1 | This directory contains two examples for the ECJ master/slave evaluator.
2 | See ec/eval/README for more information on how to run the evaluator
3 | and the ec/eval/master.params file for more parameter information and
4 | options.
5 |
6 | NOTE: these examples are worst-case scenarios for the master/slave
7 | evaluator -- they evaluate rapidly and so the time is CONSUMED by
8 | transfering over the net. The examples are only here to give you
9 | the idea of how to get your own jobs up and running.
10 |
11 |
12 | Artificial Ant (change the eval.master.host in ant.slave.params to the
13 | appropriate IP of the master's machine. By default it's
14 |, which only works if all the slaves are on the
15 | same machine as the host; this configuration is likely
16 | only useful for testing purposes)
17 |
18 | MASTER: java ec.Evolve -file ant.master.params
19 | EACH SLAVE: java ec.eval.Slave -file ant.slave.params
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 | Coevolve1 - an example of competitive coevolution using the
24 | master-slave architecture. (change the eval.master.host
25 | in coevolve1.slave.params to the
26 | appropriate IP of the master's machine. By default it's
27 |, which only works if all the slaves are on the
28 | same machine as the host; this configuration is likely
29 | only useful for testing purposes).
30 |
31 | MASTER: java ec.Evolve -file coevolve1.master.params
32 | EACH SLAVE: java ec.eval.Slave -file coevolve1.slave.params
33 |
34 |
35 | Coevolve2 - an example of cooperative coevolution using the
36 | master-slave architecture. (change the eval.master.host
37 | in coevolve2.slave.params to the
38 | appropriate IP of the master's machine. By default it's
39 |, which only works if all the slaves are on the
40 | same machine as the host; this configuration is likely
41 | only useful for testing purposes).
42 |
43 | MASTER: java ec.Evolve -file coevolve2.master.params
44 | EACH SLAVE: java ec.eval.Slave -file coevolve2.slave.params
45 |
46 |