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source: branches/OKBJavaConnector/ECJClient/src/ec/ @ 11255

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added ecj and custom statistics to communicate with the okb services #1441

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2  Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke
3  Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
4  See the file "LICENSE" for more information
8package ec;
9import ec.util.ParameterDatabase;
10import ec.util.Parameter;
11import ec.util.MersenneTwisterFast;
12import ec.util.Output;
14import java.util.Vector;
17 *
18 *
19 * Created: Tue Aug 10 22:14:46 1999
20 * By: Sean Luke
21 */
24 * An EvolutionState object is a singleton object which holds the entire
25 * state of an evolutionary run.  By serializing EvolutionState, the entire
26 * run can be checkpointed out to a file.
27 *
28 * <p>The EvolutionState instance is passed around in a <i>lot</i> of methods,
29 * so objects can read from the parameter database, pick random numbers,
30 * and write to the output facility.
31 *
32 * <p>EvolutionState is a unique object in that it calls its own setup(...)
33 * method, from run(...).
34 *
35 * <p>An EvolutionState object contains quite a few objects, including:
36 <ul>
37 <li><i>Objects you may safely manipulate during the multithreaded sections of a run:</i>
38 <ul>
39 <li> MersenneTwisterFast random number generators (one for each evaluation or breeding thread -- use the thread number you were provided to determine which random number generator to use)
40 <li> The ParameterDatabase
41 <li> The Output facility for writing messages and logging
42 </ul>
44 <li><i>Singleton objects:</i>
45 <ul>
46 <li> The Initializer.
47 <li> The Finisher.
48 <li> The Breeder.
49 <li> The Evaluator.
50 <li> The Statistics facility.
51 <li> The Exchanger.
52 </ul>
54 <li><i>The current evolution state:</i>
55 <ul>
56 <li> The generation number.
57 <li> The population.
58 <li> The maximal number of generations.
59 </ul>
61 <li><i>Auxillary read-only information:</i>
62 <ul>
63 <li> The prefix to begin checkpoint file names with.
64 <li> Whether to quit upon finding a perfect individual.
65 <li> The number of breeding threads to spawn.
66 <li> The number of evaluation threads to spawn.
67 </ul>
69 <li><i>A place to stash pointers to static variables so they'll get serialized: </i>
70 <ul>
71 <li> Statics
72 </ul>
73 </ul>
75 <p><b>Parameters</b><br>
76 <table>
77 <tr><td valign=top><tt>generations</tt><br>
78 <font size=-1>int &gt;= 1</font></td>
79 <td valign=top>(maximal number of generations to run.)</td></tr>
81 <tr><td valign=top><tt>checkpoint-modulo</tt><br>
82 <font size=-1>int &gt;= 1</font></td>
83 <td valign=top>(how many generations should pass before we do a checkpoint? 
84 The definition of "generations" depends on the particular EvolutionState
85 implementation you're using)</td></tr>
87 <tr><td valign=top><tt>checkpoint</tt><br>
88 <font size=-1>bool = <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt> (default)</td>
89 <td valign=top>(should we checkpoint?)</td></tr>
91 <tr><td valign=top><tt>prefix</tt><br>
92 <font size=-1>String</font></td>
93 <td valign=top>(the prefix to prepend to checkpoint files -- see ec.util.Checkpoint)</td></tr>
95 <tr><td valign=top><tt>quit-on-run-complete</tt><br>
96 <font size=-1>bool = <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt> (default)</td>
97 <td valign=top>(do we prematurely quit the run when we find a perfect individual?)</td></tr>
99 <tr><td valign=top><tt>init</tt><br>
100 <font size=-1>classname, inherits and != ec.Initializer</font></td>
101 <td valign=top>(the class for initializer)</td></tr>
103 <tr><td valign=top><tt>finish</tt><br>
104 <font size=-1>classname, inherits and != ec.Finisher</font></td>
105 <td valign=top>(the class for finisher)</td></tr>
107 <tr><td valign=top><tt>breed</tt><br>
108 <font size=-1>classname, inherits and != ec.Breeder</font></td>
109 <td valign=top>(the class for breeder)</td></tr>
111 <tr><td valign=top><tt>eval</tt><br>
112 <font size=-1>classname, inherits and != ec.Evaluator</font></td>
113 <td valign=top>(the class for evaluator)</td></tr>
115 <tr><td valign=top><tt>stat</tt><br>
116 <font size=-1>classname, inherits or = ec.Statistics</font></td>
117 <td valign=top>(the class for statistics)</td></tr>
119 <tr><td valign=top><tt>exch</tt><br>
120 <font size=-1>classname, inherits and != ec.Exchanger</font></td>
121 <td valign=top>(the class for exchanger)</td></tr>
123 </table>
126 <p><b>Parameter bases</b><br>
127 <table>
129 <tr><td valign=top><tt>init</tt></td>
130 <td>initializer</td></tr>
132 <tr><td valign=top><tt>finish</tt></td>
133 <td>finisher</td></tr>
135 <tr><td valign=top><tt>breed</tt></td>
136 <td>breeder</td></tr>
138 <tr><td valign=top><tt>eval</tt></td>
139 <td>evaluator</td></tr>
141 <tr><td valign=top><tt>stat</tt></td>
142 <td>statistics</td></tr>
144 <tr><td valign=top><tt>exch</tt></td>
145 <td>exchanger</td></tr>
146 </table>
148 *
149 * @author Sean Luke
150 * @version 1.0
151 */
153public class EvolutionState implements Singleton
154    {
155    /** The parameter database (threadsafe).  Parameter objects are also threadsafe.
