i><tt>file</tt><br>
101 * <font size=-1>String</font></td>
102 * <td valign=top>(the file is where the rules of the gammar are stored)</td></tr>
103 *
104 * <tr><td valign=top><i>base.</i><tt>gp-species</tt><br>
105 * <font size=-1>classname, inherits and !=</font></td>
106 * <td valign=top>(the GPSpecies subservient to the GESpecies)</td></tr>
107 *
108 * <tr><td valign=top><i>base.</i><tt>parser</tt><br>
109 * <font size=-1>classname, inherits and !=</font></td>
110 * <td valign=top>(the GrammarParser used by the GESpecies)</td></tr>
111 *
112 * </table>
113 *
114 * <p><b>Default Base</b><br>
115 *
116 *
117 * @author Joseph Zelibor III, Eric Kangas, Houston Mooers, and Sean Luke
118 * @version 1.0
119 */
121public class GESpecies extends IntegerVectorSpecies
122    {
123    public static final String P_GESPECIES = "species";
124    public static final String P_FILE = "file";
125    public static final String P_GPSPECIES = "gp-species";
126    public static final String P_PARSER = "parser";
128    /* Return value which denotes that the tree has grown too large. */
129    public static final int BIG_TREE_ERROR = -1;
131    /** The GPSpecies subsidiary to GESpecies. */
132    public GPSpecies gpspecies;
134    /** All the ERCs created so far. */
135    public HashMap ERCBank;
137    /** The parsed grammars. */
138    public GrammarRuleNode[] grammar;
140    /** The prototypical parser used to parse the grammars. */
141    public GrammarParser parser_prototype;
143    public void setup(final EvolutionState state, final Parameter base)
144        {
145        super.setup(state, base);
147        Parameter p = base;
148        Parameter def = defaultBase();
150        p = base.push(P_GPSPECIES);
151        gpspecies = (GPSpecies) (state.parameters.getInstanceForParameterEq(p, def.push(P_GPSPECIES), GPSpecies.class));
152        gpspecies.setup(state, p);
154        // check to make sure that our individual prototype is a GPIndividual
155        if (!(i_prototype instanceof ByteVectorIndividual))
156            {
157            state.output.fatal("The Individual class for the Species " + getClass().getName() + " is must be a subclass of", base);
158            }
160        ERCBank = new HashMap();
162        // load the grammars, one per ADF tree
163        GPIndividual gpi = (GPIndividual) (gpspecies.i_prototype);
164        GPTree[] trees = gpi.trees;
165        int numGrammars = trees.length;
167        parser_prototype = (GrammarParser) (state.parameters.getInstanceForParameterEq(base.push(P_PARSER), def.push(P_PARSER), GrammarParser.class));
169        grammar = new GrammarRuleNode[numGrammars];
170        for(int i = 0; i < numGrammars; i++)
171            {
172            p = base.push(P_FILE);
173            def = defaultBase();
175            File grammarFile = state.parameters.getFile(p, def.push(P_FILE).push("" + i));
176            if(grammarFile == null)
177                {
178                state.output.fatal("Error retrieving grammar file(s): " + def.toString() + "."+ P_FILE + "." + i + " is undefined.");
179                }
181            try
182                {
183                GPFunctionSet gpfs = trees[i].constraints((GPInitializer) state.initializer).functionset;
184                GrammarParser grammarparser = (GrammarParser)(parser_prototype.clone());
185                grammar[i] = grammarparser.parseRules(state, new BufferedReader(new FileReader(grammarFile)), gpfs);
186                }
187            catch (FileNotFoundException e)
188                {
189                state.output.fatal("Error retrieving grammar file(s): " + def.toString() + "."+ P_FILE + "." + i + " does not exist or cannot be opened.");
190                }
191            }
192        }
195    /**
196     * creates all of an individual's trees
197     * @param state Evolution state
198     * @param trees array of trees for the individual
199     * @param ind the GEIndividual
200     * @param threadnum tread number
201     * @return number of chromosomes consumed
202     */
203    public int makeTrees(EvolutionState state, GEIndividual ind, GPTree[] trees, int threadnum)
204        {
205        int position = 0;
207        for (int i = 0; i < trees.length; i++)
208            {
209            //cannot complete one of the trees with the given chromosome
210            if(position < 0)
211                return BIG_TREE_ERROR;
213            position = makeTree(state, ind, trees[i], position, i, threadnum);
214            }
216        return position;
217        }
219    /**
220     * makeTree, edits the tree that its given by adding a root (and all subtrees attached)
221     * @param state
222     * @param ind
223     * @param tree
224     * @param position
225     * @param treeNum
226     * @param threadnum
227     * @return the number of chromosomes used, or an BIG_TREE_ERROR sentinel value.
228     */
229    public int makeTree(EvolutionState state, GEIndividual ind, GPTree tree, int position, int treeNum, int threadnum)
230        {
231        int[] countNumberOfChromosomesUsed = {  position  };  // hack, use an array to pass an extra value
232        byte[] genome = ind.genome;
233        GPFunctionSet gpfs = tree.constraints((GPInitializer) state.initializer).functionset;
234        GPNode root;
236        try // get the tree, or return an error.
237            {
238            root = makeSubtree(countNumberOfChromosomesUsed, genome, state, gpfs, grammar[treeNum], treeNum, threadnum);
239            }
240        catch (BigTreeException e)
241            {
242            return BIG_TREE_ERROR;
243            }
245        if(root == null)
246            {
247            state.output.fatal("Invalid tree: tree #" + treeNum);
248            }
250        root.parent = tree;
251        tree.child = root;
252        return countNumberOfChromosomesUsed[0];
253        }
255    // thrown by makeSubtree when chromosome is not large enough for the generated tree.