156        Nonetheless, you should generally try to treat this database as read-only. */
157    public ParameterDatabase parameters;
159    /** An array of random number generators, indexed by the thread number you were given (or, if you're not in a multithreaded area, use 0).  These generators are not threadsafe in and of themselves, but if you only use the random number generator assigned to your thread, as was intended, then you get random numbers in a threadsafe way.  These generators must each have a different seed, of course.v*/
160    public MersenneTwisterFast[] random;
162    /** The output and logging facility (threadsafe).  Keep in mind that output in Java is expensive. */
163    public Output output;
165    /** The requested number of threads to be used in breeding, excepting perhaps a "parent" thread which gathers the other threads.  If breedthreads = 1, then the system should not be multithreaded during breeding.  Don't modify this during a run. */
166    public int breedthreads;  // how many threads to use in breeding
168    /** The requested number of threads to be used in evaluation, excepting perhaps a "parent" thread which gathers the other threads.  If evalthreads = 1, then the system should not be multithreaded during evaluation. Don't modify this during a run.*/
169    public int evalthreads;  // how many threads to use in evaluation
171    /** Should we checkpoint at all? */
172    public boolean checkpoint;
174    /** The requested prefix start checkpoint filenames, not including a following period.  You probably shouldn't modify this during a run.*/
175    public String checkpointPrefix;  // term to prefix checkpoint filenames
177    /** The requested number of generations that should pass before we write out a checkpoint file. */
178    public int checkpointModulo;
180    /** An amount to add to each random number generator seed to "offset" it -- often this is simply the job number. 
181        If you are using more random number generators
182        internally than the ones initially created for you in the EvolutionState, you might want to create them with the seed
183        value of <tt>seedParameter+randomSeedOffset</tt>.  At present the only such class creating additional generators
184        is ec.eval.MasterProblem. */
185    public int randomSeedOffset;
187    /** Whether or not the system should prematurely quit when Evaluator returns true for runComplete(...) (that is, when the system found an ideal individual. */
188    public boolean quitOnRunComplete;
190    /** Current job iteration variables, set by Evolve.  The default version simply sets this to a single Object[1] containing
191        the current job iteration number as an Integer (for a single job, it's 0).  You probably should not modify this inside
192        an evolutionary run.  */
193    public Object[] job;
195    /** The original runtime arguments passed to the Java process. You probably should not modify this inside
196        an evolutionary run.  */
197    public String[] runtimeArguments;
199    // set during running
201    /** The current generation of the population in the run.  For non-generational approaches, this probably should represent some kind of incrementing value, perhaps the number of individuals evaluated so far.  You probably shouldn't modify this. */
202    public int generation;
203    /** The number of generations the evolutionary computation system will run until it ends.  If after the population has been evaluated the Evaluator returns true for runComplete(...), and quitOnRunComplete is true, then the system will quit.  You probably shouldn't modify this.  */
204    public int numGenerations;
206    /** The current population.  This is <i>not</i> a singleton object, and may be replaced after every generation in a generational approach. You should only access this in a read-only fashion.  */
207    public Population population;
209    /** The population initializer, a singleton object.  You should only access this in a read-only fashion. */
210    public Initializer initializer;
212    /** The population finisher, a singleton object.  You should only access this in a read-only fashion. */
213    public Finisher finisher;
215    /** The population breeder, a singleton object.  You should only access this in a read-only fashion. */
216    public Breeder breeder;
218    /** The population evaluator, a singleton object.  You should only access this in a read-only fashion. */
219    public Evaluator evaluator;
221    /** The population statistics, a singleton object.  You should generally only access this in a read-only fashion. */
222    public Statistics statistics;
224    /** The population exchanger, a singleton object.  You should only access this in a read-only fashion. */
225    public Exchanger exchanger;
227    /** "The population has started fresh (not from a checkpoint)." */
228    public final static int C_STARTED_FRESH = 0;
230    /** "The population started from a checkpoint." */
231    public final static int C_STARTED_FROM_CHECKPOINT = 1;
233    /** "The evolution run has quit, finding a perfect individual." */
234    public final static int R_SUCCESS = 0;
236    /** "The evolution run has quit, failing to find a perfect individual." */
237    public final static int R_FAILURE = 1;
239    /** "The evolution run has not quit */
240    public final static int R_NOTDONE = 2;
242    public final static String P_INITIALIZER = "init";
243    public final static String P_FINISHER = "finish";
244    public final static String P_BREEDER = "breed";
245    public final static String P_EVALUATOR = "eval";
246    public final static String P_STATISTICS = "stat";
247    public final static String P_EXCHANGER = "exch";
248    public final static String P_GENERATIONS = "generations";
249    public final static String P_QUITONRUNCOMPLETE = "quit-on-run-complete";
250    public final static String P_CHECKPOINTPREFIX = "prefix";
251    public final static String P_CHECKPOINTMODULO = "checkpoint-modulo";
252    public final static String P_CHECKPOINT = "checkpoint";
254    /** This will be called to create your evolution state; immediately
255        after the constructor is called,
256        the parameters, random, and output fields will be set
257        for you.  The constructor probably won't be called ever if
258        restoring (deserializing) from a checkpoint.
259    */
260    public EvolutionState() { }
262    /** Unlike for other setup() methods, ignore the base; it will always be null.
263        @see Prototype#setup(EvolutionState,Parameter)
264    */
265    public void setup(final EvolutionState state, final Parameter base)
266        {
268        Parameter p;
270        // we ignore the base, it's worthless anyway for EvolutionState
272        p = new Parameter(P_CHECKPOINT);
273        checkpoint = parameters.getBoolean(p,null,false);
275        p = new Parameter(P_CHECKPOINTPREFIX);
276        checkpointPrefix = parameters.getString(p,null);
277        if (checkpointPrefix==null)
278            output.fatal("No checkpoint prefix specified.",p);
280        p = new Parameter(P_CHECKPOINTMODULO);
281        checkpointModulo = parameters.getInt(p,null,1);
282        if (checkpointModulo==0)
283            output.fatal("The checkpoint modulo must be an integer >0.",p);
285        p = new Parameter(P_GENERATIONS);
286        numGenerations = parameters.getInt(p,null,1);
287        if (numGenerations==0)
288            output.fatal("The number of generations must be an integer >0.",p);
290        p=new Parameter(P_QUITONRUNCOMPLETE);
291        quitOnRunComplete = parameters.getBoolean(p,null,false);
294        /* Set up the singletons */
295        p=new Parameter(P_INITIALIZER);
296        initializer = (Initializer)
297            (parameters.getInstanceForParameter(p,null,Initializer.class));
298        initializer.setup(this,p);
300        p=new Parameter(P_FINISHER);
301        finisher = (Finisher)
302            (parameters.getInstanceForParameter(p,null,Finisher.class));
303        finisher.setup(this,p);
305        p=new Parameter(P_BREEDER);
306        breeder = (Breeder)
307            (parameters.getInstanceForParameter(p,null,Breeder.class));
308        breeder.setup(this,p);
310        p=new Parameter(P_EVALUATOR);
311        evaluator = (Evaluator)
312            (parameters.getInstanceForParameter(p,null,Evaluator.class));
313        evaluator.setup(this,p);
315        p=new Parameter(P_STATISTICS);
316        statistics = (Statistics)
317            (parameters.getInstanceForParameterEq(p,null,Statistics.class));
318        statistics.setup(this,p);
320        p=new Parameter(P_EXCHANGER);
321        exchanger = (Exchanger)
322            (parameters.getInstanceForParameter(p,null,Exchanger.class));
323        exchanger.setup(this,p);
325        generation = 0;
326        }
329    /** This method is called after a checkpoint
330        is restored from but before the run starts up again.  You might use this
331        to set up file pointers that were lost, etc. */
333    public void resetFromCheckpoint() throws IOException
334        {
335        output.restart();   // may throw an exception if there's a bad file
336        exchanger.reinitializeContacts(this);
337        evaluator.reinitializeContacts(this);
338        }
340    public void finish(int result) {}
342    public void startFromCheckpoint() {}
344    public void startFresh() {}
346    public int evolve()
347        throws InternalError { return R_NOTDONE; }
349    /** Starts the run. <i>condition</i> indicates whether or not the
350        run was restarted from a checkpoint (C_STARTED_FRESH vs
351        C_STARTED_FROM_CHECKPOINT).  At the point that run(...) has been
352        called, the parameter database has already been set up, as have
353        the random number generators, the number of threads, and the
354        Output facility.  This method should call this.setup(...) to
355        set up the EvolutionState object if condition equals C_STARTED_FRESH. */
356    public void run(int condition)
357        {
358        if (condition == C_STARTED_FRESH)
359            {
360            startFresh();
361            }
362        else // condition == C_STARTED_FROM_CHECKPOINT
363            {
364            startFromCheckpoint();
365            }
367        /* the big loop */
368        int result = R_NOTDONE;
369        while ( result == R_NOTDONE )
370            {
371            result = evolve();
372            }
374        finish(result);
375        }
376    }
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