256    class BigTreeException extends RuntimeException { static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }
258    GPNode makeSubtree(int[] index, byte[] genome, EvolutionState es, GPFunctionSet gpfs, GrammarRuleNode rule, int treeNum, int threadnum)
259        {
260        //have we exceeded the length of the genome?  No point in going further.
261        if (index[0] >= genome.length)
262            {
263            throw new BigTreeException();
264            }
266        //expand the rule with the chromosome to get a body element
267        int i;
269        //key for ERC hashtable look ups is the current index within the genome
270        int key = genome[index[0]];
272        //non existant rule got passed in
273        if (rule == null)
274            {
275            es.output.fatal("An undefined rule exists within the grammar.");
276            }
278        //more than one rule to consider, pick one based off the genome, and consume the current gene
279        if (rule.getNumChoices() > 1)
280            {
281            //casting to an int should be ok since the biggest these genes can be is a byte
282            i = ((genome[index[0]]) - ((int)(this.minGene(index[0])))) % rule.getNumChoices();
283            index[0]++;
284            }
285        //only 1 rule to consider
286        else
287            {
288            i = 0;
289            }               
290        GrammarNode choice = rule.getChoice(i);         
292        // if body is another rule head
293        //look up rule
294        if(choice instanceof GrammarRuleNode)
295            {
296            GrammarRuleNode nextrule = (GrammarRuleNode) choice;
297            return makeSubtree(index, genome, es, gpfs, nextrule, treeNum, threadnum);
298            }                               
299        else //handle functions
300            {
301            GrammarFunctionNode funcgrammarnode = (GrammarFunctionNode) choice;
303            GPNode validNode = funcgrammarnode.getGPNodePrototype();
305            int numChildren = validNode.children.length;
306            //index 0 is the node itself
307            int numChildrenInGrammar = funcgrammarnode.getNumArguments();
309            //does the grammar contain the correct amount of children that the GPNode requires
310            if (numChildren != numChildrenInGrammar)
311                {
312                es.output.fatal("GPNode " + validNode.toStringForHumans() + " requires " + numChildren + " children.  "
313                    + numChildrenInGrammar + " children found in the grammar.");
314                }
316            //check to see if it is an ERC node
317            if (validNode instanceof ERC)
318                {               
319                validNode = obtainERC(es, key, genome, threadnum, validNode);
320                }
321            //non ERC node
322            else
323                {
324                validNode = validNode.lightClone();
325                }
327            //get the rest.
328            for (int j = 0, childNumber = 0; j < funcgrammarnode.getNumArguments(); j++)
329                {
330                //get and link children to the current GPNode
331                validNode.children[childNumber] = makeSubtree(index, genome, es, gpfs, (GrammarRuleNode)funcgrammarnode.getArgument(j), treeNum, threadnum);
332                if (validNode.children[childNumber] == null)
333                    {
334                    return null;
335                    }
336                childNumber++;
337                }
338            return validNode;
339            }
340        }
342    /** Loads an ERC from the ERCBank given the value in the genome.  If there is no such ERC, then one is created and randomized, then added to the bank.
343        The point of this mechanism is to enable ERCs to appear in multiple places in a GPTree. */
344    public GPNode obtainERC(EvolutionState state, int key, byte[] genome, int threadnum, GPNode node)
345        {
346        ArrayList ERCList = (ArrayList) (ERCBank.get(new Integer(key)));
348        if (ERCList == null)
349            {
350            ERCList = new ArrayList();
351            ERCBank.put(new Integer(key), ERCList);
352            }
354        GPNode dummy = null;
356        // search array list for an ERC of the same type we want
357        for (int i = 0; i < ERCList.size(); i++)
358            {
359            dummy = (GPNode) ERCList.get(i);
361            // ERC was found inside the arraylist
362            if (dummy.nodeEquivalentTo(node))
363                {
364                return dummy.lightClone();
365                }
366            }
368        // erc was not found in the array list lets make one
369        node = node.lightClone();
370        node.resetNode(state, threadnum);
371        ERCList.add(node);
373        return node;
374        }
376    public Object clone()
377        {
378        GESpecies other = (GESpecies) (super.clone());
379        other.gpspecies = (GPSpecies) (gpspecies.clone());
380        return other;
381        }
383    public Parameter defaultBase()
384        {
385        return GEDefaults.base().push(P_GESPECIES);
386        }
388    /** Returns the number of elements consumed from the GEIndividual array to produce
389        the tree, else returns -1 if an error occurs, specifically if all elements were
390        consumed and the tree had still not been completed. */
391    public int consumed(EvolutionState state, GEIndividual ind, int threadnum)
392        {
393        // create a dummy individual
394        GPIndividual newind = ((GPIndividual) (gpspecies.i_prototype)).lightClone();
396        // do the mapping and return the number consumed
397        return makeTrees(state, ind, newind.trees, threadnum);
398        }
400    /** Returns a dummy GPIndividual with a single tree which was built by mapping
401        over the elements of the given GEIndividual.  Null is returned if an error occurs,
402        specifically, if all elements were consumed and the tree had still not been completed. */
403    public GPIndividual map(EvolutionState state, GEIndividual ind, int threadnum)
404        {
405        // create a dummy individual
406        GPIndividual newind = ((GPIndividual) (gpspecies.i_prototype)).lightClone();
408        // Do NOT initialize its trees
410        // Set the fitness to the ByteVectorIndividual's fitness
411 =;
412        newind.evaluated = false;
414        // Set the species to me
415        newind.species = gpspecies;
417        // do the mapping
418        if (makeTrees(state, ind, newind.trees, threadnum) < 0)  // error
419            return null;
420        else
421            return newind;
422        }
423    }
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